Crap , I was Rifted
11 First Time on the Citadel Part 2
'Fuck gotta think.. what can I do? Wait if he is out of anesthesia then maybe I can. Worth a shot.'
Lv212/150 Adrenaline Rush activate hopefully, I can disable him a little bit so I can get out of here. I fell back against a counter and started to act more groggy. Gonna have to sell that the anesthesia was keeping me weak till I can burn it out of my system.
"Subject Twenty-One you have amazed me with your tenacity." The operative unfastened a weird device from off his waist. The info in my head started to fill me in as soon as my eyes gazed on it too long. The little info I understood I did not like at all. The agent picked up something from the floor and stabbed me in the leg.
"Urgh" A groan was all I let out. Had to play the part or I was done for.
Health 2/62
The agent grabbed me by the back of my neck and attached the device as soon as a buzzing noise was heard I made my move.
"Buurrmm" The machine hummed to life. I could feel the first cut it made into me. It wasn't deep it was a very thin cut. It was definitely set to do this as neatly as possible.
'Schlup' The incision was made and a small sucking noise could be heard as well. I could feel a little liquid was applied after each cut.
Health 1/62
'Lv3 16/100 Misty Fist Activate' I made for a straight jab at his stomach. Did my best to focus. Felt almost all my energy leave my body.
'Fwoosh' My hand went through partially up to past my wrist. I don't know what made me do it but I turned my hand sideways. The feel of his guts in my hands was warm but slippery like jello.
"You bastard how can you still move?" The operative looked at me wide-eyed. He pulled me in close and grabbed the base of my throat with his other hand. A shimmering field was glowing around him. His biotics were activating and whatever it was, started siphoning what little energy I had left.
'Lv3 23/25 Biotic Shielding activate' My shield flung up knocking him off of me. The moment his hand was off me I could think more clearly.
'Fwoop' Whatever was in my leg flew off into the light fixture. Sparking the room up and flashing light sparks around the room.
'Clank' The device fell off my neck, onto to the table. It looked like a mechanical hand with blades and 3 different needles attached in the center.
"Cough cough" The agent coughed up some blood on the floor. He started struggling to get up. Grabbing countertops as he lifted up and throwing whatever he could in my direction.
'Bwoom, Bwoom' My shield took in the damage. As soon as I gather my breath I started limping to the doors. I had no strength to swing or attack pick up something to attack. Getting out was my best bet with my low health and almost non-existent energy.
'Creak' The door made a creaking sound soon as I made it through.
"Holy Shitstorms this place got wrecked!" Yelling this out wasn't the smartest of moves but I am almost in the grave already. Plus habit's die hard. Started looking around to see what I could find, or who I could find. There has got to be some security left.
The hospital lobby area was a mess. Doctor's and a few patients could be found dead everywhere I looked. The emergency lights were on, main lights all seemed to be busted. On a closer look, they were overloaded. The bulbs were either solid black or cracked open with burn marks at the openings. 'How the hell did they do all this without alerting C-Sec. Man somebody has grabbed most of the medi-gel in the area. So survivors then? Blood prints maybe us death door people can help one another.'
'I need help I will not survive this alone.' While searching around the room I came to that conclusion. Which seemed to be really hard, felt like something in me hated the idea of getting help. Like a nagging voice letting me know this was doable without the help of anyone else that I should rely only on my self. It sounded prideful, and a bit narcissistic. 'What the hell was going. Hey! System what gives? This can't be that other me again can it?'
System: User answering will interfere with your quest. Would you like to give up on the rewards? I don't think you do.Continue the Quest escape the Doctor without usingSystem abilities. Reward Unknown. The risk is worth it User.
'For all the fuck a reward can help me with if I go nuts!' The system was starting to tick me off right now. My leg hurt like hell and the nagging in my head started to get worse. "Damn where the fuck is a working computer!? I need to call for help!"
"Hup," I managed to get behind one of the counters by throwing my leg's over it and falling over. I spot a medigel pack on the floor next to a body. About that time my shield dissipates. 'Fucking hell just my luck.' Couldn't help thinking where the hell is C-sec when you need them as I grab the pack and apply it.
