Crap , I was Rifted

58 Noveria Part 1 & 2

System: Investigate Noveria. Rescue ???? Find out the reason Vorcha were called to the location. Rewards: Vary.

Cerebus Node: Find serum for humans. Failure: Increase speed in human indoctrination.

'A serum? What in blue blazes is going on here?'

Luna: The ship will break orbit in a few minutes. Everything is working in perfect order. The closest point to the last whereabouts of the team is in a hostile territory. To get to there location we would have to ignore Port Hanshan officials and regulations.

"Do it, I rather get as close a possible. The party that comes after can through all the regulations and docking issues." I said to her as quickly as possible.

"Is that wise?" Jaina asked.

"Yes. If we get caught pay a fine. That simple. Or we could bribe. I rather not do that.. so yeah." I didnt even think on it really. Considering that all the crazy shit that happens here anyway. "Meh, it will be ok. Have you finished going over the material for landing and take off? You will need to know those two if myself or Lunabella become unconscious."

"Alright, your the commander," Jaina said to me neutrally. Her tone was weird and odd. "I have the basics down. Going over the other procedures as we talk. I purchased an upgrade like yours.The one that allows you to do to things at once. It has been an extraordinary purchase."

"I am glad."

"Listen about before. This may not seem like the best time but I rather we talk now. Better chance for you not leaving or using violence." Jaina paused before continuing. I guess she was trying to see if I was against this. "You were for the horde according to the memories I have of you and your cousin. But that is just a side you chose. Would you have chosen the Alliance if you could have? Back in your world and then again in this life."

"I started off as the Alliance actually. The game Warcraft did not paint you all in a good light when I finally got around to playing it. So I switched to the Horde and played as an Orc. Then I read the books, graphic novels, and comics. My interest favored the Horde a little more when I came back to playing after I did an Alliance Night Elf for a bit. Let's just say the Sargeras server was not very friendly."

"What happened?"

"I beat someone in a duel. They got upset since I was a lower level then them that I won. But it was really close. Far as I remember, my spent forgot to switch over to pop gear. I didnt have any so I thought it was fine. Turns out the wrong thing to say. A few minutes later I started getting ganked. The dude and a few of his bodies switched to alts and came at me hard.

"What did you do?

"Nothing told a few of guildmates. They were to bust to help. Fighting a dungeon I think. So I just logged off. Started a Blood Elf paladin on a PvE server instead."


"Player versus environment. I enjoyed it a lot more. Came across a lot of other people who were playing casually as well."

"So reading and a bad experience as an Alliance player cemented you for the Horde."

"Pretty much. That and the people. Made a lot of great friends that way." I thought about it a bit more now that we seem to be focused on it. "I pick sides easily. Then I see it through. It would take a lot for me to change my view. That or frustration. Same as other people anyway. Sometimes you just have to change it up."


"Well, why not? I am a Gamer. It is what we do I guess. Now I just seem to be living it. If in Mass Effect, you were able to start as one of the other races I would have. After doing the human routes of course. They are more relatable since.. well you know I am human. Then I would switch to whatever race sounded fun." I notice nothing was showing up on radar still. No accurate targets were available.

"I see. Just wish you would give the Alliance a little more leeway."

"They have it. I did play a Death Knight Worgen for a bit later on. It was ok."

"You have an obsession with wolves." I could hear the smile in Jaina's voice.

"Use to be Dragons, dinosaurs, and demons."

"What's wrong with being human?" Jaina sounded off again. "Then again I was an Eldar when going to Warhammer. It is a different experience. Also, a Blood Elf when on the ship. All different from being human."

"Nothing really. I was a human all my original life. This place lets me experience others. Why not change my race up every now and then?" I became quiet once I notice we were coming up to our destination. "We can continue this another time. Time to get our people out of there."

"Of course," Jaina said as she went over a few controls in the back. "I have a few targets I can get on my descent. Let me out here and I can clear the way."

"A drop attack?" I thought about it for a moment. Frick it, she knew what she was doing. "Alright in 3 seconds I will flip you over. We won't use the ejection sequence. The speed we are traveling at already will help get you there."

"3," I slid the hatchback.

"2," Jaina got ready by pulling her feet up. The buckles will pull off sideways away from her body. So no tangle.

