"Two dogs, you, you spare me this time, I made a mistake, and I will never dare again."

Tu Bawang was scared to admit his mistake. This was the first time in his life that he bowed his head to admit his mistake. When he met Er Gou, he couldn't stand it. In front of him, Jin tuhao is still lying on the ground, and his iron head is swollen. It seems that the guy is regretting that he got into a grandfather like Er Gou.

"Well, it's OK. If you know how to admit your mistake, you can tell me how to compensate for the loss of Laozi. Originally, Laozi planned to open business tomorrow. You will lose tens of thousands of yuan in this business. What's the amount of money?" Two dogs want this guy to give some blood, let him heartache, otherwise later don't know afraid.

With these words, er Gou did not carry this guy any more. He sat down on a stool, took out a cigarette and lit it up. Learning from Yang Yaozi's ruffian way of smoking, he took a puff with his head tilted and stared at the tyrant who had already sat on the ground, waiting for his reply.

"I'll pay for the burned parts."

"Right here?" Two dogs roared.

"Also, I'll pay for the equipment."

"What else?"

"And what else?" The local overlord couldn't remember what else, and looked at Er Gou in confusion.

"Ha ha, brother Shanshui, let's calculate for this guy." Two dogs are not wordy, directly to the account of the matter to Zhu Shan Shui, he sat there to continue to smoke.

At this time, Jin tuhao also slowly wakes up. Looking at the scene, he realizes that he is defeated, and he and the local tyrant have become prisoners. Jin tuhao shakes his head and is still dizzy. He also sits by the local tyrant's side, waiting for Ergou to deal with it.

"The cost of parts loss is 15000 yuan, the cost of equipment loss is 10000 yuan, the cost of fright is 5000 yuan, the cost of decoration is 5000 yuan, and the cost of reputation loss is 5000 yuan. The total is 40000 yuan, that's all." Zhu Shanshui came over and reported the number.

When he heard that he wanted 40000 yuan, the local tyrant was stunned. Over the years, he only saved 50000 yuan or 60000 yuan, which is 40000 yuan at a time. God, how can he get it.

"Reputation, reputation loss this, this doesn't seem to have any reputation loss." The local tyrant stammered, looked at Er Gou and spoke carefully. He was afraid that Er Gou would kick again when he was angry. It was really hard for his generation of Liuzi leaders to look like this.

"The repair shop that opens tomorrow is suddenly burned down and can't open. It's not a loss of reputation. What is it?" Two dogs did not speak, Zhu Shan Shui called. Zhu Shanshui hates this local tyrant most. If he hadn't done something wrong, he might have done it himself. Now he has a chance to take revenge. If he doesn't do it, he won't do it.

"Too, too much." The local overlord also wants to bargain.

"Take the money quickly, cut the crap, and it's time to charge our brother's hard work." Two dogs with two legs, while smoking said a word.

On hearing this, the local tyrant shivered. He only had so much money in all. No matter what the hard work, it would be over.

"The second dog boss, I'll pay for it, I'll pay for it." The local tyrant quickly became honest. The earth overlord said, immediately to hide in the corner of the short dog called up“ Short dog, you must die for me. "

As soon as the short dog heard this, he came out immediately. He didn't dare to look at the two dogs, and went to the earth overlord's side with his head down.

"Look, look at your mother. I don't know how to help me up. Boss Er Gou asked me to get the money. You didn't hear me. Help me upstairs to get the money." Tu Bawang's money is never deposited in the bank. He always carries cash with him and takes it with him wherever he goes.

The short dog quickly picked up the earth overlord and went upstairs. Before he left, the earth overlord asked the second dog for a leave and repeatedly explained that he would take the money immediately and invite the second dog and so on. Two dogs smoke on their own and ignore him.

The local tyrant has gone upstairs. It's the turn of the local tyrant Jin. Isn't this guy a local tyrant? Let's fight the local tyrant today.

"Local tyrant boss, business is good." Two dogs stare at Jin Tu Hao and ask.

"No, no, it's all a small business. Boss Er, please forgive me." Jin tuhao also knew that he had offended Er Gou. He didn't know what punishment he would have. He was very worried.

"Jin tuhao, my two dogs didn't offend you."

"No, absolutely not. How can you offend me

"Yes, how can I offend you? I didn't offend you. How can you always have trouble with me?" Two dogs threw cigarette butts at the top of Jin tuhao's bald head. The hot mouth of Jin tuhao cracked, but he didn't dare to shout it out.

"Boss Er Gou, it's not my fault. It's all the local tyrants who asked me to deal with you. It's all his fault. It's all his fault." Jin tuhao was lying on the ground and hated the tyrant in his heart. This brother really admitted his mistake and brought him such a disaster.

Jin tuhao's men standing in the corner of the wall, seeing their boss like this, also dropped their glasses. They never thought that their iron boss would be afraid. This is something that they never dare to think about.

"Ha ha, Jin tuhao, you are too slippery. You will be struck by thunder if you are too slippery." Two dogs mouth with a bad smile, while shaking his legs, while talking.

"Boss Er Gou, I'm really, really blinded by the local tyrant. Please be kind to me. I must be kind to you." Jin tuhao almost wants to call his mother. Just now, er Gou seems to have talked about his restaurant. He doesn't want his restaurant as compensation. If he does, he will lose a lot. However, even if he really wants to accompany Er Gou to the restaurant, Jin tuhao doesn't dare to refuse. After all, life is the most important thing.

After staring at Jin tuhao for a long time, er Gou slowly said, "Jin tuhao, how's your restaurant business?"

On hearing this, the king was sweating. Isn't it that he was interested in this restaurant“ Boss, boss, this is a small business. I can't make any money. Really, I still lost money last month. "

After hearing this, er Gou wants to laugh. It's obviously bullshit. The hotel industry in Shishan town seems to be monopolized by Jin tuhao. Besides his restaurant, there is no other decent restaurant. It's pure fart to say that business is bad.

"Oh, business is not good. Did you really lose money last month?" Two dogs very sincerely asked about the situation.

"Yes, it's definitely a loss. I'll show you my account book." Jin tuhao continues to cheat. He does have a loss account book, but he has another set of account books to deal with the tax bureau. Now he wants to use them to deceive Er Gou.

Two dogs a listen to this, smile, then according to their own routine said“ Well, it's not hard for you. " Two dogs finished and lit a cigarette.

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