Crazy Detective

Chapter 938: The Suspect

“Captain Jin, you must have met her. She was Leader Wu. Do you remember her? She was quite good-looking.” Zhao Yu said to Jin Zhenbang over the phone. “Wu Fangfang? After all, it hasn’t been such a long time, so you shouldn’t have forgotten her entirely…”

Captain Jin’s helpless voice came from the other end of the line, “No… I remember all of the people in the 03 Special Investigation Group, but there was a different team for the Ziliu case! Such a big case had shocked the country at that time, and the local police station sent in other police task forces to investigate as well.”

He then said, “Every one said that he or she was a special investigator, and I could only remember a few of their names and faces. There were so many! Besides, Mengxiang is so big. My main task at that time was to catch the suspect. So, how could I spend time paying attention to such things as who was beautiful and who wasn’t?”

Captain Jin thought for a moment, then suggested, “Um… How about this? If you can send me a photo of her, I can see if I remember her. Or, I’ll ask some of my colleagues if they can remember her.”

“Okay… But you know the rules…” Zhao Yu said.

Captain Jin nodded. “Absolutely! We must keep everything a secret! I know that!”

He then said, “Zhao Yu, you have completely convinced me of your skills now! If you can really catch the murderer of the Ziliu case…”

Zhao Yu hung up without even waiting for him to finish speaking. At this time, Ran Tao ran over and reported to him, “Zeng Ke and Wu Xiumin have arrived at Changming and will join us soon! Don’t worry! Captain Wang has sent some armed police to pick them up.”

Zhao Yu nodded, while also sending the requested photo to Captain Jin.

Suddenly, Miao Ying said, “Hey! I found it! She used guanxi!”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Zhao Yu was puzzled.

“In that year that the case occurred, Wu Fangfang was only 21 years old. She was a talented student at the local police academy and had a strong background. So, before graduation, she was specially recruited by the local police to join the 03 Special investigation Group and participate in the Ziliu case investigation.”

Zhao Yu shook his head, then asked, “How could Captain Jin not remember Wu Fangfang? They must have been in the same group at that time!”

Miao Ying then added, “Wu Fangfang was only involved in supporting work in the special investigation group. Because she was a local person, she was only responsible for contacting police forces from different regions… So, do you understand what I mean by ‘Guanxi?’”

Zhao Yu put down his cell phone as he replied, “Wu Fangfang participated in the special investigation group’s work before her graduation. This is such a good starting point! She also had a strong background. So… It’s no wonder that she could become a special investigator and even the leader later!”

Ah, hero, please accompany me in pursuit of my dream… During the conversation, Zhao Yu’s mobile phone rang again. It was Liao Jingxian, the Qinshan Bureau Chief.

The Qinshan Police Station had received a notice from the Criminal Division, and now, they were responsible for protecting Zhao Yu’s family. Liao Jingxian did not know what had happened, so he called to learn the details of the situation from Zhao Yu, as well as to ask him for his suggestions. Once he understood the current situation, Liao Jingxian immediately promised that he would take good care of Zhao Yu’s family.

“Chief Liao, thank you so much for your help! By the way, please find a spacious and comfortable safe house for them! Also, my parents like Sun’s steamed buns. Please buy some for them! If they want anything else, just let them have it! If you can’t get financial support from your leaders in order to provide them with what they want, just ask me for it, alright?” Zhao Yu was clearly concerned about his parents comfort.

Zhao Yu then said, “Also, I know my brother is a little difficult. Never mind that, okay? I’ll talk to him. His child will start school on the eighteenth of January, so don’t worry. If I can’t solve the case before then, my nickname, ‘unsolved cases master,’ will become a joke!”

After finishing the call, Zhao Yu exhaled heavily, but he still felt that his brain had an insufficient supply of oxygen! The investigation was quite a mess at this point, and although he had tried his best, the new information that was emerging constantly inevitably had disturbed his original plan.

At this moment, Miao Ying advised, “This case may not be as difficult as you think! It’s like you just said… We just need to be patient!”

Zhao Yu nodded, then reached out and held Miao Ying’s hand out of instinct, which made him feel much more secure.

“Leaders, the video connection is successful. You can now have a look!” At this time, Captain Wang clicked on a remote control, and a man wearing a black leather jacket and a motorcycle helmet appeared on the big screen. He was riding a motorcycle.

“Through our screening and comparison of the footage, we finally found our suspect! Here…” Captain Wang paused the video, pointed to the suspect, and said, “At 9:48 a.m. on the day of the crime, a camera captured this man on Red Star Road on the east side of Martyrs Memorial Park.”

Captain Wang then added, “By using trajectory tracking, we found that he was heading for Red Star Road an hour before the crime, but we couldn’t find him on other cameras. So, we suspect that he might have parked his motorcycle in a small wooded area on the east side of the park. Red Star Road is not a busy area, and there are few shops near it. There is a small park in that wooded area, but because it was next to the cemetery, few people ever go there.”

Captain Wang then said, “There are only railings that act as barriers around the park, so people can easily get into the park by climbing over them. So, this motorcyclist is really under any big suspicion at the moment.”

“A motorcyclist? But, there are so many motorcyclists in this city…” Ran Tao said doubtfully.

Captain Wang then said, “Yes. Although this man rode an electric motorcycle, this kind of electric motorcycle is not a popular model. It is special! And, although it’s common to wear a helmet while riding an electric motorcycle here…” Captain Wang then pointed to the suspect on the big screen and continued, “It’s rare to put down the helmet’s windshield and cover one’s face like he did!”

Miao Ying nodded, then said, “The temperature on the day of the crime was 14 degrees, so you wouldn’t have to cover all of your face like that. So, did you find out the suspect’s route that he took to the park?”

“We only know that he came from Jiangxin Road, then disappeared toward the east of Jiangxin Road…” Captain Wang shook her head, then added, “There is a 10-kilometer blind spot area under construction just east of that. We searched all of the cameras in that area, but we never saw the suspect again. We have dispatched all our branches there, as well as some of the local police and patrol officers!”

Captain Wang paused, then added, “However, we haven’t received any news yet.”

“Why hasn’t Zeng Ke arrived yet?” Ran Tao rubbed his hands, then said, “Can we can compare this man and Yang Zebiao to see if this fellow is the murderer who has been missing for 13 years?”

Miao Ying shook her head and said, “After so many years, his appearance might have changed.”

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yu suddenly grabbed Captain Wang’s remote control, resumed playing the video, then asked the others, “Are you kidding me… Or, do you really not know? This motorcyclist is clearly a woman!”

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