Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1329: ambitious person

   Chapter 1329 Ambitious people

  Lin Tian agreed, and then let Su Jing and Bai Jue stay here, while he and Shopkeeper Tong came to a secret room.

  This secret room is on the top floor of the inn, and there is a door on the top floor, so outsiders cannot enter at all.

   When shopkeeper Tong took out the key and unlocked the door, he led Lin Tian inside.

  I saw the long corridor, which looked like a tunnel, until the shopkeeper Tong came to a door and respectfully said, "Sir, he's here."

   "Come in." The person inside said, and the shopkeeper Tong pushed open the door and led Lin Tian inside.

  In this room, there is a strange middle-aged man who looks a little rough.

   I saw the man staring at Lin Tian for a while and then laughed, "Shen Doctor Lin, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the middle-aged man said with a smile, "I'm from the Song family in Shuiyun City. I heard about your ability recently, so I came to see and chat with you by the way. ."

   "Song Family?"

   "Yes, one of the largest families in Shuiyun City, and most of the inns are owned by my family." This person said proudly.

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "Then I don't know what you want to talk about?"

   This person said to the shopkeeper Tong, "You go down first, I'll have a chat with this guy."


   The shopkeeper Tong stepped back, and after the door was closed, the surroundings immediately became quiet, and then the man smiled and said, "My name is Song Yu, the head of the Song family."

  Lin Tian didn't say much, because he knew that the other party was not good, especially around here, there was a hidden formation.

   "What? Doctor Lin, don't you like talking to me?" Seeing that Lin Tian didn't speak, Song Yu asked curiously.

  Lin Tian returned to his senses and smiled, "It's not that you don't want to, it's just that you are not very friendly to me."

   "How do you say this?"

"There is a formation around you, and your aura has been suppressed all the time, as if you want to do it at any time." Lin Tian smiled at this Song Yu, and Song Yu smiled after hearing this, "Lin Shen doctor, good eyesight, this is all I can tell."

"Tell me, what do you want to do?" Lin Tian asked straight to the point, and the Song Yu said, "My Song family has built inns all over the city, in addition to providing convenience to everyone, it is to attract all kinds of geniuses, and you have been swayed by I have my eye on it, so now you can join us and become a guest of our Song family."

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly after hearing this, "Did you win people over like that?"

   "Under normal circumstances, I invite people to my mansion first, and then hire a lot of money to get them to agree to join."

   "But what if you don't agree?"

  Song Yu immediately released a strong breath, "If you don't agree, I will abolish that person and let him disappear in this Shuiyun City."

   "Then don't you offend a lot of people?"

   "Of course, but none of those people can escape from my eyes, so outsiders don't know about it at all." Song Yu said proudly.

  Lin Tian smiled, "Do you know about the Bu family?"

   "I know, in order to see a doctor, I don't need dignity." This Song Yu laughed, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "I want to tell you that I can't afford to offend him, otherwise it will make him look good."

  Song Yu laughed, "Boy, do you know what I have a title in Shuiyun City?"

   "Tell me about it."

   "My name is Song Bawang. If anyone dares to disobey, I will take care of him. Even the nerd of the city owner will not dare to provoke me at will when he sees me, otherwise I will let him fall from the position of the city owner."

  Lin Tian said strangely after hearing this, "You're not even afraid of the city lord?"

   "Bullshit, in Shuiyun City, what I say, what is his city lord? Isn't he just a waste of nosy every day?" That Song Yu made the city lord worthless.

  Lin Tian muttered to himself, "What role does this Song family play in Shuiyun City?"

   Seeing Lin Tian in a daze, Song Yu asked with a smile, "Boy, I've already said what should be said, and the rest is up to you to decide."

   "I said, don't mess with me." After Lin Tian explained, that Song Yu smiled strangely, "Then I have to be rude."

After   , the surrounding formations had been activated, and then countless chains appeared in the air and entangled Lin Tian.

   There are many other runes on these shackles, making the shackles so powerful that Lin Tian couldn't move his entire body.

   This Song Yu came over proudly and surrounded Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, don't struggle, my Song family's formation is combined with the seal chain. Once it gets entangled, the strength on the body will not be used, and it will be at my mercy, you know?"

  Lin Tian stared at the chain and said with a smile, "You use this method to deal with others?"

   "Nonsense, for so many years, I've been attracting people like this, and it's 100% successful." This Song Yu said with a smile.

   Lin Tian smiled slightly, "But let me tell you, this trick doesn't work for me."

"It's useless? Are you going to die then?" Song Yu finished speaking, took out the dagger in his hand, and swam around Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian asked in confusion, "Why do you want to be like this? How to deal with people?"

  Song Yu said proudly, "I said, I am the overlord of Song, and in Shuiyun City, my Song family is the king."

   "King? Do you want to dominate?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, while Song Yu smiled strangely, "Boy, you are very smart, my Song family really wants to dominate and become the master of one party, not to be ordered by the capital."

  Lin Tian said suspiciously, "Shuiguo, there are many masters and troops, do you think it would be useful for you to recruit some people?"

  Song Yu said proudly, "What I have compiled are all kinds of geniuses. One person can resist thousands of people, but it's not a problem for ten thousand people, and how do you know that I didn't recruit some people from the military camp?"

   "So, the guards responsible for the safety of Shuiyun City were also recruited by you?"

   "Many people have been included by me. As long as I give an order, the whole city is mine, but now is not the time."

   "Isn't it the time?"

   "Yes, when the people of Qin country have almost consumed the water country, and I start again, the water country will not have time to take care of me, you know?" That Song Yu said very eloquently, and told all the secrets.

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "You have colluded with the Qin people."

   "Hey, boy, you are smart." That Song Yu laughed, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "You are careless."

"main idea?"

   At this moment, Lin Tian had a thought, and those shackles all dissipated, as if he had never blessed Lin Tian.

  Song Yu was immediately startled, "You, how did you break it."

   "This is my secret, how can I tell you at will?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and Song Yu hummed, "Boy, I tell you, even if you can break the rope, you can't leave here."

After    finished speaking, Song Yu took a few steps back, the surrounding formations were running, and countless flames were generated at Lin Tian's location, intending to burn Lin Tian alive.

  Lin Tian stared at these flames, and said with a smile to Song Yu who was watching outside the formation, "Playing with fire with me, you are still too tender."

   (end of this chapter)

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