Crap , I was Rifted
6 Tutorial I am gonna get it beaten into me Aren'st I? Part 3
System: One minute till next part of the tutorial begins.
"Well damn, is it gonna be in the same area?" Thinking to myself and the System if she/he is listening to me as well. Actually is it a female or a male can't tell. LLuvia was a female.. well looked like a female anyway... "Ah" Damn it's hard to breathe. Gotta get moving..wait what was I doing again...? Everything is freaking woobly wabbly.
Gotta think gotta think this area the same area, Tutorial right...I need to do the thingie....I'm hurt and I gotta get ready... cause something is coming...I gotta win..cause right..that's what I'm if so I need to hide and get some medical treatment.? Cause that's what smart people do. There is such a pounding in my head..why does it feel like I crapped my guts out.
I look down at my feet there's blood all over..I think its all mine.. shit. That explains why everything is all bleagh to much blood loss not maybe..definitely the reason right there. Need me a blood shot ..blood ..bag .. My words are as messed up as my head.
Wait there is medigel, isn't it all over usually. "Igotta find some instant body relief!" I begin to search all over. With the adrenaline rush down, I could feel my guts it felt like it was being massaged with a meat tenderizer... they just felt...wrong.
Looking around, I wasn't finding anything, not in this area beside the corpse of Common Thug over there. Gotta move to the next room.
System: Perception 16
There in the corner of my eye, well my right I saw the system message. It's so tiny but I was able to read it like it was jumbo letters.
There on the wall, I could see a Medical container.
"Shit what the hell is this language!!!" Couldn't help yelling out. Then I heard my echo throughout the warehouse. "Dammit, I got to learn to talk inside my head..." Wait that's a bad idea only talking inside my head.
System: Time in 3...2..1 Begin next scenario.
"Aww shit." What to do, what to do, screw it. I open the container and took what look like could help me.
System: Soul Synchro 47% climbing. Applying literacy...applying childhood...applying scholastic abilities...
System: Soul Synchro 67% climbing. Mental breakdown detected. Applying countermeasures. Feedback damage. Damage -5 Attempting to mitigate, mitigation by -1.
Health 6/51
"Arghgh shit it hurts." I wanted to scream but I couldn't with my blood coming out of my mouth it was taking everything I could to keep from choking on it. I fell forward pulling most of the contents of the kit with me. Down on my knees, everything looked hazy and doubled. My sight was getting even worse. I fell forward onto my face. Trying to left myself up was to much work, so I flipped over onto my back just trying to breathe a little bit easier.
Felt like a movie was playing in front of my eyes. A group of children could be seen all over the place. The kids were playing in the slums. No, they weren't playing they were searching through the rubble everywhere, looking for food by the looks of it.
"Tsss" The tears on the side of my face were drying up. Like hot steel in water, it felt like my skull was burning, then being forced to cool.
System: Soul Synchro 97% climbing. Mental breakdown detected. Applying countermeasures. Feedback damage. Damage -5 Attempting to mitigate, mitigation by -1.
Health 2/51
System: Quest 2 Relax and interact with the body. Quest completed Rewards: Technology Ticket, Fighting Ticket. Reward distributed. Inventory unavailable... cannot deposit..... using Technology Ticket.... using Fighting Ticket...
System: First Ticket Category Bonus...Tech Database-Halo Series. A bonus of the first draw, pulling from the entirety of the Universe of Halo... Lifeworker (Rank-Lifeshaper) placing in mind storage banks due to Intelligence and Wisdom...currently inaccessible. Mental level currently damaged. Advancing Tech by 1 grade.
System: First Ticket Category Bonus...Fighting Style-Mortal Kombat. A bonus of the first draw, pulling from the entirety of the Universe of Mortal Kombat...Shirai Ryu compatible .. Warning health risk currently detected, cannot apply...returning pull... Removing styles that are currently not damaging to User's Health. Removing NonHumanoid options. New style now being pulled ...detected ... now pulling. Lin Kuei pulled..applying bonus from the style... Constitution +1 Dexterity +2 Intelligence +1 Wisdom +2. User prejudice and stubborn qualities prevent full adaptation. Extracting and applying as needed towards the body's condition.
System: User style of Urban fighting cannot be overridden. Combining with Lin Kuei. Modifying to fit.
System: Bonuses have been applied to both Melee:C Tech:C.
"Arrghh dammit! Stop Already." I was no longer able to see the 'movie' in the corner of my eye. Seems I was actually completely within the movie.. no, it was a memory.
"Hey, John over here we found some crates with some cans of food." One of the groups of kids near me yells toward another one and his group.
