Crazy Detective

Chapter 1018: Counterplotting

Back in the present, in the room of Cheng Lingfei and Wu Fangfang’s showdown.

Miao Ying slowly woke up from her daze. She saw Zhao Yu tied up as well, but she couldn’t say anything.

Cheng Lingfei entered quickly. She looked as if she was still recovering from the shock of seeing Zhao Yu alive and seeing him only made it worse.

“Wow, what a beauty!” Zhao Yu said, complimenting the Cheng Lingfei’s captivating beauty before proceeding to fake surprise. “I must say, Ms. Cheng, could this all be one huge misunderstanding? Don’t you know we’re both from the police; indeed, we’re from the Special Investigation Group. What you’re doing is actually illegal!”

Cheng Lingfei did not reply. Instead, she stared intently at Zhao Yu. It seemed like she was planning something.

“Sis,” Ah Guang whispered softly into Cheng Lingfei’s ears, “I’ve browsed through the records on their computer and phone. We’ve been tricked! They didn’t discover anything and were merely coming here to investigate the scratched photo from Wu Fangfang! And you’re right, they’ve yet to report anything to their chiefs. There’s only the two of them at the moment. If we got quietly got rid of them, then maybe there wouldn’t be any need to leave anymore?”

“Hmph!” Cheng Lingfei sighed coldly and walked towards Zhao Yu slowly. “Zhao Yu, how are you not dead?”

“Wow!” Zhao Yu faked surprise. “How did you know my name?”

“Yu,” Miao Ying uttered under her breath, “Cheng Lingfei is the mastermind behind everything. Yang Zebiao is right here…”

“What?!” This time the surprise was genuine.

Zhao Yu had had his fair share of difficulties and only came here personally because he had no other choice. Firstly, he was unable to confirm that his conjectures were accurate. Even though all the evidence pointed to Cheng Lingfei there was no way to confirm it.

Secondly, upon reaching Cheng Lingfei’s doorstep, he couldn’t confirm what had happened to Miao Ying. However, he felt that in such uncertain situations, even if Cheng Lingfei was indeed the mastermind, Miao Ying wouldn’t act recklessly and had believed she would be fine.

Finally, Zhao Yu was in a precarious situation. He couldn’t act rashly, nor could he report this to the police. He also couldn’t blindly barge into Cheng Lingfei’s house.

He had initially planned on using the invisibility cloak to sneak into Chen Jiahao’s house and observe the situation. Then his instinctive detective skills had alerted him to the fact that Chen Jiahao’s house was filled with security devices. There were even infrared rays! Even if Zhao Yu was invisible, he wouldn’t be able to sneak past all that security. Of course, he would have been able to use his various tools, but even then, there was the risk of being discovered.

After careful consideration, he figured the best course of action was to wait inside Miao Ying’s jeep and analyze the data on his laptop. That way he would not draw unnecessary attention to himself. Zhao Yu figured that if he waited a while for Miao Ying to return, he would then be able to call for reinforcements and suppress Cheng Lingfei before deciding on what to do next. If Miao Ying didn’t return, he would use her name to call for reinforcements and personally take the lead by relying on his tools.

What surprised Zhao Yu the most was that upon entering the jeep and turning on his laptop, he was surrounded by a group of men in black suits. It was then he understood his suspicions of Cheng Lingfei were on the money.

Although he had his tools and could have resisted, he knew that Miao Ying was in a dangerous situation and resisting might put her in danger. So, he had no choice but to go with the flow and cooperate. He would act accordingly afterward.

At such a juncture, there was no point in hiding his identity. That was why when they took off his shades and mask, he didn’t bother hiding his face.

Upon seeing the shocked looks on the faces of Cheng Lingfei and her lackeys, Zhao Yu once again got confirmation that Cheng Lingfei was the mystery person who had planned Jiang Ke’s prison break and the series of baffling cases that followed.

Upon seeing that Miao Ying was conscious and able to speak, Zhao Yu felt slightly more at ease. Initially, Zhao Yu had planned to make use of the situation and wring out some evidence from them. But when Zhao Yu couldn’t help but feel astonished when he heard from Miao Ying that Yang Zebiao was with Cheng Lingfei.

