Crap , I was Rifted
44 Warhammer Part 1 Not Edited
"What in the slag is going on!" I was angry and naked. Never a good combination. In this so called holding area I saw several others as well. No one looked happy. Then I heard it. The cheers. The applause. Somebody was celebrating. But the memory upload was not there. I didnt have a clue as the time frame I was in. Or what the other me had done.
I couldn't make out the words clearly. Trying to use my magic didnt work. Tried my biotics next. They failed as well. No Lin Kuei abilities or mental powers as well. I was just a human. Well my physical abilities were still there at least. I finally noticed manacles on my feet and wrists. "What in tar nation is this?"
"Be quiet gladiator. Your turn is next." A guard said passing me by. I stared at him and my observe kicked in. At least least that worked.
(Pleasure Cult Guard Lv3)
It was in yellow. I grabbed the cage and growled at him. Gave me just what I needed to know. He shocked me with a barbed stick.
Health -4
'Not bad at all. minimum damage. But a lot will hurt.' I stepped back and slumped against the wall.
The guard left leaving me to myself. I looked around for anything to use as a weapon. Then I heard it. A sound that I wished was coming later.
"Kaaabboom!" An explosion that rocked through the building I was in. Yhe walls gave way from the as well the roof. I could hear a siren go off in the distance. It muddled out by the amount of screaming.
"Gladiator's are escaping!" A voice yelled out.
Getting up I felt my body become invigorated. My biotics were back. Inventory still didn't work. 'Misty Fist!' I called on ot mentally. No sense going full throttle just yet. I looked around and saw the Gladiators getting to there feet. The blast jared them a little. Then I saw a few Eldar. They were in the cells closes to me. They helped each other and paid me no mind at all.
I started running towards the nearest guard. He didnt know what hit him as I chopped his head off. My clawed hands made easy work of his flesh and armor. My Laguz blood started pumping. It didnt like being caged at all.
"Gladiator over there! Kill him!" A guard yelled at me. I picked up the body of the fresh corpse and threw it at the lot of them.
"Bam," two fell. The one that yelled dodged it easily. He fired at me with a small gun he had in his hands. My observe didnt kick in fast enough for me to determine what it was.
A shining dart of light came right at me. I didnt like the looks of it so I dodged as best as I could. It was for the best. It only grazed my skin and I felt a blood curdling pain. My skin looked as if a cheese grater went against it.
Health -15
'Shit that's a lot!' Turning I fired back. "Concussive Shot!" As my blast went out he dodged. Well he thought he dodged anyway. I picked up some rumble and threw it at him next.
He stepped to the side and was caught by my concussive shot that I pulled back to him. It exploded his backside and sent what I could only assume as lungs towards me.
A Gladiator ran up behind faster than I could recognize. He jammed a war glaive into the nearest guard. With two twist he pulled it free ending the man's life. Smiling at him I pulled the pistol over. Glancing over it I was suprised.
(Shuriken Pistol)
'Well guess that clears some thing up.'
Jumping into cover,I realized this was turning bad really quickly. Sending out my biotics I felt the amount of people that had gathered. They were not the most friendly of people. Most were not human. They were eliminating all gladiators as they moved out. Feeling only a few gladiators present I sent them a message to be line it to me. They did not resist. Which was strange to me. But I didnt have time to dawdle on that. In a matter of moments at least a 103 odd something people were behind the building I was at. I spent that time healing them and myself. It was easy once I stopped holding morals togethor. Pushing my physic power over the dying I robbed them of there life essences and used it to heal the others. As for myself I used just my rune magic.
The physic expression of each of them stood within me. I locked it away in a nice little corner in my soul for later.
"Fire at those remains!" Someone ordered. I peaked over the side to see a hover tank moving in.
"Kaboom!" The tank fired a blast of shimmering light towards us. It missed us but hit a building far in the distance. The sheer force behind it, pushed the everything in path to the side.
'It couldn't be stronger than a Tsunami? Right?' I thought to myself before making up my mind. The fear the gladiators had finally started to surface. They had courage but the technology difference was just to much. 'It is the same as what I read. I was suppose to get here before this. If Angron has the Butcher's nails in place already..' I had to stop my thoughts as a few guards came running up.
"Argh!" I grunted and pushed my hands out to push them back. A physonic shockwave pushed out kicking them all into the air. The gladiators took that chance throwing rocks and any make shift weapon they picked and threw at them. The few Eldar that were with us started hurling raw physic power at them. As dust covered the guards up, most of the attacks missed.
