Under the strong sense of oppression, Ban Xia retreated stiffly.

But in the face of the huge size difference, the distance he retreated would have no effect on the dragon at all.

A scarlet tongue sticks out from the black dragon’s mouth.


Ban Xia was busy pressing the space bracelet.

Daggers, laser guns… whatever.

Ban Xia’s hands were trembling due to pain and soreness, and before he even took out the weapon, the tongue had already landed on him.

Ban Xia subconsciously raised his hand to block himself, a strong thrust fell, and he fell to the ground without any resistance.

The black dragon suddenly stopped and its head backed a little, Ban Xia wondered if it was surprised by his weakness, or because it found that he didn’t even have enough space between his teeth.

Ban Xia didn’t have the energy to speculate on the black dragon’s thoughts, his hands and face still had the creepy and sticky touch that the dragon had licked, which made his body stiff and his stomach churned for a while.

Ban Xia suppressed the nausea, then he vaguely smelled a sweet scent, like some kind of ripe fruit exuding a seductive fragrance.

That smell… emanated from the saliva of the black dragon on his body.

He wants to vomit even more.

Ban Xia pursed his lips tightly, the black dragon was watching him and didn’t make any next move for the time being, but he couldn’t hope for the black dragon’s kindness.

A slightly trembling hand pressed the left wrist bracelet, and a laser gun appeared in Ban Xia’s hand.

It’s unknown if the black dragon found something in his hand, but it brought its head down again.

Ban Xia heard his own heart beating abnormally fast.

The black dragon’s scales are so hard that even a special military dagger can’t cut them. He needs to find a vulnerable point that can kill it with one blow.

The black dragon got closer.

Ban Xia held his breath, raised the gun without hesitation, and fired at the bright golden vertical pupil.

A red beam burst from the muzzle.

Ban Xia’s marksmanship is excellent, and his shooting training evaluation is always A. The moment he presses the launch button, the red laser goes into the black dragon’s eyes.


The black dragon’s painful low roar suddenly sounded, Ban Xia was too close and the roar made his brain dizzy, if it wasn’t for an empty stomach, he would have vomited on the spot.

Gotta leave quickly.

Ban Xia forcefully stood up, but as soon as he took a step, he felt those steel whip-like tentacles wrapped around his waist again..

He was pulled up, his feet off the ground instantly.

Ban Xia was frightened, he looked up and saw the black dragon lowering his head to look at him.

A human less than two meters tall looking at a black dragon with a height of more than ten meters should be very funny, but Ban Xia couldn’t laugh at all.

Is the black dragon all right?

He stared at the black dragon nervously. The black dragon’s left eye was as bright as fluorite in the night, the red-gold iris and the dark and narrow vertical pupil stared straight at him, while the right eye he shot turned into a grayish-white. No bright color can be seen.

The physical quality of this dragon-like creature is beyond Ban Xia’s cognition. Being shot by a laser gun in its fragile eyes, the black dragon not only died without being penetrated into the brain, but even still has a certain ability to move.

Ban Xia didn’t know what the state of the black dragon was, but as long as it could still move, with his current physical condition, there is no possibility of surviving under the opponent’s claws.

What to do?

Ban Xia didn’t see all the tentacles behind the black dragon’s head drooping down. He was stared at by the huge vertical pupil and he can only feel the goosebumps on his body.

Unable to distinguish emotions from the eyes of an inhuman creature, Ban Xia raised the hand holding the gun subconsciously.

The narrow vertical pupil of the black dragon’s left eye moved slightly, and a long tongue suddenly stuck out. Before Ban Xia even shoot, the long tongue quickly licked his arm and rolled away the gun in his hand.


The sound of swallowing was particularly clear in the silent jungle, without even chewing, a laser gun was swallowed by the black dragon like this.

Ban Xia’s complexion changed slightly.

He didn’t know if the black dragon would die from heavy metal poisoning in the future, but the black dragon would never give him a chance to take out a new weapon to aim now.

Is he going to die here…


A low roar of unknown meaning came from the black dragon’s throat. This sound was still very loud for Ban Xia, who was very close, but it was many times weaker than the previous roar…

Could it be that the black dragon is dying?

Hope lit up in Ban Xia’s eyes again. He reached out and grabbed the black dragon’s tentacles around his waist, trying to break free.

The black dragon watched Ban Xia’s movements, and the tentacles that were drooping down appeared even more sluggish.

After a while, it stretched out its claws towards Ban Xia.

Ban Xia was entangled by the “whip” of the black dragon, unable to even struggle, and fell into its palm.

Ban Xia stopped moving.

He’s about to be eaten, it’s like swallowing his gun, he doesn’t even need to be chewed…

Suddenly, Ban Xia heard the sound of the wind blowing, he looked up at the source of the sound for a moment, and then saw the wings behind the black dragon moving slowly.

The black dragon slammed its wings and flew up.

Over the top of the giant trees, it rushed into the sky.

It can still fly, the black dragon’s physical condition is obviously much better than Ban Xia thought.

This is not good news.

The sound of the wind rushed through his ears, but Ban Xia barely felt any wind.

