Crazy Detective

Chapter 911: What Can't Be Stolen

As she looked at Zhao Yu in the devil suit, Cui Lizhu’s eyes opened wide. She then said, “You look really scary in that! If it wasn’t for your crutch, I couldn’t stand looking at you!”

Ran Tao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, “Yes, this look alone could scare people to death, especially at night.”

Zeng Ke knew what Zhao Yu wanted to do next. After seeing Zhao Yu wave his hand, he immediately lay down and played an unconscious victim. A few seconds later, he pretended to wake up, then looked back.

“Ah!” After seeing Zhao Yu in the devil suit, Zeng Ke trembled and said, “Leader… I want to run away!”

Then, the others turned to look at what was behind Zeng Ke and saw that it was the building edge where the victim had fallen down. Although he was wearing a mask, Zhao Yu could see things clearly through the holes in the eyes. However, because the mask’s nose holes were small, it was hard to breathe, so one could hear his labored breathing.

He tried to stretch his arms, move his neck, and move forward a few steps. Looking at the others’ eyes and expressions, he could clearly see their fear.

Even though his team members knew that the devil in front of them was fake, they were still scared. So, Zhao Yu wondered… How much more would those victims have been terrified, not knowing what it was… And it being so late at night?

“The victims woke up and found themselves laying here!” Zeng Ke sat down and pointed at Zhao Yu. He then said, “From my perspective, it felt like you were rushing towards me. The victim would have to run in the opposite direction out of fear, and that’s exactly what the murderer wanted!”

Cui Lizhu pointed to the edge of the building. “They couldn’t have known that they were on a high building…”

“Well…” Zhao Yu felt a little depressed as he took off the heavy devil mask and said angrily, “The witness also mentioned a green fire. The devil suit is clearly not just a tool that was used to scare the victims! The murderer should have a good understanding of psychology, so his exact designs seemed to be to scare someone to death!”

“Boss, it now seems like Han Kuan must be the murderer!” Ran Tao said. “But… We still can’t find any evidence proving it. What should we do next?”

In fact, Zhao Yu was worried about the same thing. Although there was only one murderer, this case was the most complicated one that he had ever dealt with! The reason for this was that he couldn’t find the evidence that he needed to convict Han Kuan!

Han Kuan was fearless from the very beginning, and even that after so many years, the police couldn’t find anything to use to pin the crime on him! As long as the police had no evidence, it meant that he wouldn’t be prosecuted.

At 5 p.m., Zhao Yu and the others returned to the office at the Beiqian Police Station. This trip to the factory had only brought them the connection between the Devil Case and 11 Kills.

Before they went to the factory, Miao Ying had asked Wu Xiumin to put some pressure on Han Kuan while investigating him, hoping that a high pressure atmosphere with more interrogators and a longer interrogation time would break Han Kuan down, thus admitting his guilt. However, as Han Kuan was a crime novelist, he knew all about the police interrogation process, and even without a lawyer present, he handled everything well.

At first, he refused to admit anything, only keeping silent! Next, he claimed that he had several diseases, including heart disease, and needed a rest.

At the moment, Zhao Yu’s team was sitting together discussing the case. Miao Ying pointed to the white board that was filled with notes and said solemnly, “Our only task is to find evidence! We must prove that Han Kuan is the real murderer from the Devil Case, as well as the one responsible for his wife’s death.”

Although their goal was clear, they didn’t feel excited about it at all. This was because everyone knew how difficult it was going to be to find the evidence they needed!

If there had been evidence that was easy to find, the case would have been closed by a previous Special Investigation Group already. As this was a case that the police still couldn’t crack, even after 10 years, it was getting harder and harder to make any progress with it as time passed.

Zhao Yu had been able to solve the Mianling Kidnapping Case because there had been a witness. He had solved the Corpses In the Bank Case because Qiu Xinyang was caught at the scene. As for the famous Headless Female Corpses Case, he had solved that because he had destroyed the murderer Li Fei’s psychological defenses!

However, Han Kuan was different. He was meticulous, calm, and very familiar with the police investigation procedure. He was also very strong mentally!

To destroy such a person, Zhao Yu knew that he would have to find solid evidence. But, does that even exist at this point? Zhao Yu wondered.

Seeing that the others were upset, Cui Lizhu bit her lip and asked, “How about we dig up the victims’ bodies?”

“What?” Ran Tao was surprised by this random suggestion. “Why would you want to do that?”

Cui Lizhu explained, “You said that the police couldn’t solve the case in the past because of old technology. Now, we can use advanced methods to examine the corpses. Maybe now we can find something that Han Kuan left on them that we couldn’t have found before.”

Zhang Peipei said, “It’s not likely. Plus, it’s beyond the normal examination time frame window.”

Miao Ying said, “When they died, it was winter. The murderer wore a devil suit and the victims were wearing thick clothes! So, this is even beyond a technological problem. Another thing is that most of the victims were cremated!”

Cui Lizhu asked anxiously, “Then, what can we do? We can’t just wait for Han Kuan to be acquitted!”

As to Cui Lizhu’s question, no one at the scene could answer it. So, Cui Lizhu sighed and said with a sad smile, “My dad used to tell me that there wasn’t anything in the world that he couldn’t. I would always correct him and say that he couldn’t steal time, youth, family and so on… Ha ha! It seems that I can add another thing to that list now! No matter how good he is, he couldn’t steal the evidence to convict a person!”

“Can’t steal evidence?” Miao Ying shook her head meaningfully as she repeated the words. She then asked the others, “If Han Kuan killed Zhang Jingru because she saw his devil suit, then where did he put his original devil suit?”

Zhao Yu understood what Miao Ying was thinking about, and he immediately said, “Han Kuan was so careful that he killed his wife in order to keep his secret. He must have disposed of his devil suit!”

Miao Ying then raised another question, “So… He made the devil suit himself? Can we check on the materials source?”

Zhang Peipei said in a hurry, “Our people are already doing that! But, if it’s just ordinary cloth, it’s hard to determine its exact source…”

While they were discussing the case, Zhao Yu noticed that today’s side adventure had come to its end. Surprised, Zhao Yu opened the system and saw that he had completed the Qian Gen hexagram, and he had even got a high completion score of 169%!

Therefore, in addition to the Invisible Bone Setting Device, he also got five other first-class devices. But, Zhao Yu was quite confused with this early end.

It was only five o’clock in the afternoon, and today was Qian Gen hexagram, so he couldn’t help but wonder… How could it end so early? Did I miss anything or do anything wrong? Or… Does this hold some meaningful significance?

Suddenly, an ominous feeling surged in Zhao Yu’s heart.

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