On the first day of the new year, Li Xiu went to Grandpa's house early in the morning. Soon, his parents, three uncles and three aunts took the children. Li Xiu took his siblings to kowtow to grandma and pay New Year's greetings to his parents, three uncles and three aunts. Then he led his siblings to Grandpa's house, second grandpa's house, third grandpa's house and fifth grandpa's house. Grandpa Li Xiu left with five brothers, The others are still alive.

Li Xiu takes his sister-in-law to kowtow and pay New Year's greetings every year. When they worship the elders in the village, the day will pass.

When they went to their aunt's house on the second day of junior high school, they married an aunt to Hedong Village and had to cross the xiaobeishan behind the village.

Li Xiu didn't ride a bike. He led his sister-in-law over the mountain. On the third day of junior high school, Li Xiu took a basket of meat and vegetables to his father-in-law's house. The daughter married on the third day of junior high school went back to his mother's house with her son-in-law. His daughter-in-law didn't go through the door. He went to see his daughter-in-law.

Just entering his father-in-law's yard, there was a lot of laughter in the yard. Li Xiu was stunned holding his bike. What's the situation.

The second brother of the Zhou family came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "I won. Thank you, brother-in-law." he turned around and shouted to his eldest brother, "take the money quickly, eldest brother and sister-in-law, third brother, come on, admit defeat in gambling!"

At this time, Zhou Kun came out of the house with a smile and said, "it's a cold day. Come in the house quickly." Li Xiu put the bike in a daze, and the basket was taken down by the third brother of the Zhou family. While taking it, he said, "you really are. You can come back tomorrow."

The brother-in-law of the Zhou family looked at them funny and said, "all right, third brother, let my brother-in-law come in. My father has called people." Li Xiu looked at them suspiciously.

”Second uncle, my father and second uncle and third uncle bet that my aunt, big uncle, second uncle, third aunt, fourth aunt and sister-in-law said you must come today. My father, my mother and my third uncle said you wouldn't come. No, my father, mother and third uncle lost. " Zhou Huaitai, Zhou Lian's eldest nephew, looked at Li Xiu and explained, "I said my second uncle must come. My parents don't listen to me. Look, lose!"

"Second uncle, happy new year," "second uncle, happy new year," looking at the six little ones who paid new year's greetings with one voice, the three little ones obviously couldn't speak clearly.

Li xiule took out the lucky money wrapped in red paper from his clothes pocket and gave it to them. Sister-in-law Zhou and Zhou Lan hurried to stop them. Li Xiu stuffed his children's clothes pocket directly. "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I made a good picture in the first year. I didn't give much to the children."

Sister-in-law Zhou and Lan Zhou gave up, "second brother-in-law, pocket money!" looking at the three hands stretched out in front of her, Li Xiu looked at the smiling appearance of the three little aunts and hurriedly looked at her daughter-in-law. She hadn't seen this in her last life.

Looking at the smile in his daughter-in-law's eyes, Li Xiu hurriedly took out the money and said, "there are all, there are all." the three little aunts paid ten yuan each, took out a handful from their pocket and stuffed it directly into her daughter-in-law's pocket. While plugging it, he said, "don't worry, you also have, you also have."

This made everyone around him very happy. He had never seen anything like this. Zhou Kun smiled. He didn't care about money, but was in his mind. Seeing Li Xiumei smiling, he stuffed money into Zhou Lian's pocket. He knew that he really wanted her. That's enough. He was also a man. It's different to treat his daughter-in-law as a family member or a daughter-in-law, and his life is also different. That's good, Zhou Lian doesn't care about marriage. Zhou Kun has been worried that she won't live well in the future. Now, it should be no problem.

There were many people and it was lively. On the way back after dinner, Li Xiu was still dizzy. It was not because of drinking. As soon as he picked up the wine poured by his father-in-law, he saw his daughter-in-law staring at him. He didn't dare to drink.

The father-in-law smiled and said nothing. His three uncles and brother-in-law advised him, but he didn't dare to drink. It's bad to make his daughter-in-law angry during the new year.

In her last life, her daughter-in-law hated drinking. Her son didn't drink at all, and her son-in-law didn't drink either. At first, he didn't know. When she was old, she heard that her mother hated drinking, especially when she was drunk.

