Taohuagou is a small mountainous village. Once out of the village, it is surrounded by mountains.

At this time, on the mountain road came a girl in school uniform, who was the only high school student in the village, Zhou Xilian. Today is the weekend. Zhou Xilian came home from the school in the town. The four-wheel carrying people in the mountain village only passed the mountain road in front, and the last section of the mountain road needed to walk into the village.

All of a sudden, a villain rushed out of the road. He stopped Zhou Xilian, who had just grown up, and ran to the woods. Zhou Xilian is just a young girl, you can imagine where she is the opponent of this big man.

"Let me go, woo... Woo..." Zhou Xilian could not get rid of the man's hand. She knew that nothing good would happen today, so she cried out, but she was immediately covered by the towel stuffed by the villain. It seemed that the villain had been prepared. This villain is the village's two hundred and five spice. Today, he learned how to use a towel to plug his mouth.

Zhou Xilian was the color urgent foreign spicy floor to the forest, did not walk a few steps to throw her to the ground in a hurry.


After a sound, all of Zhou Xilian's school uniform was torn open, revealing the thin cloth wrapped in fierce clothes inside. Inside, such as pepper, chucheng has some scale.

When he saw that, he jumped on it immediately. At this time, Zhou Xilian was so anxious that she tried to push him up, but Yang spicy's arm was like an iron arm, and she couldn't push him at all.


After another sound, the hot pepper pulled off Zhou Xilian's skirt. Foreign spicy immediately saliva all flow down, looking at such a let people angry body, this fool actually also enlightened, big hand to Zhou Xilian the most dangerous place stretched out in the past.


"Oh dear!"

All of a sudden, the hot pepper fell on Zhou Xilian's side.

At this time, the two dogs were standing behind the hot pepper, holding a stick in both hands.

Driving a tractor out to test in the village, he saw what happened here from a distance. Er Gou clearly saw that the village's Yang chili was living with a little girl, who was very similar to Zhou Xilian. Although Zhou Xilian didn't pay much attention to herself all the time, how could the villagers not save her?

Er Gou is also a hot-blooded young man. Since he met him, he had to be in charge. Seeing that Yang spicy was more fierce today, er Gou was afraid that he couldn't fight him, so he found a stick and gave it to the back of his head when he lost his guard.

"Are you all right?"

Two dogs picked up Zhou Xilian and looked down at her. Fortunately, the flower pants fork hasn't been pulled down, so there should be no accident.

At this time, Zhou Xilian was obviously stunned by what she had just suffered. She could not speak. Seeing that Er Gou had saved her, he threw himself on his body and began to cry.

This matter makes, see the naked girl jump on her body, for a moment the two dogs blush, hands and feet don't know where to put.

Although Er Gou is a jerk, he often watches women take a bath and plays with good women, because his family is relatively poor, it's a luxury for him to find a woman, so he is still in a good position today.

This kind of plot is really the first time for ER Gou. He can't stop it. He even slowly picked up her back. However, after feeling the subtle changes in her body, er Gou quickly pulled Zhou Xilian's clothes and put them on her, then stood up, his face as ugly as pig liver.

Zhou Xilian also found her gaffe at this time. Seeing Er Gou's embarrassed expression, she even laughed. This little girl, even dare to laugh, did she forget the danger so soon?

"Thank you!"

Zhou Xilian puts on her clothes and goes to ER Gou's side and stares at Er Gou's pig liver face.

In the past, Zhou Xilian didn't pay much attention to ER Gou. Today, er Gou saved her, so her view on ER Gou has changed a little. She thinks Er Gou is not as bad as he said. He didn't take advantage of her just now.

Zhou Xilian's attitude has changed a lot, and Ergou dares to take a good look at the girl next door.

Zhou Xilian cut a student's head, big eyes, round face, white skin, legs are quite slender. Although the little girl is young, her body is developing well, and her lines are very beautiful. Because of my younger age, although the chest is not full, it is very good-looking, like two hills.

"Why do you look at me like that?" After the shock, Zhou Xilian regained her youth and beauty.

"No, no!" Two dogs quickly look away from Xilian's face.

See two dogs that have cesium heart without cesium gall, Zhou Xilian secretly smile.

"Come on, let's go home. It will be night soon!" Zhou Xilian took two dogs and walked up the road.

Auntie and sister-in-law hold their own hands more, but this is the first time a little girl holds their own hands, and it is such a beautiful little girl holding their own hands, two dogs suddenly blush.

Although Zhang Yan stepped over Er Gou's arm last time and her weapon was still rubbing back and forth on ER Gou's arm, he didn't feel that it made people's heart beat faster. Maybe Xilian was too beautiful and the smartest girl in the village, so Er Gou felt a little surprised.

Out of the woods, walking on the road, two dogs this just feel gas Shun some.

"Brother Ergou, why did you come to the mountain so late? If I didn't have you, I would be in danger. You are my life-saving benefactor!" Xilian's words are full of gratitude.

"Xilian, it should be. Any man who sees such a thing will come forward!" When he said this, er Gou straightened up and felt like a hero, the hero who saved the beauty.

"Xilian, let me take you back. My walking tractor is right in front of me!" Two dogs pointed to the tractor parked on the side of the road.

"Er Gou, why do you have a tractor?"

"I bought it!" Two dogs went to the walking tractor with great style and took out the hand. After only two circles, the tractor started. It seems that it's still a hot car to shake.

Two dogs holding Xilian on the back of the car, he drove a tractor toward the village.

Into the village, a few young people strolling in the village, saw the beautiful girl in the car, so began to coax.

"Two dogs, where's your daughter-in-law? Not bad. It's beautiful! " Clearly know is Xilian, but also make fun of them.

"What nonsense? This is Xiwa, her sister. Let the dog bite you again Two dogs also jokingly quarreled with them.

"Let's go, don't two dogs have two dogs? Look at the dogs that are released A ruffian like young man with long hair makes the most fun.

Xilian said: "brother Ergou, don't pay attention to them. The more you pay attention to this kind of people, the more energetic he is!"

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