Blessing or misfortune

after watching Xia Mei go down the mountain, Li Dabao slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he staggered and sat on the ground.

In order to make Xia Mei feel relieved, Li Dabao said that the snake that bit her was a water snake. However, Li Dabao knew that the snake that bit her was very poisonous. After sucking poisonous blood for such a short time, he felt dizzy.

In fact, Li Dabao knows that it's very dangerous to take drugs directly, but before the situation was urgent, he didn't dare to tell Xia Mei, otherwise he would not let Xia Mei take drugs for her.

In a blur of consciousness, Li Dabao took out a purple black pill from the cloth bag he was carrying. Without drinking water, he swallowed it directly

It was left to Li Dabao by Mr. Li before he died. Mr. Li once told him that the pill was called "dragon soul pill". Unless his life was at stake, he could not take it easily. If he took it, he could go to see what he put in the red sandalwood box.

Li Dabao didn't know what the snake was, but he knew that if he didn't take the dragon soul pill, his life would be here today.

After taking pills, Li Dabao immediately fell into a coma.

When Li Dabao woke up, it was already noon. To be exact, he was awakened by the poisonous sun and knew that he was not dead. Li Dabao had only one idea at the moment - to go home!

In the past two years, he always wanted to open the red sandalwood box left by the old man, and wanted to see what treasure was in it!

But when he got home and opened the red sandalwood box, Li Dabao felt an impulse to cry after seeing what was inside.

I thought the precious box must contain some peerless treasure, but there was only one piece of paper in the box except a yellowing book called "the book of yin and Yang".

What was written on that piece of paper made Li Dabao have the impulse to collapse.

The pill he took was called "dragon soul pill", and this book of yin and Yang includes some cultivation methods and many other abilities.

This makes Li Dabao feel like looking at the cultivation. Of course, these are actually good things, but the paper also says one thing, that is, Li Dabao is a mortal body, and he can't bear the powerful effect of dragon soul pill. If he wants to alleviate the effect and absorb it, he has to cooperate with the Yin Yang dictionary to practice, and the basis of this practice is harmony and difference Sex, that kind of relationship

"Old man, you are driving my grandson to death!" Li Dabao is bitter in his heart. He is just a small village doctor in the village. His family is not rich, let alone the girls in the city. None of the girls in the village can look at him.

Nowadays, which woman doesn't want to marry a rich man to live a carefree life.

of course, Li Dabao can also choose not to practice the book of yin and Yang, or go to a woman to do that, but the final result is that his body will eventually burst because he can't hold the power of the dragon soul pill!

"Woman, where can I find a woman?" Li Dabao wandered around the room like a headless fly. Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and a smile came up at the corner of his mouth. "Your grandfather's, why did I forget sister-in-law osmanthus? When she was on the mountain, she told me to go to her house late"

thinking of this, Li Dabao immediately became lively, Looking at the sky outside, I didn't realize that it took so much time to study the book of yin and Yang.

After taking a bath, Li Dabao decided to go to find Zhang Guihua. Especially when he saw the two white petals of Zhang Guihua on the mountain, he couldn't help but feel excited

Your grandfather, I'm going to be a real man today!


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