"Kaboom," a second shot fired.
"Perfect. Just what I wanted." I said to the others. They looked at me puzzled as I gather my physic energy jumped out and intercepted the shot. I was risking getting shot but I could take a few hits here and there.
Grabbing at it, in mid flight I felt the raw power wain just enough. In the back of my mind I felt a tingle from something. I had to ignore it for now.
"Uggh, what strong power." I groaned in pain. "You can have it back. I dont want it." Wrapping it in my own rune energy I turned it and added more power to it. "Concussive Shot!" With my hands out, I had to grab the remains of the building from the kickback with my feet. Sitting up I felt pain in my arms.
"Backuum!" Yhe shot smashed back into the tank. I watched as my hands bent funny and backwards. I broke them at the elbows.
"Shiitt!" I cried out. Drooping to my knee I did everything to pull from the other side to heal myself. In a matter of seconds I was healed. The death cries from the other side had created a small physic font of power. The raw energy helped me heal quickly. 'Damn Slaneesh abilities are just busted.'
"Azul!" I heard someone say next to me. "Do we continue to advance or retreat?"
"Advance! Kill them all while we can!" I felt the the deeds the others committed. The majority of these guards deserve a worse death. Standing up I scanned the area and pulled the weapons towards me with my biotics. Passing it to them I wobbled for a moment. It was the sense of a level up. But I still couldn't access my system. I wanted to call my Slaneesh sword but thought better of it. 'I might actually call the real Slannesh here. Not doing that.'
"Biotic shield!" I threw up a barrier as we moved forward. My Pather abilities were working in overdrive on me. The people with me just wanted freedom. Well a few wanted bloodshed. As for the people we were killing they just want to kill or be killed. It was a twisted sense. Looking down the opposition, I notice the body count was getting higher and higher. Off behind them all I saw a man.
"A Archon...why the hell does this have to happen to me." Looking at the area behind him I recognized some of the drums nearby. "Fall back. Full retreat!" I yelled.
"Warp Waste! move away now!" I accessed my Soul Power to shield the others behind me. It's pure physic energy should help them against what was next.
I watched as everyone pulled back and then ran back way past me. All but four. One man obviously different than everyone else. A iron mask actually secured to his face. It was the Gladiator from before. Another man slightly bigger with two pistols. A third man who looked absolutely scrawny. He held a weird whip that moved around on it's own. And a woman. Obviously Eldar from the build and ears. She stood to my right. As I thought about it, she was near me since I started fighting. I felt her presence tickling away at my mind.
As the enemy moved forward I reached for one of the pistols the enemy had. With the distance it took my full concentration. I aimed it at the barrel and fired.
"Pew!" As soon as the shot rang out I double the strength of my biotic shield and shrunk it to cover us five.
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"Boom!"The drum exploded. The worst part I didnt see what was behind the drum. It was a landing port. Several chain reactions went off next as the entire back area started to go up in flames.
I watched in fascination as a few of the guitars survived the explosions. A weird shimmering green light around there bodies. What ever protected them wouldn't do so again. "Boom," little small explosions started to go off around their bodies.
The guards started to surrender as they looked at my descending barrier. Several other gladiators hadrian back up. They pontedrifles and pistols at the guards.
The Archon with his stoic face just stared at me. He removed his helmet and kneeled. The rest following suit.
"Well that was a good start." The Eldar woman said to me. I looked closer and realized it was Jaina.
"Jaina what are you doing here?" I asked incroudsly as we walked towards the surrendering people.
"I was pulled here. Yhe same as you. Well through a rift in another cell anyway." Jaina looked a little angry. "I couldn't speak till just now. It felt like I was on auto pilot."
"Ughh someone has some explains to do when we get back. This was not suppose to go like this." I said to her. I did my best yo keep the edge out my voice. My eyes glanced over her to make sure she was ok. She was very ok. Small ice particles danced around her body healing any small cut.
"Eyes up top Sunstrider!" She chastised me. I could feel the appreciate had for my staring.
"Just checking to see you were ok." I said smirking.
"Of course you were." Her finger pointed at my crotch. "Is that how you check k everyone?"
I followed her gaze. I forgot I was naked still. " Well.. just the pretty ones." I tried my best at a joke and grabbed a piece of cloth that was on the ground. It was covering a dead spectator. "Thanks for the clothes. Sorry you were caught in this."