"1," the buckles came undone. "Fwoosh," she flew out like a bullet. I watched as the biotic barrier encased her. As she spread it out she started to rotate in the air.

"Hmm, arcane missiles are about the same as the biotic move shred. Guess that's what she will use." I was right. Several discs went out. The faster she slung, the more discs of raw biotic energy went out. The geth didnt have a chance. "Have to give it to her, she could defintely wield them with ease. Better then she did in Warhammer." Pulling the stick back, I started switching the controls over to auto defense mode. It would fly around the area of us for 25 miles getting recon data and the like.

Luna: You are clear to dropdown. Jaina has cleared the forward area for you to push ahead. Be careful, scanners pick up small heat signatures. Hover mode engaged for 20 seconds.

I spotted the entrance to the building where my people entered. Last place anyway. Seeing one of the Geth Armature nearby, I engage my mag boots and walked onto the wing. Focusing on it, I tried to image charging it. Didnt even ring in my mind till later, that there weren't any here in the game. Small changes.

Galtea: Azul get ready.

'About as ready as I will ever be.' Primary mind switched over to combat while my secondary kept me focused on getting me to my people. Best way to keep my focus I thought. Didn't know till later it did more than that.

System: Intelligence 25 Pass Biotic Charge now available.

'Sweet.' Activating my Omni sword I waited till Luna got me closer. Slannesh was quiet and didn't like this place for some reason. "Ragh!" with a yell my energy encompassed me and I zoomed right to it. For safe measure, I activated an Adrenaline Rush.

"Fwoosh," the Geth Armature had turned to me and fired a rocket.

'Guess it got some upgrades. Well, things just got interesting.' With adrenaline rush going I was able to think clearer and faster. "Bam," I smack right into it. I broke it to pieces. The parts went everywhere in the snow.

"I will clear everything out here. You can count on me." Jaina said over comms.

"Alright. If things get dicey, Luna can get the Arwing back to you for evac." I dashed off to the entrance. The door was jammed. "Not going to try to hack it, I should have the strength to push this open."

"Crrkk," the door gave way easily as I moved it opened. The entrance was a lot bigger than it should be. Didnt match the scope of the game at all. Then I saw the additional floors.

'This is not right at all!' I thought. 'Galtea how much is different. No way this is right.'

Galtea: This planet is at least 46% different from its original.

'Well, so much for that advantage. 46% is that bad.' I moved behind a wall when I saw some movement. 'No, way. Those Geth are massive.

Out walked three Geth bigger then Krogan. Shit, they were built like them anyway. Rocket launchers on all of their backs.

'No rifles? That is odd. No machine guns either. Mabe, they are bruiser types. Let's see what info I can get.' Using Observe on them I was shocked at the info.

Observe: Geth Supreme Level 16 x3

Status: Indoctrinated

'How the hell can they be indoctrinated? They are not even sentient. What horse shit is this?' My thoughts started to get weird at that. 'Has the reaper abilities gotten that powerful?' I felt it. A nudge in my mind again. Sliding my hand up to my rifle, I disengage the electric lock slowly. Slow and easy not making a sound.

"Unit 37, the door is open." A geth said to another. I could not tell the difference between them. But they at least had numbers to designate themselves.

Unit 37 I guess. Turned towards the door and started moving towards it. My scanners picked up he was doing a scan of the area.

'Well shit. Proximity is way to close for my suit systems to keep it from reading negative.' Right as the line came up to me I popped up. Grenade at the one near me. A concussive shot towards the next closes one.

"Kaboom," my shot hit home. However, the grenade was caught by the geth. He held it in his hand and crushed it. Not even a muffled sound.

Unloading my rifle from his head down to his midriff I shoulder checked him. With him offset I smashed his leg before moving forward.

"Kachak," A sniper round hit against my shields.

Shields -23%

'Woah, pretty strong.' Turning to that get I unloaded. I had to resist the urge to fight in melee.

"Tak, tak, tak," the rounds from my gun tore right through its shield and armor. Just like that is was down. Moving my lights over the others I unloaded three shots into each of them.

'Well that was.. better than I expected.' Moving my omni tool over them, I checked to make sure they weren't still functioning.

