226 episodes

“Thank you for the gift. I will write well.”

“… … .”

I thanked the bloody Berserker. He resisted fiercely when I asked him to present a gift, but the result was decided from the beginning.

So, I’m just going to give it up, and why are you resisting so much?

I tried my best to resist, but the result did not change.

Berserker’s illusion is that he thinks that the reality he belongs to is a movie or a drama. However, in the world, justice does not win, and the bad ending is mainly in which the stronger person wins.

He opened his chest, wet his hands with blood, and succeeded in stealing the newly acquired gift of intuition.

Originally, it was a gift that seemed to have intuition but had a faint presence. So it is true that it was not easy to feel the utility. However, as my intuition disappeared, I realized that the weight was greater than I thought.

I felt the fullness of filling in the blanks as if the last piece of the puzzle had been filled.

By the way.

“Is this a little different?”

I felt a strange sense of disparity. It didn’t take long to figure out what it was.

The intuition I got before was Dahyun Jung’s, and the one I got now is from Berserker and something else.

Depending on the person, the use of the gift changes, and the nature of the gift becomes fixed accordingly. Dahyun Jeong mainly used her intuition to judge the situation, while Berserker focused on me and combat.

So the newly acquired intuition feels sharper. When entering the battle, it felt like the senses were extremely expanded.

Instead, when it comes back to reality, the scope of its use is considerably reduced.

If I got two Gifts, I would apply them to various fields, but it was worthwhile to focus all my intuition on the battle.

“What a useful gift in everyday life.”

I clicked my tongue lightly. The fallen Berserker shouted with an expression full of resentment.

“Are you talking like that after breaking your chest three times?”

“You did a good job with the recovery agent.”

“So I don’t know if I’m a partner or a gift-only store.”

[I had that thought too.]

“… … .”

I was a bit shy to say both, so I didn’t answer.

Then it stopped.

“for a moment.”

Gift-only storage?

I think it’s pretty good.

Berserker already possessed two gifts: negligence and intuition.

Wouldn’t it be easier to increase the number of gifts from two to three than to increase the number of gifts from one to two?

What if the number of Berserker’s gift holdings increases?

I’ll be able to copy a quality gift from him too.

If you look at the full recovery – no fuss – intuition, Berserker’s batting average was close to 100%.

I wondered if the Berserker would make a fuss, so I asked if I could add one more gift.

“I’ve heard of a dual gift, but never a triple.”

“Don’t start thinking it’s impossible. Can’t you do it And thanks to me, you have two gifts, right?”

“… … .”

[Isn’t it a very absurd face?]

It’s embarrassing when the truth is revealed. I’m betting on Berserker without thinking, and I’m just saying that everything goes well with Berserker.

I couldn’t convince him right away, but seeing Berserker’s harsh face, I think he’ll come over soon.

Yes, this is all for Berserker and me.

“Seeing that he came to me right away, it must have been difficult to deal with monsters.”

“Oh, I almost died.”

“Is that enough? I wonder.”

“He was a very cunning guy with a monster theme. If given a little more time, it would be difficult to deal with.”

So I’d blow it up to full recovery. Now that I think about it, even using full recovery, it was a good move to get rid of the Pandemonium.

“is it.”


“And I was beaten.”

“I’ll repay you with something good next time.”

“I would have been upset if I didn’t say that.”

After receiving my confirmation, the Berserker staggered out of the seat.

I didn’t go back and sat down on the spot.

[what’s the matter?]

“This time, I realized that I was lacking.”

He had a victory against the Thousand Devils, but looking at the contents, it was a series of battles. He overlooked his cunning and underestimated his gift application ability. And I didn’t even know they were going to take me away as they committed suicide at the last minute.

If even one was twisted, I might have died. Although it was the first two-horned monster to appear, I felt that there was a long way to go due to the lack of process.

“If you want to catch a divine beast, you have to get a full recovery, but what’s more urgent than that is to remodel this weakened body.”

I looked around at my well-trained body and murmured. He did not neglect his training so that he could return to the past and show his former inaction, but he was weak and weak in front of monsters.

