Crazy Detective

Chapter 999: Phone

The whole case was a mess that had reached a whole new level, and Zhao Yu couldn’t seem to figure it out. When he escaped from jail, what exactly did the mystery man want Jiang Ke to do? Up until the point he pretended to be Jiang Ke and Zhu Sunfeng kidnapped him, he couldn’t figure out why he had helped him escape. Who would have guessed that when he finally saw Zhu Sunfeng’s boss, Yu Fusheng, everything would be burnt to ash in the blink of an eye?

Based on everything, the mystery man seemed to want to kill Jiang Ke. He was instead just finding a proper place to kill him! So why did he want him killed? It wasn’t just killing Jiang Ke, but also Xu Fusheng, Zhu Sunfeng, and the others… just who was the arsonist and what was his motive? What a mess!

Zhao Yu never would have thought that using his ability to change his face still would have resulted in him not finding out the truth. In fact, he felt like he was drifting farther from it. He knew that at this moment, he could no longer do this alone! He had to go back to the team, but… it would be too brazen to go back when the identity of the mystery man was still unknown. He had to carry this out secretly…

There were many things to sort out, which meant getting a phone was Zhao Yu’s first priority. Because of this, he mixed into the crowd and made use of the cow to snatch someone else’s phone.

Of course, because of his professional instincts, Zhao Yu had already observed the group before joining the crowd. There was a saying he had heard from an old detective. He said after a murder was committed, the murderer wouldn’t leave the scene immediately, but would instead pretend to be someone in the crowd to bask in the afterglow of his crime. With this in mind, he was hoping the arsonist would have shared this sentiment and stayed behind. Maybe he had left behind witnesses and evidence?

After combing through the crowd, Zhao Yu couldn’t find any suspicious characters. Only the residents who lived near the cattle farm had come to watch and discuss the incident. There was nobody there alone.

After locking on to his targets, Zhao Yu stole the coat and the phones. When he got the phones, he immediately ran for the woods and hurriedly gave Ma Laodan a call. “Brother!!” After the line was connected Ma Laodan had immediately recognized Zhao Yu’s voice. “What is going on? Where did you go? I was waiting for you in the park and didn’t see you at all, I was worried some misfortune had befallen you…” he grumbled.

“Cut the crap!” Zhao Yu exclaimed. “Where’s Jiang Ke?”

“Jiang Ke?” Ma Laodan asked shakily. “He was caught by the police!”

“Caught?! How?!” Zhao Yu growled.

“He was just lying down on the bench and the police took him away. Isn’t that what you asked me to do, boss?” Ma Laodan panicked after hearing Zhao Yu’s tone. “I called you multiple times and there was no answer, I really didn’t know what to do! Not long after that the police caught up to us and took the unconscious Jiang Ke away. I was afraid they would see me so I ran…” he said.

“Don’t worry, it’s fine,” Zhao Yu said, coming to his senses and nodding. “It’s okay that he’s been caught! Now, you just need to do one thing.”

“I know, I have to keep this a secret, right?” Ma Laodan asked.

“Smart!” Zhao Yu said. “You don’t have to know any other details, just know that you helped me a lot. Don’t worry, next time there will be more in it for you.”

“I don’t want anything,” Ma Laodan said. “Boss, next time please just don’t let me do so many of these horrifying things. You know, on the expressway, I was so afraid the police would check my boot! I drove at 200km/h. Who knows how many fines are waiting for me?! But… if you want to talk about benefits… when Mei Li’s movie starts screening you can bring your entire team down to show your support!”

Zhao Yu hung up before Ma Laodan could finish. Zhao Yu was not interested in trivial matters like the movie. Right then, the phone rang. It could only be the phone’s owner. Zhao Yu did not pick up the call. After the ringing stopped, he gave Li Luoyun from Jin’an a call. Li Luoyun was waiting for his call as well and picked up almost immediately.

After corroborating that Jiang Ke had really been caught by the police, Li Luoyun mentioned that he found it odd that Jiang Ke would just be lying unconscious on a park bench. Zhao Yu hastily swore Li Luoyun to secrecy, as even a small leak would be disastrous! Zhao Yu also told him to secretly treat Jiang Ke, but if Jiang Ke were to suddenly regain consciousness, he was not to interrogate him for any reason. If Jiang Ke were interrogated, he would outright deny his actions at the nightclub and the police would fall for it.

Even though Li Luoyun didn’t really understand, he agreed to contact Zhao Yu first if Jiang Ke were to regain consciousness. “Right!” After settling the Jiang Ke issue, Zhao Yu changed the topic. “How are the situations at the nightclub and Jiang Ke’s hideout? Were the people caught?” he asked.

“Yes, they’ve been caught!” Li Luoyun said. “According to what you told me, all of the people who fainted in the reception room were caught except for Jiang Ke, who ran away. But… according to the camera, it appears that Jiang Ke was caught as well.”

“Okay… I will send you the evidence on the investors later. These people had business relationships with Jiang Ke. Not only did they provide him information about potential robberies, they also received large amounts of money as commissions. They have a large syndicate that deals in all other sorts of criminal activities,” Zhao Yu informed him. “What’s most important now is for you to investigate these illegal activities, and bring those involved to justice. Don’t let any of them get away, do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand,” Li Luoyun said in an ensuring manner.

“Also, about the hideout… the uhm, golf course?” Zhao Yu asked.

“Oh, the mission was a success. The people you mentioned were all brought in! They didn’t even resist! The secret base you mentioned was also successfully infiltrated, but…” Li Luoyun’s voice faltered. “Jiang Ke actually planted explosives in the walls. Luckily, they didn’t explode because the fuse was damp!”

Nonsense… Zhao Yu cursed silently. What dampened fuse? To stop the bomb, he had to waste an Invisible Bomb Disposal! How else could they have been successful? “By the way, did you find the things I wanted?” Zhao Yu asked, referring to Jiang Ke’s assets and information.

“Yes, of course I did!” Li Luoyun replied. “It’s all with me!”

“Great! Identify the items. Not just the contents but any evidence too, like fingerprints or flakes of skin. Check everything carefully!” Zhao Yu ordered. “I will give you a way to contact me again, but in the meantime, if there’s any progress remember to let me know as soon as possible.”

“No problem! But…” Li Luoyun paused. He clearly had some doubts.

“But what?” Zhao Yu asked.

“Well… about Jiang Ke and the investors… I can claim that there was an internal spy to evade my superiors… but some things have to be believable. Inspector Zhao, can you tell me how the investors fainted in the nightclub?” Li Luoyun said hesitantly.

“Just say that Jiang Ke farted and they fainted because of it!” Zhao Yu exclaimed.

“This…” Li Luoyun was at a loss for words.

“Leader Li,” Zhao Yu said seriously, “you don’t have to know the details, let me handle the rest. Do I need to remind you again that you absolutely cannot let anyone else know the things that you know about me? Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes… I understand,” Li Luoyun said. It was clear from his voice that he was sweating nervously. After hanging up, Zhao Yu took a deep breath. He had one person left to contact and that was his very own goddess, Miao Ying. But after raising the phone, he felt like it had become heavier, as if it knew about the impending storm.

Argh! Forget it. He would have to face the music eventually. Steeling himself, Zhao Yu unlocked the phone and dialed the numbers.

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