Arriving at the Archon I sent my full weight of physic power on them. My biotic strands pulled at them trying to give me anything I could use to decide their fate.
"Are you going to kill them?" Jaina asked. The others nearby just stared waiting.
"Haa, no I am not." These are Pleasure Cult members, yes. But they are from a different branch. They derive pleasure from fighting. Honest battles on the battlefield. This was against there teachings but they have to obey.There families are held hostage." I cant believe I forgot about the different craziness that existed for the the different Eldar factions. "They will be spared. The question is what to do with them."
"If I may? Might I speak Farseer?" The Archon asked.
"Go ahead." Jaina answered realizing e was talking to her. "Let us serve you. We all have the spirit stones of our family members with us. If they die physically it will not be the end for them. Let us have our honor back."
"That is fine however. Why not serve him?"
"He is no Eldar. We could not serve him and remain honored.' There was slight disdain in his voice.
"Oh you think him underserving." Jaina said. Her power stretched out over the area in a matters if minutes it encompassed the whole city. "You have five minutes to beat him in a fight. Goodluck Azul." She said stepoing away.
I was barely paying attention, as I was forced to guard against the halberd I didnt see he carried. "A heads up would be nice!" I yelled at Jaina. Pushing the Archon back I looked for a weapon for a few seconds. Then I realized I was a weapon. Shaping my Misty fist to cover both arms I struck out against his next strike.
"What.. you should always be on guard." Jaina said chuckling. She was getting back at me for eyeing her earlier.
"When this over your getting a spanking!" I yelled as I dodge to the side and sent a kick at the Archon. Placing his halberd against the ground he used it to change his position and stopped my kick with one of his own. "A really good one at that."
A few chuckles came from the crowd. But the Eldar and the Gladiators. Jaina was a little embarrased. But mostly because she knew I was not kidding. Another because she wanted to see me try it. "You have to best him first!"
"So that's a yes then?" I asked as the Archin brought the halberd down. I noticed just in time as he activated the power field on it.
"Vroom," the pulsating hum was picked by my ears before I recognized the danger I was in. It went through my Misty Fist and slashed my arm.
Not even looking at the mark I fired at him with a concussive shot. "Shing," he cut it in half with a downward strike. I saw him breath out heavily. The took effort to do.
"Ah," I took a deep breath as I charged in. Sending a right hook to his ribs I watched him bend. I dipped down and sent a left to the other side. This time his eyes went wide. I dipped back down and targeted two inches above the previous point. swinging his halberd upward he cut along my left side.
"Shlk," The pool on his face was one of triumph. It was short lived. I sent a straight jab to his solar plexus.
"Crrkk," the chest piece broke apart. He took a few steps back. I didn't let him get far. Pursuing him I sent out my biotics to help keep him in place. He was a sitting duck.
'Afrenaline Rush!' Activating it, I watched in slow motion as I noticed his facial features distort from my first blow to his ribs. As his body turned the next blow was all ready at his other side. "Boom," that his was more forceful than I wanted as it destroyed that side of his armor. Coming back around I went for his head. "Boom!" My fist went off like a cannon and I dropped my biotic hold. His body said thought the air into the Gladiators who lifted him back up. He stumbled back into the make shift arena.
"Huff.. huff. finish me." He said between breaths.
"No. I learned all I needed to know from that fight. Submit and live. Help me restore the Eldar empire. The Necrons and Chaos are still out there to deal with. Cant have a great warrior dying here." I said as I walked towards him.
It was silent for a moment. "This one yields. My Kabbal will follow if you will have us."
"Yes. He will." Jaina said walking over to me."She smiled as if this was all part of her plan. "Time to go."
I started to heal the Archon as I looked at her. "You are still getting a spanking later." I said. I watched as her eyes went wide for a second. She scoffed and pointed behind me. I turned to see several thousand people. In the front I saw a name tag float. The System was back.
System: Angron Thal'kyr ???
Arriving he surveyed the area before wrapping me in a big hug.
"Brother it worked!" He didnt loosen his grip at all. "We savedmore than I thought was possible. A 3000 thousandarmy to free this planet."
I smiled back. Then it hit me all at once. The memories for this version of me that visited here. His continued assistance to help Angron practice patience paid off. I collapsed from the overflow of other infromation. "We need.. to.. run."
"Azul!" Jaina yelled. She rushed over and picked me up. What is going on?!"
