104 episodes

I had a drink with Oh Jong-yeop after a long time.

The guy who was a villain in his last life has changed a lot in this life.

Oh Jong-soo, who had died, is alive and well, and I was receiving a lot of expectations as a promising civil servant hunter for the National Protection Agency.

He was originally a talented guy, so this was a natural procedure. Is it because I’m less desperate than in my last life? It seemed that the rate of skill improvement was slow.

“Congratulations on your promotion.”

“It’s still Park Bong. Had I known this would happen, I would have gone to the guild. I followed a friend, but the friend left after a while.”

I say it with a bitter smile, but please don’t tell me it’s not the truth.

Was it like that? I thought Daewoo wasn’t good enough, so I tried to deliver it to Jeong Da-hyun.

I didn’t care because he moved away from his gaze for a while, but Oh Jong-yeop was getting along very well. I recently got a girlfriend too, and he said that he was a good person and his life changed a lot.

Do you want to earn money like this and go to marriage?

Slash Oh Jong-yeop is getting married, so it’s a development I didn’t think of.

If I went to a wedding, I thought it would be very strange.

“Thanks to you. If you hadn’t helped me that day, I would have walked in a swamp.”

“I know.”

“But was it your father or your mother who said you owed it? I still don’t know.”

what did i say I can’t even remember now.

“Maybe it’s an uncle, maybe it’s an aunt.”

“…then it is. I didn’t even think I was going to tell you.”

“If you know, don’t ask any more.”

The guy let out a deep sigh. Then he said with a determined expression.

“My skills are far below yours, but if you need anything, call me anytime. Because I can lay down an arm for you.”

“You don’t live?”

“Isn’t it a bit harsh to give your life to someone you are in love with? My life is no longer mine.”

“I wasn’t interested anyway.”

You can’t covet the life of a friend who gladly died laughing in your last life.

If you find your own happiness, that’s enough.

I just wondered what he would think of me today.

“by the way.”


“How would you feel if I went crazy and became a villain?”

There is nothing like that, but I wondered what Jong-yeop Oh would think.

The guy looked confused for a moment and then asked me.

“Do you think you are sane now?”

“Am I crazy?”

This child is crossing the line.

“…No, if you think you’re normal, there’s nothing you can do about it. If that’s the case, then I’ll have to go and convince him, right? Because I believe you will be back to normal.”


The words that he would not give up on me to the end gave me some comfort.

In my last life, Oh Jong-yeop stayed by my side.

I thought it was a big achievement just to check it, but I didn’t know how his expression would open up.

“If you have any real problems, tell me. I will quietly find a way.”

“No problem.”

“No, it doesn’t mean that you hide it…”

“Wanna die?”


I do not know the end because I accept it.

How dare you treat people like crazy.

I am the most normal around me.

No matter how much I say, there are times when I feel lonely because no one believes in me.

“I’m going to do volunteer work, can you recommend a good place?”

“Suddenly volunteering?”

This guy doesn’t know anything about the fullness of volunteer work.

I haven’t done it yet, but I’ve had indirect experiences as much as I’ve heard from Jeong Da-hyun.

“I want to change my mood and make a positive impact. And the word service doesn’t suit me for some reason, doesn’t it?”

“…I don’t think the service I know is to catch villains and turn them into service, right?”

“Are you crazy?”

“Huh, that’s good. Haven’t crossed the line yet. I’m really happy.”


His words were harsh, but after urging, I was able to introduce a few places.

* * *

Actually, I know that taking some pictures while volunteering will improve my image, but I wondered if it was necessary.

Because I think my mood change is more important than that.

I pretended not to, but I was very concerned that the existence of a hematoma was lurking inside me.

But if this confuses you and makes you suffer, that’s what he wants. Rather, you have to show that you are strong and unshakable, so that he will suffer.

They say they are looking for gaps in a small space 24 hours a day.

Saying that was the fault of your bloodsuckers.

I’ll enjoy it as much as I can.

So, while maintaining good mental health, it is better to educate Mandeuk-i so that he does not jump out and strengthen his mental barrier.

In that sense, volunteer work was good for emptying out other thoughts.

