When President Lin's Hospital, the president of the most famous hospital in the town

Li Dabao was also stunned and surprised. Beside him, Lin Feifei opened her mouth and couldn't believe her ears.

Now, Lin Feifei's father and his uncle are just the president of the General Hospital of the Lin family and the president of the Branch Hospital of the Lin family. Where is there a third Lin family hospital? Do you want to let Li Dabao, such a young man, squeeze out his father or his uncle's position directly? How can this be possible? Lin family hospital has never let an outsider be the president, sir But next, Li Dabao shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "Sir, I don't treat you for any reward, and your reward is too generous, I can't accept it."

In fact, he couldn't help swearing in his heart. If he gave me money directly, no matter how much, he would take it all. But as a dean, to tell you the truth, Li Dabao didn't really have that interest. It was just his ability to save people and cure diseases. But he didn't want to make money by treating people's diseases all his life. What's more, if he showed his superb medical skills, he would cause some problems If people pay attention, it will also lead him into a very dangerous situation.

Before he was fully developed, Li Dabao just wanted to make money quietly and improve his accomplishments.

But he didn't know that the one he refused was the director of the largest Lin's Hospital in Guxi town. Other people want to go to the Lin's hospital even if they want to change the doctor in charge. They can live a safe life. But at the moment, Li Dabao, a 20-year-old, refused to stay in the Lin's hospital Yezi also frowned and glanced at Li Dabao. His eyes were completely different from those of just now. He secretly affirmed that there must be someone with a bright future behind the boy. You know, the director of Lin's hospital was the biggest chip he could take out, but he still failed to move Li Dabao.

Lin Feifei opened her mouth and was surprised that she couldn't speak at all.

For a moment, the room was quiet. After a while, the old man just gave a faint smile: "since you don't want to be here, I won't force you, Feifei. If you two have anything to do, you should do it first. My grandfather is still a little uncomfortable..."

Lin Feifei nodded: "grandfather, then you have a rest early. Dabao and I went out first."

Li Dabao carrying watermelon and Lin Feifei just out of the room, Lin Feifei is staring big eyes, a face of disbelief: "Li Dabao, my grandfather even want you to be the Dean!"

Li Dabao touched his nose. Before he spoke, Lin Feifei shook her head and said, "and you refused!"

"Can you really let me be the president of your Lin family's hospital? I think your grandfather is just talking about it. We still have something to do."

Lin Feifei thought of the watermelon and nodded: "let's go to the study and talk to my father."

Lin Feifei's father is really in the study. He hears Lin Feifei's two voices coming into the room and turns his head strangely: "Feifei, you're here. I haven't asked you what you're doing when you come back this time"

Lin Feifei toots his mouth and says with some reluctance: "Dad, don't you want me to come back? I've been staying there for so long. It's rare for me to come back. What do you think And me

His father shook his head helplessly: "you are a child who has no patience to let you stay in Nanxi village. That's Forget it, let's not talk about it today. This young man is your friend. Is there anything important for you to bring him back with you?

he said and walked up to Li Dabao, with a faint smile, and stretched out his hand: "my name is Lin Dayou. I'm Fei Fei's father. Thank you for your illness."

Li Dabao and Lin Dayou shook hands and said with a smile, "uncle, it's nothing. They are all doctors. It's right to treat and save people."

Lin Da nodded, but he was also curious about Li Dabao. The boy was clearly dressed as a countryman. It seems that his family was not very good. He cured his old man. Even if he asked for a million and eight hundred thousand, Lin Da you would not be surprised.

But Li Dabao didn't mention anything about asking for compensation from the beginning to the end, which is really strange.

Lin Feifei came over and pulled his sleeve, interrupted his thoughts, and his face was full of happy smile: "Dad, I have something to tell you when I come back this time! I have found a way to make our branch hospital surpass the general hospital! "

Lin Dayou frowned: "what do children say?"

Lin Feifei didn't expect that her father would say that. She couldn't help but "hum!" for a moment "Dad, I didn't talk big. Dabao and I brought back some beautiful fruits and vegetables. You can try the effect yourself."

Li Dabao also wisely took out a watermelon from the ground, cut it on the table and handed it to Lin Dayou.

Lin Dayou frowned and said, "what's the effect of this watermelon? What's the relationship between this watermelon and our hospital? Feifei, don't make a fool of yourself."

Lin Feifei stamped her feet. Dad, you have a taste of watermelon! Then look in the mirror and you'll know.Seeing his daughter's insistence, Lin Dayou had no choice but to eat a mouthful of watermelon. A few minutes later, he looked in the mirror and his face suddenly changed: "this..."

After eating the watermelon, the obvious wrinkles on Lin Dayou's face quietly receded. He opened his mouth, and after a long time, he just reflected: "this kind of watermelon can beautify"

seeing his father's surprise, Lin Feifei couldn't help laughing: "Dad, these vegetables and fruits planted by Dabao have a very good beauty effect It can't be compared with ordinary cosmetics. I think this kind of fruits and vegetables should be able to be put into the postoperative repair of our hospital. "

Lin Da nodded and was shocked: "these watermelons Brother Dabao, how can you sell your watermelons for mass production? "Lin Dayou, after all, is the president of the Lin Branch. He also sees the great commercial value of these beautiful fruits and vegetables. If their hospital can introduce these watermelons, then the cosmetic surgery technology and some common postoperative repair in their hospital will become Wentu County, no Even the first in the country, because so far there is no such amazing effect of skin improvement drugs.

Li Dabao laughed and finally came to the point. He nodded: "uncle, I grow all my watermelons myself. Of course, I can mass produce them, but the price of watermelons One hundred yuan a Jin. "

The price is within the range that Lin Dayou can accept. Now he agrees: "Feifei, take brother Dabao out to weigh watermelons. If brother Dabao has such watermelons in the future, we'll take them all."

Two people went out to weigh the watermelon, calculated a total of more than 20000 yuan, this money for Lin Feifei's family is nothing.

When the watermelon issue was settled, Li Dabao didn't stay much, so he planned to go back to the village.

Lin Feifei didn't go back to the village with Li Dabao. When the Lin family bought Li Dabao's watermelon, they still need to study how to put the watermelon into the hospital. Lin Dayou gave it all to Lin Feifei, so she won't go back to Nanxi village in a short time.

Li Dabao made another sum of money, but he was not stingy. He spent more than 1000 yuan on a mobile phone outside, went to a restaurant, ate a bowl of meat noodles, and then took a ride back to Nanxi village.

When he arrived at the entrance of Nanxi village, he saw a group of people rushing to the east of the village. He saw Han san'er also following the crowd. He ran to the village and asked, "Han san'er, what are you doing?" Han san'er glanced at Li Dabao and said strangely, "Dabao, don't you know something happened to Yao Fengfeng's house The village committee is going to take back her land. "

Li Bao was surprised when something happened! Turn around and stop talking to Han san'er, and run to Yao Fengfeng's melon field in the East

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