Crazy Detective

Chapter 988: Get Out of the Nightclub (II)

Zhao Yu did not think there would be this many hitmen lurking in the nightclub. He thought about it more and realized that Jiang Ke’s five investors were all very powerful people. They must have brought a lot of security with them for the day’s meeting. The men downstairs were obviously different from those upstairs. This was because they worked for different investors. Despite that, their purpose was the same, and that was to seize Zhao Yu!

In an instant, they occupied the narrow stairwell. Zhao Yu knew that the police would soon come upstairs. He should leave the nightclub as soon as possible. At the moment, his Invisible Breathing Device still was in effect, and he could use another Invisible Odor Bomb to easily escape from here. He could also use an Energy Booster for safety’s sake.

However, Zhao Yu was eager to beat them up. When he saw the tattoos on the arrogant hitmen, he had grown excited to stretch his arms. So instead of running away, he fought back. He hit several people in the face, kicked them hard, then jumped up by using someone’s body as support and leaped to the men downstairs!

Zhao Yu lifted someone up and used his body as a weapon to hit others. The men downstairs were not that good at fighting and found Zhao Yu’s attacks too fierce for them to withstand. The men upstairs were much stronger and rushed to the front. Zhao Yu knocked down two men, then more came forward immediately and backed Zhao Yu into the corner of the stairwell.

As Zhao Yu touched the fire extinguisher sitting in the corner, he immediately grabbed it and threw it at one person’s face. That man spat up blood and fainted on the spot. Zhao Yu gave a loud cry, then hit several other people with the fire extinguisher. The sound of the metal hitting people sounded particularly scary, causing the others behind them to recoil in horror.

The fire extinguisher was heavy. After Zhao Yu hit several other people, he naturally got slower with it. The men behind him took advantage of this, rushing up and overthrowing him once again. Then, one by one, they rushed forward and jumped on him, wanting to mash Zhao Yu into a meat pie.

Zhao Yu pressed the trigger on the fire extinguisher and white powder burst out. The entire stairwell was filled with it. The attackers in security uniforms couldn’t see anything and it caused them to cough violently.

Zhao Yu took this opportunity to finally get away from them. Because he had the breathing device, he was not affected by the powder that much. He seized the chance to hit the last few people who were trying to grab him, then pushed them down the stairs.

At that time, Zhao Yu suddenly heard a rush of footsteps downstairs. He took a look down the railings and saw another bunch of people quickly coming up the stairs. These men were obviously different from the previous bunch. They looked well-trained. They must have been the plainclothes police officers.

Zhao Yu’s face was still Jiang Ke’s, he couldn’t be seen by the police now. He opened the door of the stairwell with his Master Key and exited. He attempted to lock the door after getting out so that no one would be able to escape, and the police could capture everyone at once.

To his surprise, however, just after exiting out of the stairwell, he saw another group of men in security uniforms coming right towards him. One of the men who recognized Jiang Ke shouted “it’s him” and led everyone else towards Zhao Yu in a rush.

Zhao Yu shook his head helplessly. The longer he stayed in the nightclub, the more dangerous the situation was for him. The people who rushed towards him carried sticks. Zhao Yu was completely outnumbered. He knew better than to confront them directly like a fool. Instead, he ran.

He was now on the fifth floor. The fifth and sixth floor was the nightclub’s bathhouses. In addition to the luxury baths, there was also a huge arts center, as well as various massage and beauty salons.

Outside the stairwell, Zhao Yu had only one escape route, which was through the bathhouse’s hall. He rushed into the hall without thinking. To his left was the men’s bathhouse, and on the right was the women’s. Zhao Yu went straight into the women’s bathhouse without thinking. Obviously, it was easier for him to get rid of those pursuing him by going in there. The hitmen were males and wouldn’t all come into the female bathhouse.

Plus, Zhao Yu was wearing Jiang Ke’s face now. He didn’t care about doing anything that would bring shame to him normally. It was a bonus that he could both get rid of the men pursuing him and enjoy an eyeful of beauty at the same time.

The nightclub was owned by the investors. It was also a good thing that Zhao Yu could take this as an opportunity to ruin their business. So, Zhao Yu didn’t hesitate and immediately rushed into the women’s bathhouse. The security guards at the entrance didn’t have a chance to respond before Zhao Yu had already gone inside.

Next, there was the sound of women screaming. However, Zhao Yu didn’t know that those who were chasing him at that moment were all hired by Wang Xi. Wang Xi was not the owner of the bathhouses. Because of this, the people following Zhao Yu also ran into the women’s bathhouse without hesitation.

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