"First of all, you have to teach you to build high buildings and bases."

"But The question of money? " Read cloud deep distressed looking at Mo hanjue.

Mo hanjue patted his chest and said, "money, I have it."

Read cloud deep a joy! Then he frowned and said, "but What about the venue? "

Mo Han Jue said with a smile, pointing to himself, "who am I? Today's emperor is my father! I have rights, too! "

"Well, what's next?"

"Next! You need to make religious rules. As the saying goes, there is no square without rules. Then you can divide the ranks and accept disciples. I suggest you don't charge the entrance fee if you accept younger brothers, but there should be a relative threshold. For example, you need to know a little basic Kung Fu. Here you need to send some special appraisers, and then make the teaching clothes to give your sect a position. Do you want to be a killer or a killer Just like Fengling mountain villa, be a proper school. Do you usually make some living subsidies? And And... "

Mo hanjuebala talks a lot. Nianyun is really a headache. Although she was a black fox in the last life, she only knows how to be a leader. How to deal with the following things? She doesn't know at all? In those days, the sect was established and developed by her predecessors. She only had to defeat the eldest brother of the previous term and succeed to the throne.

Where are so many brain burning twists and turns?

Nian Yunshen waved his hand and rubbed his temple painfully, "stop, stop, you're so complicated, I won't!"

Mo hanjue laughed three times, shook his head and said, "don't you? It doesn't matter! Isn't there me? What do you need to do with these things? Knowledge! I have this too! "

Toward nianyunshen, Mo hanjue's bright eyes were almost written with the words "victory in hand".

"Good! Big brother! I'll go back and talk to them tonight! Do it tomorrow! " All of a sudden, there is a sense of seeing that you want to do something great. Nianyunshen has not had this kind of passion for a long time!

After that, he rushed out of King Mo's house.

The distant book beside him was stunned and asked stupidly, "Wang Ye, are you so convincing the princess?"

In Yuan Shu's heart, Nian Yunshen is a very stubborn person. It seems very difficult to persuade her to do something.

Didn't you expect that the master would kill you in a few words?

Mo Han Jue chuckles and lies back on the rattan chair with his hands resting on his head. He laughs and says, "far book, do you know the three essentials of taking younger sister?"

"Oh?" Yuan Shu pricked up his ears and leaned over, "Yuan Shu is willing to hear its details."

Mo Han Jue began to bend three fingers and said slowly, "first, money, second, power, third, knowledge!"

"Oh Far book mouth opened into a big circle, a sharp look.

Mo hanjue patted the head of Yuanshu and said with a smile, "Yuanshu, you're not too young. It's time to get a sister, or I'll feed you dog food every day and kill you!"

Yuan Shu suddenly turned his head blankly and looked at his own prince, "but master, I don't have any of the three things you said."

"Er..." Is that embarrassing?

Nianyunshen went to shadow island the night before last and called several important disciples. He had a heated discussion all night. Unexpectedly, as soon as the disciples heard that she was going to expand her ambition, they were all excited. They expressed their opinions one after another. They had already finished the draft of the future blueprint!

The next morning, Nian Yunshen couldn't wait to bring everyone to Mo hanjue, let him have a look at the draft and make the next preparations.

As a result, the vast rows of dragon boats on the river have become the most dazzling scenery in Yueguo today. When he came here last year, nianyunshen brought a group of disciples to punish those who made rumors.

We don't know what we're here for this year?

Many people have been watching and waiting in the harbor, and the prime minister, who came back from his business trip, is also standing in the harbor with Fu Bo twig, waiting for the return of Nian Yunshen.

"Fubo, Yunshen has been out for half a year, but I'm so worried. I thought this wild girl didn't know she was back? I don't know if I have suffered outside. How are you Over the past year or so, the prime minister has been on business all over the place, adding a touch of wind and frost to his temples.

Fubo also looked at the sea center with a smile.

In fact, it's easy for the master to say. In the past half a year, the master has been worried about his two daughters almost every night. Before, he was worried about the fleeing second daughter Yunduo. She committed many evils. Now he doesn't know where she is. He didn't expect that the eldest daughter would run away from home soon?

Cloud deep is to make him worry all day and all night, also don't know this naughty bag has met any accident outside?

Now I heard the news that Nian Yunshen had returned home, and I finished what I was doing as soon as possible. I came back without a stop.

"Master, the young lady is so sensible and intelligent. She may be well nourished outside. Master needn't worry.""Yes, how could my daughter be in trouble Ah? " But before the words of Jian'an were finished, the ships in the sea had huge waves? Rocking back and forth?

The shadow teaching disciples above also ran around in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Nian Jian'an nervously went forward to look, and an experienced boatman beside him was full of panic, "Oh, no, no! The ship is leaking! "

"What?" Nian Jian'an couldn't believe his ears. He held the boatman's shoulder. "Boatman, what do you say? What happened to Yunshen's boat? "

"Is this the prime minister? It's not good. It's not good. The ship must have been tampered with. Now more than a dozen boats are leaking at the same time. Someone must have played a trick! "

"What about that?"

"Well, even if we send a boat to pick it up right now, it's still a long way to go, and the wind is northward. It's just opposite to the direction of our ship support. It seems like an hour's distance, but actually it takes two to three hours to get there! I'm afraid the people on board can't support me

Another boatman nearby also said, "yes, even the people on the boat can swim, but there are not many people who swim for such a long time. I'm afraid the situation is not good!"

"Then what? Ah! What should we do! My cloud is deep! My daughter Nian Jian'an has never been so at a loss since he came of age. He is now in a hurry to ask the boatman next to him.

But everyone is helpless shaking his head, it seems that there is no way?

Reading Jian'an, the old man burst into tears. "Is, is my cloud deep going to die here? And the thousands of shadow disciples? Who the hell did it! Let me know that we must let the emperor destroy his nine tribes! "

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