Crazy Detective

Chapter 1178: Autopsy Report

“What happened?” Miao Ying asked.

Seeing Zhao Yu frowning and slightly shocked, Miao Ying put down her work and joined Zhao Yu to check the autopsy report.

“So…” Zhao Yu said, asking the forensic doctor, “He may not have killed the deceased?”

“Yeah!” The forensic doctor pointed at the report. “At least with female corpse number two, her death was obviously caused by a disease. The possibility of homicide is minimal!”

“This…” Zhao Yu began.

With one sentence, Zhao Yu’s original train of thought was completely broken. It was really depressing.

“Ah?” Miao Ying was also surprised. It was only after she hurriedly reviewed the report that she understood the reason behind Zhao Yu’s depression.

Since only three corpses had been dissected, only the causes of death for female corpses number one, number two, and number six had been confirmed.

Female corpse number one had died from excessive bleeding due to the cut on her wrist. From the wrist wound alone, it was difficult to determine whether or not it was a homicide.

The cause of death for female corpse number two was entirely beyond their expectations. The forensic doctor did not see any apparent injuries or causes of death based on the appearance of the corpse, and it was not until after the anatomical test that they finally managed to confirm.

Female corpse number two had died of congenital heart disease!!

The cause of death clearly differed from Zhao Yu’s expectations. If the cause of death was a heart attack, then the possibility of murder was as good as ruled out!

Although, if the murderer had used some means to agitate the deceased, inducing a heart attack was not out of the realms of possibility. But the chance of that happening was too small!

The autopsy report showed that the deceased’s heart disease had reached a severe level. At such a point, would there still be a need to be so brutal with the murder?

Looking back at female corpse number six again, she was the only one who had been identified. This corpse was Geng Yaai.

Her condition was even more strange. The autopsy report stated that she had multiple fractures; a fracture in her left humerus, a fracture of the ulna and the wrist, and even a rib fracture. There was also a significant dent on the left side of her skull.

The forensic doctor hypothesized that she died from a traumatic injury to her head!

However, in order to confirm the cause of death, a craniotomy was required. Due to insufficient equipment, Zhang Peipei had to transfer some professional tools and equipment from the provincial hospital before they could continue.

However, although Zhang Peipei was very young, she was still an apprentice of Forensics Gao. Although he had never dissected a skull, Zhang Peipei was still able to judge from experience that the deceased Geng Yaai probably died from a car accident!

The forensic doctor who had brought the data pointed to the enlarged picture on the autopsy report, explaining, “These fractures and breaks have obvious characteristics of an impact from a car crash, which is different from general impact injuries.

“For example, her skull sank into a pothole. This is the typical result of an impact with a high-speed vehicle. If someone had used a blunt weapon, the wound would show an inevitable rupture!

“And…” He pointed to the corpse in the picture and continued to explain, saying, “There is also a large bruise on the ankle of the deceased. This indicates that she was hit on her side and hit by a car from the front during the car accident. Her entire left body was hit by a car, and her head was unfortunately badly injured, so it was fatal!”

“If the accident was fatal…” Zhao Yu said after thinking for a moment. “Then I’m afraid that there is no way to judge whether this was a murder or an accident, right?”

“Oh…” Miao Ying said quickly, glancing at Zhao Yu. “Anyway, I have to tell Wu Xiumin about this situation and let them investigate the car accident!”

“Don’t worry, let’s talk about it after we finish seeing the rest!” Zhao Yu said, flipping the post-mortem report to the back. All of the back pages held information about the undissected corpses.

Because the bodies were still inside the hanging coffins, forensic scientists could only guess based on the surface conditions of the bodies and simple sample tests.

Although the surface features of the four corpses were not apparent, the experienced forensic doctors had basically determined the causes of their deaths.

Looking first at female corpse number three, it was the body of a girl about fourteen to fifteen years of age. Her body was abnormally petite and she was wearing a pale green shroud.

The forensic doctor had searched her entire body and found no obvious causes of trauma. However, after prying open her mouth, they found unknown liquids and sediment. Some inconspicuous foam marks were found in her nose.

Because of this, they took a liquid sample on the spot. After returning to the Interpol brigade and observing it under a microscope, traces of algae were found in the unknown liquid.

Therefore, the forensic doctor’s preliminary guess was that the girl most likely died from drowning!

Furthermore, judging from the conditions of the dead body, the drowning process of the deceased was very short. After drowning, she had not been in the water for very long.

“The same situation!” Zhao Yu said, sighing. “We still can’t confirm whether this was a homicide or an accidental death! She may have been forcefully drowned by someone in the water or drowned by accident!”

“Exactly! And it’s the same for female corpse number four!” The male forensic doctor said. “Female corpse number four also had no obvious indications of trauma, but we found a large number of amide chemicals in her body! It means that she most likely died from drinking pesticides!”

“Ah? Committing suicide by drinking pesticides?” Zhao Yu asked, grimacing.

“Although the possibility of suicide is indeed very high, but we cannot rule out the possibility that someone forced her to drink it either!” The forensic doctor said.

“So… it’s the same situation for female corpse number five?” Miao Ying asked, pointing at the report. “Carbon monoxide poisoning! It could also be suicide from burning charcoal, or she was murdered by someone with that method. These causes of death, they are a little…”

Miao Ying was at a loss for words to describe it.

“What about female corpse number seven? The last one died from…” Zhao Yu said, flipping the page again and finally reaching the autopsy report for female corpse number seven.

“Well, this corpse is a little different!” The male forensic doctor said immediately. “Female corpse number seven wore a white shroud. The shroud was also different from the previous ones. The texture was much rougher and the color had already faded.

“Also, this corpse’s moisture content evaporated faster than the remaining corpses. We checked her body and found no obvious signs of trauma. The sampling test also found no obvious symptoms…” he said, pointing to the picture on the report. “But her eyelids were bleeding a little, and her lips are purple. We suspect that she died from suffocation!

“Thus, we focused on her neck and found imprints of finger marks, as well as some signs of epidermal peeling and subcutaneous bleeding!”

“Oh? So, she was strangled to death?” Zhao Yu asked, frowning. “Are you sure she didn’t hang herself or was strangled by something else?”

“Absolutely not possible!” The forensic doctor replied confidently. “The bruises from hanging or strangling by rope would not be so shallow, and strangle marks or rope marks each have their unique characteristics. This would definitely not be wrong!”

“Aha!” Zhao Yu said with a complicated expression, opening his palms. “I’m speechless! We counted from one to seven, but it wasn’t until the seventh that we can be sure of homicide. And by strangling no less!” He struck his throat with both his hands. “It’s impossible this is suicide anymore, right? Who would choke themselves to death?”

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