"Just know what you have in mind. Nothing is as important as yourself. If you have something, what do you want her second sister and the child in her stomach to do?" although the fire was extinguished, Zhou Kun still wanted to beat him a few words.

"Dad, I know. I will pay attention to it in the future." seeing that the father-in-law's popularity has disappeared, Li Xiu quickly expressed his attitude.

Zhou Lian turned her mouth and was fooled by him again. How could she not have known that he was so clever and talkative? According to her, a smelly man just didn't want to beat him. He would be honest if he beat him hard. Unfortunately, no one could beat him. Her father-in-law couldn't beat him. Beating him was against the rules. Li Xiu's father had no confidence and didn't dare to beat him. His uncle and uncle loved him very much and didn't want to beat others, Either I'm not qualified to beat him, or I don't dare to beat him.

"Bao'er, do you want to eat sour pears?" Li Xiu, who has a strong desire for survival, looked at Zhou Lian and asked. His daughter-in-law is angry. Don't be angry.

I want to ask Zhou Lian if she has anything to eat. Zhou's mother burst out laughing. This son-in-law really spoiled her daughter!

"Mom, we're back. Do you have anything to eat? I'm starving!" my brother shouted as soon as he entered the gate on Wednesday.

"Hey, my brother-in-law is coming!"

"Brother in law is coming."

"The second sister is coming."


The five brothers and sisters of the Zhou family chirped into the house to greet Li Xiu and Zhou Lian. After a burst of greetings, everyone sat down. Zhou's mother asked, "her second sister, do you have anything to eat?"

Before Zhou Lian answered, Li Xiu stood up and said, "Mom, I'll do it with you. I've been talking about wanting to eat fish these two days. I brought five carp. It's just done today. Everyone has a taste."

Zhou's mother was stunned. When her daughter and son-in-law came, she brought a big bamboo basket. She didn't have time to have a look! "OK, that fish eats less. I really can't do it well."

"Second sister, what did you and your brother-in-law bring?" Zhou Ying asked curiously. Every time the second sister and her husband came, they brought a lot of meat. This time, they also brought it. Thinking of the taste of eating meat, Zhou Ying swallowed greedily.

"I don't know. Your brother-in-law cleaned it up. Go and have a look!" Zhou Lian said. Since the autumn harvest was over, Li Xiu didn't let her do anything, so she had to eat and feed it to her mouth. She didn't know what Li Xiu brought. Anyway, there were a lot of them. Look at him busy all morning!

Hearing this, Zhou Kun, who was drinking water, looked up at his daughter. The shopkeeper did it and asked for the first time: "her second sister, what do you do at home? Has the autumn harvest come down?"

Zhou Lian, who was drinking red jujube tea, looked at her father in surprise and said slowly, "without going down to the ground, Li Xiu asked the captain for leave early in the morning. At home, cook at the autumn harvest and send him rice!"

"No?" brother Zhou asked in surprise when he saw that his second sister stopped talking.

"No, second brother, what else do you want to listen to?" Zhou Lian looked at her second brother and said expressionless. This is the Lord who is afraid of chaos in the world. Why didn't she find him so unreliable before.

"No, you usually don't do anything at home. Who does the work? It's all done by your brother-in-law? Laundry, cooking and feeding livestock..." brother Wednesday also asked curiously. He knew that his second brother-in-law loved his second sister, but he didn't do anything. It's a little unreasonable!

"When I get up in the morning, my clothes are washed, my livestock are fed, the house is cleaned, and my food is ready. I'm waiting for me to eat. What do you want me to do?"

Looking at the calm second sister, brother Zhou asked in a low voice, "what about lunch? My brother-in-law went to the ground. Don't you do it?"

"I did the busiest days of the autumn harvest."

"When he's not too busy, he's tired to go down!" brother Wednesday felt that his second sister was not in the right mood, but he was too curious, so he hardened his head and asked.