Even if the difference in physical ability was severe, the difference in physical ability was too severe as his arm broke and the distance he had narrowed widened even if he allowed an attack with a straight hit. And the reason that full recovery was used due to the last self-destruct was also due to the weak recovery power.

If there was a gift that increases resilience, such as super-regeneration, while blocking the effect of self-destruction, it would have been healed without any major injuries by detoxifying the poison. However, because he could not overcome the limits of human beings, the speed of being hit was more severe than the allowable amount of invincibility.

He did his best to say that it was his fault. If I had been stronger, this wouldn’t have happened.

“You have to work hard, but the fundamental thing is to make the gift organically interlock.”

What I needed was a gift that boosts self-recovery, such as super regeneration, and a kind of reinforcement that could withstand the attacks of monsters.

[Isn’t it a problem even if I get all of that?]

“It doesn’t matter.”

If you add a strengthening type gift to super regeneration, plus full recovery, the number of gifts you have should be 13.

That means you have to go far beyond the allowed number.

I realized in which field I should go.

“I have to grow my bowl.”


“A vessel that can accept more gifts. What I set as 10 gifts was a number that I intuited my limit and set it. If we increase that, we will be able to accept more gifts.”

[Can’t we just delete the ones we don’t use?]


If there are gifts that I don’t really need, there are things like clairvoyance and clairvoyance. In particular, it can be seen that the utility of transfer has virtually disappeared as Yong-yong can use space movement.

But I had no intention of deleting it. Relying on Yong-yong to delete the gift? It means that I entrust Yong-yong with what I need.

He’s the guy who goes with me now, but I didn’t believe in Yong-yong and didn’t want to give up on mine as I didn’t know when he would become a man.

[Then how are you going to grow the bowl?]

“That’s it.”

Another problem appeared while looking for a solution.

How can I grow a bowl? I felt frustrated because I couldn’t increase the gift unless this part was resolved.

[I don’t think it will be easy.]

“Don’t you know?”

[Are you there?]

“I didn’t expect it.”

Right now, I didn’t even think it would be possible. However, the proposition that the vessel should be grown became clear. That way I can increase the number of gift holdings.

Or I’ll have to try another way.

[Can’t you ask the kid inside you?]

“Are you okay?”

If you can become stronger, it’s like asking a hematoma.

Rather, it’s better than being tired because you can’t be strong.

Should I go to Hyuna and ask her to let me meet again after a hemorrhage?

But it hurts my pride to ask a hematoma for help before I can do anything, so I decided to find a way.

“I mean, it’s not enough. You have to be much stronger than you are now.”

That way, you will be able to hunt down the additional two-horned monsters and even the new gods.

[I think I can stop getting stronger… … .]

“There is nothing to lose by becoming stronger.”

[That’s right. and.]


I noticed that Yong-yong’s expression was different from usual, and I looked to see what was going on.

[I will go to Mt. Baekdu for a while.]

“What’s going on?”

[yes. I’ll deal with it soon.]

“Take care of it.”


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Maybe he needs time to sort out his thoughts.

Yong-yong turned around and disappeared.

* * *

When I got home, I immediately visited my parents’ house and reassured me.

No matter how strong I am, when I go hunting, my parents worry about me. This is the heart of a parent who cares for their children. And I’m so conscious that I can count it.

The biggest advantage of returning to the past is that I can also see my parents.

The biggest downside is that I have a younger sister who is more vicious than the villain.

Obviously, when I returned to the past, I hoped it would go well, but now I put my tongue out to the majesty of Yoon-hee, who has become an annoying nagging.

After dinner, I watched TV with my father. In the news dealing with political current affairs, opinions of the political world were coming out.

Then the news topic changed to something related to me. He said that the pangolin that appeared in China has disappeared, but my reaction has also disappeared, and we are discussing how the political situation will unfold in the future if I am wrong.

In the upcoming presidential election, the ruling party had an overwhelming advantage, but that could also be overturned at any time depending on how much damage the ruling party suffered from the introduction of the Donghwa fostering system.

“That’s how strong your influence on politics is.”

“I was hoping that I would die.”

“Your existence that appeared while you were doing what you wanted is inevitably an object of fear. I’ll be there for a long time as long as nothing happens. Their reaction should be taken for granted, not strange.”

“I have no intention of understanding it.”

