Li Xiu hurried home in the moonlight. He didn't sleep with his daughter-in-law for two nights. His heart is like missing a piece. He can finally hold his daughter-in-law tonight.

Listening to Li Xiu's voice, Grandma Li opened the door, looked at her grandson standing at the door, painfully took him to the yard, and said, "you're hungry, milk, get you something to eat."

Li Xiu looked at grandma holding him and forgot to close the door. He turned back and closed the door. Then he saw Zhou Lian standing at the door of the main room with a lamp. Under the dim light, Zhou Lian stood there with a belly. The obsession in Li Xiu's eyes made Grandma Li look at him and shake her head.

Quietly walked into the kitchen, lit a light and made some food for his eldest grandson. When he came back so late, he was hungry. Look at the way the smelly boy couldn't open his eyes to his daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law really caught his eyes and heart!

"Daughter-in-law, I'm back." Li Xiu looked at Zhou Lian with a giggle. He always knew that his daughter-in-law was good, but he didn't expect to look so good. He looked more and more beautiful with his white oval face, curved willow eyebrows, small and tall nose and ruddy lips.

Looking at her man's undisguised obsession, Zhou Lian stared at him speechless. As for you, I haven't seen him for two days. It's like I haven't seen him for several years. "What are you doing standing here? Come and wash. Grandma made you something to eat."

"Hey, come on." Li xiuxin, who was stared at by his daughter-in-law and had some ripples in his heart, but promised. He took down his basket and put it in the kitchen and said hello to his grandmother.

As soon as I turned back, I saw my daughter-in-law mixing water. I hurried forward and said, "daughter-in-law, I'll come by myself. It's dark. Don't be busy."

Looking at the nervous look of her man, Zhou Lian smiled at him and said, "it's okay. I'm careful. Don't worry. Come and wash quickly."

After taking off his coat, Li Xiu stood by the well in the yard to wash his hair and face. As for the bath, I'd better wait. Grandma is still in the kitchen!

Watching Li Xiu wolf down his food, the two women were distressed. I'm afraid he didn't eat well these days. Also, it's hot and dangerous in the mountains. He's afraid he doesn't want to eat!

The wind swept all the food on the table. Li Xiu burped and drank the water handed over by his daughter-in-law. When he looked carefully, his grandmother and daughter-in-law felt distressed on their faces and filled their hearts. His grandmother always loved him. He was used to his little son, grandson and the lifeblood of the old lady.

The distressed color on Zhou Lian's face made Li Xiu feel dizzy. He saw it on his daughter-in-law's face when he just got married in his last life, but it didn't happen later. He has been married for more than half a year in this life. This is the first time that he obviously cares about him from his daughter-in-law.

"Enough to eat? Get you some more?" Grandma Li asked indecisively. She has prepared a lot. Don't hold on, but look at him. Is he full?

"Milk, I'm full. I haven't eaten all day today. I'm a little hungry. It's all right. You can rest early. I'll wash and sleep. I'll talk about it tomorrow. I'm a little tired." don't be polite with myself. Li Xiu is really tired.

I didn't sleep for two nights. I beat the tiger the night before yesterday. I took nearly 1000 kilograms of things out of the mountain last night. In addition, I was very nervous in the mountain. Now I see my daughter-in-law, my strength is relieved, and I want to have a good sleep with my daughter-in-law.

"Well, you go quickly. I'll sleep on the Kang tonight. Hurry up!" Grandma Li cleared the table quickly.

"Grandma, you should have a rest earlier!" Zhou Lian, who was helped out by Li Xiu, turned back to say hello.

Granny Li waved her hand directly and told them to go quickly. The eldest grandson was really tired. He stayed in the mountain for three days and two nights. The eldest grandson was really tired this time.

Watching the couple go away, Grandma Li wiped her tears painfully. If she didn't spread her good parents, she had to work hard. This boy, she was so distressed.

Big green hill, that's a place that can kill people. What's more, he spent two nights there. His second son really did evil. He didn't care about his parents. He regretted this bastard!

