Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

Chapter 54 - The Power Of Mech

"After that thrilling battle between Skylla and Rebecca, it's going to be hard to satisfy the crowd now that they've seen a match of that quality. Here's to hoping the next match can reach that level of quality combat! Please, give your attention to the participants entering the ring now. On one side, we have a man clad in full plate armor of unknown quality"

his helmet preventing any onlooker from discerning his emotions. The lack of reactions portrays him to be a cold, unmoving statue, it was like he's just waiting to be given the chance to strikeout.

"Kenta, The Wandering Knight, enters the arena."

"Now, onto his opponent! He is rival in this match is..."



The sound of metal striking against each other, sounding like large hunks of steel being bashed together by giants, locked in mortal combat.


Metal brushing against each other was producing an odd grating noise.

A huge chunk of what looks like steel in the form of a hunchback man with an extra thick cake landed on the arena stage. Standing imperially as it glared at the Immovable Knight.

"Wait! What the hell is that??", This had not been what was told to the announcer ahead of time, so he was understandably confused as hell.

The attention of the crowd was entirely focused on the robot as the commentator unknowingly voiced the question on everyone's mind.

The outer appearance of the machine can only be described as "jury-rigged" or "poor". There were so many nuts and bolts visible on the outer layer of the machine's body. Many wires hanging here and there, looking like hair at random, grown at intervals throughout the machine. On the metal creature's voluptuous cheeks, there was a large imprinted "T" logo that was also imprinted on its chest, weird thing was the huge asses of the robot which completely ruined its image.

One look at the machine and an observer blurted out, "Which pervert was the one who made this? Why does something so imposing have so much… CAKE!?"

A fellow observer could only nod in agreement, "Totally man, that such an odd feature. I mean... sheesh, gonna have me acting some type of way..."

"Wtf did you just say…"

The first observer can only stare at the second one in concern at his tastes, before deciding it wasn't worth the effort, sat down, and ignored the other's existence

This was the opening day for Tony to show the world his Dwarven Mech. Previously, he had just used his small research items, like explosives, mana cannon, mana pistol, etc. It was just too expensive to use the Mech in every round, he just didn't have the budget for such an expenditure. The reveal of his main weapon had quite the effect on the audience; some were surprised by the appearance of this weird-looking machine, others feared its power and unknown origin, but a single guy in the stand had what seemed to be a hungry expression on his face as he stared at the Mech.

{Whoa... isn't that a Darwen Mech?? I thought there were no more functioning ones left!}

Even the Old sage seemed to be interested in the machine. Shiva watched the Mech's clumsy movements as it stood in the arena.

'Is it like a Transf*rmer? Or maybe Gund*m?' Shiva was having a different train of thought.

{Hey, old idiot, look carefully! How could a Darwen Mech be so clumsy, not to mention that perversely huge posterior}

Nicholas who had been busy cursing Shiva throughout the entire Colosseum venture, seemed to have relaxed and now had become Shiva's second information center (You know who the first Information center is, right?)

{Now that I look at it carefully, it is indeed different! The real Darwen Mech would be at least, maybe 15 times better}

If Tony had to hear them discuss his life's work, he would have coughed up blood and cried. He worked so many years, pushed through trials and errors that maddened him, cried, sweat, and bled for the machine, and these people are telling him that his final product was not even a tenth as good as the original's power?

"It still looks pretty useful; shall I steal it from him?"

Shiva commented seeing the Mech.... no, it didn't deserve that title yet, it was simply a weird machine, a shadow of a mech.

{You...! How could you talk about stealing something from someone so casually?} Nicholas said, still amazed by Shiva's shameless words.



Both Old sage and Shiva said at the same time as if they were proud of themself for being so shameless.

{.....} (Old Pope)

He was at a loss of words to use against the shameless duo.


"Kenta v/s Tony, Match begin!"

"Let's have a fair fight Knight-sis," Tony said from the inside of the hunk of metal.

"Fair? What fairness?! I mean, 'me' fighting that huge assed machine??" Kenta said while pointing at himself and the Mech.

"Haven't you heard a saying knight-sis? 'All is fair in Love and War', haha!"

"JARVIS, mini-missiles."

[Engaging mini-missiles,] A mechanized voice replied.

Two mini missiles were fired off from the shoulder of the machine.

In response, Kenta took out his huge shield and blocked the two missiles.

He was flung backward, as even though he blocked the missiles, just the impact pushed him 20m backward.

There was no time for him to relax though, as two more missiles were coming his way. He didn't panic and instead used his skill.

'Shield Rush'

He dodged the two incoming missiles and charged, the shield outstretched as he moved in a straight line towards the machine.

Tony didn't dodge and faced him head-on.


But the result was not as expected. Kenta was leaning on the Mech, feet carving divots into the ground, as he strained to push Mech, unable to even get it to move a millimeter.

"Did you think you could knock down my machine with your skill alone? This thing weighs 10,000 pounds!", said Tony as he pushed Kenta down with a nudge of one of the mech's massive feet.

"Hehe... sorry but my baby is stronger!", Tony said in an arrogant tone.

Kenta was now in a difficult situation. For a knight to be pushed down to the ground was as good as a defeat since all the Knight class skills focused on the user having a solid footing. Even with a solid footing and the use of his skills he was not capable of shaking this massive mech, let alone beat it.

Tony decided to hurry up and end the match. He went and pulled back the mech's arm and punched the little Knight.

The armor Kenta was wearing dented after the first hit, the hits that followed caused more and more blood to splash on the ground, until finally after some number of minutes of the beating he lost consciousness.

"Seriously, enduring punches containing the power of over 10,000 pounds with just his body for so long and he is still alive... what a monster! This guy's ability to act as a meat shield is out of this world," Tony murmured inside the machine as the referee continued his job.

"Tony v/s Kenta"

"Match over"

"Winner, Tony!"

"The Wandering Knight fainted in combat! How powerful is that machine to even lay down the knight of the Top 16 with just punches alone??"

"We will have to wait and see. I know I can't wait to witness its powers."

"This is why the Colosseum is like no other, surprises after surprises! With that said, are you ready for the final match before the quarter-finals?!"

"It the Shadow Assassin, Karna v/s the Ice Princess, Mira!!"


(Edited By JokeDagger)


Who do you think will be the final winner of the Colosseum?

a. Karna (2)

b. Rudolf

c. William ( 1 )

d. Tony (1)

e. Shiva (9)

f. Kannada

g. Sanak

h. Mira

Hurry up!!

I am going to Update it in every chapter so comment +1 to the Candidate you think will win....Let's see how many will get it right!!

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