Crazy Detective

Chapter 959: Secret Pursuit

Zhao Yu had wanted to use an Invisible Camera and an Invisible Eavesdropper when he was planning Jiang Ke’s escape. That way, he could have known Jiang Ke’s every move and heard every word in real-time. Unfortunately, his new reward didn’t include those two devices or the Invisible Lie Detector and Invisible Tracking Device. He couldn’t even find those devices in the catalog.

Zhao Yu had to use the devices he had already received. After they were used up, he would have a hard time getting them again. Zhao Yu wondered whether the system had a BUG, or was it deliberately making it harder to solve a case. Zhao Yu only knew that Jiang Ke here right now, but, if he wanted to know what Jiang Ke was doing, he had to get inside the supermarket.

So, how could he sneak in without being seen?

Zhao Yu observed the surrounding area outside the seafood supermarket. It was the New Year Festival. The supermarket and the plant were both closed, and no one was nearby. Except for Jiang Ke, Zhao Yu didn’t know if anyone else was inside. They also had weapons with monitoring and defending devices.

After sitting in the van thinking, Zhao Yu decided that it was impossible to enter the building from the front. Then he drove the van to the back of the plant. The walls around the plant yard weren’t very high. Zhao Yu thought he could climb over the wall to get inside.

He thought it might be a good idea to take off his strikingly fashionable outfit first, but he was afraid he would miss the opportunity to discover more clues about the mystery man. He decided to go in in his fancy clothes after all.

Fortunately, the plant was in a remote area, and it was during the New Year. No one was around, so he made his move. Zhao Yu parked the van in a concealed area and began to prepare his next step carefully.

First, he found a yellow hat and a pink scarf in one of the boxes in the van. He put the hat on and covered his face with the scarf. This way, even if someone saw him, they wouldn’t see his face. Then, he turned his phone to silent mode just in case it made a sound at a critical moment. Finally, he used a Life Detector to see if anyone was inside and find their location. Finally, he was ready. He put the gun in his holster, climbed up a unity pole, climbed over the wall, and entered the plant.

The Invisible Detector detected monitoring devices and the scope, but it couldn’t detect anything more than 20 meters away. Zhao Yu was concerned that there were cameras beyond 20 meters, so he used a Counter-surveillance Device.

Zhao Yu had accumulated over ten Counter-surveillance Devices. He had more of these than any other device. With this device, he no longer needed to worry about being captured by surveillance cameras.

As he approached the supermarket, he discovered another problem. There was a large parking lot between the supermarket building and the plant. If Zhao Yu wanted to enter the supermarket building, he had to walk through the parking lot. Reflective glass decorated the supermarket building, and he didn’t know if someone upstairs was watching the parking lot. His bright clothes were very noticeable.

Zhao Yu didn’t want to take any risks. All of his efforts would be in vain if he if they caught him, Although he didn’t have many of the expensive Invisible Cloaks, discovering the identity of the mysterious man would make it worthwhile! So, he used one. One disadvantage of the great Invisible Cloak was that it didn’t work well in daylight. It didn’t make him completely invisible because it used air refraction to create an illusion. If the light was intense, or Zhao Yu moved too fast, the cloak would not work.

Despite wearing the Invisible Cloak, Zhao Yu didn’t dare run fast but slowly moved to the side of the building. When he got to the supermarket, he found that there was no sign of life in the building, not even a kitten or a dog! He regretted wasting an Invisible Cloak. As his Invisible Cloak was still working, he quickly opened the side burglar-proof door with a universal unlocker and entered the supermarket building. As it turned out, the burglar-proof door was an emergency exit that came into a hallway.

When he entered, a strong seafood smell came right at him. The vast supermarket was full of various kinds of delectable seafood. Zhao Yu didn’t come here to shop. He went down several aisles in Jiang Ke’s direction. From the height shown on the tracker, Jiang Ke should be on the first floor, but he was on the opposite side of the supermarket.

Before long, Zhao Yu’s Life Detector responded. After comparing it with the tracker, Zhao Yu confirmed that it was Jiang Ke. Zhao Yu was surprised to find that Jiang Ke was the only person detected by the Life Detector. There was nobody else in the whole building.

Zhao Yu was confused. Even though it’s the New Year, there should be security guards. Why is no one here? What is Jiang Ke doing here?

Out of curiosity, Zhao Yu went to the entrance of the supermarket. He now had more than 30 universal unlockers, so it was easy for him to open the door. Because he was so close to Jiang Ke, he was afraid that Jiang Ke would see him if he opened the door suddenly.

When Zhao Yu hesitated, he heard the sound of a car engine coming from the parking lot.

Is someone coming? Zhao Yu thought.

Zhao Yu rushed to the window. At the same time, he found Jiang Ke’s signal also moved quickly to the window! Zhao Yu realized that he and Jiang Ke were on opposite sides of the wall. There was a small room at the entrance of the supermarket, and Jiang Ke was hiding there.

The car outside stopped at the main entrance of the supermarket. Through the window, Zhao Yu could see that it was a black Audi A8. As the car doors opened, two men came out. One was a middle-aged man in a suit and wearing glasses. The other was a man with cropped hair in a security uniform. Because Zhao Yu had seen the photo, he recognized that the man wearing glasses was the owner of the supermarket, Tian Xudong.

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