Crazy Detective

Chapter 1004: Detective in the Shadows

Even though the entire case seemed like a mess, Zhao Yu and Miao Ying were able to start piecing together what had happened as the various leads came in. Excluding the fire at Gao Lanqi, the thieves’ den on the outskirts of Jin, or the various investors, it was clear that everything centered around one key person; Yu Fusheng! The way things had come together, Zhao Yu could not help but conclude that Yu Fusheng was the mystery man who had helped Jiang Ke break out of prison.

First and foremost, the voice of the mystery man and the voice of Yu Fusheng was exactly the same. The person who had threatened Zhao Yu through the phone was also definitely him! This fact was easy for anyone to see. Secondly, during the phone call, the mystery man had mentioned that he was enemies with Zhao Yu, but Zhao Yu couldn’t identify his voice. This also pointed to the same conclusion, as Zhao Yu knew Yu Fusheng but had never met him before.

In the Qu Ping case, Zhao Yu had fought the Red 8 troops and ruined Yu Fusheng’s plans of revenge. It was only natural that Yu Fusheng would have held a grudge against Zhao Yu and sought revenge.

Also, since Yu Fusheng was closely linked to the cow crimes, he was fully capable of breaking out of prison! When Zhao Yu was kidnapped by Yu Sunfeng and the mute Tu Lekai, he had tested what they knew. Yu Sunfeng had already admitted to helping with breaking Jiang Ke out of prison, and the person who had driven the van with the bomb to the escape location was most likely Tu Lekai.

According to this theory, the video recording of Jiang Xiaoqing getting threatened, the installation of the bomb in the van, and the manipulation of the police officer’s phone all seemed to be part of Yu Fusheng’s plans. On top of this, on the way to the hideout, Yu Sunfeng had called Yu Fusheng boss. It was evident that Yu Fusheng was the ringleader.

When everything was looked at together, it was obvious that Yu Fusheng was the one who had helped Jiang Ke escape prison. The mystery man was Yu Fusheng! Once this question had been answered, all the messy leads began to make sense and connect with ease.

Zhao Yu remembered the mystery man once saying: “Zhao Yu, I have given you so many clues, but you always fall into my traps!” He had also said: “Zhao Yu you are indeed smart. The minute Wu Fangfang died you sent all of your family into hiding…”

Remembering what the mystery man had said, it was obvious that he and Wu Fangfang’s death were linked. On top of that, the motorbike found in the barn and the hair from the femme fatale He Yubing gave Zhao Yu good reason to suspect that Wu Fangfang had been killed by Yu Fusheng and his gang! Yu Fusheng was the mastermind behind the murder, and He Yubing was the killer.

There was a good reason to believe that Yu Fusheng killed Wu Fangfang. Firstly, Yu Fusheng had held a grudge towards Wu Fangfang and could have used this as an opportunity for revenge. Secondly, he then was able to use Wu Fangfang’s death to lure Zhao Yu into his trap. The bomb in the van most likely meant that Yu Fusheng wanted Zhao Yu dead. If so, why did he come up with such an elaborate plan to kill Zhao Yu? Was it because Zhao Yu had figured everything out back at the Hong Ming Jiang bridge?!

Maybe Yu Fusheng took the opportunity to kill Zhao Yu because he was afraid that Zhao Yu would find out the truth about the Rural Homicide case. Maybe it was not just because he had something against Zhao Yu! He had wanted to get rid of any potential threats! That meant that the Rural Homicide case must have been carried out by Yu Fusheng!

Zhao Yu had not jumped to this conclusion without reason. Yang Zebiao’s DNA had been found at Wu Fangfang’s murder scene. This meant that Yu Fusheng and Yang Zebiao were linked. Next, Yu Fusheng had spent time overseas, which coincided with the period of the Rural Homicide case. Also, what were the odds of it only being a coincidence that Yu Fusheng hid in Gao Lanqi of all places?

If his hunch was correct, then this whole case had just become a lot easier. Yu Fusheng could be the mastermind behind the whole case! But… the sudden fire had changed everything and brought about a whole bunch of new questions.

Zhao Yu remembered that just before the fire, Yu Fusheng was already unconscious. This also meant that the arsonist was not just an arsonist, but also a murderer! The arsonist had killed him first, then set the whole place on fire. But why did they burn the place?

Was it because of internal strife? Triad revenge? Or was it to silence someone? Out of these three possibilities, Zhao Yu felt like the last was the most likely. He thought that because internal strife or triad revenge wouldn’t have called for such a complicated case of arson. The fire had been planned very meticulously!

Could it be that Yu Fusheng was the mystery man behind this case, but wasn’t the actual mastermind? Was there someone more vicious behind this? If so, then who was it?

“Zhao Yu…” Right as Zhao Yu was deep in thought, Miao Ying’s voice rang through the house. “Listen to me, if Yu Fusheng is really the mystery man, then you can finally breathe easy and not be so uptight! If you remain this uptight, you’ll break soon!”

“Relax, love,” Zhao Yu said, flashing her a comforting smile. “I know my limits.”

“Back to what we were talking about!” Miao Ying hugged Zhao Yu from behind and gently said, “Jiang Ke has come into the spotlight again! I think you should report this to the higher-ups. As long as you fill them in on the details, I’m sure they’ll understand your situation! After all, you found the people working with Jiang Ke and Yu Fusheng. If you confess, at least you’ll have a chance to atone for your mistakes!”

“I did think of that…” Zhao Yu said, holding Miao Ying’s hands. “But this is all just speculation, I…”

“If you don’t say anything you’ll be in trouble!” Miao Ying warned. “You should at least greet Chief Jiao and continue on in secret. Think of it this way, if you were the leader, how would you feel? You were forced into cooperating with criminals. They’ll understand! But if you withhold this information and don’t report it, then you’re at fault!”

“Furthermore,” she continued saying, “you know that breaking Jiang Ke out of prison was a crime. Once they start the proper proceedings it’ll be too late. At that point, not only will you be unable to stay on the team, you may even be charged!”

“I know all that!” Zhao Yu said sullenly. “But… Miaomiao, I have my own concerns. I don’t even know how strong our opponent is. I will not dare to take a risk like this with my family and friends!”

“Then what are we to do? You can’t possibly hide like this forever. You are the Special Investigations team leader!” she replied.

“Relax! I feel like the truth is about to be uncovered! Once we crack this case and reveal everything then I can completely relax. I’ll put it this way, give me a bit more time and let me be a detective in the shadows!”

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