Then barely woke up.

He hammered his forehead, feeling like there was a thimble in his head, and there was some tingling pain.

Rin scratched his hair, first looking around, seeing that he was in his room, reluctantly relieved, and then tried to remember what happened last night.

First of all, we ate hot pot together. After the five flavors were eaten, the waiter brought the wine by mistake, and then took a sip... Then there is no memory...

And then, he woke up again...he was in Xiye's room.

Damn wocccc!

Rin suddenly twisted and turned on the bed, scratching her hair frantically, ashamed to death.

"What the hell did I say!"

"It's over, how will you face Xiye in the future!"

Yes, that's right, in the second stage after Rin gets drunk, he can't control himself to do what he should say and what he should not say, what he wants to do and what he doesn't want to do.

It was the same last time at home. He dragged his parents and acted like a spoiled child for a long time, but because the memory was too shameful, he was reluctant to recall it and deliberately forgot it.

Then, because I was worried about how to deal with the conflict between tasks and friendship, I didn't let that unbearable memory unsealed for a while.

"No, no! Forget it!"

He hammered his head several times and rolled around in 360° on the bed several times, but he couldn't convince himself at all.

"Ahhhh! What to do, what to do... I seem to have said something that shouldn't be said."

"Huh? Wait."

Rin suddenly realized a rather serious problem.

He said more than one thing that shouldn't be said, but the system did not give any punishment...

Rin stopped writhing on the bed, stood up, walked to the mirror, and stared at herself in the mirror.

Speaking of which, the system has punished him twice so far... to be precise, there may only be one time, and that is the initial warning.

For the second time, the punitive electrotherapy really just felt a little numb, not much pain.

Thinking about it again, it seems... the system will only appear in the plot of his debut, and when he is directly called.

In other words, maybe more crotch than he thought?

In this way, his steps may be a little bigger to test.

Seriously, Rin has now identified with Elise Emilia and Yuya, and it is absolutely impossible for him to hurt them for the villain mission.

I know with my toes, if he does what the original villain does, the innocent happiness of the silly roe deer may never be seen again, and the waste cat may really become a "hero", and Xiye gives people hope and hands again. Destruction is tantamount to obliterating everything including her soul.

So, you can't go and avoid it, and then you can put all your hopes on the plot will be exhausted.

But, Lin Wuyue's useless elder sister, what exactly was she thinking?

Chapter 53 Why do I have strawberries on my neck?

Although Rin and Lin Wuyue seem to be out of harmony, they actually have a good relationship.

Throwing him to another world for punishment is really possible with his sister's character, but the thing of obliteration... well, it's actually possible.

That can be regarded as the psychological shadow of the past, even if Rin knew that it was not Lin Wuyue's original intention.

During the summer vacation four years ago, Lin Wuyue didn't know why she suddenly fell into evil, as if she had become another person, always being violent and irritable, looking at her eyes, sinister and full of hostility.

At that time, my father said that something happened to my sister, so I was emotionally unstable, and sent myself to live at a friend's house for a while, but because I was too worried about my sister, I secretly came back.

Remember that night, he was almost killed.

After that, the parents said that they would take my sister to see a psychiatrist, and they didn't come back for more than two months. Lin Wuyue seemed to have returned to normal.

Moreover, because of her guilt, she seemed more clingy to Rin, and her almost pervasive concern evolved into a perverted level.

Rin learned from her parents and sister that she had a sudden illness, a serious mental problem, similar to the second personality, so that kind of behavior was not her own intention at all, and now that she has been cured, it will not happen again.

At that time, he also forgave Lin Wuyue, but he still left a shadow in his heart that could not be erased for a long time.

Now that I think about it, the so-called disease may be related to the power of the evil god.

Rin couldn't be sure if Lin Wuyue would really kill him because of that evil.

After all, he really likes his sister, but the crack still exists, making it difficult for him to trust.

He really wanted to ask Lin Wuyue what he was thinking, but he didn't have that chance.

As for passing the system, don't be kidding, he doesn't even believe that dog that slammed into him as soon as it came up!

So, for the time being, don't rely on the useless sister. If she doesn't think about obliterating herself, wait until she goes out and see if she can help her and let her meet her friends from time to time.

Now that I am alone in a different world, I can only rely on myself.

Rin waved her fist at herself in the mirror.

Work hard, Rin, let those foolish princesses, brave swordsmen see how powerful they are, and then cry and shout at the villain of this young master!

Think about it, the left hand suppresses the silly roe deer, the right hand tames the waste cat, and then raises a poor ghost swordsman, hahaha!


Rin, who was complacent, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He leaned closer to the mirror and turned his head away. Sure enough, he found that there were two red marks from the neck to the cheeks, but they were not big, one next to the other.

He thought about it for a long time

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