System: Medical Check 13 Status effect removed.
Health 6/62
'Damn that is so much better.' I Could think more clearly and my leg. After giving it a once over and a patch up,well it no longer hurt. Time to get out of this place.
"Tshh" A door a little down the way opens up.
"You think the guy left." Unknown voice
"Don't know don't care we need to get out of here I don't wanna die in this place." Unknown voice 2
"Let's get to the emergency exit, go!" Unknown voice
'Shit following them out is the best bet I have. I haveknow idea how to get out of this place.' Right before I get up to follow after them I hear the door open.
"Tshh" Out steps the agent.
'Well hell this guy is a bloody monster.' Couldn't help looking at this guy wide-eyed from my peeking spot under the counter. The good news he started to limp a little when he walked out the door after looking around. The bad news he has a heavy pistol.
"Subject 21 get out here now!" The agent bellowed in the hall. "I have enough money to pay the right C-sec personnel to get out of this. Killing you and taking the implant will be well worth it. The money I will receive afterward will make me a king." As the agent began to rant I didn't just stay idle I crawled around to the back side and started making my way to the next set of rooms.Crawling over the bodies was the hardest parts.
I slipped into the next room crawling over a dead gut his eyes were still opened. Made the mistake of looking him directly in the eyes.
System: Will Check 10
'God dangit, why did he kill all these people? Just for this implant that's just wrong.' Don't get me wrong this is just messed up but still, it has nothing to do with me. Wait that's not right at all. It has everything to do with me he's after me. Dammit brain why did you realize this now? "Urgh" I slipped into the room and start to make a plan for this bloody poozer.
Six minutes later I had a plan togethor but it was way to risky. About the same as all my plans so I guess I have a knack for it.
While waiting in the room I was able to find an Omni-tool it was attached to someone still, but hey beggars can't be choosers right. I picked the body up and carried it on my back. I slipped back into the hallway and made my way through the Medward.
"Push!" The agent barked out. The biotic powered smacked into the back of me sending me flying across the hall. 'Well damn guess I am getting paid back for stabbing him in the gut.'
"Ummph" I slam into the wall at the other end of the hall. "Thanks," I say to the fool at the other end. I slide my hands across the Omni-Tool activating as fast as I can.
System: Tech Check 19
'Lv1 12/50 Concussive Shot Activate' I watched as energy configured into a little rocket and flew across the room catching him right in the chest. I threw the body out of the way and charged at the guy. Activating my adrenaline, shield, and fist on the way. Gonna hit him with all I can as fast as I can.
'Lv227/150 Adrenaline Rush, Lv3 24/25 Biotic ShieldingLv3 27/100 Misty FistI threw a computer terminal that I grabbed on my way. Turned out it was a really good idea.
"Urgh, your gonna pay for that whelp." The agent looked absolutely wrecked and bleeding around his jaw. He took a swing at me missing blindly hitting the side wall. "Argh" His hand was bent back, in an awkward manner. Definitely broken, I hope anyway.
The terminal smacked into his face dazing him a little. About the time he got back on his feet I was right in front of him. I put both my hands togethor and smacked downward on his back causing him to buckle down onto his knees. Stepping inward I swung up with all my might hitting him in the jaw cutting through the lower half of his mouth. My adrenaline and shield dropped after that.
"Blargh, Arrrgh " The agent coughed up some more blood and looked at me crazily. "Shred for me boy!" The agent shot out a purple biotic blast. It looked like a giant buzzsaw cutting through the air. I ducked under the blast I was expecting the push again but this definitely was a lot better to have gotten out of the way. Sidestepping would have been better I think. Thoughts for later.
"There are people over here, apprehend them now!"I could hear voices not too far away. "Damn they better be the good guys. This guy just won't go down." The agent raises his hand to get ready to fire another biotic blast at me. That's what I thought anyway he aimed at the ground blasting me back some. " Heh it's the best you got yah poozer," I said with a smug look on my face. Looking up he was darting around the hallway. 'The bastard was making a run for it! Memo to self never gloat I am not good at it.'
