Craving Temptation: Love Of A Vampire
Chapter 28:Four Humans Hungry
Should Sebastian get word of what I shall be doing in the next few hours, he shall do more than just send me to my room for it is not only against Vampire code but also somewhat inhumane to do.
I shall be taking Lilith with me to bear witness and give The Council word of what I have done. Now we are only but hoping that this time it shall be other Council Members, for we almost can certainly say that Genevieve will not put me in the same dungeon that Sebastian finds himself.
But now we do have another request that has come from a completely unexpected source. Lilith has just brought me word of it.
"Anastasia, I have had a request from Eva to come along on the hunt tonight."
"She actually said that? Is she coming to see that I do get caught or does she actually want to help Sebastian?"
Just then Eva comes walking through the door.
"A bit of both actually. And I am fairly tired of the scraps that Edward brings me every day."
I turn to face her as she joins Lilith where she is standing busy helping me to tie my hair into a comfortable up style.
"Do you tell me you have not been on a hunt?"
"No, I have not for these entire unfortunate situation with Sebastian has had Edward to place his plans on hold for a while."
"Lilith is it wise to let Eva come with?"
Lilith continues with my hair as she casually answers my question. "I shall be there to oversee that things truly do not get out of hand."
"Then it is settled, it seems as if the Belmont girls are going out tonight."
While I remain in my room to get dressed, my mind is immediately taken to my love that is sitting somewhere in a dungeon. I do pray that he is still very much alive for I shall perish if I do not have him by my side.
"We are coming my love, please just hang in for another day."
In little less than an hour later, we are standing in the kitchen trying to convince Edward that it is a wise idea to take Eva out with us tonight.
"I am warning you Anastasia, as second in charge to The Master, if anything goes wrong tonight, I shall personally take you to The Council."
"Don't worry so much Edward, we have Lilith with us tonight."
"Yes and that in itself poses a completely different problem. I am warning you Belmont girls, do not disobey me and shame Sebastian even further. Now if you can excuse me I got to go convince three Council members to break the Vampire code."
With that Edward makes his leave from the room. We all but just look to one another knowing that we are about to break the Vampire code. What is even more of a worry is that I might face the worst sentence that can be given for what I am about to do.
But I am not changing my resolve. Even should they remove my fangs, I shall still do anything I possibly can to save my love and my Master.
And with that said we give ourselves a once more over in the tall mirror of the common room. Looking back at us are the reflection of three woman that are dressed in tight black leather pants, with deep red overbust corsets and stilettos a dark shade of blood. We nod our heads in approval and off the Belmont girls go to leave the Belmont house, with only one goal in mind and that is to save our Master.
The skies are dead dark as the thick clouds are covering the sparkling stars that normally lights up all the deserted alley ways. The somber mood and drizzle of rain makes this eerie streets all the better to prowl tonight. But prowl is not the word that shall describe what I shall do. Eva is coming with the intention to feed, Lilith is here to bear witness and I shall make sure that only I should be punished for my actions.
This is indeed the craziest thing that I shall ever do in my life, given that I am now an immortal too.
"Anastasia, I need to ask you again, are you sure about this?" Lilith asks with concern laced in her voice.
"Yes, we both know Sebastian will not survive another week in there. I have to do this tonight and stand council as soon as they have received word."
"It might only be tomorrow night."
"Then I shall make a real big mess and they might even have it sooner."
"I much doubt that, but I do need to insist that you are indeed crazy. But I see you love runs deep for Sebastian and I admire the risk that you are willing to take."
Then Eva that has been fairly quiet turns her attention to me.
"To think you were always the responsible one between us two. But I do share Lilith's sentiment, you do seem to love Sebastian a great deal."
She remains silent for a moment and speaks once again.
"I am still furious at you, but that is for another day, right now I know the perfect alley way to go to."
We head off into the night, slowly making our way street after street to where we want to be. The agony of time is killing me though for I wish I could fast forward to tomorrow when I can face my sentence and be united with Sebastian.
We soon find ourselves in a dark and secluded park, where couples dwell at night looking for a quiet romantic spot to do what it is that lovers do down here. Therefor comes the name lover's lane, it is not much a lane, but most definitely the perfect place for us to feed.
And it does not take us long to hear the voices of night dwellers coming blowing with the wind. From what I can make of it is about those of four people, two men and two woman to be exact.
We come to a stop and go over the same plan that we have been discussing the whole day.
"Lilith you shall overpower one of the females for Eva ass he lacks the skill to do so herself yet."
And then I continue.
"I shall then take the remainder of them and rather reckless feed from them."
Then as not was planned in the first place, Lilith does go and change part of what we agreed on.
"I shall feed off the third, I am due, and I might as well do it now."
"But you shall tell them it was me?"
"Yes that plan still stands."