"History is.. changing.. A breach.. in.. the warp.. Tyrannids are coming." My voice strained as I pointed upward. As a tear in the warp slowly opened up. Slowly they would make it through. Reality was fighting against it. "We.. have.. a.. week.." I gave in to exhaustion.
I was only able to give that information from the System Quest that appeared.
System: Survive against the Tyrannid menace.
Rewards:Loyalty Angron, Nuceria recruitment world, Emperors favor, Craftworld???
Failure: Angron's Enimity, Destruction of Nuceria, Craftworld Destrcution
Cerberus Node: Bonus points to all native human survivors.
I was inside my Nether World talking to everyone that was available to appear there. My numbers were not high at all. Everyone was off world for the most part. This was not suppose to go like this.
"Galtea we have to have more than this!"
"I am sorry but this is what we have. Pulling them out and into your world then sending them back will exhaust you." Galtea said not meeting my eyes. "All I can say is spend your points and use all your pulls to help."
"Ugh. to many long time missions. I havent done enough to reap any rewards yet. Mileena will have to stay in Ginal Fantasy 10 with that version of me. I know she is upset about it, but I rather her there for she can level up. Chari location is way to dangerous for me to risk taking her from. Sophia work is to important currently."
"We are trying to get there as fast as we can." Agria said trying to help.
"No. Stay where you are." I said to her. "Your people are doing good work."
"Agria!" I said sternly. "Your sisterhood is still learning. Still training. The foes they are currently fighting are perfect for them to learn against. I dont want to risk you or them against Tyrannids. I refuse. I would be a shitty Commander if I sent those unprepared against that."
"I understand. " She said to me with a pained smile."We will turn back now and focus on the task at hand." She closed the the transmission.
"We have some Krogan that have been brought up to speed. We can transport them to you." Maldova said.
"Do it. Give Jaina the heads up. I am currently unconcious." Seeing there looks I spoke quickly. "It was a sensory overload. Nothing to drastic."
"Alright then." I will coordinate the Krogan and see what I can do about any body else. When this is over come back to Mass Effect. We have a lead to follow up on." Maldova said not breaking eye contact with me.
"Understood. What is with that look?" I notice she was a little to quiet.
"Nothing. Just.. be careful.." Closing the transmission she got to work I assumed.
I looked at my points and store options. It would not be enough. Not by a long shot. Time to spend everything and use every pull I had.
I couldn't make out the words clearly. Trying to use my magic didnt work. Tried my biotics next. They failed as well. No Lin Kuei abilities or mental powers as well. I was just a human. Well my physical abilities were still there at least. I finally noticed manacles on my feet and wrists. "What in tar nation is this?"
"Be quiet gladiator. Your turn is next." A guard said passing me by. I stared at him and my observe kicked in. At least least that worked.
(Pleasure Cult Guard Lv3)
It was in yellow. I grabbed the cage and growled at him. Gave me just what I needed to know. He shocked me with a barbed stick.
Health -4
'Not bad at all. minimum damage. But a lot will hurt.' I stepped back and slumped against the wall.
The guard left leaving me to myself. I looked around for anything to use as a weapon. Then I heard it. A sound that I wished was coming later.
"Kaaabboom!" An explosion that rocked through the building I was in. Yhe walls gave way from the as well the roof. I could hear a siren go off in the distance. It muddled out by the amount of screaming.
"Gladiator's are escaping!" A voice yelled out.
Getting up I felt my body become invigorated. My biotics were back. Inventory still didn't work. 'Misty Fist!' I called on ot mentally. No sense going full throttle just yet. I looked around and saw the Gladiators getting to there feet. The blast jared them a little. Then I saw a few Eldar. They were in the cells closes to me. They helped each other and paid me no mind at all.
I started running towards the nearest guard. He didnt know what hit him as I chopped his head off. My clawed hands made easy work of his flesh and armor. My Laguz blood started pumping. It didnt like being caged at all.
"Gladiator over there! Kill him!" A guard yelled at me. I picked up the body of the fresh corpse and threw it at the lot of them.
"Bam," two fell. The one that yelled dodged it easily. He fired at me with a small gun he had in his hands. My observe didnt kick in fast enough for me to determine what it was.
A shining dart of light came right at me. I didnt like the looks of it so I dodged as best as I could. It was for the best. It only grazed my skin and I felt a blood curdling pain. My skin looked as if a cheese grater went against it.
