Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

Chapter 20 - A Crazy Man Has Appeared

A young man with pitch-black hair and a seemingly middle-aged man covered in robes was standing in front of a massive door, as the young man spoke,

"Is this it, Kapali"

"yes, my lord" replied the man in robes,

He walked to the front of the gate and tried to push the door,

[You currently not eligible to open the door to the second floor]


1. Acquire at least 1000 karma points(Complete)

2. Kill at least 5000 monsters(incomplete)

3. Reach lv.15]

[Reach the qualifications before walking to the 'Corridor' of the first floor]

"Kapali, what's this about corridor now?"

"Master, every floor has a guardian, who is needed to be defeated before climbing to the next floor, and every guardian resides in the corridor of specific floors," said Kapali

"Then, all I need to do is destroy this door right?"

"Master, you can't destroy the door, even if one of the rankers came down to the first floor, they can't destroy the door"

Shiva became frustrated by the claim of his honest servant.

"then what am I supposed to do"

" Master, you just need to try to destroy it, you can't possibly even leave a mark on the door"

The nerves on his forehead were bulging hearing his servant indirectly calling him weak, as he took out the 'Mercicode' dagger, he took the position and used his skill backstab on the door. (I know there is no Back for a door, no need to mock me now :-) )

as his weapon collided with the door, an invisible force pushed him back as and like Kapali said there was not even a mark on the door but, there was a warning.

[WARNING! You are attacking the door to the next floor, if you don't stop now, the Tower will punish you for your actions]

He smiled widely while saying,

"It's working"

Next, he stood back and summoned a total of ten skeleton skulls at once, aiming all at the door, and launched one after other, the notification rang continuously as the attacks continued,

[WARNING! You are attacking the door to the next floor, if you don't stop now, the Tower will punish you for your actions]

[WARNING! You are attacking the door to the next floor, if you don't stop now, the Tower will punish you for your actions]

[WARNING! You are attacking the door to the next floor, if you don't stop now, the Tower will punish you for your actions]

[WARNING! You are attacking the door ...




[The Tower scoffs at your balls to attack it and is banishing you]

[The tower has banished you to 'Atal', you are prohibited from climbing the tower for six months]

[You have gained the title 'One who go against the Tower']

[One who go against the Tower:-(Normal)

You are the one who went against the will of the tower, the tower commends your bravery and scoffs at your foolishness.

effect:- whenever there are restrictions by the Tower, you will receive 1% less restriction]

[your Passive skill, Crazy growth is triggered]

[you have gained intelligence + 20]

seeing all the notifications Shiva said to himself,

"Hmm, in the future I must do some Crazy things, this skill 'Crazy growth' is amazing. as for the title, it's a little disappointing, anyway it's better than nothing" while mumbling so he disappeared along with Kapali.


In front of the Door to the Second floor,

people are dumbfounded, staring at the area where the young man previously stood,

"Crazy...why does he attack the door like that?"

"Is he a retard, doesn't he know how to read the warnings or what?"

"I heard from my father that all kind of people resides in the tower, seeing this now I am sure of that, what a Crazy bastard"


Same time at one of seven divisions of Brahmalok,

A man was on his knees reporting the information to a woman who sat arrogantly on a chair,

"Mam, The information just arrived that the target has been eliminated and that he was not strong enough"

"'s fine since he is dead now, is there anything else to notice," said the woman

"That ...mam.."

"What is it?"

"It is not something to concern but the reports said that a crazy man appeared on the first floor, it is said that he kept attacking second floors door until he was punished by the tower and teleported to 'Athal'"

"hmmm... interesting, now that he is in the underground, we have to wait till his punishment ends, I want to see what kind of person he is, to do something crazy as going against the tower but then again I doubt he will be alive until the punishment is over, A fool doesn't live long no need to further repeat about him, let's wrap this up if there isn't anything special"

"Mam, that...The Callosum challenge is starting soon and it seems the rewards are very good this time, so I originally came here to ask as to whom we will send as our representative"

"Isn't Sanak starting to climb tower this year, then what's there to think, let's send him there"

said the woman as she got up and disappeared.

The man kept bowing until the 30s after she disappeared, only then did he raise his head and get back.


In the wilderness of the thick forest,

a man was standing above the corpse of a giant lion, he jumped down from the top and said to himself, He wore a pant which tightly gripped his muscles, and he was topless while covering his head with the lion's skin.

"Tch, they did this quickly, I want to fight someone stronger, let's hope that the coliseum challenge doesn't disappoint me"


Numerous shadows were drifting from the top of the mountain towards the foot of the mountain.

They were Karna and the 25 shadows Assassin's who managed to clear the tower's challenge and entered the tower just now, but upon entering they were greeted with shocking news,

Death of Shiva

Karna froze as he heard people talking about how the men from Brahma Lok killed a young man and how he got killed without even resistance.

Hearing the story he knew one thing, his master was not dead yet,

how can someone stronger than him get killed without putting up a fight, he was sure that his master was thinking of some plan, so he choose to believe in his lord and started to do what he could,

He decided to infiltrate Bramhalok as a spy, If his lord ever needed his help, he have to be in a position to help him so he decided to join them all while getting powerful in the dark.

"I will wait for your arrival, My lord"


END of Volume 1

Hello guys, this chapter marks the end of the first volume and the story officially starts here, so are you fired up to know about Shiva's legend.

A new exciting volume is on the way, look forward to it guys....

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