Because there is no meaning in being complicated when it comes to giving to others. I don’t want popularity or money with it, so I just have to give it to myself. There is no need to mix complicated calculations here.

I can’t enjoy this good thing.

So, when I went to volunteer at an orphanage, I brought a Berserker with me.

When I rode it, it was pretty good that it was a camper.

“Do you know when is the happiest time to have a campervan?”


“When my camper was sold.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s happy when you don’t know. by the way.”

Berserker, who was holding the steering wheel, narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

“Why do I have to be your chauffeur?”

“My car is small. Your car is big, so it’s good to pack a lot of presents.”

“It’s your job to use people, so why did you call me?”

“It is my consideration that you, who want to kill people and taste only stellar moments, experience a new sense of fullness through service. How long are you going to be crazy? You should think about becoming normal like me soon.”


The Berserker guy’s eyes looking at me were very disrespectful.

Will I dig my eyes

I thought about it for a moment, but then put it aside.

I’m on my way to a sacred service, and I can’t see the blood of a madman.

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Moreover, the eyeballs cannot be regenerated even with a healing agent.

“Just kidding, I just learned how to apply a gift. You wouldn’t have been playing quietly either. We should check each other out.”

“I think the handling is like a sandbag.”

“If you use it, say thank you.”

“Of course. This time, I will twist your arm.”

···Certainly, it must have been a while ago, like killing or slitting the neck, but isn’t it a bit simplistic to twist one arm?

It seems to have changed in reality.

I don’t know if I should like this because I understood the subject or if I should curse for not having the spirit.

In the meantime, we arrived at our destination.

“Then shall we go?”

I went into the nursery with Berserker and the gift I had prepared.

Hope Orphanage is a place for children who have lost their families to monsters, and the government is taking care not to become villains or refugees when they grow up.

Seeing this, I wanted the tax to be properly used again.

I greeted the principal and teachers first.

When I announced my intention to donate, I was very happy. It’s only 1/100 of the amount I was originally going to pay. I had no choice but to reduce it by actively drying it around.

I’ll have to increase it a bit more next time.


After saying hello, I went out and handed the gift I had prepared, and the kids liked it and started to stick to me.

I’m not the type of person who likes children, but it’s good if someone is happy by giving me what I have.

I don’t know if this is the true taste of service.

Is it because my feelings are dry, or is it because it’s the first time I can’t grasp it?

I didn’t feel the fullness that Dahyun Jung was talking about, but one thing was clear.

It’s not a bad thing to be able to get away from a lot of complicated things for a while. It was okay for the kids to see me and like me. To be exact, it seemed that he liked gifts, not me.

I raised the corners of my mouth as I looked at the Berserker who was standing to one side.

“Look, this is true service.”



do you want to fight?

But the Berserker didn’t erase his unlucky smile.

“If you think that you have won the world with just a few gifts, you are mistaken.”


Is this kid arguing now?

Irrespective of my gaze, Berserker picked up the boy next to him, who looked about seven years old, and threw it up.

Crazy, how can a kid like something like that…


···Do you like it?

That didn’t end there.

When the children saw Berserker playing, their eyes twinkled and they began to gather over there.

“Wow! me too!”

“I do it too!”

“Stand in line for everything.”

Berserker started tossing the children one by one. In an instant, the center of the orphanage became Berserker. As soon as the children gathered, Berserker took half of it and handed it to me.

“That guy can do it too. Ask me to do it.”

“mister! Please do it too!”

“Me too! mister!”


I grabbed the children who had suddenly flocked to me and started throwing them.

Is this a defeat?

I spent the money, but all the spotlights were taken by Berserker.

Playing with the children that followed was also a complete defeat.

Berserker was a specialist who could make children laugh at their level.

I can’t help but laugh out loud just by shouting “Shut up!”

I didn’t know that dinosaurs could be all-purpose for boys.

Why are there so many Saurus?

Do I have to memorize even the Dinosaur Encyclopedia in order to defeat him?

Berserker looks at me and smiles as a winner. no luck But I was also envious. You must have this special ability.

“It’s an internal difference. Even if it looks like this, it’s a body that has raised a child.”

yes you are good

Then I realized that he was indifferent to his personal affairs.