Health -15
'Shit that's a lot!' Turning I fired back. "Concussive Shot!" As my blast went out he dodged. Well he thought he dodged anyway. I picked up some rumble and threw it at him next.
He stepped to the side and was caught by my concussive shot that I pulled back to him. It exploded his backside and sent what I could only assume as lungs towards me.
A Gladiator ran up behind faster than I could recognize. He jammed a war glaive into the nearest guard. With two twist he pulled it free ending the man's life. Smiling at him I pulled the pistol over. Glancing over it I was suprised.
(Shuriken Pistol)
'Well guess that clears some thing up.'
Jumping into cover,I realized this was turning bad really quickly. Sending out my biotics I felt the amount of people that had gathered. They were not the most friendly of people. Most were not human. They were eliminating all gladiators as they moved out. Feeling only a few gladiators present I sent them a message to be line it to me. They did not resist. Which was strange to me. But I didnt have time to dawdle on that. In a matter of moments at least a 103 odd something people were behind the building I was at. I spent that time healing them and myself. It was easy once I stopped holding morals togethor. Pushing my physic power over the dying I robbed them of there life essences and used it to heal the others. As for myself I used just my rune magic.
The physic expression of each of them stood within me. I locked it away in a nice little corner in my soul for later.
"Fire at those remains!" Someone ordered. I peaked over the side to see a hover tank moving in.
"Kaboom!" The tank fired a blast of shimmering light towards us. It missed us but hit a building far in the distance. The sheer force behind it, pushed the everything in path to the side.
'It couldn't be stronger than a Tsunami? Right?' I thought to myself before making up my mind. The fear the gladiators had finally started to surface. They had courage but the technology difference was just to much. 'It is the same as what I read. I was suppose to get here before this. If Angron has the Butcher's nails in place already..' I had to stop my thoughts as a few guards came running up.
"Argh!" I grunted and pushed my hands out to push them back. A physonic shockwave pushed out kicking them all into the air. The gladiators took that chance throwing rocks and any make shift weapon they picked and threw at them. The few Eldar that were with us started hurling raw physic power at them. As dust covered the guards up, most of the attacks missed.
"Kaboom," a second shot fired.
"Perfect. Just what I wanted." I said to the others. They looked at me puzzled as I gather my physic energy jumped out and intercepted the shot. I was risking getting shot but I could take a few hits here and there.
Grabbing at it, in mid flight I felt the raw power wain just enough. In the back of my mind I felt a tingle from something. I had to ignore it for now.
"Uggh, what strong power." I groaned in pain. "You can have it back. I dont want it." Wrapping it in my own rune energy I turned it and added more power to it. "Concussive Shot!" With my hands out, I had to grab the remains of the building from the kickback with my feet. Sitting up I felt pain in my arms.
"Backuum!" Yhe shot smashed back into the tank. I watched as my hands bent funny and backwards. I broke them at the elbows.
"Shiitt!" I cried out. Drooping to my knee I did everything to pull from the other side to heal myself. In a matter of seconds I was healed. The death cries from the other side had created a small physic font of power. The raw energy helped me heal quickly. 'Damn Slaneesh abilities are just busted.'
"Azul!" I heard someone say next to me. "Do we continue to advance or retreat?"
"Advance! Kill them all while we can!" I felt the the deeds the others committed. The majority of these guards deserve a worse death. Standing up I scanned the area and pulled the weapons towards me with my biotics. Passing it to them I wobbled for a moment. It was the sense of a level up. But I still couldn't access my system. I wanted to call my Slaneesh sword but thought better of it. 'I might actually call the real Slannesh here. Not doing that.'
"Biotic shield!" I threw up a barrier as we moved forward. My Pather abilities were working in overdrive on me. The people with me just wanted freedom. Well a few wanted bloodshed. As for the people we were killing they just want to kill or be killed. It was a twisted sense. Looking down the opposition, I notice the body count was getting higher and higher. Off behind them all I saw a man.
"A Archon...why the hell does this have to happen to me." Looking at the area behind him I recognized some of the drums nearby. "Fall back. Full retreat!" I yelled.
"Warp Waste! move away now!" I accessed my Soul Power to shield the others behind me. It's pure physic energy should help them against what was next.