System: Intelligence Check 24 Pass

'Alright, that is good.' Looking around d I watched as the sensors in my helmet took I'm everything. Slowly my map filled in additional details. A minute before it would be done.

Attempting communication with Jaina, I waited for her response back. "Can you read me?"

"Yeah, I read you." Jaina voice came in crystal clear. "To many out here. They started rising from the ground like Undead. You are on your own."

"Copy that. Just stay safe." I moved forward to the next area. 'Luna, keep a good eye on her. I didn't like the sound of them rising up like that.'

Lunabella: No, problem.

As I made my way to the next door I stopped. Moving my omni tool over it, the info it let me know someone else had already hacked it. The method was odly familiar.

'Great company. There is no way Shepard is here at the same time right?' I asked Galtea. Opening the door I stopped dry. "Holy Mother of Pearl!"

Hanging from the ceiling were human bodies. Cut open meat sacks. On a table, I saw a mixture of a human and a geth.

'Well shit. Are they trying to take the place of humans?' I moved over and accessed a terminal with my Omni tool. 'Lunabella all yours. Take your time with this. Do not get caught or underestimate them. They are a lot more dangerous than before.'

Galtea: Shepard is not here. There are humans detected in the vicinity.

'Yay.' Company. Moving over to a tablet I grabbed and checked over for any issues or alarms. I found none. Reading through the info only took about two minutes. I isolated the tablet and put on my back. A charged locked it in place without destroying the hardware.

Stepping off in the shadows out of the way and any lights the door opened. Then closed. No one. I didnt take any chances

As I waited three humans walked in the next time the door opened. I was surprised at who they were. Ashley William's, Jenkins, and Jacob Taylor.

System: Stealth 21 Pass

"Get whatever we can, then we need to move out," Williams said. "Place is crawling with Geth. What the hell Shepard was thinking sending us here?" Moving around she stopped at a table not to far from me. She turned and gazed over me and shrugged. A piece of equipment drew her attention from me.

"Well.. it could be worse. The others had to deal with Rachni I heard." Jenkins said moving forward. He stopped at a table and grabbed at a body. Jumping back he fell, shit it's still alive!" He knocked over a tablet and a pan on the way down.

"Crash," the noise echoed in the room. William's walked over and helped him up. "Take it, easy kid. The heart is beating but it doesn't look like much else is moving." Once he was good, she moved over to a container. I already knew what was in there. A new narcotic. Extremely addictive to humans and turians. Designed to make you crave more but remain functioning. The biggest problem was that it slowly indoctrinated you.

Taylor moved over to cover the door. With his mouthpiece retracted I could tell the man was frustrated. "Blasted Batarian slavers. This there handing work."

"You don't know that," Jenkins told him as he looked over the man. His back was turned to the body. He leaned against the table and pressed something by mistake as far as I could tell. It went red before going back off again. "Besides the citadel and the Alliance have kind of treated them bad in the last couple of years."

"Tch, no excuse for abducting colonists. Shit, some of these people come from Omega." Taylor gave William's a look. "What?"

"Hitting a little to close to home I take it?" Flicking the container open she stepped back. "Damn that .. looks like a lot." I watched as she stepped around looking for any identifiers. Unlike humans, Geth didnt need hazmat symbols I guess.

That is when I saw the body by Jenkins light up red. A Renegade option. I waited as the body sat up. And tried to grab him.

'Pull!' I wrapped my biotics around and pulled it towards the wall. "Creen," it just made a metal on metal screech. It didn't explode like I thought it would. The door then opened, and a few geth walked in. I was still in cover but William's looked my way.

"Kapow," Taylor had unloaded his shotgun. The first to geth were blasted away. Rolling into cover, the shots already missed him.

William's started unloading her rifle into the others. She was not going for accuracy as she took cover behind that container. Jenkins had a heavy pistol taking potshots at the ones blown away by Taylor's next shotgun rounds.

Moving to another location, I stealthily made my way to the control room. Once I got there I saw what was happening. The entire outside of the facility was covered in geth. Jaina was a good bit away. The Arwing floated near here above.

'Luna get whatever you can from this. See if there is a shutdown or something. This is a geth factory.'

Luna: Can't. To busy flying the Arwing and going through some of the Systems already.

'Hand over the controls to Agumon me. He should be able to keep them off Jaina. I need your focus here.'