At the mention of his name, it felt like something triggered inside my mind. Felt like I was detached even further from reality as my vision tunneled onto the kid. And I was able to perceive another set screen simultaneously along with this one.
The Kid name was John Shepard. Shit Command Shepard was a short kid.
It was standing about 3'5 scraggily and leaned over. His head was moving everywhere like he was searching for something more. He approached the kid with the crate. All the while his head was still moving about until he looked back. He looked at me. I couldn't break my gaze away.
System: Warning you are not permitted to view this sequence extracting now!
System: Will Check passed at Perfect no damage.
System: User focus on your Tutorial
As he looked deep into my eyes it felt creepy like he knew something about me that he shouldn't. It felt unnerving. A second later I was back on the ground in the warehouse Medigel in my hand. I felt like I kinda knew what I could do with this .. so I poured it onto my shirt.
System: Medical Check 13 Health restored by 8. Out of Medigel.
Health 10/52
"Chish" the sound of a door opening across from me opened up. Two Individuals were In front of me,less than 25 feet away. Then I took notice of the tags in my eye. Common Thug II and Common Thug III.
Everyone at once: "Shit"
System: Initiative 17
Damn time to fight already my damn guts still hurt. "Damn it all charge!"
I take off from my sitting position and head directly towards the dazed duo. Brushing right past em, I head through the opened door to the next room. It closed right behind me with a "Chish" and some yells from the duo.
Gotta think of something to fight with.
System:Intelligence Check 12 Generating Cantrip Spell... adapting to users current biotic level...
Misty Fist learned.
"Oh yeah, this has gotta help me right!"
'Lv1 0/5 Misty Fist activate.' The moment I said it little droplets of water started to gather and circle around my fingertips up till my first knuckle. It felt ..well wet but also felt like I dipped my fingertips in lukewarm water. It was a nice little feeling."Hmm better than nothing."
"Chish" the door opened to show two spheres of biotic energy floating.
Duo of thugs: "Push!" They yelled out.
'Lv1 16 /50 Adrenaline Rush activate.
Something different happened this time I saw yellow glowing points the size of golfballs glowing in the spheres as they came my way. When they got near I Punched them both at those locations.
"Pwaam Pwaam" they gave way distorting the air around the spheres and my hands, Sending biotic energy all over.-2 Health -3 Health 'Tsk not at a smart thing to have done with a broken hand.
Health 5/52
"You bastard! What the hell was that!? Who punches biotic energy huh?" Common Thug III yells at me while moving up and taking a swing punch at me. He connected right in my gut, I almost doubled over from the pain felt like my guts were freshly ripped after being stitched togethor.
System: Will Check 13. Constitution Check 16
"Fucking hell it burns." I was barely able to focus on the guy. Wait.. it was a woman.
"You bastard killing you is gonna pay big, can't wait to head to the spa and kick back, relax and get my nails fixed up again. How's the poison treating yah?" She said this in a sing-song like voice. While she walks over to her counterpart. "Hey, brat are you ok?"
"It hurts feels like I am getting cut up in the inside. I can't form up my biotics! What did you do to me!? Tell me."Common Thug II yells at me. She kept clenching her hands in front of her and shaking them at me.
Common Thug III looks at me warily. Her head scans me up and down. Her sight focuses on my neck. "That mark on your neck... move your hand slowly reveal that mark!"
'What mark on my neck? This girl is tripping balls or something. Then I remember a facility and myself reflected in the metal ceiling being restrained. Aman in a lab coat was marking my chest with a tattoo gun. I couldn't tell what the design was though.
"Show me the mark now! It's not a request." Her hands begin to glow and humm. "Show me or I'm gonna rip you a new one!" Her eyes begin to blaze over with biotic energy.
Health 1/52
My health was so damn low. Might as well risk it all. "I will show you mine if you show me yours.
System: Charm Check 12 Common Thug III: 5
"That's cute last words." She smirked at me before a wave of energy comes flying at me. "Twin Shockwave!"
'Oh crap' Lv2 10/10 Biotic Shielding'
System: Lv2 10/10 Biotic Shielding conditions met advancing.... Lv3 3/25 Biotic Shielding
The shockwave hits against my shield and bounces right back at her. Actually, it bounces back at them both. They were close enough for them both to get hit.
"Crack" heard some give way when both slide into the wall and door. Common Thug II is on the ground struggling to get up. I could see her backside was covered in burn marks some old and some new. There was also some new marks little-drilled holes along her backside. The other one was looking no better really. Common Thug III clothes are in tatters she looks a mess. Blood oozing from the side of her face labored breathing I could see the bone sticking out her side. I should move in for the kill. I begin to walk towards them both, As I get closer my hackles begin to rise when I do. Couldn't' help but pause. Then I saw it, a red wing floating in my right eye, and a blue wing floating in my left.