"Over here!" I could hear coming around the way, sounds like a lot of boots on the floor. I couldn't keep up with the agent. No matter how much damage I put on him, he just shrugged it off and after each time he was able to make the gap wider each time. 'Damn it, is he baiting me into following him?' Should have watched where I was going. I slipped and went sliding face first into a body.
"Squelch" The noise in my ears reflected what happened before I realized where I ended up. All I could see was pink all around me. I yank my head out of the was pink and squishy .. I just pulled my self out of a dead Hanar. "Argh, I'm gonna be sick I hate jellyfish." I start to wipe my face after I deactivate my fists. "It being dead doesn't bother me, but it being a jellyfish does.. uhh, I need to see a counselor I am bothered by the wrong things."
Health 3/62
"Hand's where we can see them. Don't make any funny moves." The one in the front says to me as he approaches from the front.I hear some walking behind me. I turn my head to see a bunch of people dressed in blue, with pistols drawn and pointing at me. I could feel a rage building in me. The gun's right in my face were not helping my mood. I tried to calm myself as best I could.
System: Wisdom Check 14
"You people took forever to get here you know."Then it clicked in my head I knew this guy. Well other me knew this guy. This is not gonna end well for me most likely.
"Sunstrider what's a bastard like you doing on the Citadel? Riffraff like you don't deserve to be off planetside. You belong in the muck, not with civilized people." The Officer arrogantly talks down to me as he moves around checking up and down. Smirking when he sees the marks on my clothes.
"Well answer..suspect." He stops right in front and yells right in my face. Our noses were almost touching he was so close. His breath smelled of old cheese.
"Here to get medical treatment.. officer..." I manage to answer off before he interrupts me.
"Medical treatment.. they can't fix stupid. Your better off heading back home. Or wasting away in a cell if I find out you have anything to do with this." He spits these words out in my face. as he walks past me. " Cuff him and bring him in. We will interrogate him in the cell for what he knows and his involvement in this."
"What the hell are you even gonna hear me out before you start to .." Before I can continue I was hit in the gut. My knees buckle as they give out and I begin to hit the floor. Coughing up spit, I stabilize myself. Keeping myself from hitting the floor was taking a lot out of me.
Health 1/62
While on the floor I could see amini tablet to my left and a memo taker to my right. The mini tablet had a blue glow and the memo taker was in red. Screw it renegade hasn't failed me yet. I take a step forward and collapse. When I hit the floor I managed to put the memo taker in my clothes. I look to the left and notice on my way down I somehow smashed the tablet. 'Guess only allowed the one option.'
"Shut the hell up." The Officer yells out. "What are you idiot's standing around for. Get him out of here and get this placed cleaned out and secured!"
"Yes, sir" The C-sec officer's reply at once. "Sir we can't find the material. The contact did not leave it where he was supposed to."I was barely able to hear this while I was being dragged away. "Keep searching it has to be here.
System: Quest escape the Doctor without usingSystem abilities. Completed Reward choice of Upgrading Implant to Leavithon node, Cerebus node or Reaper node.
'What the hell System! Give me details this seems dangerous.'
System: Of course User. The nodes have different functions and capabilities and will also help you with technological advancement. The node you choose will impact the scenario hear for you and your future locations. This mission was given to evolve the implant that is damaging your body and to give you a helping hand for your upcoming missions.
Leviathan Node: Bonus to Intelligence and Ingenuity. Blueprints for technological marvels are easier to understand and implement. Interstellar travel and mapping is easier.
Cerebus Node: Bonus to Strength and Willpower. Weapon, Armor, and Tech equipment and survival abilities are easier to accomplish. Reverse Engineering is easier.
Reaper Node: Bonus to Charisma and Cunning. Companion threshold doubles. Seduction, intimidation, persuasion, and converting is easier.
'Leviathan is a no, not enough is known about them except that they made the Reaper's, and Reaper tech is always gonna be a no. So Cerebus it is.'
