Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

Chapter 66 - Epic Of The Dark Star!

Shiva slowly opened his eyes. His vision was still hazy and his mind was in disarray.

The plain white ceiling was visible for him to see, his mind was completely blank just like the plain ceiling, he dumbly stared at the white ceiling for a minute before getting a grasp of the situation.

"Ah…!" The memories of the fight slowly came back along with the pain all over his body.

It was feeling as if countless ants were stinging him at the same time. He didn't felt when he was fighting due to the excitement but now that he was lying on the bed, every part of his body was aching like hell.

After managing t0 endure the pain, he looked aside as someone he didn't expect was sitting there with his arms crossed.

A man in a clown mask was sitting with his arms crossed.


Shiva almost lost his consciousness seeing this weirdo again.

"Hoohoho…It seems our dark star has regained consciousness", It seemed he noticed that Shiva has regained consciousness and said as if he was talking to someone.

Shiva wanted to say something but closed his mouth seeing the people entering the plain white room,

Karna, Radha, the small weird dwarf, and finally the man in armor, Kenta, they were all people he knew but didn't at the same time.

He had no idea what was going on as he just kept on looking at them, He was sure neither of them was close enough to come to see him when he was injured.

Silence continued as the atmosphere around was turning awkward, Karna was the one who broke the silence as he kneeled on the ground,

"My lord, please forgive me!"

Shiva was taken aback by this behavior of Karna as he tried to say something, but he was unable to as he was feeling difficult to even open his mouth.

"I was arrogant and was blinded by foolishness, please forgive me and allow me to serve you once more"


He banged his head against the ground, the floor seemed to crack at the impact.

Shiva was silent as he didn't say anything, even Karna was silent with his head on the ground.

Shiva was reminded of what happened as a complicated look appeared on his face.

{I don't know what happened between you two, but he is going as far as to kneel in front of all these people, you can take a step back and forgive him}

Nicholas oddly seemed calm considering that he was throwing tantrums before. anyway, what's important now was that he was suggesting he forgive Karna.

{It was not easy for someone to kneel in front of others if he was going this far, it was only right for you to take a step back}

Even the old sage was suggesting for him to take a step back.

Shiva who kept silent for a minute talked with difficulty as he said in a low tone,

"I can't lift you up now….so get the hell up stand aside, you ba*tard"

Karna lifted his head, blood was visible on his forehead as got up and stood beside the bed, it seemed as if was trying hard to contain the tears in the edges of his eyes.

"Brother…. Are you fine now? How do you feel"

Radha, who was seeing Shiva after a long time asked in a worried tone, and it seemed that the cruel Tower hadn't affected her innocence yet.

Shiva just smiled at her question as he turned towards Kannada.

"Why…are…y... ou all here?", He was still struggling to even talk as his body hurt like all over.

Kannada looked at him as he laughed again, "Hoho…we have our reasons"

Shiva was quite worried since he couldn't trust them and looked towards Karna who was the only person he could somewhat trust now.

Karna instantly understood that he was asking for him to explain and started his narration,

"The match ended in a draw, both of you were collapsed on the arena", He got to the main point without beating around the bush.

'So, I didn't lose', Shiva felt like half of his pain disappeared hearing that it ended in a tie.

"The epics you created attracted the people from different guilds..."

"Wait a minute…. I created what again?", Shiva looked at them with confusion, yes, he sure knew what epics were but what is this bull shit of him being an epic, He heard that normally if one became an epic, it would be above 20th floor.

Seeing the looks of everyone Shiva opened his system to see what they were talking about.

Ding! Ding! ding!

A flood of message invaded his field as he was taken by surprise, he calmly read through them focusing on the last part.

<You have completed your first epic!>

<The epic of the Dark start shall be known all over the Tower>

<You have gained the title 'Epic of the Dark star'>


<Epic of the Dark star>

Title exclusive for Shiva who wrote his first epic while fighting an incredible battle with the Supreme Summoner.

Effect- mana +100%

Skill 'Darkness descend'



<Darkness descend>

The Darkness shall descend and devore everything!

Effect: - Cover the area around you into a dark region

inflict 'blinded' and 'fear' effect to enemies inside the

range of the skill.

Mana cost - 500 per minute.

cooldown - 3 hours.


<You have become an epic!>

<Your exitance has been strengthened!>

<Your class 'Crazy Necromancer (Normal)' is evolving alongside you!>

<Your class has been evolved to 'Crazy Necromancer (Epic)'>

<All your skill levels are increased by one>

<Class quest has been created>


<Find the root>

Type - class quest

difficulty – S

Objective: - However stronger may a tree grows; it can't survive without its roots. Find the root of your class and the information about the previous owner of the class!

Reward – Unknown


<The God of Destruction take notes of your existence >

<The Goddess of night is licking her Lips seeing you>

<The God of creation is looking at you with hatred>

<The Ruler of hell scoffs at you>

<The Goddess of Life has recognized your atrocities>

<The God of preservation is smirking mischievously>

Shiva who was left speechless by the flood of messages that came on his way got worried thinking about the last few messages.

'What is with these Gods, don't they have anything better to do than to watch me?'

"After your battel, the last semifinal is declared as final match! since you both were unconscious"

Karna continued his naration when he noticed that Shiva seemed to got a basic hold of the things.

"Unexpectedly Tony gave up the match and Sanak was declared as the Winner of the colosseum"

Shiva was quite surprised since he learned that Tony gave up his match, he looked towards the Dwarf as if he was asking him why.

"The Whole reason I participated in colosseum was to meet you, but if I can't do that then the reward doesn't mean a jack sh*t to me"

Now he was more confused as someone actually came to colosseum that too till finals just to meet him? He could have just talked with him.

'Right! I never showed up anywhere after the battles'

He seemed to understand as it seemed to be his fault, he was cautious of the big guild present on the sidelines and didn't wish to end up like the last time, so as soon as the battel would end he would disappear with his Shadow movement skill, and as to why Tony wanted to meet him that had to wait for now as Karna continued.

"Everything was good until then but an unknown group of people attacked right after the rewards are given, Sanak was taken away with the Reward since only he knows what the reward was"

"They didn't stop at taking him and tried to catch you and William too"

"An unknown man saved William, and I with the Shadow tried to escape with you but they were too strong"

Karna then looked at the three men standing on one side of the bed as he said,

"These people helped us and we escaped at the expense of four shadow's life", Karna seemed upset by the fact that he had to sacrifice some of his men but being an assassin, he knew better than anyone not to involve feelings while dealing with enemies.

Shiva looked at the three men standing on the side as he asked.

"So, what do you need from me?", He was not a fool that would think that someone saved him of good heart not unless he was simp. If the three of them took the risk of saving him then that must mean there is something they need from him.

"Hoho aren't you quite quick on catching on to things!"

"Stop spouting nonsense and come to the point"

Shiva said quite annoyed as it still hurt for him to talk.

"Sell me your 'Golem Cores'", It was Tony who spoke first as he was quite desperate and was itching to go to his workshop and start making a golem.

{You have a Golem Core!!?} (Oldman)

{You have a Golem Core!!?} (Nicholas)

Both Nicholas and the Oldman seemed shocked.

'What's with this shocked expression? Yeah, I do have them, 6 to be specific'

{gasp! six of them? This crazy bitch holding onto something precious like that and acting like it is a candy}

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