I felt my vision begin to cloud. Two little screens appeared in my vision under the wings.
System: Option 1 Renegade: More Power Option 2 Paragon: More Experience and Skills.
'Going Renegade damn it I need Power!'
"You two owe me do not forget it." I said this to them as I walk away into the other room down the hall. Felt like I was on autopilot. The very moment I choose Renegade the air became heavy and my shoulders felt lighter.
The two women look extremely pissed as hell. Common Thug III Got up as soon as the protagonist walked through the door.
'Ting! Ting', Crash, Ping Ping Ping as beakers and glasses go flying all over the place.
"Yes, I found some here brat situp and breath this in." Common Thug III comes back with a breathing apparatus and attaches it to Common Thug II. "TShhh Tshh Tshhh" As the apparatus attaches to her face expelling some vapor from its bottom port."We gotta move if we wanna live and get paid we have to kill that guy!" Common Thug II looks at III and says "He spared us less just kill some of the others and collect their bounty instead.
"Damn it he is worth more!!" Common Thug III yells at Common Thug II.
"How do you know that?" And What was that mark you kept asking about? Is he worth more due to his unstable Biotics? I also saw that smirk you gave him, are you planning on toying with him before killing him? That's a bad habit you have. Common Thug II shoots these sentences off after getting up and mixing some chemicals together.
"One Because of the water biotics. Two that mark was given to Cerebus NexGen Experiments. Three his biotics are unstable due to mental problems, my brother had the same issue. Four ...shut up and no I'm not... it's not a bad habit, it lets me learn my biotics better. What the hell are you making? We gotta go after him!" Common Thug III yells after her partner.
"We are gonna go after the others. I am not fighting another unstable..especially with these wounds. I am making a solution to fix my biotics the reflected shockwave messed me up too much." She said this through clench teeth and rattling hands.
Unknown to them both there was someone else in the room. Watching all this unfold while taking notes.
System: All enemies defeated. Experience awarded Level up! Spend your three new attributes User. Rewards will be available to use after the tutorial is over.
System: Bonus Acquired For choosing your path. One additional attribute.
'Spend two on Constitution,and one on Wisdom please!!"
System: Leaving mental shard changing location...Transfer in 3...2...1
"Wait a sec....!"
"Well damn, is it gonna be in the same area?" Thinking to myself and the System if she/he is listening to me as well. Actually is it a female or a male can't tell. LLuvia was a female.. well looked like a female anyway... "Ah" Damn it's hard to breathe. Gotta get moving..wait what was I doing again...? Everything is freaking woobly wabbly.
Gotta think gotta think this area the same area, Tutorial right...I need to do the thingie....I'm hurt and I gotta get ready... cause something is coming...I gotta win..cause right..that's what I'm if so I need to hide and get some medical treatment.? Cause that's what smart people do. There is such a pounding in my head..why does it feel like I crapped my guts out.
I look down at my feet there's blood all over..I think its all mine.. shit. That explains why everything is all bleagh to much blood loss not maybe..definitely the reason right there. Need me a blood shot ..blood ..bag .. My words are as messed up as my head.
Wait there is medigel, isn't it all over usually. "Igotta find some instant body relief!" I begin to search all over. With the adrenaline rush down, I could feel my guts it felt like it was being massaged with a meat tenderizer... they just felt...wrong.
Looking around, I wasn't finding anything, not in this area beside the corpse of Common Thug over there. Gotta move to the next room.
System: Perception 16
There in the corner of my eye, well my right I saw the system message. It's so tiny but I was able to read it like it was jumbo letters.
There on the wall, I could see a Medical container.
"Shit what the hell is this language!!!" Couldn't help yelling out. Then I heard my echo throughout the warehouse. "Dammit, I got to learn to talk inside my head..." Wait that's a bad idea only talking inside my head.
System: Time in 3...2..1 Begin next scenario.
"Aww shit." What to do, what to do, screw it. I open the container and took what look like could help me.
System: Soul Synchro 47% climbing. Applying literacy...applying childhood...applying scholastic abilities...
System: Soul Synchro 67% climbing. Mental breakdown detected. Applying countermeasures. Feedback damage. Damage -5 Attempting to mitigate, mitigation by -1.
Health 6/51
"Arghgh shit it hurts." I wanted to scream but I couldn't with my blood coming out of my mouth it was taking everything I could to keep from choking on it. I fell forward pulling most of the contents of the kit with me. Down on my knees, everything looked hazy and doubled. My sight was getting even worse. I fell forward onto my face. Trying to left myself up was to much work, so I flipped over onto my back just trying to breathe a little bit easier.
