Crazy Detective

Chapter 957: Interlocking Stratagems

It’s the eighth day!

Zhao Yu was finally satisfied to know that the students in Jiang Xiaoqing’s school started on the eighth day of the New Year. Today was only the seventh day so Jiang Xiaoqing wouldn’t be at school! The mysterious man showed him a video that he recorded at another time. Zhao Yu also asked about the broken character on the wall. The staff member told him that part of the character “Ren” had fallen during an exam session a year ago. Now, Zhao Yu knew that the signage hadn’t been shot down. The mysterious man had just played a trick.

Fucki*g hell!

Zhao Yu couldn’t help but smile. This mysterious man was very bold and smart. He just used a pre-recorded video and got Jiang Ke out of the heavily guarded detention center. That was awesome!

The mysterious man knew that Jiang Xiaoqing would be Zhao Yu’s weakness. As long as Zhao Yu saw the video and knew that his niece’s life was in danger, he would believe anything.

Zhao Yu was thinking about the first time he had seen the video. He had noticed that there was something wrong, but he didn’t have time to analyze the video then. If he had examined it at that time, he would have seen the problem.

When he was on the Hongmingjiang Bridge, Zhao Yu asked the mysterious man to shoot the classroom window and scare the students away. Now, he had severe doubts that the video was real. After everything that happened on the bridge, the video of Jiang Xiaoqing never changed. Although the mysterious man was threatening him with Jiang Xiaoqing’s life, he might not even be in Qinshan.

Zhao Yu still wasn’t sure. Even if they recorded the video in advance, the bad guy could again be spying on Jiang Xiaoqing and hurt her at any time. Zhao Yu still didn’t want to take that risk!

Zhao Yu knew that his most significant advantage was undoubtedly his powerful devices. If he wanted to solve this crisis, he had to let his devices play a vital role.

Zhao Yu thought about how Han Kuan intentionally put himself in danger. Maybe he could deliberately let Jiang Ke escape. Besides, he had a super tracking device, and he wasn’t afraid that Jiang Ke could completely disappear. Zhao Yu decided to let Jiang Ke escape.

When the mysterious man sent him pictures of his family and friends, he was shocked. He realized that removing the mysterious man’s car bomb would not solve the problem. The mysterious man had discovered his weakness. His enemy was hiding in the dark. Even if Zhao Yu saved Jiang Xiaoqing, what about the rest of his friends and family? The mysterious man could always threaten Zhao Yu with a friend or family member!

As the mysterious man said, Zhao Yu’s friends and families would be completely safe if he were dead. He couldn’t prevent this threat. Zhao Yu wouldn’t be able to protect all of his relatives and friends. In that case, he had to fake his death. He satisfied the mysterious man.

Zhao Yu didn’t want to make his death look easy. He had worried that the mysterious man would see through his plan. He deliberately pretended to be scared. Then Jiang Ke was prompted to push him over the railing. Now, the mysterious man and Jiang Ke would be certain that Zhao Yu was dead. Zhao Yu’s friends and family would be safe, and the mysterious man would let down his guard.

When Zhao Yu swam to the shore, the roles on both sides had changed. Now, Zhao Yu was hiding in the dark.

Zhao Yu’s plan was apparent. He assumed the after Jiang Ke escaped from prison, he would inevitably meet with the mysterious man. As long as he followed Jiang Ke using his tracker device, he would be able to find the insidious and cunning mysterious man. Then, he would catch both of them!

Haha, see who laughs last!

Zhao Yu stepped on the accelerator and drove in Jiang Ke’s direction. On the way to find Jiang Ke, Zhao Yu needed to call Miao Ying and let her know his current situation. That should keep her from worrying. He also needed her help before he caught the mysterious man.

How was he going to contact Miao Ying? He couldn’t make a direct call. He didn’t believe that the mysterious man would forget to monitor a special investigator’s phone. It was better to use a more secure method. He wrote an encrypted email describing the prison break and everything that had happened afterward. Then, he sent it to an anonymous mailbox.

Miao Ying gave him this mailbox when she met him in New Zealand. Because of Miao Ying’s situation, they could only contact each other through this mailbox. Miao Ying said that the mailbox used a unique channel that hackers couldn’t track or crack. It was safe.

They agreed that, in the event of an emergency, this mailbox was their preferred line of communication. Zhao Yu was sure that Miao Ying would remember this mailbox when she learned that he had disappeared. Only the two of them knew the password for the mailbox.

In the email, besides telling Miao Ying the present situation, Zhao Yu also her several things that were also important. Firstly, they were the only ones that knew he was still alive. She couldn’t tell anyone, not even Zhao Yu’s family. Also, she should pretend to be anxious and worried. She should also tell them that she had to fly to Yaoming so that she could investigate Zhao Yu’s disappearance in person.

Secondly, he asked Miao Ying to inform the Criminal Division and the Yaoming police station the information of the prison break and Zhao Yu’s disappearance should remain a secret.

Thirdly, Zhao Yu specifically advised Miao Ying not to take any protective measures for Jiang Xiaoqing, Yao Jia, or any other family and friends. Once the mysterious man was aware of any police protection for these people, he might suspect that Zhao Yu was still alive!

Fourthly, Zhao Yu asked Miao Ying to tell Wu Xiumin, Ran Tao, and others to continue investigating the murder of Leader Wu and the Ziliu case. Linking the mysterious man these cases doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s the murderer. The investigation of these cases should continue.

Finally, Zhao Yu asked Miao Ying to investigate the prison guard who had the S9 phone. Because the S9 phone was modified, she might be able to find some clues from him. The parking lot of the red building and the van disguised as a Skynet maintenance van were also necessary. He believed that even if the mysterious man was cautious, there might be some clues in the building or the van.

As Zhao Yu was writing the email to Miao Ying, he thought about the prison break. For some reason, he always felt that there was something important hidden in the details.

First of all, Jiang Ke seemed very surprised when he learned that the mysterious man was threatening Zhao Yu to help him escape from prison. He wasn’t happy or excited. He appeared to be a little scared. Maybe they weren’t close friends. Are there any secrets in their relationship?

Jiang Ke inadvertently mentioned Leader Wu’s name, which confirmed that he knew Leader Wu and must know about the nude photos.

When Jiang Ke first saw the photos, he wasn’t as surprised as Zhao Yu had thought he would be. Did it mean that their relationship had nothing to do with the cases?

There was something else that Zhao Yu thought to be strange. It was the mysterious man’s voice. The man’s words were not clear, and he spoke with a slow rhythm. Some software modified the voice.

Moreover, the mysterious man’s indescribable way of speaking made him feel a little uncomfortable. He once uttered exclamations with a feminine tone.

This mysterious man might be a woman?

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