Crazy Detective

Chapter 978: A Detective in Thieves' House

Zhao Yu looked at his watch. It was midafternoon.

They are having such an early party. It should be held in the evening. If it was in the evening, I could have a good night’s sleep after having fun with them. D*mn it! Zhao Yu was still thinking about Sanlong’s proposal.

After closing the door, the suite returned to silence. Zhao Yu closed his eyes and meditated. He tried to imagine what it was like when Jiang Ke was in the room alone. There are wear marks on the yoga mat, so Jiang Ke often practices yoga, Zhao Yu thought. Although the room is clean and tidy, judging by the bedding and some of the decorations, Jiang Ke doesn’t have obsessive-compulsive disorder or mysophobia. There are no books on the bookshelf, but Jiang Ke has several news apps installed on his laptop. This shows that Jiang Ke usually gets information from the Internet.

Also, there isn’t the smell of a woman’s perfume in the room or any long hair on the bed. This says that although Jiang Ke has a strong sexual desire, he never brings women into this suite. And he can’t possibly like men. Therefore, Jiang Ke likes to be alone.

Zhao Yu visualized what Jiang Ke did in this room. He smacked his lips and shook his head. Jiang Ke likes to plan his robberies while he is listening to cello music and reading news on the Internet. Jiang Ke is very different.

Next, Zhao Yu carefully searched through Jiang Ke’s laptop. Apart from the news apps, he found only two games, Lianliankan and Zombie Wars. There was nothing else on his laptop.

Zhao Yu took a deep breath. He felt that his current mood was a little complicated. He couldn’t even tell whether he was happy or depressed. Although he had obtained important evidence that could prove Jiang Ke’s guilt, which was a big success for this trip, looking at the situation otherwise, he had nothing! He had searched through everything and still found no clues about the mysterious man, the Ziliu case, or Leader Wu’s murder.

From what he had found, Jiang Ke really knew nothing about the mysterious man. And, as Jiang Ke had said before, the Ziliu case and Leader Wu’s death had nothing to do with him.

Zhao Yu felt like he was stuck in an awkward situation. An important question lay in front of him: What was his next step? Should he end his big adventure now and tell Miao Ying the location of the thieves’ base, so that the police could catch the remaining forces of Jiang Ke’s group and destroy his robbery empire?

it would increase the difficulty of finding out the identity of the mysterious man. The mysterious man might never show up again, or he might use Zhao Yu’s family and friends to threaten him again.

Zhao Yu hesitated. If I continue, is there any other way to find out who the mysterious man is? If I continue to pretend to be Jiang Ke, is it possible that the mysterious man will contact me some other way?

Zhao Yu thought everything over for a while and finally made up his mind. He decided to wait patiently to see if there would be any new changes before the hexagram Kun Qian was over.

After making up his mind, Zhao Yu felt a little relaxed. Now he could clearly feel the pain from his injury and his exhaustion. Since anything could happen at this critical time, Zhao Yu did not dare to sleep but took a bath instead. He was still wearing the costume and he needed to change. He took a suit from Jiang Ke’s wardrobe, then went to the bathroom to take a bath. Jiang Ke had a large bathroom and a luxury bathtub. The emergency escape exit was under the bathtub.

These days, Zhao Yu didn’t have time to take care of himself. He was really dirty now. It was a good thing for him to take a bath at this time. To be honest, the thought that Sanlong and the others were having a good time in the bath house made him feel jealous.

However, Zhao Yu was a detective after all. When he suddenly found something interesting while taking his bath, he quickly forgot about them. He saw that the wall near the bathtub was built with ceramic tiles. The white wall had a large area and a smooth surface. It was the perfect whiteboard for case analysis in his eyes.

Originally, Zhao Yu wanted to find a notebook to write on, but his longtime habit made him feel more comfortable writing on a whiteboard. He took the marker from Jiang Ke’s study, then stood in the bathtub and began to write on the white wall.

This case, from the very beginning, was intricate. It involved many people and other cases. Now, Zhao Yu had much more information about the case. His writing almost covered the whole wall. Once Zhao Yu started, he could not stop easily. He soon felt like he was in his office, not Jiang Ke’s bathroom.

As he wrote, he carefully analyzed each key figure involved in this case, trying to figure out everyone’s thoughts and purpose. He thought that the most important ones were the mysterious man, Leader Wu, Jiang Ke, Cao Sifen, and himself.

Jiang Ke took Leader Wu’s nude photos. Jiang Ke and Cao Sifen are enemies. Jiang Ke hates me because I killed Cui Xiaolong and his men. The mysterious man wants to kill me because he is worried about me investigating the Ziliu case. So, the mysterious man is related to the Ziliu case and Leader Wu’s murder.

Does the mysterious man have any other purpose in killing Leader Wu besides attracting my attention? Does he also have a feud with Leader Wu? And, does the mysterious man have anything to do with Jiang Ke? Are they enemies, friends, or purely partners due to shared interests?

Suddenly, Zhao Yu thought of Cao Sifen. He didn’t know Cao Sifen, Jiang Ke’s sworn enemy. So, does he have anything to do with the mysterious man?

Thinking about this, the thing that he had been deeply suspicious of before once again occurred to him: Cao Sifen wants to kill Jiang Ke, so how did he find the seafood supermarket in the first place? Cao Sifen is mainly active in Halongjian. So, he must have received the news ahead of time for him to come to the supermarket. Who gave him the news?

Zhao Yu suddenly stared, his eyes wide open. Only the mysterious man knew that Jiang Ke was about to escape from prison, so this news must have been given to him by the mysterious man.

Zhao Yu thought again and felt that this didn’t make complete sense. On the Hongming River Bridge, the mysterious man asked Jiang Ke to leave the car before he detonated the bomb. This showed that the mysterious man did not want to kill Jiang Ke.

So, since he does not want Jiang Ke dead, why did he give Jiang Ke’s location to Cao Sifen? Cao Sifen would definitely seek revenge on Jiang Ke. Does he want Cao Sifen to kill Jiang Ke? This is obviously a contradiction.

After thinking about this, Zhao Yu quickly linked the mysterious man, Jiang Ke, Cao Sifen, and his own name with a red pen and drew a big circle.

Suddenly, he came up with a reasonable answer. So, that’s what he wants?

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