As soon as Wang Xin's face changed, she laughed angrily: "OK, OK, you're very good. Then we'll wait and see!" After that, she pushed open the box door, stepped on her high heels and left.

After Wang Xin left for a long time, the people in the room just reacted. Liu Wenbin, with a bitter face, shook his head and said, "my ancestors, how can you provoke this woman?"

Li Dabao frowned and said, "why can't I provoke her?" he said secretly. I not only want to provoke this woman, but also want her to take off her clothes and kneel down to serve her.

Liu Wenbin shook his head: "brother Dabao, do you know the identity of this woman? She's Wang Xin, the owner of Chunfeng hotel. She's black and white. None of the people who have provoked her can come to a good end. Besides, there is a big figure with a mysterious identity behind this woman. At the beginning, a second generation official in the county had an argument with her, but at the end, he also took the initiative to admit his mistake and make friends with her. How can you offend her

Li Dabao shrugged his shoulders, sat down, picked up his chopsticks and said, "eat, eat." The face is a pair of cloud light breeze clear appearance, but in the heart is really some surprised, didn't expect this woman isn't a vegetarian Lord.

However, he is confident that he can only go back to the village and take care of his own land. With the cultivation method and the technique of birth in his head, he will be able to grow vegetables much better than the Spring Breeze Hotel. This bet will not be lost!

Liu Wenbin still needs to talk about it, but when he saw Li Dabao, he didn't think much of it. He just shut up and didn't say any more. He secretly thought that after he had cured his illness, he would try to keep a little distance from the boy, otherwise Wang Xinqian would be angry with him, but he couldn't bear it.

After a meal, Li Dabao was eager to earn the 20000 yuan, and Liu Wenbin was also eager to cure his illness, so Li Dabao decided to treat Liu Wenbin in the Spring Breeze Hotel. As for Gu Huishan's infertility, Li Dabao decided to treat her again next time. Now he has made such a bet with Wang Xin. He has to go back quickly to solve the problem of taking care of his own land.

The waiter removed the food and asked Xia Mei and the other three to wait outside the box.

Liu Wenbin then took off his coat and lay on the table, with a look of worry on his face: "brother Dabao, is it really OK to be here"

Li Dabao nodded, took out the needle bag from his pocket, and pulled out the silver needle used for acupuncture: "you have a deficiency of kidney qi. I'll give you acupuncture, and there's basically no problem."

As he spoke, he held the silver needle, and the mysterious Qi in his body moved slowly. Then he began to put the needle according to the acupuncture method recorded in the Yin Yang dictionary.

Liu Wenbin's face was strange. He only felt numb at his waist. The silver needle that Li Dabao had tied down seemed to be flowing into his body along the tip of the needle.

Half an hour later, Li Dabao took the needle, patted Liu Wenbin on the shoulder, who was about to fall asleep, and said, "OK."

Liu Wenbin rubbed his eyes and his face was strange: "OK"

Li Dabao nodded. Liu Wenbin reached out and fiddled with his goods. It seemed that he had some different feelings. His face became more and more strange, which was too fast. After a few stitches, the problem that bothered him for more than half a year was solved

he stood up, put on his clothes and pushed the door open, At a glance, he saw Qin Siqi outside the door. His face changed slightly. He quickly lowered his head and widened his eyes!

"Well, really well!" Liu Wenbin suddenly cried hysterically. He turned around and hugged Li Dabao. He was surprised and said, "brother Dabao, doctor Dabao, thank you. Thank you. You are my parents again!"

Li Dabao impatiently pushed Liu Wenbin away, touched his nose and said, "I'll give you another prescription. After taking the medicine, as long as you pay attention to it later, there won't be any more problems. That is, the cost of diagnosis..."

In the scorching sun, Li Dabao sat behind Xia Mei's electric tricycle, fanning his head with his hand, and looking down at the black pocket in his arms from time to time.

Through the mouth of the bag, you can still see two stacks of red RMB in it.

Xia Mei, who was riding an electric tricycle in front of her, couldn't help but smile and said, "Dabao, it's really good. She made so much money all at once."

Li Dabao's face brightened, and he thought of something in his heart. He gritted his teeth, reached out and took out a pile of money from the black bag, and got up to put it in Xia Mei's arms.

Xia Mei quickly blocked Li Dabao's hand, but said: "Dabao, what are you doing"

Li Dabao's face was serious. Looking at the sweat on Xia Mei's forehead, she said with some heartache: "sister Xia Mei, if you hadn't brought me to town this time, I wouldn't have earned so much money. Of course, you have a share of this money!"

Xia Mei is worried and grabs Li Dabao's hand. It's ten thousand yuan! Li Dabao even said that she would give it to her, which also moved Xia Mei's heart, but she knew that she must not want the money.

"Dabao, what are you doing? Sister qian can't take it!"

Li Dabao shook his head: "sister Xia Mei, it's not easy for you to run your own home as a woman. If you come out to purchase goods on such a hot day, you can take the money. Now I don't have any money, I can't give you a better life. When I earn money later, I will let sister Xia Mei live a better life for you."Xia Mei looked into Li Dabao's eyes and saw that he was sincere. She was very sad. All these years she lived alone, and only she knew the hardships and bitterness. Now she can hear Li Dabao's words and feel li Dabao's pity and care for her. Her heart is very satisfied.

So she looked down at the pile of money in Li Dabao's hand. Xia Mei thought about it, took out four or five of them and put them in her arms: "OK, Dabao, you're just starting now. There are still many places where you need money. I want these. As long as you make a lot of money in the future, don't forget me."

Seeing this, Li Dabao had no choice but to give up. He thought that it really took a lot of money to buy the land for himself and contract Nanxi, so he also nodded and collected the money.

They joked all the way back to Nanxi village. Li Dabao went back to the clinic first and put the money in the clinic.

Wang Xin and that woman played a bet, a month later must come up with decent vegetables, so he had to go to Yao Fengfeng to buy a piece of self-care land.

In the village, if you want to buy self-care land, the price is very expensive. Even if it's private negotiation, it's usually two or three thousand yuan per mu. Before, Li Dabao intended to exchange a piece of land with Yao Fengfeng by doing that, but now that he has money, he doesn't have to go to Yao Fengfeng to buy it.

So with a few thousand yuan, Li Dabao also went to Yao Fengfeng's house

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