You know, this is a huge city. The most important thing in it is the 100000 superpowers. They are all good cannon fodder. If they are completely in hand, he Feng in the future can easily clean up any potential force on the earth. After all, there are so many cannon fodder that people can be killed by human sea tactics!

There is darkness above the sky. Due to the chaos just now, some faults of the light transmitter imitating the Sun Palace are being repaired at the moment. However, he Feng doesn't care about this. He walks slowly into the building where Smith stayed. There are still some wet and wind on the carpet, wrinkled eyebrows and looks at the wet marks under the chair.

"The old guy I went to Smith was so seedless that he was scared to pee his pants just now. It's really unimaginable. He didn't want to be such a big person and still TND pee his pants!" Hefeng said with emotion. Tony next to him showed the moisture on the ground. He didn't mean to pee his pants, but the wine in the wine cup spilled on the ground, He can already smell the 82 year Lafite.

But in front of the boss, he naturally couldn't say so. He just smiled and said, "the boss is really smart. He can see this guy's timidity at a glance. Indeed, I can conclude that this is peeing. The old guy was scared to pee his pants..."

He Feng nodded slightly. His celebrity Tony presided over the overall situation of the nameless city of the alliance of powers here, and conveniently changed the name of the city. The name is not so ugly. He Feng still has the art of naming, His name is the underground city. What a name of the vicissitudes of the times! The line is so hungry and crazy. He thinks of this once popular game among teenagers. Although he can't play, he has heard the name of this game countless times!

After dealing with some things, can you slowly turn your eyes to the north and forget it? At the moment, he can't wait to teach a lesson. He always jumps up and reaches out his hand to hit he Feng's knee. That guy is not someone else, but the Japanese yin-yang masters.

Compared with the large scale, large number and powerful dragon group in the Chinese cultivation world, the Japanese yin-yang masters developed in the Japanese territory are really not very mixed. After all, different sizes will not cultivate such awesome yin-yang masters. They are also slightly inferior to the Chinese practitioners. No, this is not a little inferior, This is slightly worse than most of the body.

For example, if the Chinese cultivation world is a giant, the Japanese pirates' Yin and Yang world is a child. Even if they jump up, they mostly construct the knees of the Chinese cultivation world. However, even if they are not strong enough, they wave the samurai sword in their hands again and again to hit the knees of the Chinese cultivation world.

This practice of overestimating oneself and not knowing the greatness of heaven and earth is very common, and challenges he Feng's patience again and again. At this time, he Feng can't stand them and decides to teach these guys a lesson!

After all, he Feng's patience is also limited. These yin-yang masters have provoked He Feng's bottom line again and again. He Feng should not allow them to get together. If they go on so rampant, it's time to teach them a lesson and let them know how many eyes Lord Ma has.

However, he can't hurry now, because he still needs some time to stabilize the dungeon he just took over, at least to get it back on track. After Li Yulian stayed in the underground city for three days, he Feng took 500 people out of the underground city on an autumn night. On the glacier covered by Antarctica, the white glacier was leveled. An open space came out like a basketball court. It was wide and flat. On the top stood a large square composed of 500 people.

He Feng nodded slightly as he looked at the 500 people with different skin colors, genders and ages in front of him. These people will be the main force of his next battle. He Feng will not be distressed if dozens or all of them die, because these people are not his own fundamental strength, They all got it from Smith.

Where will you be distressed? It's just like the reason that gamblers will never be distressed about the money they win at the gambling table.

Nonsense cost is still in hand. I love wool. At most, I just bite my teeth!

"Today we have only one goal, that is to completely wipe out the yin-yang division of the Japanese pirates!" He Feng is wearing a black windbreaker, which is shaken by the cold wind. In addition, he is a tall man of more than one meter, he is somewhat handsome, but he Feng is still dissatisfied. He feels that he should wear a leather coat at the moment, just like in the flying tiger Eagle series, Yan Shuangying.

Then there will be another domineering and leaked accompaniment, which is called prestige, but at the moment, the conditions are some simple, and he Feng has to put up with his mood of pretending to force!

Of course, he Feng won't be angry if he can't pretend to be forced. He still has this measurement. He frowns and looks at the front. He always thinks these people don't say anything. Yes, I'm the boss. You guards won't force you to promise? I can't do anything.

After Tucao rescued, He Feng did not have much to do with those who would die. Anyway, they were going to be cannon fodder, and what was natural cannon is not necessary to make complaints about it.

There was nothing to say all the way. They went straight to the Japanese pirates!

But at the moment, in the Atlantic Ocean, in the troposphere above 10000 meters, inside the huge space shuttle, Smith is observing the situation of the Japanese pirates. ITO next to him is at a loss. He rubbed his hands there, looking particularly nervous. It seems that he is really nervous at this time!

Even when he was dying, he was not so nervous.

When Smith saw his appearance, he hurriedly said, "ITO, you can rest assured. He Feng won't find your family. Rest assured. It's impossible. How does he know the location of your family?"

"But Tony is beside him!" ITO said helplessly to Smith.

Smith was speechless for a moment. Yes, he was afraid of a traitor!

The night is gradually passing away and the light is coming. The Japanese pirates are known as the country of sunrise. Indeed, at least it is more suitable to see the sunrise here than in China. However, he Feng, who happens to catch up with the sunrise at this time, is not in the mood to enjoy the sunrise in the East!

Who likes watching this and staring at the sun?

Anyway, he Feng is not in such a free mood!

He was looking away in a hurry. His heart was full of doubts. Why hasn't the rich and noble family come yet?

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