No one would believe the fact that the Dwarves were one of the strongest races in the Tower, at one point.

They would say things like: "Those tiny, undeveloped troglodytes were ranked amongst the strongest of the Tower's races?! Do you take me for a fool?", and other similar expressions of ridicule.

'But that's the truth,' Tony told himself, after all, he had learned these truths from his tribe's Chief who spoke of secrets long forgotten from time immemorable.

He remembered back his youth, to the stories he heard from the Chief. "We Dwarves were known for our craftsmanship and blacksmithing abilities. The weapons our people could make were of the highest quality, the type of weapon sung about in stories of old, and couldn't be found anywhere else," although the dwarven times of dominance where they reigned supreme in the field of their craft, such times were long past, though the vestiges of that forgotten Era still find its way into the dwarven blood-line. Tony himself had an extra potent dose of his ancestral bloodline, the evidence being how he could be described as an excellent craftsman at the young age of ten.

"Rather than pounding metal by a forge, making intricate trinkets, the Dwarven people's specialty and what solidified their standing as a top race, lied elsewhere," Tony could still hear the passion in his Chief's voice as he spoke of their people's past.

"Our people prospered by relying on machines capable of allowing the innately weak Dwarves so powerful that they could go toe-to-toe with the Giant race, the Dwarven Mechs," but due to some vague reasons the Chief never went into detail about, the Dwarves lost their technology. Only the basics of their people's legacy remained, the reason why only a scarp remained was buried in the history books.

But a spark of ambition was now lit in Tony's mind! He was determined to bring back the Dwarven Mech and raise his people back to greatness.

Ten years!

It took him ten years of searching, researching until he finally found a destroyed mech with his automaton companion, JARVIS.

It was a self-learning artificial intelligence that he built with his blood, sweat, tears, and a lot of money of course. JARVIS was the amalgamation of all his collected data and information are given form.

And as for the name...He was a huge Mech fanatic and at one point during his travels, he met a man from a place called Earth that spoke of a heroic super-genius named Tony Stark who made machines never seen before, created new elements, and fought the forces of the galaxy with nothing but his mind and his suits. As a lover of machines, it was impossible for him to not love Ir*n Man's story.

To begin with, his actual name was VishvaKarma, which he greatly disliked as it brought back bad memories of his past, so he decided to give up his past name as he felt it was burdening him and keeping him from his aspirations of greatness. After letting go of what once was, he took on the name of his new idol of worship and henceforth called himself Tony Stark.

After getting the damaged Dwarf Mech back to his workshop, he proceeded to pour his body and soul into its reconstruction. After about two years, he finally managed to rebuild it. Sadly, that's as far as he got.

The power source of the engine was a high-quality mana stone, which cost around 10K karma points to even purchase, which was quite a ludicrous amount. The engine he rebuilt for the machine was too large to have a fixed to it. He ended up strapping it to the back of Mech, resulting in it looking like a huge, half-*ssed, ugly mess. Even then, its performance was incredible, it could fight against any monsters below lv.100 without any issues arising.

But Tony was not satisfied. It was not the work he wanted or hoped to end up creating, he wanted to build a cool I*ron armor suit, which could blast mana beam as strong as a Dragon's Breathe. A punch as strong as a Giant's haymaker, along with the agility of a wind elemental. He wanted to make the ultimate Mech suit, far better than what even his ancestors could create.

But he knew such a dream was not possible in a single day, so he made plans. The first and most important thing was to find a self-sustaining energy source.

It's just not viable to keep using expensive high-quality mana stones as a fuel source with what little funds he had leftover, so he decided to search for clues or rumors of something that could fit that description. And luckily enough, by a God's graces or by mere chance, he found one such clue.

A Golem Core!

After days and nights of searching through old tomes of legends and folklore, he stumbled upon a legend about a man who created living golems. By "living", it meant "self-sustained" golems powered by their very cores which were infinite power sources.

But the problem was that nothing about the golems or what happened to the golem maker was known. It was like their history itself had been erased, like someone was trying to bury his existence from the world.

That said, he didn't lose hope! He searched. He traveled. He looked through countless journals describing the past. He even went so far as to make a post on the monthly news journal on the 10th floor by spending a huge fortune to advertise if anyone knew about this seemingly lost part of history, but the result was a resounding "no".

No matter how much he tried, regardless of the amounts, he dumped into looking around, there was simply no clue about anything related to that man. As he had given up all hope at that point in ever finding this mysterious Core, inspiration struck! He thought of an idea, a crazy one at that!

No matter the era, be it present or past, the Tower has kept tabs on anyone who has ever entered it, AKA, The System. As it had been monitoring everyone since its creation, it would be obvious to assume that the System had the information he had been seeking for!

With that in mind, he, along with his automaton, JARVIS, strategized and researched for two years until finally giving it a shot. It took them many grueling weeks till, finally, they succeeded.

They managed to hack the System itself!

With that said, they couldn't manage to gain complete access, as the Towers' firewalls started to resist, leading them to rush their operation, leading them to only obtain the information of the first ten floors.

Though he only got the initial 10 floors, that knowledge was invaluable in and of itself.

But with every gain, came a cost. He was cursed by the Tower for attempting to disrupt its way of management, causing all his limbs to lose their function! He became a nugget mechanic.

He was thrown out of his tribe for being a cursed existence, completely disenfranchised. For someone like Tony, though, it was just a minor setback.

He had JARVIS cut off his four limbs and make him prosthetic ones for himself. He then implemented JARVIS within himself, thus becoming the first Magical Cyborg!

The things he learned from robbing the System were not small either. He learned about the countless secrets between the first and the tenth floors with help of information from JARVIS's memory storage.

But those don't matter as much as the key information he was looking for. He obtained the information of the residing place of the last remaining Golem Cores, and they are all on the same person!

To be specific, he learned about the fact that this man not only had the Golem Cores, but he also had six of them. How he got these Corse even before entering the first floor was part of the information that was not available for him to know.

He first decided to steal it from the unlucky sap, but after hearing about the result of the 8th floor, his performance in the arena, and how exactly he cleared the floors from the system information that was organized by JARVIS, he quickly gave up that idea.

Instead, he decided to save himself the strife and make a deal with that person directly.

And that person was none other than Shiva!!


(edited by JokeDagger)

Who do you think will be the final winner of the Colosseum?

a. Karna (2)

b. Rudolf

c. William ( 1 )

d. Tony (1)

e. Shiva (9)

f. Kannada

g. Sanak

h. Mira

Hurry up!!

I am going to Update it in every chapter so comment +1 to the Candidate you think will win...Let's see how many will get it right!!


The story will be on premium from this chapter! thanks for all the support guys and please continue to support me in the future too, (^_^)

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