I watched as everyone pulled back and then ran back way past me. All but four. One man obviously different than everyone else. A iron mask actually secured to his face. It was the Gladiator from before. Another man slightly bigger with two pistols. A third man who looked absolutely scrawny. He held a weird whip that moved around on it's own. And a woman. Obviously Eldar from the build and ears. She stood to my right. As I thought about it, she was near me since I started fighting. I felt her presence tickling away at my mind.
As the enemy moved forward I reached for one of the pistols the enemy had. With the distance it took my full concentration. I aimed it at the barrel and fired.
"Pew!" As soon as the shot rang out I double the strength of my biotic shield and shrunk it to cover us five.
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"Boom!"The drum exploded. The worst part I didnt see what was behind the drum. It was a landing port. Several chain reactions went off next as the entire back area started to go up in flames.
I watched in fascination as a few of the guitars survived the explosions. A weird shimmering green light around there bodies. What ever protected them wouldn't do so again. "Boom," little small explosions started to go off around their bodies.
The guards started to surrender as they looked at my descending barrier. Several other gladiators hadrian back up. They pontedrifles and pistols at the guards.
The Archon with his stoic face just stared at me. He removed his helmet and kneeled. The rest following suit.
"Well that was a good start." The Eldar woman said to me. I looked closer and realized it was Jaina.
"Jaina what are you doing here?" I asked incroudsly as we walked towards the surrendering people.
"I was pulled here. Yhe same as you. Well through a rift in another cell anyway." Jaina looked a little angry. "I couldn't speak till just now. It felt like I was on auto pilot."
"Ughh someone has some explains to do when we get back. This was not suppose to go like this." I said to her. I did my best yo keep the edge out my voice. My eyes glanced over her to make sure she was ok. She was very ok. Small ice particles danced around her body healing any small cut.
"Eyes up top Sunstrider!" She chastised me. I could feel the appreciate had for my staring.
"Just checking to see you were ok." I said smirking.
"Of course you were." Her finger pointed at my crotch. "Is that how you check k everyone?"
I followed her gaze. I forgot I was naked still. " Well.. just the pretty ones." I tried my best at a joke and grabbed a piece of cloth that was on the ground. It was covering a dead spectator. "Thanks for the clothes. Sorry you were caught in this."
Arriving at the Archon I sent my full weight of physic power on them. My biotic strands pulled at them trying to give me anything I could use to decide their fate.
"Are you going to kill them?" Jaina asked. The others nearby just stared waiting.
"Haa, no I am not." These are Pleasure Cult members, yes. But they are from a different branch. They derive pleasure from fighting. Honest battles on the battlefield. This was against there teachings but they have to obey.There families are held hostage." I cant believe I forgot about the different craziness that existed for the the different Eldar factions. "They will be spared. The question is what to do with them."
"If I may? Might I speak Farseer?" The Archon asked.
"Go ahead." Jaina answered realizing e was talking to her. "Let us serve you. We all have the spirit stones of our family members with us. If they die physically it will not be the end for them. Let us have our honor back."
"That is fine however. Why not serve him?"
"He is no Eldar. We could not serve him and remain honored.' There was slight disdain in his voice.
"Oh you think him underserving." Jaina said. Her power stretched out over the area in a matters if minutes it encompassed the whole city. "You have five minutes to beat him in a fight. Goodluck Azul." She said stepoing away.
I was barely paying attention, as I was forced to guard against the halberd I didnt see he carried. "A heads up would be nice!" I yelled at Jaina. Pushing the Archon back I looked for a weapon for a few seconds. Then I realized I was a weapon. Shaping my Misty fist to cover both arms I struck out against his next strike.
"What.. you should always be on guard." Jaina said chuckling. She was getting back at me for eyeing her earlier.
"When this over your getting a spanking!" I yelled as I dodge to the side and sent a kick at the Archon. Placing his halberd against the ground he used it to change his position and stopped my kick with one of his own. "A really good one at that."
A few chuckles came from the crowd. But the Eldar and the Gladiators. Jaina was a little embarrased. But mostly because she knew I was not kidding. Another because she wanted to see me try it. "You have to best him first!"
"So that's a yes then?" I asked as the Archin brought the halberd down. I noticed just in time as he activated the power field on it.
"Vroom," the pulsating hum was picked by my ears before I recognized the danger I was in. It went through my Misty Fist and slashed my arm.
Not even looking at the mark I fired at him with a concussive shot. "Shing," he cut it in half with a downward strike. I saw him breath out heavily. The took effort to do.
