Crazy Detective

Chapter 996: A Surprising Change

In the blink of an eye, the whole living room was engulfed in flames. The air vents had generated a huge blast of fire and Zhao Yu was blown across room with the others. Although Zhao Yu was already on high alert, he did not expect the fire would be that massive. Before he could react, he had been hit by the shockwaves and sent flying like a cannonball, slamming into the walls. Under normal circumstances, the impact alone would have killed him.

It all happened so fast that Zhao Yu couldn’t react. All he felt was a spinning sensation in his head after the collision and being tumbled around. For now, all he could see was the horrible and frightening flames in front of him.

I… I’m alive, right? Zhao Yu had been sent flying to the far wall of the living room. He was surrounded by hot flames. As the fire approached him, it was blocked by an invisible barrier. Zhao Yu searched through his brain and realized that because the impact had been enough to kill him, the highest-grade Invisible Hedge Ball had activated itself to save Zhao Yu.

Beep, beep, beep. After activating, it was only able to protect him for 30 seconds before it vanished. Zhao Yu’s breathing was heavy and his whole body was soaked in a cold sweat. Although the ball had saved his life, the impact had still taken a toll on him and he felt dizzy. His vision was a blur. He wasn’t able to think either.

By now, the flames had engulfed everything in the room. The fire was fierce and smoke was everywhere. In such an extreme environment, Zhao Yu would be immediately burnt to death once the ball vanished. Zhao Yu dragged himself towards the door, coughing and staggering along the way. He wasn’t able to think about the current case and just wanted to leave this room as soon as possible.

In the past, Zhao Yu had experienced large fires, but a fire this big was a first for him. Not only had the flames spread quickly, but they were also burning fiercely and gave off the feeling of a fiery h*ll. The fire sizzled, hissed, and howled like a phantom.

Run, run faster. That was Zhao Yu’s only thought in such a critical time. The ball was about to expire and to save himself from the fire he had to take out his Invisible Fire Prevention Suit as he ran.

After getting hit by the impact and being tumbled around, Zhao Yu was unable to find the exit. Before him, there were either huge flames or thick smoke and he was unable to see clearly. It wasn’t easy, but he finally found an exit as he moved along the walls. However, he realized the ‘exit’ was actually the entrance to the bedrooms and he had been going farther into the room instead. D*mn it!

His dizziness was clearing and Zhao Yu hurried his pace, heading in the opposite direction. As he was cutting across the living room the ball vanished and he suddenly felt high temperature shockwaves. His body became boiling hot. Beep, beep, beep. Even with the suit on, he wasn’t able to withstand such high temperatures. The alert kept beeping, reminding Zhao Yu to upgrade the suit.

Zhao Yu didn’t have any adventure points, how was he supposed to upgrade? The situation was far too dangerous and Zhao Yu didn’t have time to formulate a plan. All he could do was charge forward with conviction. This time he went in the right direction and reached the door. However, not only was the door shut, it was stuck!

Zhao Yu stretched his hand to pull the door and smoke once again emerged from above. He felt as if his hand was being melted and he screamed at the top of his lungs. As the fire grew larger, he felt unbearably hot and it was as if he had been dropped into a pot of boiling oil. The system screen was all red, alerting Zhao Yu to the fact that the suit was about to lose its effect.

Please upgrade now, please upgrade now.

The Multipurpose Key! To open the door, Zhao Yu took out the Multipurpose Key. The system informed him that the door did not have a lock. F*ck… The issue didn’t seem to lie with the door being locked. It probably had something to do with the temperature being too high, or the mechanism sticking.

What was he to do? As he thought through his options, a loud explosion came from behind him. Something within the flames had exploded! An impact wave from the new explosion sent Zhao Yu staggering down to the floor, as well as launching countless shrapnel shards towards him.

The floor was like lava and the burnt Zhao Yu screamed in pain. He subconsciously took out the Invisible Biochemical Suit to use, which could deter biochemical attacks and substances. It also doubled as a fire-proof suit.

With both suits active, Zhao Yu felt a slight drop in temperature. He realized his ability to react was getting more and more sluggish as time progressed, and his reactions themselves were becoming slower too. If this went on, he wouldn’t be able to keep it up for much longer! Just one moment of weakness would probably be the end of him.


This time, another explosion from the bedrooms caused the ground to shake violently. Zhao Yu was once again thrown down onto the floor. In this life and death situation, Zhao Yu did not bother to save any device. He quickly took out his Invisible Breathing Device, which allowed him to bring his breathing under control and clear up his mind. Next, he took out an Energy Booster. After violently smashing the door for a bit, he managed to break through the severely flame-deformed frame.

Only after he squeezed past the door and into the corridor did the temperature drop, letting him breathe slightly easier now that he was further from death. However, before he could even take one full breath, the living room exploded again. This time, the explosion was fiercer than usual. Gigantic airwaves filled with debris shot out, blasting off the door and sending Zhao Yu flying to the ground again.

Motherf*cker… Zhao Yu clenched his teeth in pain. He was close to vomiting blood.

He didn’t dare waste another moment and quickly ran towards the end of the corridor. He was panicked and his eyes had a frenzied look to them. When he saw the door to the barn was closed, he didn’t even think about opening it, and instead ran shoulder first into it.

Bang! With the Energy Booster within him, Zhao Yu had immense strength and the door wasn’t able to withstand the impact, shattering into four pieces. The awful incidents just wouldn’t stop as he forgot that behind the door was the barn, and inside was a large cow.

F*ck… Zhao Yu tried to pull back, but it was too late. Now awake and standing, the cow was in a frenzy, chasing its own tail like a dog.


Because of the heavy impact, the cow’s screams sounded like that of a eunuch. Despite the cow being so large, Zhao Yu had still knocked it into the air with his blow to the door. First came the sound of the broken cattle fencing, then came the sound of everything crashing to the ground.


The cow was mooing nonstop. If it could speak, it would probably have been cursing Zhao Yu and his ancestors! “Sorry, sorry!” Zhao Yu apologized as he ran beside the cow, using his strength to get it back on its feet.


After the cow was on its feet, it stared intently at Zhao Yu, wanting revenge. An explosion came from behind the walls and because of how violent it was, one of the barn’s walls cracked and exploded.


The cows were clever. After witnessing the explosion, they began to run out of their stables.

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