System: Implant evolving. You have level up.
Lv212/150 Adrenaline Rush activate hopefully, I can disable him a little bit so I can get out of here. I fell back against a counter and started to act more groggy. Gonna have to sell that the anesthesia was keeping me weak till I can burn it out of my system.
"Subject Twenty-One you have amazed me with your tenacity." The operative unfastened a weird device from off his waist. The info in my head started to fill me in as soon as my eyes gazed on it too long. The little info I understood I did not like at all. The agent picked up something from the floor and stabbed me in the leg.
"Urgh" A groan was all I let out. Had to play the part or I was done for.
Health 2/62
The agent grabbed me by the back of my neck and attached the device as soon as a buzzing noise was heard I made my move.
"Buurrmm" The machine hummed to life. I could feel the first cut it made into me. It wasn't deep it was a very thin cut. It was definitely set to do this as neatly as possible.
'Schlup' The incision was made and a small sucking noise could be heard as well. I could feel a little liquid was applied after each cut.
Health 1/62
'Lv3 16/100 Misty Fist Activate' I made for a straight jab at his stomach. Did my best to focus. Felt almost all my energy leave my body.
'Fwoosh' My hand went through partially up to past my wrist. I don't know what made me do it but I turned my hand sideways. The feel of his guts in my hands was warm but slippery like jello.
"You bastard how can you still move?" The operative looked at me wide-eyed. He pulled me in close and grabbed the base of my throat with his other hand. A shimmering field was glowing around him. His biotics were activating and whatever it was, started siphoning what little energy I had left.
'Lv3 23/25 Biotic Shielding activate' My shield flung up knocking him off of me. The moment his hand was off me I could think more clearly.
'Fwoop' Whatever was in my leg flew off into the light fixture. Sparking the room up and flashing light sparks around the room.
'Clank' The device fell off my neck, onto to the table. It looked like a mechanical hand with blades and 3 different needles attached in the center.
"Cough cough" The agent coughed up some blood on the floor. He started struggling to get up. Grabbing countertops as he lifted up and throwing whatever he could in my direction.
'Bwoom, Bwoom' My shield took in the damage. As soon as I gather my breath I started limping to the doors. I had no strength to swing or attack pick up something to attack. Getting out was my best bet with my low health and almost non-existent energy.
'Creak' The door made a creaking sound soon as I made it through.
"Holy Shitstorms this place got wrecked!" Yelling this out wasn't the smartest of moves but I am almost in the grave already. Plus habit's die hard. Started looking around to see what I could find, or who I could find. There has got to be some security left.
The hospital lobby area was a mess. Doctor's and a few patients could be found dead everywhere I looked. The emergency lights were on, main lights all seemed to be busted. On a closer look, they were overloaded. The bulbs were either solid black or cracked open with burn marks at the openings. 'How the hell did they do all this without alerting C-Sec. Man somebody has grabbed most of the medi-gel in the area. So survivors then? Blood prints maybe us death door people can help one another.'
'I need help I will not survive this alone.' While searching around the room I came to that conclusion. Which seemed to be really hard, felt like something in me hated the idea of getting help. Like a nagging voice letting me know this was doable without the help of anyone else that I should rely only on my self. It sounded prideful, and a bit narcissistic. 'What the hell was going. Hey! System what gives? This can't be that other me again can it?'
System: User answering will interfere with your quest. Would you like to give up on the rewards? I don't think you do.Continue the Quest escape the Doctor without usingSystem abilities. Reward Unknown. The risk is worth it User.
'For all the fuck a reward can help me with if I go nuts!' The system was starting to tick me off right now. My leg hurt like hell and the nagging in my head started to get worse. "Damn where the fuck is a working computer!? I need to call for help!"
"Hup," I managed to get behind one of the counters by throwing my leg's over it and falling over. I spot a medigel pack on the floor next to a body. About that time my shield dissipates. 'Fucking hell just my luck.' Couldn't help thinking where the hell is C-sec when you need them as I grab the pack and apply it.