Luna: Understood. I will divert my attention towards the new task.

The change was immediate. 'This was a lot better with her in the controls.' Galtea chose that time to get my attention.

Galtea: It would be a good idea to stop that container from breaching. William's is a pillar of this world. Taylor will be in a few years. Jenkins surprisingly has become one. No doubt due to Shepard's influence.

'Your point being?' I asked while working the controls. I found the vent access as well as the location of a bunch of humanoids. Had to be my people. An elevator shaft will take me right to them. Well close enough.

Galtea: Saving them keeps the world stable. With all the rapid changes.. it needs it. Or do you want this place to become like Riku's?

'Fair point.' Reaching over I found the controls to stopped the ones outside from coming online once the others were destroyed. Disabling it took a lot of effort.

System: Intelligence Check 24 Fail

The coding was changing to fast for me. Going a different route I triggered the self destruct sequence on the waiting geth stacks below. Might as well thin the heard a bit.

"Rumble," the facility actually shook a little. Outside, Agumon on the Arwing fed me the data. He already picked up Jaina in the Arwing and was just circling around letting her get practiced in. A small landslide buried a bunch of the geth. In time, they would get out.

Inside there was trouble. A big gray geth came inside. Cables left from his side and it hauled the others to him. Slowly it consumed the others adding new pieces of armor to itself.

'Dang it. Why couldnt there ve a crane for me to use!?' I thought as I ran out of the room back to them. There shots were doing nothing to its shields.

"We have to penetrate that shield!" William's yelled. She popped up and threw a grenade. I don't know why but I thought she was talking to me.

"Peww," it barely made a dent in the shield. In fact, it only warbles for a moment before it restores.

"Crap, whatever it is doing, it is almost done!" Taylor yelled. He reached over and with his biotics ripped a table off the floor. Holding it in the air, I watched as Williams had another one behind it. Taylor threw his and she threw hers into his giving it more momentum.

'Concussive Shot!' I fired it right before the table hit. It made a hole and the table went right through the head.

"Well, that was something," I said trying not to get shot as I came around getting into a defensive position.. Jenkins had his heavy pistol pointed at me. "Seriously kid? That thing is not even dead yet." I jumped to the side as it fired a shot at me.

"Move Jenkins!" William's yelled.To give him credit, he did. Moving away he propped up on one of the containers and opened fire.

"Ping," the round just bounced off. I saw Jenkins tap the side and a mark appeared on the side of the gun facing us. Shredder rounds. His next shot went right through.

"Kachaw," I turned to see the sound had made a hole about 4 inches wide in the wall.

"Brahh, I am so calling Hasbro after this! You totally copied transformers!" I jumped across another table when a rocket went towards me.

"Boom!" The table was slagged. I was obviously not there. I had moved to the next table and started firing at the lens on the body.

It turned its sights on Jenkins. On its left arm what looked to be a shotgun came out. Jacob was already on the move. Running forward with his shield he got in the way and fired at it. It barely made a dent as it fired back.

"Kachak," the round was powerful as it punctured his shields and sent him flying. He was alive but it would leave a hell of a bruise.

William's had five grenade discs in her hand. She kicked off the container and sent it toward the geth. Soon as the container hit it, the grenades were thrown.

"Pop," was all that we heard. The drug burned purple. Whatever was in it actually caused the geth to slow its movements.

Observe: Geth Construct Level 40

Status: Going through the process of indoctrination, systems malfunctioning

I waited till the drug burned up. Not taking any chances I sent a biotic shockwave to push any residue away. "Raa," I roared and charged at it next once I saw it was already restored to normal. Lifting a few of the bodies ahead of me to take the shots. I activated Adrenaline Rush and Biotic Shielding just in case.

"Kachaw, Kachaw, Kachaw," whatever that monstrosity of a gun was, it fired in triple succession. It went through the bodies like they were paper.

I flung the remains of the bodies at it the remainder of its head. "Thump, thump," only two made it. From its torso, a mechanical claw came out and pushed the others away.

The claw swiped in the air causing me to duck and roll under it. "Tat, tat," two rounds caught the front of it. "Hup," I grunted having to jump back from the claw.

"Pow," I watched as a rocket caught it on the side of the face. Effectively removing said face.