In this life, just follow her. He hates drinking. He just doesn't drink. But his daughter-in-law stares at him. The daughter-in-law cares about him. She doesn't take care of people and things that her daughter-in-law doesn't care about. Li Xiumei comes home with a cold wind. This can make him happy for several days.

After discussing with my father-in-law, I took my daughter-in-law to buy things in the county at the 15th, and her daughter-in-law agreed.

On the 15th day, Li Xiu went to Zhoujiazhuang by bike, and then his daughter-in-law went to the county. He greeted the Yue family and saw his daughter-in-law sitting in the back seat. Li Xiu took his daughter-in-law to the county.

Looking back, he stopped the car and put his daughter-in-law's hand in his clothes pocket. With the other hand, Li Xiu directly grabbed it on his waist in his cotton padded jacket. He still muttered, "are you stupid? It's so cold. Put your two hands outside and grab the seat."

Zhou Lian looked at him and didn't speak. How can he be so cheeky in his life.

While cycling, Li Xiu said: "Daughter-in-law, I've packed up my home and everything is ready. I've also dug a big cellar under the East chamber. The cellar is big. I put most of my grain in the cellar. I also went to the waste collection station. There are a lot of books there. I've got them back and kept them for my children. Daughter-in-law, I secretly tell you that the wood of our big bed is good wood, It's called Xiaoye red sandalwood. There are three beds in our family. Your dressing table, the large vertical cabinet and the Kang cabinet on the Kang are all. It's said that the dowry was only available when the young lady of a rich family got married... "

"Where did you get it?" Zhou Lian directly interrupted him and asked, "from the waste purchase station, the whole pile of waste purchase stations, I..."

"How did you know?" "Hey, daughter-in-law, I studied with Uncle Ge, a cattle herder, for six years. He taught me everything. When I separated the first year, I divided 250 yuan. What can that money do? Although I promised uncle Ge not to go into the mountain, I couldn't help it at that time. I didn't know until I went to the county. I went to the waste collection and purchase station. Daughter-in-law, I really got good things from the dark box on the red sandalwood shelf bed It's hidden. There is... "

Zhou Lian directly put her hand over Li Xiu's mouth and shouted angrily, "are you stupid? You spit out everything." Li Xiu stopped the car and saw that there was no one around. She put her daughter-in-law in her arms and hugged her tightly.

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, do you care about me?" Zhou Lian was stunned and beat him with his hand. Li Xiu whispered softly in her ear. "Daughter-in-law, let me hold it again for a while."

Zhou Lian ignored him lazily. Who knows why he was crazy on the way. She had two children in her last life, which made her shy in front of Li Xiu. She is not really a girl in her twenties.

Feeling that Zhou Lian was a little impatient, Li Xiu directly picked her up, put her on the front bar and pushed her bike forward.

Zhou Lian reluctantly looked at him and pulled her hat and scarf, leaving her eyes outside. She was about to meet an acquaintance and lose her life.

Li Xiu looked at her funny and didn't think about it. He really met an acquaintance and knew it was her. He didn't wear a hat or scarf.

"Daughter in law, I told you, I got four boxes of good things and one box of jewelry. I'll give it to you and your daughter at that time..."

"How do you know it's a girl!" Zhou Lian stared back at him.

"Daughter-in-law, we can always have daughters. You're not going to have one?" Li Xiu looked at her in surprise and said.

Zhou Lian stared at him for a while. She didn't make a sound and turned her head away.

Li Xiu took a breath secretly and then said, "there is also a box of gold ingots, a box of small yellow croaker, and a pair of Pisces jade pendants. They look good. There are 10 pairs of gold ingots and 36 small yellow croaker, each of which is 10 Liang."

Zhou lianbrush looked back at him. Li xiuchong nodded her head and said, "it's more than 50 kilograms!"

”Where did you put it? " Zhou Lian is a little angry. This is an unreliable man.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I put the cellar," Li Xiu explained quickly as he stared at his daughter-in-law. "I secretly dug the cellar myself. No one knows."

”Who else knows about it? " Zhou Lian's heart was tight. Her mother-in-law was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Let her know that she couldn't get a big deal.

"No one knows. I found it from my bed and put it under grandma's bed with the book in the fertilizer bag. After I dug the cellar, it will be put in the cellar. Grandma doesn't know. I told her it was a book and put it in the old house. My mother has to set fire." looking at Zhou Lian's nervous appearance, Li xiule said happily that my daughter-in-law cares about him more!

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