"Ah," I took a deep breath as I charged in. Sending a right hook to his ribs I watched him bend. I dipped down and sent a left to the other side. This time his eyes went wide. I dipped back down and targeted two inches above the previous point. swinging his halberd upward he cut along my left side.
"Shlk," The pool on his face was one of triumph. It was short lived. I sent a straight jab to his solar plexus.
"Crrkk," the chest piece broke apart. He took a few steps back. I didn't let him get far. Pursuing him I sent out my biotics to help keep him in place. He was a sitting duck.
'Afrenaline Rush!' Activating it, I watched in slow motion as I noticed his facial features distort from my first blow to his ribs. As his body turned the next blow was all ready at his other side. "Boom," that his was more forceful than I wanted as it destroyed that side of his armor. Coming back around I went for his head. "Boom!" My fist went off like a cannon and I dropped my biotic hold. His body said thought the air into the Gladiators who lifted him back up. He stumbled back into the make shift arena.
"Huff.. huff. finish me." He said between breaths.
"No. I learned all I needed to know from that fight. Submit and live. Help me restore the Eldar empire. The Necrons and Chaos are still out there to deal with. Cant have a great warrior dying here." I said as I walked towards him.
It was silent for a moment. "This one yields. My Kabbal will follow if you will have us."
"Yes. He will." Jaina said walking over to me."She smiled as if this was all part of her plan. "Time to go."
I started to heal the Archon as I looked at her. "You are still getting a spanking later." I said. I watched as her eyes went wide for a second. She scoffed and pointed behind me. I turned to see several thousand people. In the front I saw a name tag float. The System was back.
System: Angron Thal'kyr ???
Arriving he surveyed the area before wrapping me in a big hug.
"Brother it worked!" He didnt loosen his grip at all. "We savedmore than I thought was possible. A 3000 thousandarmy to free this planet."
I smiled back. Then it hit me all at once. The memories for this version of me that visited here. His continued assistance to help Angron practice patience paid off. I collapsed from the overflow of other infromation. "We need.. to.. run."
"Azul!" Jaina yelled. She rushed over and picked me up. What is going on?!"
"History is.. changing.. A breach.. in.. the warp.. Tyrannids are coming." My voice strained as I pointed upward. As a tear in the warp slowly opened up. Slowly they would make it through. Reality was fighting against it. "We.. have.. a.. week.." I gave in to exhaustion.
I was only able to give that information from the System Quest that appeared.
System: Survive against the Tyrannid menace.
Rewards:Loyalty Angron, Nuceria recruitment world, Emperors favor, Craftworld???
Failure: Angron's Enimity, Destruction of Nuceria, Craftworld Destrcution
Cerberus Node: Bonus points to all native human survivors.
I was inside my Nether World talking to everyone that was available to appear there. My numbers were not high at all. Everyone was off world for the most part. This was not suppose to go like this.
"Galtea we have to have more than this!"
"I am sorry but this is what we have. Pulling them out and into your world then sending them back will exhaust you." Galtea said not meeting my eyes. "All I can say is spend your points and use all your pulls to help."
"Ugh. to many long time missions. I havent done enough to reap any rewards yet. Mileena will have to stay in Ginal Fantasy 10 with that version of me. I know she is upset about it, but I rather her there for she can level up. Chari location is way to dangerous for me to risk taking her from. Sophia work is to important currently."
"We are trying to get there as fast as we can." Agria said trying to help.
"No. Stay where you are." I said to her. "Your people are doing good work."
"Agria!" I said sternly. "Your sisterhood is still learning. Still training. The foes they are currently fighting are perfect for them to learn against. I dont want to risk you or them against Tyrannids. I refuse. I would be a shitty Commander if I sent those unprepared against that."
"I understand. " She said to me with a pained smile."We will turn back now and focus on the task at hand." She closed the the transmission.
"We have some Krogan that have been brought up to speed. We can transport them to you." Maldova said.
"Do it. Give Jaina the heads up. I am currently unconcious." Seeing there looks I spoke quickly. "It was a sensory overload. Nothing to drastic."
"Alright then." I will coordinate the Krogan and see what I can do about any body else. When this is over come back to Mass Effect. We have a lead to follow up on." Maldova said not breaking eye contact with me.
"Understood. What is with that look?" I notice she was a little to quiet.
"Nothing. Just.. be careful.." Closing the transmission she got to work I assumed.
I looked at my points and store options. It would not be enough. Not by a long shot. Time to spend everything and use every pull I had.
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