Coating my left hand in Misty Fist, I pried open the front panel. "Woah," I yelled as I almost lost balance as it moved around. Pointing my rifle inside I unloaded till the gun overheated. It was not enough.

"Vroom" I heard something charge up. I saw the claw move behind me as the pincers moved away. Inside was a purple lens. It started glowing.

System: Athletics Check 31 Pass

I waited right as it fired, and jumped off it. The laser fired right into its core.

"Tap," I landed on the ground with my left foot. My right braced against a table. Reaching out with my biotics I held the laser there as it continued to fire.

"Need help?" William's ask coming up behind me. "Rah," she grunted as she grabbed hold with her biotics and helped me point the laser. In a few seconds, the firing stopped. "Whew, this is ridiculous." She stepped away from me and threw another grenade at the melted chest.

"Boom," I watched as the health went away from the grenade.

"You said it. By the way, be careful of the containers. Extremely volatile." I said and ran to the elavator.

"Thanks..." I heard her say.

"Get out of here as fast as you can. This place is crawling with geth on the outside."

"Thanks." William's grabbed a tablet and left. Jenkins and Taylor covered the rear.

'So what would happen if I try to turn into water to go down the shaft?' I heard a warbling sound in the shaft. Looking around I saw nothing. At the top, I saw a weird goo. No elevator up top either.

Galtea: It would be extremely difficult for you to reconfigure yourself. That is way past just biotics.

'Fair enough.' I grabbed a cable and started to ease my self down. 'Hopefully, everything is going ok outside.'

Galtea: It is fair so far. The first team has made it. I take it you want them to eliminate the geth in the snow.

'Yup. This will take to long. Misty Fist.' As the water encompassed my fist I let o and slid down. 30 feet from the bottom I grabbed the walls and scrapped down.

System: Constitution Check 31 Pass

"Thud," I landed easily. Walking out The shaft I already had my gun ready. It was not needed. All along the walls, I found dead Rachni and geth. Breaking into a spring t I an down the hall when I saw the map light up.

Stopping at the door, I used my Omni-Tool to send a signal letting them know it was me. Slowly the door opened.

"What happened?" I walked in finding my Vorcha and other Vorcha covered in the powder. The weirdest thing was the few Rachni moving about.

"Boss.. you are here." A human Vorcha said to me. He was bad off.

"Yeah I am. Gathered our people in one spot." I started building my biotic energy up. "Do it now before it's to late."

"Right." Moving away from me slowly, she started to chatter and making clicking sounds. Everyone moved close. Except for the Rachni. They just stood by confused.

"You made it.." Dhalla said coming over. Her face was bandaged and her arm was limp covered in purple powder.

"Yeah.. defintely late." I wrapped them all in my biotics and unleashed my energy. "Mental Cleansing." I watched as it rippled through them all. It didnt take long for the status of everyone to change. The weirdest thing was the Rachni. They chattered about around me. The biotic strands were to jumbled for me to understand them.

15 minutes later. Everyone who was able to move pushed forward. The rest were carried. The little Rachni helped as well. I had Shalla, and to regular Vorcha on me. Well Shalla was in my hands the others on my shoulders.

We made it to a big opening. No more metal just rock. Well, a few broken geth as well.

We were greeted by a bunch of Rachni. They lead the way with the front Vorcha. They stopped ahead after about five minutes or so. Right before I could ask why the holdup I saw her. The blasted queen. Shepard spared her it seems. The thing was, she was caring Matriarch Benezia.

"What in tarnation is going on in this world?"

"Greetings, shackle breaker." The Queen said to me. Her voice was melodious bit strained.

"Right... just call me Commander. So .. mind moving for I can get my people out of here?" I felt my hackles start to rise. My wolf was already itching to fight. "I have wounded that need help."

"Of course." The Queen moved to the side and made an opening. "But the Vorcha stay here."

"Right.. if they want to sure." I started walking forward. A few Vorcha stayed. I didnt give a flip. My Vorcha didnt and that's what mattered.

" them," Shalla said looking at me with her one good eye. "She called us here. Asking for help. Help them."

"Shalla, I am in no condition to help them. Besides she will get her self killed later on most likely." She gripped me tighter Her biotic strands were pleading me to help. They were powerful. She had become more powerful in my absence. Looking around so did the others.