Li Xiu, who didn't know that his grandmother was secretly scolding his father, helped Zhou lian to sit down in front of the dressing table in the bedroom, took out all the money from the dark bag at the back, put it on the dressing table, and lit another candle, which was brighter.

"Baby, how many do you count? I'll take a bath." after settling down my daughter-in-law, Li Xiucai said gently.

Looking at a pile of tickets on the dresser and looking at her man's looking forward face, Zhou Lian smiled and said, "OK, you go, don't worry, I won't move." I know that the man is afraid that she can't see clearly in the dark at night and knock against someone again.

Seeing that the man went to take a bath at ease, Zhou Lian was lucky with the money on the dresser. The smelly man came out of the mountain and went directly to the city. Did he provoke the big guy again!

After counting this pile of money quickly, Zhou Lian was stunned. What did he do in the mountains? Now it's not later generations. Now in 78 years, 10000 yuan households are rare. 28000 yuan is about to top the twenty or thirty million yuan of later generations!

"Baby, I've washed it." Li Xiu walked into the bedroom with his bare arm and said hello to his daughter-in-law sitting there.

Looking up at the man's face, Zhou Lian lowered her eyes and said calmly, "go to bed early and wake up."

The dim light perfectly disguised Zhou Lian's true mood. Li Xiu didn't find anything different. He said happily to his daughter-in-law, "honey, have you counted it? With this money, the family will be more affluent."

Zhou Lian bit her teeth and said softly, "well, I've counted a lot. Stop it. Go to sleep first and talk to me when you wake up. I'm also a little sleepy!"

Hearing that his daughter-in-law was sleepy, Li Xiu quickly agreed, helped Zhou lian to bed, took off her shoes and let her lie down. He drew the money on the dresser directly into the drawer below, took out the drawer and stuffed it into the wooden box under the bed, wiped his hands with a towel, blew out the candles and oil lamps, went to bed, took a comfortable sigh with his daughter-in-law, and finally held her daughter-in-law.

He found a comfortable position in his arms. Zhou Lian asked softly, "are you tired? You haven't had a good meal in the mountains. How can you go to the city and come back without eating? What if you're hungry?"

Listening to his daughter-in-law's concern, Li xiuxi said Zizi: "I didn't have time to eat. Before dawn, I went to the county to find Wang Yuan and sold him the tiger and roe deer. Then I took a car to the provincial capital. I didn't arrive until noon. I came out of the drugstore and hurried back by car. I didn't get to the county until the sun set. I went to the distillery to catch a mule car. It was dark when I returned to the village. I took the car to the brigade and hurried back."

"I'm tired of going into the mountain this time. Go to sleep. Ah, tell me carefully when you wake up." Zhou Lian said softly, biting her teeth. Her face in the dark was full of anger.

"Well, let's sleep, baby, and our daughter is sleepy." Li Xiu yawned, looked up and kissed his daughter-in-law before he said, holding his daughter-in-law safely closed his eyes and went to sleep.

I felt that the man was asleep. Zhou Lian gave a strong breath. The smelly man and the tiger roe deer were dead. If he wasn't really tired and hurt him, he would let him understand why the flowers are so red today!

What do you say when you enter the mountain? Ah! Pay attention to safety. Safety matters. He dares to provoke the tiger. He is crazy. He, this smelly man, she will not let him enter the mountain in the future. This big green mountain is also extremely dangerous in future generations. Let alone now, he should not be allowed to enter the mountain.

Understand that he is for this family, for her and her children, Zhou Lian wiped her tears and looked at the man's sleeping face with the moonlight. Even if he fell asleep, his hand carefully circled her and his heart churned. He cares about her. She knows whether she should put down the knot of her previous life and respond to him well.

When he came in to see her tonight, she saw the joy and obsession in his eyes. His feelings were like fire, warm and burning. It was easiest to hurt others and herself, but she also knew that he would hurt her if he didn't give up. Yes, he wouldn't just watch in his last life.

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