Under his feet is the black dragon’s left claw covered with fine scales, in front of him is the black dragon’s chest with a thick breastplate, and behind him is the black dragon’s raised right claw, which is firmly blocking him.

It is guarding him so carefully, is it afraid that he will be blown away by the wind?

Listening to the strong wind outside, Ban Xia had to admit that if the black dragon didn’t cover him with his palm, even if he had the tentacle tied around his waist, he would have been blown away by the wind.

Ban Xia didn’t understand the reason why the black dragon did this, just like he didn’t know why the black dragon left the long-haired beast leader to capture him.

His size is only big enough for the Black Dragon to plug his teeth, right?

Thinking in a mess, Ban Xia tried to move on the black dragon’s claws.

The tentacles of the black dragon were always wrapped around his waist, and it was not easy to drag such a big thing. It took Ban Xia a while to slowly move from the center of the black dragon’s claws to the edge, where there was a gap.

Ban Xia held the black dragon’s claws and looked out through the cracks of its claws.

It was already completely night, and with the bright starlight, Ban Xia took in the outline of the terrain below.

Lakes, jungles, mountains…

The black dragon flew high enough for Ban Xia to see a lot, but Ban Xia didn’t see any lights from the ground.

Is there a place where human beings live without light at night?

Ban Xia’s face showed some confusion.

Is there no human settlement in this area? Or is the planet so backward that it doesn’t even have electricity?

Ban Xia knew the development level of the various galaxies in the alliance, and knew that the possibility of the latter was almost zero, but he was still inexplicably a little uneasy.


Ban Xia suddenly heard the sound of something beating. He looked around, but saw nothing.

Is it an illusion?


The noise sounded again, heavy and slow.

Ban Xia held his breath in shock. At an altitude of several thousand meters, in the palm of a dragon-like monster, he heard other sounds. This is like a horror story.

One after another, there is a clear sense of regularity.

Ban Xia followed the sound to the black dragon’s chest, raised his hand and stroked the cold scales.


The scales under his hands are fluctuating ups and downs slightly.

Ban Xia’s eyes flickered a little.

The heart of the giant dragon was beating inside.

It has been shot by him, but still dares to put him in a deadly place, so it is not afraid of him…

Ban Xia looked down at the bracelet on his left wrist, there was nothing else in his space ring, except for a lot of weapons.

There was still a faint sense of being licked by the black dragon’s tongue on his arms, Ban Xia’s fingers trembled slightly. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

He has no means of escape, not even a parachute. If he does it at an altitude of thousands of meters, the best outcome is that he and the black dragon perish together.

It’s not at the end of the road yet.

The black dragon licked him twice, pushed him down the first time, swallowed his gun the second time, but didn’t eat him.²

Although he doesn’t know why the black dragon did this, as long as it didn’t kill him in the first place, he still had a chance.

Ban Xia sat down against the black dragon’s chest, forced himself to relax, raised his hand and rubbed his sore arm. He needed to recover his strength as much as possible.


It seemed like the black dragon flew for a long time, and it also seemed to be only a few minutes.

Ban Xia felt that the sound of wind outside was gradually decreasing and the black dragon was slowing down.

He got up and walked to the gap and looked out, the jungle was lush outside, a winding river passed through the forest, and a tall rocky mountain stood not far from the river.

The mountain wall was extremely steep, with only a few vines hanging down, and the black dragon was flying towards the stone mountain.

As the distance shortened, Ban Xia discovered that there was a cave on the white cliff. The entrance of the cave was blocked by falling vines, making it extremely hidden.

Is that… the black dragon’s lair?

Ban Xia couldn’t tell how he was feeling right now, nervous, panicked, and then the calmness before going to the battlefield.

The black dragon flew into the cave and fell heavily.


The tentacles wrapped around Ban Xia’s body slowly spread out, the black dragon lowered his body and put his claws on the ground.

Ban Xia’s hand had already pressed the space bracelet, he looked up at the black dragon. The golden vertical pupil of the black dragon’s left eye was particularly bright in the dark cave, while the right eye…

Ban Xia wondered if it was his own illusion, he always felt that the gray covering the injured right eye of the black dragon seemed to have faded a lot, revealing a faint orange-yellow light.

The black dragon’s eyes are recovering?

Ban Xia’s heart skipped a beat.

What the hell is this monster.

The black dragon watched him quietly, showing no intention of attacking.

What does it want to do?

Ban Xia didn’t act rashly, but just faced the black dragon and stepped down from the black dragon’s claws cautiously.

Nothing happened.

Ban Xia’s military boots landed on the cave floor, and then he took a few steps back. Only then did the black dragon move. It separated its two claws, supported its weight on the cave floor, and slowly lowered its body.

The black dragon was almost lying on the ground, but the huge size difference made Ban Xia still have to raise his head to face it.

Ban Xia looked at this behemoth with a floor height on the ground and unconsciously pressed his hand on the space bracelet.

Then, Ban Xia heard a very strange vibration frequency, which combined to form a piece of ancient and mysterious music.

Every sound of this piece seems to have a peculiar charm, which makes people listen to it unconsciously.

That sound… came from the black dragon’s chest.

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