"We can at least try," Shalla muttered before fainting. This was why I didnt ask her what was going on. Or any of the others.

"Arggh, dammit." Stopping I turned to look at the queen. "Hey look this place is not safe. You already know that I take it?" She nodded yes. "Kool, I can offer you a place better than this. A place for you and your babies?? Ugh, what was it.. a place for you to enjoy your song."

System: Persuasion Check 22 Neutral

'Neutral what the flip!? I miss my old settings. This update needs to finish.'

"Will we have to fight?" She asked me. I could feel the Vorcha that stayed with her get antsy. There biotic strands fearful.

"Ugh, no. But you cant stop those who wish to fight. I am not running a bloody charity or save me foundation." I looked down at Shalla. "You are so paying me back for this."

"We agree." The queen said bowing slightly. she made some chattering noises and I had to cancel my audio receptors fo a few seconds. I looked at the suppose be dead Matriarch.

Observe: Matriarch Benezia Level 41

Status: Dying, Fully Indoctrinated, ????

Observe: Rachni Queen Level 23/61

Status: Injured, Scared, Partially Indoctrinated

"You are sick arent you? Something is blocking your song." I said take a crack at hoping the threat of her sound being what will get her to listen to my next request. " I can help with that. You can ask your children and the Vorcha about it. I did it earlier."

A few seconds she did just that I think. A few clicking and it was done. She nodded for me to continue. I heard a warbling sound again.

Gathering the biotic strands around me I pulled and burst it out around the queen and Matriarch Benezia with Mental Cleansing.

"Ahhhh," she screamed causing me to drop the people I was carrying. The little Rachni were already charging at me.

System: Intimidate Check 41 Pass

"Step back or I swear I will make it my lifelong mission crush your entire race." My voice came out cold and a little angry. My psycho power and overlord abilties pushing them all to the ground.

"My children, I am fine." The queen said. She looks tired but her status as now clear. The Matriarch still had it.

"She is still sick. I cant help her in my current condition." I said a little tired once I pulled back my power. I was fine physically, just mentally I think.

"I can not leave her. She saved me long ago. Even now she refused to attack me when I found her."

"Tch, ughh. We need to move. The geth could move over back this way. Or another big one can come out." I looked at my people. They were in no condition to fight.

Galtea: Open your Nether World to the Queen and the Matriarch.

'Then I should just do it for my people then.'

Galtea: You cant. If you do, all there hard work will be for nothing. The Queen and Benezia are outside any missions you currently have available. No real loss there.

'Yeah right. So I rather just take the loss of the mission rewards and get them safely out of here.' I looked around and saw the Vorcha. They had collected a lot of them. There had to at least be 300 or 400 in here.

Galtea: I do not recommend that. They have been doing a chain quest. Once they make it back, there rewards will be plentiful. The Queen arriving will have no bearing on that. Or the Matriarch.

"Tch," moving my hand up I felt a door way open. It was linked to me and I did not like it exposed like this. "If I get Indoctrinated I will face fuck you till your eyes bulge out of your skull." I could feel something twisting trying to enter me. "Alright, there queenie you and your kiddies go in there already. I will not say it again." The warbling sound intensified and the throbbing in my head picked up.

The Queen and the Rachni ran in there. They were sent to a small little mountain that I had made. It was supposed to be for hiking, not a nest. My thoughts started to get worse as I felt my psycho power smashing against something.

Galtea: Hostiles are coming.

"I got you Shalla. It will be ok. I promise." Picking her up I stopped once I saw the others. "Shit." I felt it. My chest rose once and fell. I didn't want any of my people to die. As if answering my thoughts my psycho/soul power flared up.

Reaching out I picked them all up and ran. I didnt care about the geth shooting me in the least. Each shot caused me to remember something painful. Leadership sucks. Responsibility sucked. But saving your people always felt good. When it stopped feeling good Is when there is a problem. Of course I rather not get shot in the butt again.

We ran with what felt like to me forever. Ifelt my senses were messed up in a way. Didnt hear anything for awhile on comms. My lungs burned my heart throbbed, but we made it topside somewhere. Multiple shuttles came down to pick our people up.