Soon we find ourselves as light as feathers, sneaking up on our unsuspecting victims. First to make their move is Lilith, she takes one of the females down with a single hand wrapped around her throat. She pins her down and shows for Eva to step in place. Much to our surprise Eva does manage to hold her down, and with much eager fangs she rather viciously slams then into the neck of the helpless woman.
Lilith goes again just as one of the males break away and makes a run for it, but there is no beating the speed of a Vampire and she soon has him to the ground. She does do it rather much more elegant as what Eva has done it.
I turn my attention to the two horrified humans in front of me. I need not feeding and I am somewhat feeling guilty for recklessly slaughtering two people for no reason at all. But there is a reason, his name is Sebastian and he is somewhere in a dungeon possibly dying.
So I put humanity to the side and think of love. I slam the girl into a tree, that should render her helpless just long enough for me to take down this massive man that is standing in front of me. And when I say massive, I do not refer to muscled for he does seem one size too big for himself. But that poses no problem for I am on him in less than five seconds drawing as must as I need to kill him.
Just then the girl comes to and sets running through the park. With stilettos and all I speed up to her in a fraction of a second. I can hear her heart racing from both running and the fear. But this only fuels my desire to do which I have set to do. I throw my head back as I expose my razor sharp fangs. With a growl rumbling from my stomach, I drive them into her throbbing veins, and sip on every ounce of her sweet blood until she goes limp in my arms.
With that we dump the bodies all in a large rubbish bin where the Council Members will find them later on. We compose ourselves and rather satisfied leave lover's lane to return to the Belmont house where Lilith shall contact the council.
These girls are up to something that I do know is no good. Now I should be at ease to know that they are with Lilith, but she herself is known to be irresponsible at times. I am set to meet with the Council but has just been informed that the three members that sentenced Sebastian is out of town on another case that they urgently had attend. So now I am left with hoping that Sebastian will be able to make it through another night.
So I am on my way back home to make sure the girls are back and that they have not been in any trouble tonight for Sebastian shall have my head.
As I step inside they are casually sitting in the kitchen. I look from one to the other and I can see the guilt written all over their faces for they are making a poor attempt to hide it.
"I am only asking this once. What did the three of you do?"
"Nothing, we went out for a walk."
"There is no such thing as nothing with you Anastasia. What did you do?"
"I just told you nothing. Don't always think that I am up to no good."
Just then my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. This is rather late for someone to call at this time of night. But as I see whom it is, I am immediately horrified. My god I hope it is not Sebastian.
"Hold that thought. I will be back now."
Something does give me the idea that might be about me. Instead of Lilith phoning the Council, Eva did it for she made us see that she has more reason to rat on me. So the Council took it more seriously and if I am right...
I hear as Edward is stomping towards me with pure white rage on his face. He is so furious he cannot even form a proper sentence.
"What did you do? And save the nothing nonsense on me!"
"I was hungry."
"Four?! Four people hungry? Are you insane?!"
He turns to Lilith and Eva.
"What did you two do? And do not dare tell me nothing."
They only but remain silent. I cannot help but chuckle at how mad he is, I do not show him that I am finding it amusing. He takes a few deep breaths before he speaks again.
"You must come with me. Two councils in two days. You are surely...Ugh...just come. Sebastian is going to kill me."
But then he realises what has happened and he turns to me with a look I have never seen on his face before.
"Please do not tell me you did this just so you can get to Sebastian."
I do not answer him but only carry on playing with a clip that is holding up my hair.
"For your sake, I hope they do not take your fangs. Now come let's go."
The drive to the location is fairly quiet, he is too shocked still to even try and express his feelings. This time though we are stopping at a very lavish mansion on the far side of the city. It is dark at night but it is lit up with more lights than I have ever seen. It makes it seems as if it is gold and shiny.
As we step through the big wooden doors, we are lead straight into what seems to be a study. There are hundreds and hundreds of books everywhere from floor to ceiling. I have never seen such sight before. But what does struck me the most is the man that is sitting at the table next to two other men. He has silver grey hair, he must have been turned when he was fairly old. But he has such a demanding aura about him. I do believe I am going to stand a tough council tonight.
He shows for me to step forward and then he speaks.
"Anastasia. I have heard a lot about you. The Master's beloved. My name is William and you shall stand council in front me tonight."
He shows for me to sit down on the single chair in the room.
"I feel sorry that Edward had to show you here while The Master is out of town."
What does he mean out of town?
"But he..."
"Do not interrupt me my dear. But I do wish to know what went through your mind."
"Four humans hungry. I am afraid to say that this is a serious offense. And I do wish The Master was here for him to understand that I had no other choice to do this."
I ball my tiny hands so hard into fists that my knuckles turn even a shade whiter than it already is. Please let the next few words be the ones I want to hear.