That can’t be right…

Cheng Lingfei was very smart and cunning. What Zhao Yu couldn’t understand was why she would kill Yu Fusheng and Jiang Ke but leave the most important person, Yang Zebiao, alive.

“Sis…” Ah Guang, who was holding the tablet, started to speak. Zhao Yu recognized him. He was the high-level assassin Liu Guangxin, one of the police’s most-wanted criminals. “There were actually outsiders who came to the scene of the fire, and some of them were even experts,” Ah Guang whispered softly into Cheng Lingfei’s ear. “So it seems that they didn’t treat it as a run-of-the-mill fire!”

Upon hearing this, Cheng Lingfei nodded slightly and took Miao Ying’s handgun from her lackey Ah Yun. She pointed it at the space between Miao Ying’s eyebrows.

“Zhao Yu!” Cheng Lingfei said threateningly, pulling back the bolt of the gun. “I don’t care whether you’re human or a living ghost, tell me what you know right now! If you dare to lie, I’ll put a bullet through your precious girl’s head!”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t…” Zhao Yu shook his head frantically.”Don’t shoot! Do. Not. Shoot! Go ahead and ask me what you want to know. I’ll tell you everything!”

“You… How are you alive?” Cheng Lingfei asked, furrowing her brows. “Hong Mingjiang Bridge is 50 meters high and you jumped from the middle of it. The chance of survival is only 1%!”

“It’s not dumb luck. It’s definitely not dumb luck!” Zhao Yu answered immediately, still in a panicked state. “You can check my records! I was the swimming champion back in school and could hold my breath underwater for ten minutes! Also, even though 50m might seem very high, if you control the angle of the dive, the chances of survival are still good! That so-called 1% you speak of is nothing more than a computer-generated number!”

Cheng Lingfei shook the handgun slightly, still pointing it at Miao Ying. She was seemingly considering whether Zhao Yu had told the truth. She had clearly seen Zhao Yu fall into the river with her own eyes. In the end, she decided that such a thing could have happened.

“Hmph! You’re pretty sly,” Cheng Lingfei remarked. “You survived, yet you didn’t show your face and basically became invisible so that you could continue to investigate this case. Good job! I’ll give you that.”

“What else were you expecting, big sis?” Zhao Yu asked, grinning from ear to ear. “I helped Jiang Ke break out of prison, so I’m basically a criminal myself!”

Cheng Lingfei nodded, evidently satisfied by Zhao Yu’s answer.

“Then let me ask you,” she began, pausing for a moment before continuing, “what happened with Jiang Ke? Did you all tamper with something? Did you let him off deliberately so you could catch him again? Is this all part of some elaborate scheme?”

“Hmm,” Zhao Yu replied without even batting an eyelid. “Yes, yes, yes! You really are smart! We planted a GPS chip on Jiang Ke’s scalp in advance. This is a new invention by the police so it’s still in preliminary testing. It utilizes a fixed time activation model, so it’s not easily discovered by scanners! Also, normally you don’t scan the head! Jiang Ke kept whining about wanting to break out of prison, so on my insistence, as the great detective, we installed it in advance!” Zhao Yu said smugly. “How’s that? Don’t I have great foresight!”

Cheng Lingfei narrowed her eyes, seemingly having a hard time understanding what Zhao Yu was saying. “So that’s how it is. Now it all makes sense! That’s how you guys tracked him to the outskirts of Jin and captured his accomplice, the gold owner. That’s also how Jiang Ke was able to escape from the nightclub that was surrounded by police. It’s no wonder you could get all the way to Gao Lanqi and discover the fire!”

“Oh my god!” Ah Guang said with astonishment. “Luckily, big sis factored this in beforehand! If not, we would have been caught by the police back at the cowshed! But such fancy technology… how have I not heard about it before?”

No sh*t! Zhao Yu scolded in his heart. That was all nonsense I made up. Of course you’ve never heard about it!

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