Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1473: why choose him

   Chapter 1473 Why choose him

   After hearing this, the lord of the country was even more stunned for a long time. It was not until a long time before he let the lord of the palace go down, and the lord of the country calmed down for a while before looking at Shuiliu, "What happened to the person who painted the fairy hall in the Qin state?"

   "There should be some action soon."

   "Well, how do you arrange the sixth mission now?" The country lord knew Lin Tian's strength, and the eighth prince was definitely the prince, so he planned to give up the last five missions.

   But Shui Liu said, "I will ask my master."

   After Shui Liu communicated with Lin Tian for a while, that Shui Liu looked back at the king, "My master said, continue."

   "Continue? Why?" The country lord was puzzled, and Shui Liu said, "My master said that he wants to train the eighth prince, so let's make our next task a little more dangerous, and it's best related to mind training."

   "Mind training?" The country lord hesitated, and Shui Liu said again, "My master also said that it is best to bring people from the Qin country."

  The country lord said solemnly, "If you bring people from the Qin country, then there is only one place in our water country."

   "Oh? Is the country a good place?"

   After the lord hummed, he narrated them one by one. After listening, the water stream agreed, "That's it."

   "Well, I will ask Cang Palace Master to arrange it immediately, and then when the time is up, I will arrange the sixth task."



Lin Tian defeated the Hall of Immortal Killing Gods, and also let the story of the falling rain and the wind to escape spread everywhere, even the princes and princesses in the Prince's Hall were shocked, YouQi Shui Wu muttered there, "Eighth Emperor Brother, you Is this master really so scary?"

  The eighth prince was also full of enthusiasm at the moment, "I didn't expect that my master would be able to compete with someone who was so strong, and still win."

   Shui Wu was still a little unconvinced, "It's actually comparable to my master's strength."

  The Eighth Prince knew that the water flow was comparable to Luoyu Qingfeng back then, but now Lin Tian has won Luoyu Qingfeng, which means that Lin Tian has also won the water flow, but Shui Wu is not convinced, so he thinks that Lin Tian is equivalent to his master.

   However, at this time, the Cang Palace Master came to the Prince’s Palace and announced to the princes and princesses that five days later, a new mission will be started, and now everyone can go back and prepare.

   Everyone didn’t expect it to be ahead of schedule, so everyone went to prepare.

   After the third prince and the fourth prince returned to the third prince's mansion, the fourth prince became impatient, "Brother Third Prince, what should we do now?"

  The third prince also began to panic a little, "Song Qu and the Hall Master Yan have an accident, King Dan ignored us, and now killing the Immortal Hall can't help that kid, what can we do?"

"Why don't you ask Shuifu to chat with the person from the ghost gate?" The fourth prince suggested, and the third prince hesitated, "I think so too, but if this goes on, we will become very passive, and even the position of the prince will be lost. not ours."

   "Then Brother Sanhuang, what are your plans?"

   "I want them to lose both, but there is no way." The third prince gritted his teeth in anger, and the fourth prince hurriedly asked, "Then you should contact the Hall Master Yan and ask what Qin Guo said."

"Let me try."

   Then the third prince contacted him, but the Palace Master Yan ignored it, which made the third prince anxiously say, "Damn, the Palace Master Yan has never responded."

   The fourth prince said in shock, "Isn't there going to be an accident, Hall Master Yan?"

   "This is what I'm most afraid of." The third prince was depressed, and the fourth prince quickly said, "Should we contact the Qin people ourselves."

   "How do you get in touch, do you know anything?" The third prince complained, and the fourth prince embarrassed, "That's true."

   "Now, we have to think of a way." The third prince began to wander there, but the fourth prince said depressedly, "I didn't expect that a genius doctor of unknown origin would make us so embarrassed."

  The third prince also had a fire in his heart, but he couldn't send it out.

  The Third Imperial Concubine watched from the side and sighed inwardly, "It seems that my brother is right, this person can't be provoked."

   At this moment, the third imperial concubine regretted not listening to Zeng Xiaoyao's persuasion at the beginning, but it was too late to regret it at the moment.

   As for Lin Tian, ​​he was walking on the street, but he muttered to himself, "There must be a lot of people lurking in the city in this Qin country, but who are these people?"

   When Lin Tian was suspicious, the eighth prince, Shui Wu and others appeared, and the eighth prince ran over when he saw Lin Tian, ​​"Master."

   "Why did you guys come out?" Lin Tian thought they were still in the Prince's Palace, but after the Eighth Prince briefly said, Lin Tian smiled and said, "It turned out to be earlier."

   "Yes." The Eighth Prince nodded, while Master Fu on the side asked strangely, "Boy, was the person who killed the Immortal Hall really solved by you?"

   "What? Have you heard of it?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and the Master Fu said, "Now it's spread throughout the city, and this is no trivial matter."

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, but Shui Wu looked at Lin Tian with a dissatisfied face, "Don't think that you have won Luoyu Qingfeng, and you feel that you are very powerful, even comparable to my master."

   After seeing Shui Wuyou comparing himself with Shui Liu, Lin Tian smiled and said, "I said nine princesses, why do you always feel that I want to compare with your master?"

"Look, you are my master of the Eighth Emperor, and what do you want? Nothing more than that, you want to support my Eighth Emperor to become the prince, and then your ability is strong. Naturally, you can replace my master and become a national teacher in the future, so Your purpose is very simple, you just want to be a national teacher." Shui Wu stared at Lin Tiandao.

  The Eighth Prince immediately stared, "Sister Nine Emperors, you are not allowed to say that to my master."

   Shui Wu said, "Brother Eighth Emperor, I am afraid that you are innocent and don't know that he has a purpose."

  The eighth prince said, "What if there is a purpose, at least my master has helped us a lot, isn't it?"

   "One yard is one yard, I just told the truth, and I didn't say that he couldn't be a national teacher, and I didn't say that he couldn't have such a purpose." The Shui Wu said depressedly, and even felt a little wronged.

  The eighth prince shook his head helplessly, and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, don't take offense, my sister of the nine emperors, she is open-mouthed, but she does not mean to belittle you or ridicule you."

   Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I won't care about the younger generation."

   "Junior? Make it look like you are very old." The Shui Wu complained, and the eighth prince quickly adjusted the atmosphere, "Master, what should we do in the next few days."

   "Rest." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he returned to the Eighth Prince's Mansion.

   In the Eighth Prince's Mansion, Lin Tian sat in a pavilion, and then slowly meditated there. As for this Master Fu, he came to Lin Tian and looked at him curiously, "Why did you choose the Eighth Prince over other princes?"

   "Is this question important?"

   "Before the Eighth Prince's disease was resolved, he could be said to be weak or even a promising one, but you chose him and helped him." That Master Fu wanted to know the answer.

   (end of this chapter)

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