Huang Mao had been kicked to the ground, and his mouth was bleeding. The local tyrant still couldn't get rid of his anger, so he had to rush up and step on him. The goat quickly stopped him.

"Boss, boss, Huang Mao is not so bold as to spread false news. It must be that the situation has changed."

See the goat came out to pull the earth overlord, short dog also came out, together to pull the earth overlord“ Boss, I think the goat is right

The local tyrant thought it was possible, so he vomited at Huang Mao, turned back to the angry black ox, and immediately became low spirited.

"Black brother, this, this may be an accident, but I will send someone to check it immediately. As long as I find out when he appears, I will inform you immediately. There will be no more mistakes." If Liuzi wants to do something bad, he usually doesn't kill people at home. It's a rule on the road to get off the hook.

Heiniu's visit to Liushu town is actually the result of the combination of Tuba Wang and Jin tuhao. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the contradiction between HUTANG and Ergou to let HUTANG teach Ergou a lesson. Fortunately, he got a big advantage behind his back. Unexpectedly, the No. 2 thug of HUTANG called, but there was something wrong with the information that the Bawang gang was responsible for.

Seeing that Heiniu didn't make a sound, the local tyrant quickly took Heiniu's hand and pulled it into the repair shop“ Brother Hei, you must be hungry. Let's go in and drink and eat meat. " The little dog and the goat came together to help“ Black elder brother, you always don't get angry, first inside drink, at night again arrange a Niang door for you

"Arrange for your mother." Black bull scolded. This short dog flatters and doesn't understand the situation. Heiniu never does Niangmen, but he practices childlike skills. He doesn't want him to look good when he does Niangmen.

"Brother Heiniu, calm down. Let's go in and have a drink." Tuba quickly pushed away the short dog and took Tuba inside. Black cow's stomach is hungry, also did not say anything, in a few people surrounded by the repair shop inside the room walked in.

Tu Bawang was drinking with Heiniu when a little brother burst in.

"What's the matter?" The local tyrant raised his head and glared at the little brother, which made the guy shiver.

"Boss, yes, I have something important to tell you." My little brother's feet trembled with fear, but he didn't dare not say anything.

"What's the matter? Is it important to drink with brother Hei?"

"Well..." the black ox was annoyed and snorted. He waved his hand to the tyrant, which meant to call him to get out.

"Brother Hei, drink well and eat well. I'll come out for a while."

Heiniu just grabs the whole chicken that has just been stewed and chews it fiercely, but ignores the local tyrant. The earth overlord's face was full of laughter. In fact, he wanted the chicken bone to block the big black cow. Accompany smile face earth overlord retreated to go out, that younger brother also followed to go out.

"What's the matter?"

"Boss, Zhu's repair shop is in the west of the town. It plans to open a repair shop bigger than ours. It has already rented a house, which is the former woolen mill in the town."

"What? Is he taking the wrong medicine to open a new repair shop? " Hearing this, the local tyrant couldn't believe his ears. With Zhu Shanshui's help, he couldn't even get a small repair shop down, and he dared to expand it. He was nervous.

"Is the news accurate?" The local overlord asked.

"The news is absolutely accurate. Tie Zi saw Zhu Shanshui rent the factory with his own eyes."

"Tie Zi, can you believe that boy's words?"

"This..." little brother stood aside and did not dare to speak.

"Boss, it may be true this time." Just then the goat came.

"What's the matter?"

"I didn't believe it when I heard about it, so I went to check it myself. Sure enough, it's true this time. Besides, Ergou and Yang Yaozi are also one of the shareholders. The three of them plan to open a factory together. This evening, Zhu Shanshui went to rent the empty factory."

"Ma, you're brave enough, goat. When you're ready, don't touch him. Give him a fire when his equipment is ready for business. I can't burn him to death." Earth overlord ruthlessly said.

"Yes, boss, I discussed with short dog just now. I think we should wait for him to start business, and let him suffer heavy losses."

"Well, I'll keep an eye on you." With that, the local tyrant hurried to the inside again. There was a master who needed to accompany him. He had not enough to eat until midnight, so he couldn't get anything to eat again.

It was 9 o'clock in the evening when Er Gou came out from Zhang Xiaoyu. He had enough to eat and drink and talked with the beauty for a while. After making an appointment to contact by phone, er Gou drove out of the village with his walking tractor.

Just after passing the stone bridge at the entrance of wangzhuangzi village, Ergou's phone rings. At first sight, it's Yang Yaozi who calls Ergou. After that guy buys a new mobile phone, he will call Ergou whenever he has something to do. It's more than 9:00 in the evening. If Ergou had been on the couch, she would have gone to bed with Wang Xiangmei.

"Brother Yaozi, what's the matter? Is there a woman so late? " Two dogs picked up the phone while driving a walking tractor.

"Er Gou, you are not in Wang Xiangmei's house, are you?"

"Oh, no, it's still on the road. You can't hear the sound of the tractor."

"On the way? Where is it? "

"Wang Zhuangzi has just come out and is going back."

"Oh, that's great. Don't go back. Come to the town immediately. There's something very important." Yang Yaozi cried out.

"What's the matter? I just had a drink with you this morning. Why is it so important?"

"Don't talk nonsense. You'll be right here." With that, Yang Yaozi hung up decisively. The speed of hanging up this time was super fast. He knows that it's closer to the town from wangzhuangzi than to Taohuagou, and it's a mountain road to Taohuagou, but it's a big road to the town. So Yang Yaozi asked Ergou to go to the town. He and Zhu Shanshui are waiting to talk to Ergou about something.

After hanging up the phone, Ergou thought about it and drove to the direction of the town. It was hard to walk on the mountain road at night. In addition, Yang Yaozi said that there was something important, and that ya deliberately didn't say it to arouse people's appetite, so Ergou didn't want to go and had to go.

"Yaozi, are you bothering me so late?" Two dogs into the Zhu repair shop, Yang Yaozi just Zhu Shanshui lying on a square table, while discussing while writing something to remember.

"Er Gou, come here and have a look." Zhu Shanshui waved to ER Gou.

"Why, so mysterious." Two dogs talk and walk over.

"It must be good news, ha ha." Yang Yaozi pulled down the two dogs who went to the side.

"Er Gou, good news, workshop. Look at this picture. This is the workshop of our repair shop, with a total area of more than 500 square meters. Look..." Zhu Shanshui handed over the drawing in his hand as he spoke.

Two dogs can't understand the picture at all, so Zhu Shanshui has to point to the squares on the picture and tell two dogs.

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