A few shots went pass. "Yeowch," That last shot got me right in a bad spot. Pushing them into the shuttles I turned to look at my attackers. Three geth prime were waiting. They kept with me the entire time. Bloody machines and their boosters. And no need for stamina.

"Raghh," I through my people on board. Checking one last time to make sure none were Indoctrinated. All clear. I could feel it gnawing away at me.

"Tap, tap," I smacked my helmet trying to get control of myself. My powers were to exhausted. Then I realized Benezia was effecting me somehow.

'Galtea you need to isolate the part of the Nether World they are in.' I couldn't focus anymore as the Geth came around to me. They encircled me. Why weren't my people firing? I got my answer when I looked up. The Arwings were dealing with Geth fighters.

Galtea: #%#%#@^ #^#^# #$^

I couldn't understand her at all. Then a geth grabbed at me. I backhanded it with ease. My wolf was not having this crap. I felt myself become more feral. I jumped on the geth and started scratching at it. With my strength and armor, it easily broke through in my current state.

"Wrrip," a cable went around my neck dragging me down to the ground. I could feel a part of my skin touch the snow. At some point, a part of my armor had been blasted off. The snow helps clear my head for only a moment.

I will my Agumon self to open fire. I watched as several blast of laser fire tore into the geth. One hitting me. Seeing a geth still moving I ran over to it smashing it down.

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"Grrr," I growled as I paced around it. "Tao, tap" I smacked against my head to remain in control.

"Kachak," the geth fired at me. I dodged it easily. " Kachak," it fired again. I just jumped back. I was on all fours now. I smirked at it. It couldn't see my face but I didnt care.

"Kachak," the next round came and caught in my chest. Moving my hand there, I touched it. My blood was already clotting.

I looked at it. And felt a weird energy wash over me. Raising my hand up I felt my biotics flare to life. The geth floated in the air as I pulled it over to me. Reaching for its arm I pulled it off. Then the other. It was trying to repair itself. Stabbing my hand into it, I felt its core. It was warm. Reminded of a heart beating with the thrumming it did.

"Are you connected to the old machine?" I questioned it. But I could feel myself edging closer to something. "Well?"

"Yes, we are." The geth stopped struggling and looked at me.

"Ah, so we.. that means you are not an individual. Not sentient. Not important to let live. No, continue function." I shook my head trying to regain control. My wolf didnt want to let go. It knew I would be under the Reaper influence if I did. "Will you stop your current plans?"

"We will not. Organics are flawed." The geth said after a shutter of its lens.

"So are machines. But you cant feel anything anyway. Just a malfunctioning piece of equipment. I will just have to wipe you all out then." Squeezing my fist shut, I crushed the geth. Tightening my fist it shrunk down to a small marble. I compressed it. By I didnt know-how. The buzzing sound was gone.

"Commander.. are you ok?" I knew the voice it was Jaina. She was in the Arwing. In my seat.

"No, I am under Reaper influence. You should leave. I dont have any enemies nearby so my wolf is getting ready to sleep." I stepped back, then took two steps forward. My world became angry when she didnt listen. "You are so defiant... I am starting to really hate that about you." My biotics picked up. The snow started circling around me.

"I.. I just didnt want to leave you behind," Jaina said putting up a barrier.

Then I felt it, a biotic strand from her. She was scared. She thought I fell just like Arthas had. That made me angry. 'Agumon get her out of here now!' The Arwing flew up, hatch closing. I could see her banging on the hatch.

Turning around I saw the geth a good bit away. Not enough strength to use Mental Cleansing on myself. But enough to fight them. It would have to do. Right before I ran at them I was stopped.

Someone held me in place with their biotics. "Kachack," a sniper round hit me in the pack of my neck. I felt something burned my neck.

System: Operator Override. Vaccination injected.

"Ouch, that is smarts." I was lifted all the way into my Arwing. I was suprised to see Mia in it though. "When did you get here?"

"I was in here earlier you big lummox. You didnt pay attention at all. You had tunnel vision or something?" Mia asked pretty miffed. "Cant believe you let yourself get taken like that."

"I saw Jaina that was it." I looked to the front to see her manning the controls. But on closer look, she was doing navigation. "My head was getting messed with. What do you mean taken?"

"You pushed the Vorcha into shuttles and stopped moving. Next thing we now you ordered a full retreat. It wasn't until Lunabella alerted us that we dismissed it." Jaina said. Her voice was slightly angry. "You then started fighting the geth. You are going to need a new rifle by the way. And armor."