"I want to do it. He locked the kitchen door. What can I do?" Zhou Lian drank a mouthful of water and got angry when she raised it. She was afraid that she would cook at home. Li Xiu took out all her fruit snacks and put them in the main room. She locked the kitchen door. She said she was afraid that she was tired. She was tired. She had to eat and sleep every day. She was about to become a pig!

There was a moment of silence in the room, and a burst of laughter burst out. I've never seen such a thing. I'm not willing to let my daughter-in-law cook and lock the kitchen. This is also a wonderful work!

The laughter attracted Zhou's mother, "what's the matter?"

"Mother, I'm afraid my second sister is tired of cooking, so I locked the kitchen door when I went down." Zhou Ying covered her stomach and said with a smile.

Zhou's mother shook her head and went back to the kitchen. She had to talk about her son-in-law. It doesn't matter to hurt her daughter-in-law, but there is no such pain method. Although it hurts her own daughter, these people are mutual, especially between husband and wife. If only one party pays, the Libra will be biased, and the marriage will be unstable.

"Her second sister husband, you're too used to her second sister." looking at Li Xiu with a smile on his face, Zhou's mother spit out such a sentence for a long time.

"What's the matter, mom?" Li Xiu looked at his mother-in-law and asked.

"You love your daughter-in-law. Your father and I are happy. That's my daughter. We are naturally happy that she married well. Men love her, but a family is not one person, but two people work hard to carry it together. It's what she should do. You can help her, but you can't do it for her."

Zhou's mother looked at Li Xiu. He listened carefully, but his work didn't stop.

"If you want to go to the ground, we all know how tired it is. You love her and don't want her to go to the ground, but you have to do your work at home. You can't do it alone. You'll be tired."

After listening to his mother-in-law, Li Xiu put the fish in the pot, covered it, took a bench and sat aside. He said to Zhou's mother who was burning the fire, "Mom, I understand what you said. Lian'er is not pregnant with a child!"

Seeing his mother-in-law staring at him with her eyes, she continued with a smile: "that little life can't tired me. Lian'er will relax for a while. When the child is born, she doesn't want to be idle. Just one child is enough for her to be tired. I just want to help, but I don't have time."

"You child, just protect her, but we elders also love you. How tired we are in the field and at home. It's enough to work on the ground alone. What if we don't rest when we go home and are tired!" seeing that he keeps protecting his daughter, mother Zhou really loves him.

It's been a year since she was engaged. Every time she came home, she didn't want other things. What she valued was his mind. At her age, she could understand whether he was sincere or false.

Just because I know Li Xiu's character, I really love him. My father doesn't love me. If I marry my daughter-in-law and go home, I have to let her love him. No, although it's my own daughter, I can't advance an inch!

"Mom, I finished the work at home in an hour. Lian'er has little strength. She did it most of the morning. Besides, she is pregnant with children and has no mother-in-law to help. If I help her do more, she can relax."

Seeing his mother-in-law's disapproval, Li Xiu smiled and said: "Mom, I know you love me, but you also know that it's hard to have children. The housework is very easy for me. It's like playing, but it's too hard for lian'er. She's pregnant with my child. I don't love her. Who loves her? Now she has a big belly and it's difficult to sleep and turn over. How heartless I have to let her work!"

Now his daughter-in-law has a big belly and can't sleep well in the middle of the night. He gets up all night and has cramps in his waist and legs. He's so distressed that he can't wait to replace her and let her work with a big belly. He can't bear it!

Zhou's mother didn't speak for a long time. What did she say? They are all women, not to mention her own daughter. Can this woman not work hard when she is pregnant with children, but doesn't she come over like this. Her son-in-law can understand that heartache is the nature of her daughter. She married a good man, a good man who knows cold and hot, loves her and takes care of her.

"Then you should also pay attention to your health. Don't be too tired. Their mother still depends on you, and your family depends on you." Zhou's mother said with concern. The daughter is blessed to marry such a good man.

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