"I am going to give you a very harsh sentence Anastasia."
Should Sebastian get word of what I shall be doing in the next few hours, he shall do more than just send me to my room for it is not only against Vampire code but also somewhat inhumane to do.
I shall be taking Lilith with me to bear witness and give The Council word of what I have done. Now we are only but hoping that this time it shall be other Council Members, for we almost can certainly say that Genevieve will not put me in the same dungeon that Sebastian finds himself.
But now we do have another request that has come from a completely unexpected source. Lilith has just brought me word of it.
"Anastasia, I have had a request from Eva to come along on the hunt tonight."
"She actually said that? Is she coming to see that I do get caught or does she actually want to help Sebastian?"
Just then Eva comes walking through the door.
"A bit of both actually. And I am fairly tired of the scraps that Edward brings me every day."
I turn to face her as she joins Lilith where she is standing busy helping me to tie my hair into a comfortable up style.
"Do you tell me you have not been on a hunt?"
"No, I have not for these entire unfortunate situation with Sebastian has had Edward to place his plans on hold for a while."
"Lilith is it wise to let Eva come with?"
Lilith continues with my hair as she casually answers my question. "I shall be there to oversee that things truly do not get out of hand."
"Then it is settled, it seems as if the Belmont girls are going out tonight."
While I remain in my room to get dressed, my mind is immediately taken to my love that is sitting somewhere in a dungeon. I do pray that he is still very much alive for I shall perish if I do not have him by my side.
"We are coming my love, please just hang in for another day."
In little less than an hour later, we are standing in the kitchen trying to convince Edward that it is a wise idea to take Eva out with us tonight.
"I am warning you Anastasia, as second in charge to The Master, if anything goes wrong tonight, I shall personally take you to The Council."
"Don't worry so much Edward, we have Lilith with us tonight."
"Yes and that in itself poses a completely different problem. I am warning you Belmont girls, do not disobey me and shame Sebastian even further. Now if you can excuse me I got to go convince three Council members to break the Vampire code."
With that Edward makes his leave from the room. We all but just look to one another knowing that we are about to break the Vampire code. What is even more of a worry is that I might face the worst sentence that can be given for what I am about to do.
But I am not changing my resolve. Even should they remove my fangs, I shall still do anything I possibly can to save my love and my Master.
And with that said we give ourselves a once more over in the tall mirror of the common room. Looking back at us are the reflection of three woman that are dressed in tight black leather pants, with deep red overbust corsets and stilettos a dark shade of blood. We nod our heads in approval and off the Belmont girls go to leave the Belmont house, with only one goal in mind and that is to save our Master.
The skies are dead dark as the thick clouds are covering the sparkling stars that normally lights up all the deserted alley ways. The somber mood and drizzle of rain makes this eerie streets all the better to prowl tonight. But prowl is not the word that shall describe what I shall do. Eva is coming with the intention to feed, Lilith is here to bear witness and I shall make sure that only I should be punished for my actions.
This is indeed the craziest thing that I shall ever do in my life, given that I am now an immortal too.
"Anastasia, I need to ask you again, are you sure about this?" Lilith asks with concern laced in her voice.
"Yes, we both know Sebastian will not survive another week in there. I have to do this tonight and stand council as soon as they have received word."
"It might only be tomorrow night."
"Then I shall make a real big mess and they might even have it sooner."
"I much doubt that, but I do need to insist that you are indeed crazy. But I see you love runs deep for Sebastian and I admire the risk that you are willing to take."
Then Eva that has been fairly quiet turns her attention to me.
"To think you were always the responsible one between us two. But I do share Lilith's sentiment, you do seem to love Sebastian a great deal."
She remains silent for a moment and speaks once again.
"I am still furious at you, but that is for another day, right now I know the perfect alley way to go to."
We head off into the night, slowly making our way street after street to where we want to be. The agony of time is killing me though for I wish I could fast forward to tomorrow when I can face my sentence and be united with Sebastian.
We soon find ourselves in a dark and secluded park, where couples dwell at night looking for a quiet romantic spot to do what it is that lovers do down here. Therefor comes the name lover's lane, it is not much a lane, but most definitely the perfect place for us to feed.
And it does not take us long to hear the voices of night dwellers coming blowing with the wind. From what I can make of it is about those of four people, two men and two woman to be exact.
We come to a stop and go over the same plan that we have been discussing the whole day.
"Lilith you shall overpower one of the females for Eva ass he lacks the skill to do so herself yet."
And then I continue.
"I shall then take the remainder of them and rather reckless feed from them."
Then as not was planned in the first place, Lilith does go and change part of what we agreed on.
"I shall feed off the third, I am due, and I might as well do it now."
"But you shall tell them it was me?"
"Yes that plan still stands."