Felt like a movie was playing in front of my eyes. A group of children could be seen all over the place. The kids were playing in the slums. No, they weren't playing they were searching through the rubble everywhere, looking for food by the looks of it.
"Tsss" The tears on the side of my face were drying up. Like hot steel in water, it felt like my skull was burning, then being forced to cool.
System: Soul Synchro 97% climbing. Mental breakdown detected. Applying countermeasures. Feedback damage. Damage -5 Attempting to mitigate, mitigation by -1.
Health 2/51
System: Quest 2 Relax and interact with the body. Quest completed Rewards: Technology Ticket, Fighting Ticket. Reward distributed. Inventory unavailable... cannot deposit..... using Technology Ticket.... using Fighting Ticket...
System: First Ticket Category Bonus...Tech Database-Halo Series. A bonus of the first draw, pulling from the entirety of the Universe of Halo... Lifeworker (Rank-Lifeshaper) placing in mind storage banks due to Intelligence and Wisdom...currently inaccessible. Mental level currently damaged. Advancing Tech by 1 grade.
System: First Ticket Category Bonus...Fighting Style-Mortal Kombat. A bonus of the first draw, pulling from the entirety of the Universe of Mortal Kombat...Shirai Ryu compatible .. Warning health risk currently detected, cannot apply...returning pull... Removing styles that are currently not damaging to User's Health. Removing NonHumanoid options. New style now being pulled ...detected ... now pulling. Lin Kuei pulled..applying bonus from the style... Constitution +1 Dexterity +2 Intelligence +1 Wisdom +2. User prejudice and stubborn qualities prevent full adaptation. Extracting and applying as needed towards the body's condition.
System: User style of Urban fighting cannot be overridden. Combining with Lin Kuei. Modifying to fit.
System: Bonuses have been applied to both Melee:C Tech:C.
"Arrghh dammit! Stop Already." I was no longer able to see the 'movie' in the corner of my eye. Seems I was actually completely within the movie.. no, it was a memory.
"Hey, John over here we found some crates with some cans of food." One of the groups of kids near me yells toward another one and his group.
At the mention of his name, it felt like something triggered inside my mind. Felt like I was detached even further from reality as my vision tunneled onto the kid. And I was able to perceive another set screen simultaneously along with this one.
The Kid name was John Shepard. Shit Command Shepard was a short kid.
It was standing about 3'5 scraggily and leaned over. His head was moving everywhere like he was searching for something more. He approached the kid with the crate. All the while his head was still moving about until he looked back. He looked at me. I couldn't break my gaze away.
System: Warning you are not permitted to view this sequence extracting now!
System: Will Check passed at Perfect no damage.
System: User focus on your Tutorial
As he looked deep into my eyes it felt creepy like he knew something about me that he shouldn't. It felt unnerving. A second later I was back on the ground in the warehouse Medigel in my hand. I felt like I kinda knew what I could do with this .. so I poured it onto my shirt.
System: Medical Check 13 Health restored by 8. Out of Medigel.
Health 10/52
"Chish" the sound of a door opening across from me opened up. Two Individuals were In front of me,less than 25 feet away. Then I took notice of the tags in my eye. Common Thug II and Common Thug III.
Everyone at once: "Shit"
System: Initiative 17
Damn time to fight already my damn guts still hurt. "Damn it all charge!"
I take off from my sitting position and head directly towards the dazed duo. Brushing right past em, I head through the opened door to the next room. It closed right behind me with a "Chish" and some yells from the duo.
Gotta think of something to fight with.
System:Intelligence Check 12 Generating Cantrip Spell... adapting to users current biotic level...
Misty Fist learned.
"Oh yeah, this has gotta help me right!"
'Lv1 0/5 Misty Fist activate.' The moment I said it little droplets of water started to gather and circle around my fingertips up till my first knuckle. It felt ..well wet but also felt like I dipped my fingertips in lukewarm water. It was a nice little feeling."Hmm better than nothing."
"Chish" the door opened to show two spheres of biotic energy floating.
Duo of thugs: "Push!" They yelled out.
'Lv1 16 /50 Adrenaline Rush activate.
Something different happened this time I saw yellow glowing points the size of golfballs glowing in the spheres as they came my way. When they got near I Punched them both at those locations.
"Pwaam Pwaam" they gave way distorting the air around the spheres and my hands, Sending biotic energy all over.-2 Health -3 Health 'Tsk not at a smart thing to have done with a broken hand.
