Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

Chapter 47 - Crazy B*stard!!

---POV: Cale---

Cale was jumping around lightly like he was doing some kind of exercise while avoiding his opponents, a shabby-looking dirty blond man with a green robbed top and an old pair of khaki pants, who was wielding an even shabbier looking staff attacks on opposite to him was. Whether they be sudden bursts of plant growth or the wild swings of the man's staff, all were dodged seemingly effortlessly, much to the chagrined of his enemy.

Eventually, the sloppy guy yelled out in a scratchy and kinda high-pitch voice,

"Like, zoinks man, you're as slippery as a wet rat! Huhu, hold still so I can beat your *ss!" After being unable to reach the boy for the next minute or two, the scraggy man decided enough was enough. "I call upon thy, to provide me with the strength to wreck this guy's face." The seemingly scrawny guy was now transforming, his upper torso was ripped apart by the transformation as he transformed into a werewolf.

"Oh..! I didn't expect you to be a druid," Cale observed with a mildly interesting voice. While Cale was inspecting the werewolf man from tip to toe, the werewolf man yelled at his opponent in a somewhat legible form of English.

His voice sounding rougher and deeper, "Your in roubble now! Ry an rwun now."

"I wonder how druids always manage to keep their lower cloth on even after the transformations. You'd think with a change in size everywhere else, that'd get ripped to shreds as well," he commented seeing the lower cloth of the man, still covering his decency as he was now charging at him.


There was the sound of something cutting through the air as the werewolf druid punched towards Cale, which he dodged quite easily. He punched again which he dodged again, and the barrage continued until the werewolf druid finally withdrew his assault realizing he couldn't land a single blow even after his barrage.

"Oh... finally stopped! I guess it's my turn now?" Cale casually walked towards the man who took on a defensive formation. He made a fist and punched out directly on the point the werewolf man had his guard up. It appeared as though Cale could care less about the fact the punch was going to land on the man's guard.

The wolfman could feel the force behind the punch and mumbled, "Ruh roh…"


The strength behind the fist was evident as the furry was blown to the other end of the arena and crashed into the wall with a single punch. Cale's projectile fainted in the process.

"Winner! Rank 4, Cale."

"That was easy", He commented while kissing his fist.


All the matches continued and were all reaching their ends quickly. As Shiva was watching from the sidelines, he noticed the next few matches were not as interesting as the first few but were still great to watch.

What he took interest in was a few of the top 10. He took a brief note on each one:

There was an Ice Mage at rank# 5 who won with just two of her ice spells, She was a great beauty at that.

A literal giant was rank# 6, the lad was as big as a two-storied building.

The next was an Elven Archer at rank# 7 with incredible bowman-ship.

At a surprising turn of events, rank# 8 lost to someone named Tony, who threw some explosive at the opponent, just as the match started.

There was another familiar face who went against rank #9, an Earth Mage. The Mage lost against his opponent, the Shadow Assassin, Karna.

The next bunch of people was nothing short of amazing, everyone in the top one hundred could beat the crap out of Shiva without his summons prior to the grind session.

"Now that was a great set of fights, with many ups and downs that kept the crowd at the edge of their seats! As tensions were high, some rose to the occasion and grabbed the top-ranking positions from those that had them prior. This concludes Round One of Group A, but don't go anywhere because this marks the beginning of the Group B matches. There are no breaks on this train, and this train doesn't stop till theirs only one remaining! To start things off right here are the initial 10 matches: Rank #262145 v/s Rank #524288, Rank #262146 v/s Rank #524287, Rank #262147 v/s…"

It was finally his turn! He jumped towards the arena as many of the people he knew, and a couple he didn't, noticed his figure.

Cale: "This guy showed up? I wonder if he was really worth my senior's effort in trying to recruit him. "

Karna: "As expected, He is here. I can finally apologize to him and make things right."

Sanak: "The f*cker still dared to come? Looks like I'll finally be able to teach this guy a lesson and he won't be able to run away."

Shiva's opponent entered the arena, but Shiva immediately realized something that caused him to have an ugly expression written all over his face.

"Was my Luck this sh*t tier? Who would have guessed I'd be stuck against a b*stard like you."

The opponent he was facing had a bald head, innocent eyes, large yellow and orange robes, and held a staff with three rings in one hand. The other hand remained in a namaste position as he said, "Amitabha, friend."

"...", Shiva had a dark expression in response to his greetings,

The announcer, noticing the distinct lack of sh*t talk, decided to go ahead and start the match, "Match start!"

Both Shiva and the opponent looked at each other and debated what their opponent would do. As Shiva motioned his hand, a massive scythe appeared which he grasped and rushed towards the monk. The monk, not one to be outdone by our scythe-wielding maniac, used the skill of his own.

