Crazy Detective

Chapter 919: Fight to the Finish

Zhaoyun Province, Golden City Detention Center, 5:50 p.m.

In the restroom at the detention center, the sound of water rushing was heard. The suspect, Han Kuan, was standing in front of the sink, washing his face with cold water. As if the cold water had driven away his exhaustion from the last several days, after he finished washing, he breathed in a deep breath with satisfaction.

“Officer, we want judicial justice!” Outside the restroom, Zhang Gaosheng, the lawyer who had been hired by Han Kuan, yelled loudly. “I don’t care what evidence you have. How long have you held my client in custody? You should know what the result of that will be! Now, it’s beyond the longest extension that is allowed. What else do you want from him?”

He then added, “‘I’m warning you… If you continue to keep my client here, I will file a complaint against the police station and that special investigation group. So, stop talking nonsense and look at this document carefully. You have five minutes to let him go!”

As he listened to the lawyer barking orders at the police, Han Kuan looked into the mirror above the sink and wore a triumphant smile. Then, the smug smile suddenly disappeared, being replaced by an indescribable sinister and evil smirk.

His face was stiff and cold, and his eyes looked gloomy and wicked. It seemed that the whole world had suddenly become dark along with the darkening of his look!

Then, after another second had passed, his eye began to twitch violently. Suddenly, his eyes turned scarlet, and tears started to fall down from them.

However, these were not tears of sadness. This was clear as he gritted his teeth and laughed wildly. The look he had on his face was horrible. He was like a devil!

Five minutes later, despite all of the obstructions from the Golden City Police Station, Han Kuan successfully signed his release document and followed his lawyer out of the detention center building to the door. Now, they only needed to cross the yard of the detention center, then Han Kuan would be officially acquitted!

At this moment, along with the pair of them, there were Wu Xiumin and several policemen from the Golden City Police Station, as well as several leaders from the detention center present.

“Officers, our time is very precious!” the lawyer said.

He then pointed to Han Kuan’s handcuffs and said, “Come on, please hurry up!”

Ba Chen had the key to the handcuffs, and after hearing what the lawyer said, Ba Chen had to take his key and go forward to open the handcuffs for Han Kuan. At this time, Wu Xiumin pushed Ba Chen forward.

Ba Chen took a freestyle swimming pose in the air, then fell heavily on the ground, stirring up a huge cloud of dust. The key that was in his hands also flew away, falling onto the open space in the yard.

“Sh*t!” When Zhang Gaosheng saw this, he angrily swore, then walked over to the key and demanded to know, “You think this is all fun and games? What’s the point for you to waste one more second keeping us here?”

Zhang Gaosheng had not yet picked up the key, when he suddenly heard a roar from above! He looked up and was surprised to see that a helicopter was hovering right over him in the sky!

Although the detention center was old, its yard was spacious enough for this small helicopter to land within it. The strong wind from the propeller fan immediately blew up a cloud of dust as the helicopter landed.

Then, as the door opened, a young man wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker jumped out of the plane. The man walked confidently and had a strong energy about him.

He came to the front door of the building, and when he saw the people standing at the door, he immediately shouted at them loudly, “Good! It looks like I’m just in time!”

He laughed wildly, then pointed to Han Kuan, who was still in handcuffs. “Hello, writer! Where are you going? Want to escape with me?”

When Zhang Gaosheng heard this, he rushed forward and pointed at the man and shouted, “Who are you? Watch your mouth. This is not an escape. My client has been legally released, understood?”

Surprisingly, the lawyer hadn’t yet finished speaking, when the young man jumped into the air and gave the lawyer a hard kick! The lawyer flew into the air and rolled down the steps before hitting the ground. When he finally stopped rolling, he was covered with dust and was spitting blood out of his mouth.

“Listen, my name is Zhao Yu, and I am the leader of the special investigation group!” the man roared loudly. “I can point at anyone I want!, not the other way round! Do you understand?”

Hearing Zhao Yu’s words, Zhang Gaosheng wanted to say something, but his chest ached so much that he could only lay there, writhing in pain.

“Team Leader…” Wu Xiumin came forward excitedly and said, “It’s great that you have finally arrived! And… You came by air!”

“Ha ha… The timing is just right! It was worth rushing all the way!” Zhao Yu took off his sunglasses and smiled.

Then, he quickly came over to Han Kuan and said calmly, “Long time no see! Writer, I haven’t seen you for a few days. How are you?”

Han Kuan looked at Zhao Yu coldly, not saying a word.

“Han Kuan…” Zhao Yu shook his head and said, “I have to tell you that your arrest warrant has been extended by the Criminal Division again, as we have got some new evidence about the Devil Case. So, please come back inside and have a chat with me. I have a lot of things to talk over with you!”

After that, without waiting for Han Kuan’s reaction, Zhao Yu gestured to both sides, “Come on, let’s escort the great writer back to the interrogation room. I’m going to have a nice talk with him!”

In Golden City, both the staff at the police station and the detention center knew Zhao Yu. Although Zhao Yu did not bring the document with him, no one dared to question him. Instead, several prison guards immediately came up and took Han Kuan back into custody.

“Leader Zhao… Um…” Ba Chen hurried up and pointed at the lawyer, then asked, “This man… How should we deal with him?”

“Oh…” Zhao Yu nodded gently, then asked, “This man… Who is he?”

Wu Xiumin quickly told Zhao Yu about Zhang Gaosheng. After hearing this, Zhao Yu laughed and immediately told Ba Chen casually, “In that case, you can send several people to help the lawyer write up his complaint! Tell him, he must be sure to include me and my team in his complaint. I’m counting on him to get famous! Haha!”

Ba Chen was embarrassed. He wasn’t sure whether Zhao Yu really meant for him to do this or was just joking. However, when he turned to ask him for confirmation, he found that Zhao Yu had already followed Wu Xiumin into the detention center building.

“Team Leader, Leader Miao, and the others… What about them?” Wu Xiumin asked Zhao Yu.

“The plane is too small to bring more than one person!” Zhao Yu explained. “They are driving from Zhaoyun to get back. They won’t be very late!”

“You’re moving fast enough. You were still at Beiqian this very morning…” Wu Xiumin was amazed.

Zhao Yu said, “Beiqian police are so effective that they arranged a special plane for us to travel directly from Beiqian to Zhaoyun, which wasted no time at all. Unfortunately, we ran into some trouble in Zhaoyun. It took us a long time to get such a small plane. I thought it was used for spraying pesticides at the beginning!”

As they spoke, they came to the door of the interrogation room. At this time, Zhao Yu suddenly reached out and stopped Wu Xiumin, who was about to enter the room.

He said, “Wu, this time, I want to talk with Han Kuan alone! So, you all just go to the monitoring room. By the way, I have something else for you to do…”

Zhao Yu then whispered a few words into Wu Xiumin’s ear. Although Wu Xiumin didn’t quite understand the reasoning behind it, she still immediately left to do as he had told her.

After Wu Xiumin left, Zhao Yu took a breath, pushed the door open, and went into the interrogation room.

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