“Do you not want to deny yourself and see your children?”

“…sometimes it’s good to let everything go.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You will know when you get married.”

“I’m asking because I haven’t done it.”

Why are you suddenly looking at me with such an envious face?

“Marriage is a very good thing. I would highly recommend it.”

Why are you saying this with a grin?

Are you happy to be married?

“You must do it.”

* * *

If I were to explain Berserker, he’s a guy with a temper.

endless struggle.

A firm goal to peek into the stellar moment.

Talent and effort to make up for the shortcomings.

solid tenacity.

For this part, he was a useful sparring partner.

If Dahyun Jung had to control her power, there was no need for Berserker.

No matter how generously he pours his life into it, he somehow survives.

There was even a decent amount of tension here.

Above all, it is decisive that I win in the end.

I don’t know. It’s fun when I win.

“You’re stronger than last time.”


The guy, lying on the large (large) position, took a deep breath but didn’t answer. Even if your heart is crushed, it would be okay if I sprayed you with a healing agent.

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Maybe it’s vomited

Come to think of it, I was a bit excited about this match. He also worked hard, but after a while, he collapsed without any countermeasures.

“How the hell are you going to be strong?”

“I’m going to kill you with just one extra measure.”

“It feels like the difference is widening, hoo!”

He sighed and got up and looked at me.

“I heard you had an affair with the witch doctor.”


“How was it?”

“It was pretty strong. The curse was difficult.”

Because of that curse, hematomas were also revealed.

The boy still asked with a serious expression.

“How do you compare to me?”

Berserker and the Witch Doctor?

Berserker’s basic combat power is stronger. He’s the one who survived me, so it’s only natural. And we have to look at the gift, but it’s a cliche. I don’t know what the berserker’s will be, but he has an absolute advantage in curses.

Seeing it this way, I thought it was a scam.

We must make it cute.

“I think you will win.”

“Have you reached that level first?”

“You look happy?”

“Because it’s not another superman, it’s the 12 zodiac signs.”

“Were you aiming for the 12 zodiac signs?”

From my point of view, it had a strong feeling of being the scoundrel of the three evils of the league, but I don’t think it’s for Berserker.

Well, a lot of people were surprised when I killed Constantina.

“It was the first goal. Now I have set higher goals.”

Then he looked at me with provocative eyes.

Are you protesting that the target is me?

not quite right yet?

“If you have any strength left, one more round?”

“No specification. I am still barely standing.”

Even if I’m crazy, I still have a single ray of reason.

Actually, I’ve done everything I want to do, so there’s no point in trying to beat it more.

This is a one-sided act of violence.

“So you brought me here to test its powers?”

“That is one of the reasons. I want to ask you to do something else.”

I still think I won’t go crazy. And I’m sure it won’t be eaten by the hematoma.

But the most important thing to be wary of in life is certainty.

Just as I never thought I’d surrender myself to the hematoma for a brief moment because of Constantina’s curse.

Possibilities are everywhere.

Even if it’s a 0.01% chance, if I go crazy, it’s 100% for me.

So I’m trying to get insurance.

“Let’s come forward and fight regularly. It makes you strong.”

“What is your intention?”

“Do my intentions matter? You want to be strong? Use me to achieve your goals.”

“It’s about knowing that you’re not the one to be taken advantage of.”

Berserker’s expression also became serious.

So I just couldn’t get past it.

As usual, the weight of the request I was trying to make was not light.

I don’t like it, but I have to let you know.

“It’s normal now, but at some point, I never know when I’ll go crazy.”

The look on Berserker’s face looking at me was a spectacle.

This kid is talking seriously…

Anyway, I was eaten by a hematoma, and I couldn’t afford to watch his slaughter unfold.

“When the time comes, kill me.”

This is what I want from Berserker.

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Maybe a Berserker would have a glimmer of possibility?


I said it seriously, but Berserker’s expression was strange.

“You bastard…….”


“Did you want to kill me even by saying such absurd things?”


What is he talking about?

I’m serious now.

“Tell me you want to beat me more.”


It’s not like that.

But Berserker’s suspicions toward me were never going to be erased.

So, you think I’m saying this because I want to beat you up more now?

. . . I’m sorry.

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