Chapter 83 Refusal to join!!

On the way back, Su Liang was still thinking about whether to join the Royal Beast Master Association.

Although there are many advantages to joining the Imperial Beast Master Association, there are also many restrictions in general.

And Shi Su Liang thought about it carefully, like recommending to participate in the [City Guardian] assessment or something, in fact, it was just an empty promise.

This kind of assessment, as long as the strength is enough, anyone can participate, and there is no need for the recommendation of the Royal Beast Master Association.

This recommendation can only save people one or two assessments, but for people who are really powerful, it doesn’t matter whether these two assessments are saved or not.

When Su Liang returned to the private room again, An Hongdou had already returned from the battle.

Even the morning battle was over, and everyone on the scene had already begun to leave for lunch.

As soon as Cao Zheng saw Su Liang returning, he said ridiculously: “Yo, our busy man has finally returned?” Who found out for you? ”

Gao Shuang looked lewd: “It won’t be a beautiful female fan, right?” Hey, hey, hey…”

Su Liang rolled his eyes and said, “It’s just that two junior high school classmates found out that I was also here, so they asked me to go out and reminisce.” ”

At the same time, Su Liang looked at everyone’s expressions and knew in his heart: “It seems that in the battle just now, in the end, Hongdou won?” ”

Gao Shuang immediately said proudly as if he had won Hu Song: “Don’t you see it, that Hu Song’s exploding tree, even the tree power was pouted by the tyrant bear of red beans, and the scene was extremely bloody!” ”

Cao Zheng said angrily: “You got it, the exploding tree is a tree, the branch is broken, that is, some bark dregs fly out, there is a fart of blood.” ”

Everyone was originally waiting for Su Liang, and now that Su Liang has returned, they will go to eat together.

After eating, continue to come back to watch the afternoon game.

In the days that followed, Su Liang advanced with Angel Yan and Leng Bing all the way to the second second, but most of the time, it was actually Su Liang who personally carried the Flaming Spear to fight.

With the strength that is now equivalent to the second-generation divine body, even Su Liang basically kills his opponent in seconds easily.

If it weren’t for the fear of being suspected of being so strong without using a spirit weapon, Su Liang didn’t even want to use the Flaming Spear, and directly hammered his opponent with his fist and punch.

Have a good taste of the feeling of punching to flesh!

At the same time, after careful consideration, Su Liang finally refused Tomorrow Sword’s invitation to join the Royal Beast Master Association.

Although Tomorrow Jian was a little disappointed, he still said that “the Royal Beast Master Association welcomes you to join at any time.”

And Nie Lei, after finally winning another game, had very bad luck to meet the mysterious Zhang Sanbone, who no one knew exactly what his spirit beast was.

Then, without any accident, Nie Lei’s yellow-toothed mammoth was directly killed by Zhang Sanbone’s holy light.

Fortunately, the yellow tooth mammoth has thick skin, plus the part that was hit is not particularly important, and it has not been injured too seriously.

After being treated by the medical doctors, with the Yellow Tooth Mammoth’s strong recovery ability, it recovered in a day or two.

And An Hongdou, although she won a few more games than Nie Lei, her tyrant bear still lost in the end to a person with a spirit beast level of up to the eighth level of miracles.

It was a student from a local school in Yancheng, and the strength of the eighth level of Miracle was originally one of the seeded players before the start of the competition.

An Hongdou’s current miracle level is indeed not a small gap compared with the other party, that is to say, at present, in the entire Ice City No. 2 Middle School, only Su Liang’s single seedling is still standing.

Compared to Su Liang left in Bingcheng No. 2 Middle School, Firefly Private High School has already been annihilated.

It can even be said that the regiment was destroyed at the hands of Ice City II.

Or to be specific, it was destroyed by Su Liang and An Hongdou.

Several contestants from Firefly Private High School all ran into Su Liang or An Hongdou in the process.

Then without any doubt, he was defeated and carried away.

This situation made Principal Hai happily lose his mind.

He actually ran alone to the group of Firefly Private High School who were packing their bags and went back.

Then he was frightened by the furious Principal Yi and instantly sobered up, and fled.

As a result, after escaping back to his private room, he began to boast very proudly.

Say how arrogant he is, Principal Yi doesn’t even dare to fart and so on.

Today Su Liang also has a game.

Even his opponent is another old enemy of Bingcheng II.

The only person left in Bingcheng No. 5 Middle School is also the strongest senior student in the No. 5 Middle School – Wang Aodi.

According to the previous competition, this Wang Aodi’s strength is probably around the sixth level of miracles, and he already belongs to the group of players close to seed.

It seems that the strongest person in the five has the Miracle Level Six, which is much stronger than Cao Zheng, who is the Miracle Level 2 on the second side.

But it was actually caused by a high school junior girl who also had a miracle in the strength of Bingcheng No. 2 Middle School and was over eighteen years old and could not participate in the competition.

The next match is Su Liang and that Wang Aodi.

And now he is fighting against Yang Tianyun and a player from a local school in Yancheng.

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