Crazy Detective

Chapter 1142: I Want Zhao Yu!

Ten minutes later, the entire tourist area had been fully evacuated.

The Secret Services and the other Special Investigation Team officers had already surrounded Guan Qing Hall, and they were ready to rescue the hostages and subdue the thugs.

Leader Li Jing was being treated at the hospital for a leg injury, so command had been handed over to Xiao Hang.

Xiao Hang and the commander of the Special Investigations Team were watching a video on their mobile phone.

It was a video sent by the criminals using one of the hostages’ phones. The female hostage was tied up with an explosive. The woman was pale as a sheet, shaking in fear with tears and snot covering her face.

“They want me to tell you that… they want a helicopter with a full tank of fuel… they say there is an open space in front of the main hall… it’s definitely possible to land a helicopter there…” she said to the camera between sobs. “If they don’t get what they want, they will detonate everything and it will end in mutually assured destruction! Please…

“And… they also want someone to come in, uhm… what… what Zhao…? Oh, Zhao Yu! That’s the name! They said if they don’t see this person in ten minutes, they will begin killing off one hostage every ten minutes! Please! I beg you!” The woman broke down in tears, trembling in fear. “Please come and save us…”

The video was forcibly cut after that.

“Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu!” Xiao Hang stood up straight and looked around. “Where is Zhao Yu? Where did he go? Didn’t I ask him to wait for me right here?”

“He’s not answering his phone!” Ma Jichun said, sweating anxiously. “His phone’s GPS can’t be tracked, either!”

“Wh… what?!” Xiao Hang placed his hands on his waist and shouted. “What about the Special Investigations Team?! Where is everybody and what the f*ck are they doing?!”

“Coming… coming…” Just as Xiao Hang finished, Cui Lizhu’s voice could be heard. Cui Lizhu and Liu Zhanbing were quickly running towards Xiao Hang.

“Eh? Leader Xiao? Where is my boss?” Cui Lizhu asked upon meeting him there.

“You’re not the only one looking for him, I am as well!” Xiao Hang said angrily. “Hurry and contact the rest of your men. The criminals want Zhao Yu to go in! If he doesn’t appear, they will start killing the hostages!”

“What?! How could this be?” Cui Lizhu asked, almost spitting. She rolled her eyes and quickly nodded. “Okay, alright! I will find him! Don’t worry, I will find him…”

With that, Cui Lizhu quietly moved out of the circle and pulled Liu Zhanbing along by the arm, whispering to him, “Old Liu, quickly call Leader Miao and tell her the situation. Ask them to quickly hide our boss, and hide him well!”

“Wait, what?” Liu Zhanbing asked, a little confused.

“Hey, why are you hesitating?” Cui Lizhu pointed at the Guan Qing Palace. “Once boss knows about this he will definitely want to enter! You should know how he is. But he’s already ruined their plans and they’re out for revenge. Once he goes in, he will die a miserable death!”

“But… if Leader Zhao doesn’t show up, they will kill the hostages!” Liu Zhanbing said, obviously in a dilemma.

“I know!” Cui Lizhu said, clenching her fists. “But between the lives of the hostages and the life of our leader, which is more important? We can’t just watch him walk into his death!”

“Then… fine, what will you do?” Liu Zhanbing asked.

“I have to stay here and watch the situation!” Cui Lizhu said, gesturing. “You guys go and hurry up and find our boss, get him as far away as possible! Quickly, go!”

Liu Zhanbing sighed and nodded, picking up his phone as he ran off. Cui Lizhu finally felt a little relieved and returned to the circle to continue observing the situation.

“Leader Xiao!” This time, it was a Secret Service agent who spoke to Xiao Hang. “In my opinion, we can agree with their first condition. Look! The helicopter can only stop there. If the terrorists want to board, they still have to walk a fair distance and will be exposed in the process!” he said, pointing to the empty field in front of the hall. “We can set up two snipers on either side of the helicopter and shoot them as they board.”

“They are not that stupid!” Another commanding officer said. “Don’t forget they have explosives. They will definitely board the plane in batches. We don’t know how many explosives they have, or which person they have them on! This plan is way too dangerous!”

“We can first cut off all signals to the palace and attack them with a stun grenade!” another officer said. “This way, we will have at least a 60% rate of success!”

“Hmm…” Xiao Hang thought about the plan. Just then, someone had brought over the bodies of the two dead criminals.

“These two people were probably killed by Zhao Yu!” Xiao Hang said, pointing to their bodies. “They are anxious to exchange hostages with Zhao Yu, which means they most likely want to take revenge. We can’t let him go in…

“Hey…” He sighed and looked at his subordinates. “Let’s do it this way. Find a way to contact the other party and start some negotiations. We can talk about the conditions of their escape while we think of a better solution…”

Saying that, Xiao Hang saw the windows at the top of Quan Qing, and asked, “Can our drone see the situation inside by looking through that window?”

“Yes, you can!” the technician replied. “But while observing them you will also be discovered! I’m worried that that will put the hostages in a bad position!”

“What about infrared?” Xiao Hang asked.

“I can’t get in,” another technician said. “There are unknown heat signatures on the scene interfering with our detectors!”

“F*ck! They’re so professional…” Xiao Hang snorted.

“Leader,” another agent said. “According to some witnesses, there are estimated to be at least five hostages inside, but the number of thugs is unknown.”

“Mmm…” Xiao Hang frowned and thought hard about what he could do.

“Leader Xiao, Leader Xiao!” Cui Lizhu said, rushing forward. “Can you let me see the video from just now again?”

“Hmm?” Xiao Hang wasn’t sure what she wanted but gestured to his men.

Cui Lizhu looked through the video a little before she pointed at the screen and said, “Did you hear that? That loud, screeching sound? They are digging for something!”

“What?! Digging?” Xiao Hang increased the volume so he could hear the sound. “What are they digging for?”

“The treasure!” Cui Lizhu exclaimed, clapping excitedly. “The treasure could be buried beneath the palace! They must be digging for the treasure!”

“What?! Digging for treasure?” Xiao Hang’s eyes widened and he pointed at the palace. “Are they fools? They’re digging for the treasures now?! Isn’t that as good as helping us dig?”

“No!” Cui Lizhu said, shaking her head vigorously. “What do you think they want to do with the explosives? When the treasures are uncovered, they will use the explosives to blow them up! What they can’t have, they won’t let us have either! This is just like back at the fortress, isn’t that terrible!?”

“What?!” Xiao Hang and the others were shocked.

“Leader Xiao!” An agent said hurriedly. “The treasure is a matter of huge importance! If we can’t get it, then we have to be on the offensive!”

“This…” Xiao Hang picked up the phone, clearly wanting to ask a superior for instructions.

Just as that moment, the crowd behind burst into excited chatter.


The crowd separated, revealing a four-wheeled electric vehicle, specifically used at tourist spots, rushing into the crowd. Then, with a creaking sound, it pulled to a stop in front of Xiao Hang and the others. He hadn’t gotten out of the vehicle, but his laughter rang through first.

“Muahahaha! Who’s looking for me? I’m here!” In the next second, a tall man leaped out of the vehicle. It was Zhao Yu!

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