System: Medical Check 13 Status effect removed.
Health 6/62
'Damn that is so much better.' I Could think more clearly and my leg. After giving it a once over and a patch up,well it no longer hurt. Time to get out of this place.
"Tshh" A door a little down the way opens up.
"You think the guy left." Unknown voice
"Don't know don't care we need to get out of here I don't wanna die in this place." Unknown voice 2
"Let's get to the emergency exit, go!" Unknown voice
'Shit following them out is the best bet I have. I haveknow idea how to get out of this place.' Right before I get up to follow after them I hear the door open.
"Tshh" Out steps the agent.
'Well hell this guy is a bloody monster.' Couldn't help looking at this guy wide-eyed from my peeking spot under the counter. The good news he started to limp a little when he walked out the door after looking around. The bad news he has a heavy pistol.
"Subject 21 get out here now!" The agent bellowed in the hall. "I have enough money to pay the right C-sec personnel to get out of this. Killing you and taking the implant will be well worth it. The money I will receive afterward will make me a king." As the agent began to rant I didn't just stay idle I crawled around to the back side and started making my way to the next set of rooms.Crawling over the bodies was the hardest parts.
I slipped into the next room crawling over a dead gut his eyes were still opened. Made the mistake of looking him directly in the eyes.
System: Will Check 10
'God dangit, why did he kill all these people? Just for this implant that's just wrong.' Don't get me wrong this is just messed up but still, it has nothing to do with me. Wait that's not right at all. It has everything to do with me he's after me. Dammit brain why did you realize this now? "Urgh" I slipped into the room and start to make a plan for this bloody poozer.
Six minutes later I had a plan togethor but it was way to risky. About the same as all my plans so I guess I have a knack for it.
While waiting in the room I was able to find an Omni-tool it was attached to someone still, but hey beggars can't be choosers right. I picked the body up and carried it on my back. I slipped back into the hallway and made my way through the Medward.
"Push!" The agent barked out. The biotic powered smacked into the back of me sending me flying across the hall. 'Well damn guess I am getting paid back for stabbing him in the gut.'
"Ummph" I slam into the wall at the other end of the hall. "Thanks," I say to the fool at the other end. I slide my hands across the Omni-Tool activating as fast as I can.
System: Tech Check 19
'Lv1 12/50 Concussive Shot Activate' I watched as energy configured into a little rocket and flew across the room catching him right in the chest. I threw the body out of the way and charged at the guy. Activating my adrenaline, shield, and fist on the way. Gonna hit him with all I can as fast as I can.
'Lv227/150 Adrenaline Rush, Lv3 24/25 Biotic ShieldingLv3 27/100 Misty FistI threw a computer terminal that I grabbed on my way. Turned out it was a really good idea.
"Urgh, your gonna pay for that whelp." The agent looked absolutely wrecked and bleeding around his jaw. He took a swing at me missing blindly hitting the side wall. "Argh" His hand was bent back, in an awkward manner. Definitely broken, I hope anyway.
The terminal smacked into his face dazing him a little. About the time he got back on his feet I was right in front of him. I put both my hands togethor and smacked downward on his back causing him to buckle down onto his knees. Stepping inward I swung up with all my might hitting him in the jaw cutting through the lower half of his mouth. My adrenaline and shield dropped after that.
"Blargh, Arrrgh " The agent coughed up some more blood and looked at me crazily. "Shred for me boy!" The agent shot out a purple biotic blast. It looked like a giant buzzsaw cutting through the air. I ducked under the blast I was expecting the push again but this definitely was a lot better to have gotten out of the way. Sidestepping would have been better I think. Thoughts for later.
"There are people over here, apprehend them now!"I could hear voices not too far away. "Damn they better be the good guys. This guy just won't go down." The agent raises his hand to get ready to fire another biotic blast at me. That's what I thought anyway he aimed at the ground blasting me back some. " Heh it's the best you got yah poozer," I said with a smug look on my face. Looking up he was darting around the hallway. 'The bastard was making a run for it! Memo to self never gloat I am not good at it.'