"What the flip?" I checked myself it was defintely true. Looking to the side down below I saw several geth destroyed. "I dont remember doing that."

"That is why we came and grabbed you. Shalla had the serum. That is what I shot you with." Mia said looking at me. She was on my lap and kept checking me over. "We need a bigger cockpit. Hold still." I tried to sit up, but she smacked me back. I felt weak. My wolf didnt give me any energy at all. In fact, he was enjoying this. "All clear. No traces left of the Reaper virus."

Feeling the connection with the ship I used my mana to held cast Mental Cleansing on the entire area. It caught all the shuttles and the Arwings heading back. I felt better after doing that. Mia just stared at me.

"What?" I felt a know in my gut. 'What was all real once I told them to leave?'

"You were scared. You kept screaming get back to everyone. I didnt like it." She leaned onto me. "It was the first time I felt scared for you. As if you were disappearing."

"Sorry.. that is all I can say." I gave her a hug. " Later we will talk ok?" She nodded at me.

"Docking complete," Jaina said with pursued lips. I was going to hate to do it but might as well.

"Why are you so upset?"

"Because despite losing control, you still protected us." Jaina got out of the Arwing. She looked back at me, "despite that.. you didnt kill me."

"You sound disappointed," I said while me and Mia got out. She nodded at me. "Geez.. what the h e double hockey sticks happen to you?" She stared at the shuttles. "Just talk to someone. Anyone.. we have medical for a reason."

"Anyone?" Her eyes squinted at me. I nodded. "Ok, then. We should hurry to the shuttles. They took a few hits."

We made it to the shuttles as quickly as we could. I had Shalla and a few others next to me as I kept them stable with my biotics. Then remembering the bloody rune magic I casted Kindness Drops on them. Once we get them treatment it will be easier.I felt the change from my Laguz, its influence. My runic magic took effect helping heal the most critical of wounds.

"Um, BroodFather. Is that you?" Shalla asked coming to. I didnt even try to mess with her about the name. Even with the knowledge that my medics had, they havent gotten the experience to deal with this. The Vorcha human have never been hurt this badly.

"You will be ok. Trust the doctors. If not me at least." She nodded and closed her eyes. I watched as they moved them away. "I am not that kind of doctor. I would just get in the way."

"We all have limitations brother. If you try to do to much, you will get nothing done." Mia said to me from my side. "I am going to get something to eat. Join me later." She walked off. I was to busy looking at the floor. My head was hurting something fierce. I over used everything earlier. I was so scared from the incident. But it worked out. At least I think it did.

Galtea: Everything is fine. I put a hold on the rewards. You need to head to a safe place. It is going to give you a major headache.

'Alright. Wait! Where are you?'

Galtea: In your Nether World with Benezia. You order her interrogation.

'Ughh, when was this?'

Galtea you were under the influence. Do not worry I did the isolation part and cleansed her of the influence. She is fine. However... there is slight brain damage. So, for now, I am interrogating her slowly. Not painfully of course.

'Right... have fun.' I stepped forward and felt a strand pass me by. It was Agria. I yelled to her. "Hey stop." She kept going. I went after her.

Standing by the flight line she was expecting the shuttle and making notes on her omnitool. It was her and a few initiates from Warhammer. They were all mechanics. I waited until she stopped to address her.

"Why did you not stop when I called for you?" I questioned seeing this, the others gave us some room.

"I didn't hear you." She looked down and away from my gaze back to her omni tool. I felt the lie. It made me sick. A sense of vertigo made it worse.

"Tch, fine be that way." I started walking off. "Dont know what the hell I was thinking when I wanted to spend the day with you for my leave." I stumbled and grabbed the wall. "Galtea said I should have got somewhere safe. A .. little.. help nice." I hit the floor hard. This headache was unbearable.

I heard some muffling around me. I could see someone somewhat. Nice blonde hair with sunshine behind it.

"Heh. you are.. my sunshine.. my darling.. sunshine.." I dont know why I started singing but I did. I was being moved somewhere. I felt light. "My.. sunshine.. dont take my.. away." I felt my hand get squeezed and I lost my strength as I went night night.

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