Health 5/52
"You bastard! What the hell was that!? Who punches biotic energy huh?" Common Thug III yells at me while moving up and taking a swing punch at me. He connected right in my gut, I almost doubled over from the pain felt like my guts were freshly ripped after being stitched togethor.
System: Will Check 13. Constitution Check 16
"Fucking hell it burns." I was barely able to focus on the guy. Wait.. it was a woman.
"You bastard killing you is gonna pay big, can't wait to head to the spa and kick back, relax and get my nails fixed up again. How's the poison treating yah?" She said this in a sing-song like voice. While she walks over to her counterpart. "Hey, brat are you ok?"
"It hurts feels like I am getting cut up in the inside. I can't form up my biotics! What did you do to me!? Tell me."Common Thug II yells at me. She kept clenching her hands in front of her and shaking them at me.
Common Thug III looks at me warily. Her head scans me up and down. Her sight focuses on my neck. "That mark on your neck... move your hand slowly reveal that mark!"
'What mark on my neck? This girl is tripping balls or something. Then I remember a facility and myself reflected in the metal ceiling being restrained. Aman in a lab coat was marking my chest with a tattoo gun. I couldn't tell what the design was though.
"Show me the mark now! It's not a request." Her hands begin to glow and humm. "Show me or I'm gonna rip you a new one!" Her eyes begin to blaze over with biotic energy.
Health 1/52
My health was so damn low. Might as well risk it all. "I will show you mine if you show me yours.
System: Charm Check 12 Common Thug III: 5
"That's cute last words." She smirked at me before a wave of energy comes flying at me. "Twin Shockwave!"
'Oh crap' Lv2 10/10 Biotic Shielding'
System: Lv2 10/10 Biotic Shielding conditions met advancing.... Lv3 3/25 Biotic Shielding
The shockwave hits against my shield and bounces right back at her. Actually, it bounces back at them both. They were close enough for them both to get hit.
"Crack" heard some give way when both slide into the wall and door. Common Thug II is on the ground struggling to get up. I could see her backside was covered in burn marks some old and some new. There was also some new marks little-drilled holes along her backside. The other one was looking no better really. Common Thug III clothes are in tatters she looks a mess. Blood oozing from the side of her face labored breathing I could see the bone sticking out her side. I should move in for the kill. I begin to walk towards them both, As I get closer my hackles begin to rise when I do. Couldn't' help but pause. Then I saw it, a red wing floating in my right eye, and a blue wing floating in my left.
I felt my vision begin to cloud. Two little screens appeared in my vision under the wings.
System: Option 1 Renegade: More Power Option 2 Paragon: More Experience and Skills.
'Going Renegade damn it I need Power!'
"You two owe me do not forget it." I said this to them as I walk away into the other room down the hall. Felt like I was on autopilot. The very moment I choose Renegade the air became heavy and my shoulders felt lighter.
The two women look extremely pissed as hell. Common Thug III Got up as soon as the protagonist walked through the door.
'Ting! Ting', Crash, Ping Ping Ping as beakers and glasses go flying all over the place.
"Yes, I found some here brat situp and breath this in." Common Thug III comes back with a breathing apparatus and attaches it to Common Thug II. "TShhh Tshh Tshhh" As the apparatus attaches to her face expelling some vapor from its bottom port."We gotta move if we wanna live and get paid we have to kill that guy!" Common Thug II looks at III and says "He spared us less just kill some of the others and collect their bounty instead.
"Damn it he is worth more!!" Common Thug III yells at Common Thug II.
"How do you know that?" And What was that mark you kept asking about? Is he worth more due to his unstable Biotics? I also saw that smirk you gave him, are you planning on toying with him before killing him? That's a bad habit you have. Common Thug II shoots these sentences off after getting up and mixing some chemicals together.
"One Because of the water biotics. Two that mark was given to Cerebus NexGen Experiments. Three his biotics are unstable due to mental problems, my brother had the same issue. Four ...shut up and no I'm not... it's not a bad habit, it lets me learn my biotics better. What the hell are you making? We gotta go after him!" Common Thug III yells after her partner.
"We are gonna go after the others. I am not fighting another unstable..especially with these wounds. I am making a solution to fix my biotics the reflected shockwave messed me up too much." She said this through clench teeth and rattling hands.
Unknown to them both there was someone else in the room. Watching all this unfold while taking notes.
System: All enemies defeated. Experience awarded Level up! Spend your three new attributes User. Rewards will be available to use after the tutorial is over.
System: Bonus Acquired For choosing your path. One additional attribute.
'Spend two on Constitution,and one on Wisdom please!!"
System: Leaving mental shard changing location...Transfer in 3...2...1
"Wait a sec....!"
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