"Amitabha, Holy Decent!"

A blinding light filled Shiva's vision as he was hit by the skill, hit by it before he could dodge. He felt like he was drowning in water by just being in the light of the Monk's skill, unable to even breathe. He quickly used the only skill that can be used with the scythe.

"Mana Slash" used 10,000 units of his mana, which increased the damage dealt by an additional 100%, and released it as a horizontal slash. (Skill description at chap 30)

The Monk was caught off-guard as he quickly took on a defensive stance, casting a shield skill to boost his defense, but everything was for naught as the shield shattered at the moment of impact. It didn't stop there as the slash bisected the Monk in two, from shoulder to hip.

The Monk didn't expect to be defeated too quickly, let alone killed, during the Colosseum. The Monk gave out his final gasp of life as his eyes dimmed, the life draining from them, "Ami...tabha..."


Shiva was frozen stiff seeing the results of the skill. Taking the first hit activated his "Vengeful" title effect and with all the stats poured into intelligence caused his damage to get a beefy boost of 2(200%) damage. That was deadly enough for anyone to stop and consider their life choices.

'I didn't mean to kill him!' Shiva was regretting using that much power, but in his defense, he just used the one skill he could, and he didn't even aim for the monk specifically as he was blinded by the holy light skill. The Monk was fighting fair, he hadn't even done anything that would make him angry enough to warrant his demise, but he killed him without even being able to put up a fight.

Then came the murmurs from the crowd, reaching his ears, condemning him for his bloody methods.

"Why would he kill the monk?"

"Is he crazy? Was there a need to go that far? The monk wasn't even being a d*ck during the match."

"He seems like a blood-crazed monster, I feel bad for anyone who is forced to face him later on."

He could hear the people talking about him from the sidelines,

He looked toward the corpse with regret and guilt.

He didn't mean to end this, kind monk's life...

He really didn't…



"Kekeke...", He laughed while covering his head with one hand. not even 2 seconds later, he rebounded mentally, and all the negative thoughts were kicked away like an unwanted stepchild wanting a hug. Out of mind and out of sight.

So what if the f*cker died? What's that got to do with him?

Shiva started to giggle and laugh at alternating pitches with his hair casting a shadow over his eyes, an insane grin stretching his facial muscles to their limits, "KekehaAHhahHa".

'No matter if it's on Earth or in the Tower, everyone is the same. Everyone can be killed at a moment's notice, so why is everyone so surprised?'

He died, so how is that his problem? He'll deal with the repercussion of his actions with a shit-eating grin, an evil chuckle, and excessive force.

The Monk was weak so he died, he was even one-shotted, if he hadn't been so weak, he would have survived his attack.

Curse himself for being weak, it is not his problem that their parents didn't teach them the lesson "don't blame others for your own faults".

He looked at the people he heard with a smirk on his face, "You got a problem with how I do things, Sh*t-lips?"

He moved towards the body, then kicked it as if it owed him money, and maybe if he kicked hard enough it'd pay up.

"I killed him, so what?", he said while clearing the blade of his scythe on the corpse's robes, then carved two orbs and a shaft on the dead monk's scalp with the tip of the blade.

*Every great artist needs a call sign to take credit for their masterpieces*(For anyone who didn't get the above sentence look at the comment)

"Don't try to act like Saints when every one of us needs to kill to get stronger and progress. That's just how the Tower works. In fact, you have probably killed more than me to get where you are today," he ranted while moving out of the arena, a backhanded hand to gesture his final gift to the judging crowd.

He had already forgotten the fact that he killed someone, he didn't care enough to even remember the guy's face or anything about him,

{Shiva...Don't think about it too mu...}The old sage tried to comfort him but was cut off by Shiva,

"Do you think I felt bad for killing him? you are too naive for a sage... Keke... I even killed my father, old man"

The old-sage shut his mouth hearing him,

Why would it concern him that some no-name shmuck died?

He was just doing what he wanted, if he wanted to kill a guy too weak to stop him, then so be it. All he gained, growth-wise, was the understanding that he needed better control over his newly gotten power if he didn't want another mistake to happen.

'If that requires a few more "accidents" to achieve, so be it', he thought to himself, justifying the probability that the next guy he faces may very well be one of these *accidents* to himself as he disappeared into the darkness of the arena entrance. All this happened in front of the crowd and one specific member had one specific thought running through his brain.

"This crazy son of b*tch!", said Sasaki not realizing he spoke his mind and that his cool and calm mask had broken for once.


(edited by JokeDagger)

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