Crashing Into You


"We're you able to find a new assistant?" Master Yan asked Madam Yan while they were having dinner at the Yan Mansion. 

"Not yet" Madam Yan sighed. She was having a hardtime looking for a new assistant. She have interviewed a lot of applicants already but none of them passed her standards.

"Why? Did you fire Mr. Chan?" Yan Mor Tee was surprised. 

"Would would I fire him?" Madam Yan scoffed. "He has been with me for almost 20 years, if I wasn't satisfied with his performance I would've fired him years ago."

"Then why are looking for a new assistant?" 

"He has tendered his resignation." 

"Oh..." Yan Mor Tee said. He was a bit sad that Mr. Chan has filed a resignation. He has been her mother assistant she held the position of Yan High School's Directress. He has known him since he was a kid. "Why?" 

"He said he will be coming back to his hometown where his family's at. His only son wanted him to quit his job to just stay home in the province to take good care of his grandson. His daughter-in-law gave birth to his first grandson two months ago and he was so excited and can't wait to play with him." Madam Yan said. 

"I'm quite envious with Mr. Chan. I wish I could also have a grandchild to play with. Any baby news?" Master Yan asked as he looked at Song Dei Si.

Song Dei Si got startled and didn't expect it. "None yet, Dad!" She answered.

Master Yan was a bit disappointed "I see." He looked at Yan Mor Tee and chided him "Are you working hard to give us a grandchild?"

"Of course I do it just that may be it wasn't the right time yet." Yan Mor Tee answered and looked at Song Dei Si. 

Song Dei Si gave him a faint smile. 

"Yeah, don't pressure them. They are still young anyways and let them enjoy each other first because they wouldn't have much time once the child came." Madam Yan said.

Song Dei Si was stunned. She didn't expect it from her mother-in-law. She sound like so understanding. 

"I am not pressuring them. But it would be more fun if we there will be little Mor Tee or little Dei Si playing around here." 

"Don't worry, Dad! We will let you know immediately once we hit the jackpot." Yan Mor Tee said. "Mom is right, I wanted to enjoy Song Dei Si first. She is my baby for now." He looked at Song Dei Si and winked at her.

Song Dei Si's face blushed. 

"Yeah, there's nothing to worry about, you have been married for just more than four months." Master Yan said. "So XaioYi, when is the effectivity of Mr. Chan's resignation." 

"Two weeks from now..."

"Two weeks from and you haven't found his replacement yet. What are you going to do if you cannot find anyone after he resigned?"

"Maybe I should have to work overtime..."

"No, please don't abuse yourself" said Master Yan "What if I work for you since I'm not doing anything here?" He suggested.

Madam Yan frowned. Was he serious?

"But if you're going to hire me, my rate card was that of a company's Chairman!"

"No way!" Madam Yan said. 

Master Yan laughed

"But seriously, Dad was right mom, you should not be working're not getting any younger too.!" Yan Mor Tee said 

"I know.. I hope to find a replacement for Mr. Chan soon. 

"Why don't you lower your standards. You're looking for someone like Mr. Chan's caliber. You cannot find someone as capable like Mr. Chan. He became expert on what he does because he was doing it all his life" Master Yan said. 

"Why would I look for a sub-standard?" Madam Yan scoffed. 

"Well you may not find someone who may be as great as Mr. Chan but at least you can train him. Didn't Mr. Chan became expert because of your guidance as well?" 

"But I don't have the luxury of time to train anymore. I want someone who's already experience who can easily adapt and can already fight at the battle field." 

"Mom, if can't you find anyone, I can assist you"

Everyone's head turned into Song Dei Si. All of them were stunned. Yan Mor Tee could not accept it that Song Dei Si resigned as his PA just to be his mom's new PA. He wanted her to pursue her dream career as a renowned Chef.

Master Yan was also surprised because she realized that Song Dei would be the best person to take on the position but he was worried because Madam Yan doesn't treat her pretty well. 

Madam Yan was stunned because she didn't expect that Song Dei Si would go back to being a PA just only to help her. 

"No!" All of them said in unison. 

Song Dei Si was astounded and felt bad for being rejected. 

"You're having your cooking class and I want you to concentrate on that. If I can't find anyone as good as Mr. Chan I might take your dad suggestion to hire a junior assistant and I will just train him." Madam Yan said. 

"I don't have anything to do in the afternoon after the cooking class. I can just help you while you train your new assistant." 

"But don't you have homework after school?" Yan Mor Tee asked. 

"Yes, Mor Tee was right. You need to work on your homework and hone your skills in cooking during your free  time instead." Master Yan agreed. 

Song Dei Si lowered her head. She can be likened to a child who asked the permission from her parents but was rejected. 

"Okay, you can drop by at Yan High School if you don't have anything to do. But if you need time to research for your homework in your cooking class, don't bother to come." Madam Yan said.

Song Dei Si looked at Madam Yan and smiled. "Okay mom" 

She was happy that Madam Yan was opening her world to her now.

Yan Mor Tee shook his head and all he can do was to support Song Dei Si on this one. 


Yan Mor Tee was reading a business book when Song Dei Si joined him on the bed. She embraced him "Aren't you going to sleep yet?" She asked.

"I need to read few more pages before I go to sleep." Yan Mor Tee answered.

"Don't stay up too late" Song Dei Si said and started to lay down. "I'm going to sleep now"

"Are you really serious when you said that you wanted to assist Mom after school?"Yan Mor Tee suddenly asked 

Song Dei Si nodded and smiled at Yan Mor Tee "This is an opportunity for me to get closer with her." 

Yan Mor Tee furrowed his brows "So this is all because you wanted to curry her favor? Why don't you just concentrate on you cooking journey?" 

"It's not all about wanting to get her approval of me. The main reason is I also wanted to help her while she train her new assistant. I don't want her to tire herself, because like what you've said mom is not getting any younger too. But take me, I am still young so why don't I use my energy to help her and save her from tiring herself with too much work in Yan High School?" 

Yan Mor Tee looked at his wife and had forgotten that he married a selfless woman who will always consider other's happiness and well being first before her own. 

"Okay, but just like what mom has said, don't go to Yan High School if you have conflict with your schedules."

"Uhm." Song Dei Si agreed.

"Don't tire your self too" Yan Mor Tee closed the book that he was reading and lay down beside Song Dei Si "I don't want a wife who doesn't have energy left at night after she tires herself during the day! Remember, you need a strong stamina to keep up with me." 

Song Dei Si pinched his side.

Yan Mor Tee pulled her into his embrace. "I think mom is starting to like you."

"You think so?" She excitedly asked.

"Uhm, she wasn't that hostile with you anymore, haven't you noticed?" 

Song Dei Si pondered for awhile. The changed on Madam Yan's treatment on her was gradually happening. She still giving her cold shoulders but her mother-in-law has at least started to open her doors for her. She was really happy when she agreed on her suggestion to assist her. 

"Yeah the change is definitely there..." she said happily. 

"Let's give her a grandchild soon so you can curry her favors in full swing." Said Yan Mor Tee as he started to play with her hair. 

Song Dei Si was astounded. Grandchild? 

"Didn't she say that we need to enjoy each other's first because we won't have time anymore after we have a baby?" 

"Right!" Yan Mor Tee said "So why don't we enjoy each other now and make babies?"

Song Dei Si smiled and kissed Yan Mor Tee.  She really wanted to give Yan Mor Tee a child and if her calculation was right, she was at her obulation period.

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