“That’s the mindset of the strong.”

Are you accepting me better than I thought?

When I looked into my eyes, my father smiled.

“You can do it any time you want. So, why don’t we just watch how they react?”

“Is it wrong?”


Father shook his head resolutely.

“The world’s pie is limited, and in the world right now it is being distributed mainly by the strong. There is no way to lose so much as being shallow. Your actions are a natural right as a strong person, so there is no need to make concessions or reasons.”

Apart from playing golf and hanging out with people in the political and business world, my father supported me.

Well, I often said that they were all people I met because of me.

“It seems like a lot of people will jump out when I think I’m dead. I’m going to wait a few days to see what they’re talking about.”

The heavenly wart has died, and there is no news from me. It would be hard to believe that he would have successfully hunted a monster that slaughtered tens of millions of people in China.

No, I guess you want me to die this time.

A lot of people will react if you think I’m dead.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’ll just leave it alone.”

And I’ll just be watching. Then I can handle it when I need it.

Dad stuck out his tongue.

“A lot of people will be shocked to hear that.”

“It’s about identifying enemies.”

“Then don’t help me by your side.”

The father announced that he would cancel his attendance at the promised meeting and stop his official activities.

If my family enters the chipmunks, the rumors that I might have died will only get stronger.

Do you feel like your fishing is getting bigger and bigger? You might get caught.

“Is there anything else you want?”

“none. I thought it would be better for me to organize my personal connections on this occasion.”

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My father said that he had a lot of unnecessary connections while attending golf clubs. If it is known that I am dead, there are many relationships that will fall.

This is a natural water change.

“I will tell you who is the enemy.”

“okay. and… … .”

The conversation was over, but Dad still seemed to have something to say.

After hesitating for a while as I waited for what to say, my father said to me.

“It’s Berserker.”


“Isn’t that a bit harsh?”


I looked at my father, wondering if I had heard it wrong.

As if that wasn’t the case, my father started talking about Berserkers.

Because of me, the misunderstanding was resolved and I became a superhuman belonging to the country, but the treatment I received for belonging to my team was insufficient. It was my father’s story that he dealt too much with the outstanding superman.

“Did you know Berserker?”

“I’m more sorry than that. I can be your strong partner in the future.”

“It is.”

Because it was a useful hand that could move when I wasn’t there.

But why does daddy take Berserkers?


Drinking coffee while avoiding my gaze looked very suspicious.

* * *

[I’m here.]

Hyuna welcomed Yong-yong, who came into her territory without hesitation.

“What’s up?”

[Because of what happened to the human world this time. saw?]


The appearance of the heavenly devil was also of interest to the new beasts Hyuna and Yongyong.

Yong-yong watched the whole process from the side, and Hyun-a watched from a distance.

Perhaps the gods who intervene in the affairs of the world are also interested in this confrontation.

The appearance of a human who can threaten even a divine beast will make them nervous like a dragon.

[What do you think of that person?]


[That’s not it.]

“What was the dragon thinking of you?”

[Dangerous. It’s too dangerous. This is beyond measure.]

“… … .”

Hyuna didn’t answer.

Yong-yong’s eyes turned to her.

[That human will go out to kill even the divine beasts. It’s still dangerous and I’m trying to get stronger. They’re aiming for a thunderbird!]

“I see.”

[Why the answer? Because this is really dangerous!]

Yongyong exploded at Hyuna’s insensitive reply.

“Then what do you want to do? Are you even going to kill that person?”

[that… … .]

“Then you know how great a tragedy will be.”

[know. So you’re thinking I don’t want to fight either.]

However, the human being Choi Jun-ho was so dangerous that it was difficult to leave it alone.

“It seems simple to me.”

[really? Is there any way?]

“yes. A very easy way.”

[What? Let me know soon.]

“Wait a minute.”

Hyuna left Yong-yong in the corner, and came back with a few in her hand.

“If that human gets close, we can go together regardless of race.”

[Would you like to be friends?]

“yes. Gifts are important to make friends.”

[Is this okay?]

“In the human world, it is said that if you pay a friend fee, you can become close.”

[I see.]

Hyuna looked serious and Yongyong nodded her head seriously.

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