"Over here!" I could hear coming around the way, sounds like a lot of boots on the floor. I couldn't keep up with the agent. No matter how much damage I put on him, he just shrugged it off and after each time he was able to make the gap wider each time. 'Damn it, is he baiting me into following him?' Should have watched where I was going. I slipped and went sliding face first into a body.
"Squelch" The noise in my ears reflected what happened before I realized where I ended up. All I could see was pink all around me. I yank my head out of the was pink and squishy .. I just pulled my self out of a dead Hanar. "Argh, I'm gonna be sick I hate jellyfish." I start to wipe my face after I deactivate my fists. "It being dead doesn't bother me, but it being a jellyfish does.. uhh, I need to see a counselor I am bothered by the wrong things."
Health 3/62
"Hand's where we can see them. Don't make any funny moves." The one in the front says to me as he approaches from the front.I hear some walking behind me. I turn my head to see a bunch of people dressed in blue, with pistols drawn and pointing at me. I could feel a rage building in me. The gun's right in my face were not helping my mood. I tried to calm myself as best I could.
System: Wisdom Check 14
"You people took forever to get here you know."Then it clicked in my head I knew this guy. Well other me knew this guy. This is not gonna end well for me most likely.
"Sunstrider what's a bastard like you doing on the Citadel? Riffraff like you don't deserve to be off planetside. You belong in the muck, not with civilized people." The Officer arrogantly talks down to me as he moves around checking up and down. Smirking when he sees the marks on my clothes.
"Well answer..suspect." He stops right in front and yells right in my face. Our noses were almost touching he was so close. His breath smelled of old cheese.
"Here to get medical treatment.. officer..." I manage to answer off before he interrupts me.
"Medical treatment.. they can't fix stupid. Your better off heading back home. Or wasting away in a cell if I find out you have anything to do with this." He spits these words out in my face. as he walks past me. " Cuff him and bring him in. We will interrogate him in the cell for what he knows and his involvement in this."
"What the hell are you even gonna hear me out before you start to .." Before I can continue I was hit in the gut. My knees buckle as they give out and I begin to hit the floor. Coughing up spit, I stabilize myself. Keeping myself from hitting the floor was taking a lot out of me.
Health 1/62
While on the floor I could see amini tablet to my left and a memo taker to my right. The mini tablet had a blue glow and the memo taker was in red. Screw it renegade hasn't failed me yet. I take a step forward and collapse. When I hit the floor I managed to put the memo taker in my clothes. I look to the left and notice on my way down I somehow smashed the tablet. 'Guess only allowed the one option.'
"Shut the hell up." The Officer yells out. "What are you idiot's standing around for. Get him out of here and get this placed cleaned out and secured!"
"Yes, sir" The C-sec officer's reply at once. "Sir we can't find the material. The contact did not leave it where he was supposed to."I was barely able to hear this while I was being dragged away. "Keep searching it has to be here.
System: Quest escape the Doctor without usingSystem abilities. Completed Reward choice of Upgrading Implant to Leavithon node, Cerebus node or Reaper node.
'What the hell System! Give me details this seems dangerous.'
System: Of course User. The nodes have different functions and capabilities and will also help you with technological advancement. The node you choose will impact the scenario hear for you and your future locations. This mission was given to evolve the implant that is damaging your body and to give you a helping hand for your upcoming missions.
Leviathan Node: Bonus to Intelligence and Ingenuity. Blueprints for technological marvels are easier to understand and implement. Interstellar travel and mapping is easier.
Cerebus Node: Bonus to Strength and Willpower. Weapon, Armor, and Tech equipment and survival abilities are easier to accomplish. Reverse Engineering is easier.
Reaper Node: Bonus to Charisma and Cunning. Companion threshold doubles. Seduction, intimidation, persuasion, and converting is easier.
'Leviathan is a no, not enough is known about them except that they made the Reaper's, and Reaper tech is always gonna be a no. So Cerebus it is.'
System: Implant evolving. You have level up.
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