Soon we find ourselves as light as feathers, sneaking up on our unsuspecting victims. First to make their move is Lilith, she takes one of the females down with a single hand wrapped around her throat. She pins her down and shows for Eva to step in place. Much to our surprise Eva does manage to hold her down, and with much eager fangs she rather viciously slams then into the neck of the helpless woman.
Lilith goes again just as one of the males break away and makes a run for it, but there is no beating the speed of a Vampire and she soon has him to the ground. She does do it rather much more elegant as what Eva has done it.
I turn my attention to the two horrified humans in front of me. I need not feeding and I am somewhat feeling guilty for recklessly slaughtering two people for no reason at all. But there is a reason, his name is Sebastian and he is somewhere in a dungeon possibly dying.
So I put humanity to the side and think of love. I slam the girl into a tree, that should render her helpless just long enough for me to take down this massive man that is standing in front of me. And when I say massive, I do not refer to muscled for he does seem one size too big for himself. But that poses no problem for I am on him in less than five seconds drawing as must as I need to kill him.
Just then the girl comes to and sets running through the park. With stilettos and all I speed up to her in a fraction of a second. I can hear her heart racing from both running and the fear. But this only fuels my desire to do which I have set to do. I throw my head back as I expose my razor sharp fangs. With a growl rumbling from my stomach, I drive them into her throbbing veins, and sip on every ounce of her sweet blood until she goes limp in my arms.
With that we dump the bodies all in a large rubbish bin where the Council Members will find them later on. We compose ourselves and rather satisfied leave lover's lane to return to the Belmont house where Lilith shall contact the council.
These girls are up to something that I do know is no good. Now I should be at ease to know that they are with Lilith, but she herself is known to be irresponsible at times. I am set to meet with the Council but has just been informed that the three members that sentenced Sebastian is out of town on another case that they urgently had attend. So now I am left with hoping that Sebastian will be able to make it through another night.
So I am on my way back home to make sure the girls are back and that they have not been in any trouble tonight for Sebastian shall have my head.
As I step inside they are casually sitting in the kitchen. I look from one to the other and I can see the guilt written all over their faces for they are making a poor attempt to hide it.
"I am only asking this once. What did the three of you do?"
"Nothing, we went out for a walk."
"There is no such thing as nothing with you Anastasia. What did you do?"
"I just told you nothing. Don't always think that I am up to no good."
Just then my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. This is rather late for someone to call at this time of night. But as I see whom it is, I am immediately horrified. My god I hope it is not Sebastian.
"Hold that thought. I will be back now."
Something does give me the idea that might be about me. Instead of Lilith phoning the Council, Eva did it for she made us see that she has more reason to rat on me. So the Council took it more seriously and if I am right...
I hear as Edward is stomping towards me with pure white rage on his face. He is so furious he cannot even form a proper sentence.
"What did you do? And save the nothing nonsense on me!"
"I was hungry."
"Four?! Four people hungry? Are you insane?!"
He turns to Lilith and Eva.
"What did you two do? And do not dare tell me nothing."
They only but remain silent. I cannot help but chuckle at how mad he is, I do not show him that I am finding it amusing. He takes a few deep breaths before he speaks again.
"You must come with me. Two councils in two days. You are surely...Ugh...just come. Sebastian is going to kill me."
But then he realises what has happened and he turns to me with a look I have never seen on his face before.
"Please do not tell me you did this just so you can get to Sebastian."
I do not answer him but only carry on playing with a clip that is holding up my hair.
"For your sake, I hope they do not take your fangs. Now come let's go."
The drive to the location is fairly quiet, he is too shocked still to even try and express his feelings. This time though we are stopping at a very lavish mansion on the far side of the city. It is dark at night but it is lit up with more lights than I have ever seen. It makes it seems as if it is gold and shiny.
As we step through the big wooden doors, we are lead straight into what seems to be a study. There are hundreds and hundreds of books everywhere from floor to ceiling. I have never seen such sight before. But what does struck me the most is the man that is sitting at the table next to two other men. He has silver grey hair, he must have been turned when he was fairly old. But he has such a demanding aura about him. I do believe I am going to stand a tough council tonight.
He shows for me to step forward and then he speaks.
"Anastasia. I have heard a lot about you. The Master's beloved. My name is William and you shall stand council in front me tonight."
He shows for me to sit down on the single chair in the room.
"I feel sorry that Edward had to show you here while The Master is out of town."
What does he mean out of town?
"But he..."
"Do not interrupt me my dear. But I do wish to know what went through your mind."
"Four humans hungry. I am afraid to say that this is a serious offense. And I do wish The Master was here for him to understand that I had no other choice to do this."
I ball my tiny hands so hard into fists that my knuckles turn even a shade whiter than it already is. Please let the next few words be the ones I want to hear.
"I am going to give you a very harsh sentence Anastasia."
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