A young man with black and white hair was sitting in a corridor of the room staring at the blue window in front of him.

"Hmmm... even though I don't have any special arrows, I can use my archery practice arrows for the time being, and considering that the nameless bow is a growth type weapon, even if doesn't help me much now, it will grow along with side me, so it's nothing to worry about"

"It seems I gained two skills after the fight let's see"


[Name: Shiva

Age: 20

Level: 2

Sex: Male

Title: Challenger, Crafty Vengence

Class: none

Subclass: none


Strength - 6+1

Constitution - 10

Dexterity - 8

Intelligence - 10

Perception - 8

Charism - 10

free attribute points-05


Active skills:-

1. Backstab(E) :-

A deadly assassination move, which when attacked from behind enemies deals 150% damage to the target, If the target attacked is not aware of the host presents the effectiveness of the skill doubles.

Proficiency - 0%

Mana usage- 50

Cooldown- 60s.

Passive skills:-

1. Basic knife-manship(lv. 1):-

You will feel familiar with knife-type weapons and your efficiency with the usage of knife-type weapons increases.

Effect:-+1% damage when using knife type weapons ]

"one passive and one active, huh? Seems OK, but.....even if backstab is a common skill, it will become a powerful skill for me. hehe. If I sneak attack first, the additional effect of skill will trigger, and if the enemy attacks me first, my next attack will deal double damage due to my title so at any given time backstab will work at double efficiency, but it only disadvantage is that when monsters are in groups I can't continue to attack like this, well this much is already plenty enough but..... I don't want to be an assassin"

"Well can't complain when I got it for free I guess"

"But what about mana usage, I don't see mana anywhere in the Status, huh?"

[The user body is not strong enough to withstand the impact of mana, increase all your stats to a minimum of 10 to unlock mana]

"Ohh. So it's like that"

"hmm... My intelligence and charisma are already 10 so let's put 2 in dexterity, 2 in perception, and 1 in strength"


[Name: Shiva

Age: 20

Level: 2

Sex: Male

Title: Challenger, Crafty Vengence

Class: none

Subclass: none


Strength - 7+1

Constitution - 10

Dexterity - 10

Intelligence - 10

Perception - 10

Charism - 10

free attribute points-0


Active skills:-

1. Backstab(E)

Passive skills:-

1. Basic knife-manship(lv. 1)


"just need 2 points in strength to unlock mana, Let's level up more"

"But levelling up by killing goblins is just too inefficient, I have to nearly kill 50 goblins to just level up by one, seems like it's time to head out"

He got up and went inside his room, picked some of his black clothes, and put them on.

"since it's dark outside, it will be good to use a black cloth to blend in with darkness"

After he took his backpack which contained some food, 2 knives, dozen of sharp objects, a rope and some first aid medical treatment bandage and other things."

"it's time to head out!"




In the night, somewhere in the middle of what seemed like a garden stood a beautiful woman with pitch-black hair and brown eyes, her hair was fluttering in the wind, she seemed to be like a princess straight from the fairy tale. What made the beauty stand more was a light blue gas-like thing that was swirling around her like a serpent, it was a sight to behold.

"So this is mana?"

The melody of her voice was unlike anything, It was a tune on its own.

"This feeling of being covered by mana is amazing...! but..."

There was a certain message in the blue window that was making her feel uneasy,

[You are the second among challengers of the earth to kill 500 monsters]

[you have obtained 'Random item box' (epic)]

[The tower is recognizing your achievement]

[You are given a chance to obtain a legendary class]

[you will be transported to 'Hall of legends' in 10s]

"Just who is the one that got 1st...."




A total of 9 members were transported to the hall of legends based on their achievements.

All while our mc was doing some crazy shit,

Well, let's go back to when he got out of his house.

As he was moving undercover of the night he saw a dozen goblins loitering around the gas station that's when the light bulb in his mind lit up.

He silently sneaked to the back of the first goblin and attacked aiming its head using backstab, and without even a sound the goblin died due to the effect of the skill, he killed three more goblins by sneaking behind them but unfortunately, the goblin shrieked and other beside it realized his presence and attacked him but that was a mistake since once again his title effect triggered and he easily killed it, what happened after was a total..... Mess! He was not even good at close combat he was simply swinging his dagger back and forth all while keeping his distance. Maybe due to his stats, finally, he killed them all.

But that was not what he was aiming for, he got up to the gas station and spilt petrol on the whole area, after some time now the whole area was covered in petroleum, he entered the nearby car, maybe it was left there by a panicked civilian or maybe was killed, but that was not important now, he took a chair which was there in a resting room of gas station and pressed it against the horn of the car, and then.

"hoooooooooooooonk....!!!! ""

The horn of the car was sounding nonstop, he ran outside the gas station and hid behind a wall.

Not shortly afterwards monsters started to appear, there were goblins, kobolds, ghouls, and some lizard-like creatures. Within just 5 minutes there were more than hundreds of creatures all around the car irritated by the sound slamming it from everywhere,

That's when he stood up and threw something towards the monsters and then.....

"Boom..!!! ""

He was standing there looking at the monsters burning some even destroyed to pieces by the sudden blast.

It was a crazy idea, a crazy idea that may have him killed if he attracted strong monsters or something from the explosion hit him, considering it was a gas station the idea was indeed crazy, but the reward was not shallow either,

Hundred of messages blocked his view,

[You have killed lv. 2 kobolds]

[you have killed lv. 1 goblin]

[you have killed lv. 3 goul]

[you have killed lv. 2 kobald]




[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

[you have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]


He started laughing.


he was laughing like a crazy maniac,

" I was worried it will not consider it as my kill but it seems as long as I prepared fire myself everything was fine.."

Initially, he thought of throwing his lighter to induce fire but afterwards, he shook his head and wrapped some clothes in his bag to a bottle soaked it in petrol, and lit it up with a matchbox. And it seems the system considered it as his skill since he made the fire himself and 'only' added external catalyst to strengthen the fire, but the problem is that the catalyst was too strong...

Anyway, he levelled up thanks to it.

Some monsters who escaped also tried to attack him only to die miserably by his dagger.

The messages were not over yet.

[You are the 94th person to kill 500 monsters on Earth]

[You are rewarded with 'Custom item box(epic)']

[The tower recognize your achievement]

[You are given a chance to obtain an Epic class]

[You will be transported to 'Land of Epics' in 10s]

"Hoo... So, I will get a chance to get an epic class, well it will be interesting I guess"

and when there were only three seconds to transport to Land of Epics...


[The Forgotten Legend of the ruins is trying to contact you]

[The Tower gives its permission]

[The Forgotten legend praises your crazy idea]

[You are recognized by the Forgotten Legend]

[Due to recognition by Forgotten legend your chance to get an epic class is cancelled]

[You have obtained a class 'Crazy sorcerer(normal)']


"What the f**k"

What followed was a scene of a young man continuously cursing the Forgotten Legend.....


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