Luoxia Mountain, halfway up the mountain...

Yu Feiyang, son of Luoxia, two siblings from Empty Void Holy Land, Qin Changsheng, Murong Feier, and Gu Qingxue sat down at the stone table.

Yu Feiyang poured tea for everyone.

"I didn't expect Fairy Chilian to participate in this small gathering. It really surprised Yu Mou!"

"Fairy Chilian is said to be the divine beast Huo Qilin Bloodline, which is very rare in the Sect of our gold-plated domain!"

"However, in the sea of ​​chaos in the east...... Although Chilian Sect Leader also received the invitation, he stated that he would not participate in this summit. It is a pity that I waited, saying that he could not see the demeanor of Chilian Fairy Woolen cloth!"

"Also Qingyun Saintess Fairy Qingxue, the two Saints and Saints of the Empty Void Holy Land, we are both one of the top ten spiritual bodies, and we are also very destined!"

"As for Young Master Changsheng... the Cultivation Base is also very extraordinary, I heard that it is already the Sixth Stage of the Alchemy Realm!"

While drinking tea, Yu Feiyang chatted with everyone.


For other people, Yu Feiyang is quite concerned about this......

When it comes to Qin Changsheng, it's a little too simple.

Because the real Qingyun Shengzi 12 is already twenty-five years old. Although the Cultivation Base is not bad, it was piled up by Qingyun Saint Lord with various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

In terms of qualifications, it is even more incomparable with these people.

Of course, Qin Changsheng is not Qingyun Shengzi......

He didn't take Yu Feiyang's pretense and dual-color eyes seriously.

It even feels a little ridiculous.

Even your lair in Luoxia Holy Land has been ransacked by daddy...

What else do you have to show off in front of daddy!!!

Qin Changsheng's goal now is to take a look at the Saintess of Laxia first, and then... Expand his own plan, and grab them one by one.

"Just drinking tea like this is a bit boring."

"I'll play the piano for everyone, let's add to the fun!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Shengzi Yu Feiyang of Luoxia pointed to the qin next to him and said.

Qin Changsheng was even more speechless....

This stuff is addictive!!!

"Playing the piano? Let's forget it..."

"Your piano skills are much worse than our young master.....Your piano skills are much worse than that of Changsheng. If you really want to hear it, you might as well listen to him!"

Concubine Murong's temper is also very hot.

And as a little witch, what she dislikes the most are guys like Yu Feiyang who put on airs and put on airs.

So when he heard that Yu Feiyang wanted to play the piano, he couldn't sit still... He said.

It's just that when she was talking, she almost slipped her tongue and called Mr. Qin Changsheng, which made her feel depressed.


I was made by this guy, and I have developed a habit!!!


Yu Feiyang was beaten up by Concubine Murong, his complexion was blue and white, he was really embarrassed.

As the holy son of the Luoxia Holy Land, Innate kills spirit bodies...has he ever been told that before!!!

The most unacceptable thing for him is...

Concubine Murong said that the one who was stronger than him was Qingyun Shengzi!

This is a well-known waste in the major sect holy places, and even his physique is acquired.

"Young Master can also play the piano?"

Yu Feiyang's city mansion was still very deep, and he quickly suppressed his own emotions, and asked Qin Changsheng with a smile.


Qin Changsheng flatly refused.

Just kidding, daddy is not here to add to the fun, why play the piano.

Now, the scene is a bit awkward.

Concubine Murong couldn't help but cast a blank glance at Qin Changsheng, this bad guy, tear down your own platform!

However, Qin Changsheng didn't finish his sentence, so he answered another sentence smoothly.

"Serious man, who plays that thing..."

This time, the scene is even more embarrassing!!!

Although Qin Changsheng said it casually, the one who wants to play the piano is Luoxia Esheng.

Isn't this a direct slap in the face, saying that he is not a decent person?

"Haha... Who is a serious person playing that thing... I laughed so hard, Young Master Changsheng, you are so funny!"

The Empty Void saint...that adult Loli, Situ Shizuka, didn't notice the embarrassment in the scene at all, and laughed directly.

And his Little Brother also laughed along.

The face of Shengzi Luoxia...was completely black!!!

However, he couldn't get angry.

In front of so many people, he must maintain his own demeanor......

I can only kill Qin Changsheng in my heart, I don't know how many times.

"Oh, Mr. Changsheng, don't be modest! Who doesn't know your piano skills are superb! Isn't it "Sister Qing Maid!"

Concubine Murong continued to speak without giving up.

She doesn't care about the feelings of the Son of Luoxia, now that she is finally able to get along with this bad guy as a normal person, she must take revenge.

For this reason, she also dragged Gu Qingxue into the water.

"Yes, my son! Just play a song..."

Gu Qingxue also nodded and said seriously.

As for her address, it was obviously a habit, and she didn't change it.

But at this time, no one heard anything unusual.

Qin Changsheng is speechless...

These two little maids seized another opportunity to take revenge on themselves.

The more they don't want to do, they have to force themselves to do it.

"Oh, I see..."

"Is it because the Saintess of Luoxia is not here, so you don't want to play it! I remember you said on the way that you want to play a song for the Saintess of Luoxia."

Concubine Murong spoke again.

This time, she took the initiative to mention the Saintess of Luoxia...

Although she was taking revenge on Qin Changsheng, she also vaguely knew that Qin Changsheng's thoughts were probably against the Holy Maiden of Luoxia, so she took the opportunity to ask Luo Lei Xinnu what was wrong.

And when she said that...

The complexion of the Son of Luoxia is even uglier!!!

Anyone who knows a little will know that in the Holy Land of Luoxia, the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden are very at odds!

Son of Luoxia likes Saintess of Luoxia, but Saintess of Luoxia treats him with contempt.

Just because she didn't want to be entangled by him, even the little gathering this time, the Laxia Saintess didn't attend...

"The saint... is actually in the Immortal Cave above, but she likes to be quiet, so she didn't come to this party."

Shengzi Luoxia suppressed the resentment in his heart and explained, in order to relieve the embarrassing anger.

He really is now, he has the heart to kill someone!

Obviously this small party is own home

I have already thought about it, and if I have to perform well, I might be able to win the favor of the Holy Maiden of Qingyun or the Holy Maiden of Empty Void. If I can't get the Holy Maiden of Luoxia in the future, there are other candidates.

But how can reality be like this...

These people seem to be on the opposite side of own.

Beside that trash-like Qingyun Shengzi?

This guy is a foil that I found out of face!!!

How can it be compared with a proud son of heaven like me???

And what made Luoxia Shengzi collapse even more... is yet to come!

"What? The Saintess of Sunset is above the Immortal Cave?"

"That is to say, she can hear the sound of the piano below? Maybe she is even listening to us?"

"Okay then... I'll play a song!!!"

Saying that, Qin Changsheng took out his own guqin...

Everyone present......

A face full of black lines!!!

Especially Shengzi Luoxia, the anger in his heart almost made his face turn red!!!

Didn't you say that you can't play the piano?

Didn't you say that a decent person plays that stuff???

Why do you carry the piano with you, and as soon as you heard that the Saintess of the Sunset can hear it, you suddenly took it out and prepared to play a song???

Are you trying to... poach my corner???

But even if they poach someone, can they do it so blatantly???


ps: Seven in the morning, who can sleep later than me, squeak!!!

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