Today is a day of double happiness for two dogs. In the morning, they broke their body and became a real man. In the afternoon, they made money again. In the evening, they must celebrate with Wang Xiangmei.

On Tuesday, the dog stopped the tractor and walked toward the river with beer in one hand and peanuts in the other. I'm going to clean up and have fun with Wang Xiangmei.

It was at ten o'clock in the evening that many men took a bath by the river. Er Gou put wine and peanuts by the river, took off his clothes and trousers, and plunged into the middle of the river.

"Two dogs, come here quickly!" Xiwa yelled in the middle of the river.

Two dogs and Xiwa are better, plus he has a good-looking sister, so two dogs immediately swam past.

"Er Gou, I heard that you are driving a tractor. Take me to play some day!" Xiwa said while taking a bath.

"Play, the tractor is pulling bricks, what's the fun?"

"Ha ha, just teach me how to open it. When I marry my daughter-in-law, I'll buy one and go with you!"

After hearing this, er Gou's interest came immediately. The boy's daughter-in-law, who had never seen her, had to open her eyes.

"Xiwa, has your daughter-in-law come yet?"

"No, at my mother's house, not yet? You, why do you ask my daughter-in-law? Don't tell you... "Xiwa suddenly felt that she shouldn't tell Er Gou about her daughter-in-law, so she rushed to the bottom of the river.

Xiwa was too excited, and suddenly her hands and feet got cramped. When she came out of the water, her limbs became hard, and her body continued to float in the river. She even drank several mouthfuls.

"Xiwa, what are you doing? Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.

"Two, two, two dogs, I, I don't, I can't, help, help me..."

Xiwa is floating in the river, talking intermittently, saying a word and drinking water.

This guy is a black fish in the water. He's better at swimming than Er Gou. He'll be flooded and he won't believe it if he kills Er Gou. None of the others who were swimming in the river believed that Xiwa would be flooded. One by one, they either watched him perform or continued to take their own bath.

"Xiwa, what the hell are you doing? Stop playing. I have something else to ask you! " Er Gou is going to ask about Xilian.

"Two dogs, help, help me..." with that, Xiwa continued to drink several water, her eyes began to turn white, and her head slowly sank.

At this time, two dogs just worried, immediately cried out: "save people, Xiwa foot cramps!" Xiwa flooded, the only possibility is cramps, two dogs with fart drum can think of.

After shouting, two dogs a fierce son, toward the position of Xiwa disappeared to plunge down.

The first dive did not catch Xiwa, and other men in the village immediately gathered around. A total of five or six young men stood in a row downstream and continued to dive and salvage.

The second dog dived for the third time, but he didn't touch Xiwa, but his foot was caught.

When someone catches his foot in the water, everyone will be flustered. Er Gou keeps pulling his hand and kicking, but he can't kick it off at all. Two dogs have no choice but to try their best to rush up.

Er Gou's head finally came out of the water. Before he finished breathing, he yanked his leg fiercely.

"Come on, help..."

Two dogs know that the next must have been confused Xiwa, want to call people to help, but the words have not finished, and was dragged down.

"Come on, go ashore, there are water ghosts in the river!"

Seeing that Er Gou was also dragged to the bottom of the river, I don't know who yelled. People in the river were so scared that they didn't dare to stay in the water any more. They all rushed to the bank.

At this time, Xiwa's parents have rushed over, knowing that two dogs and Xiwa have been pulled to the bottom of the water by the water ghost, and sitting on the bank crying. Xiwa's father wants to go down to the river to save people, but he is held by the villagers. He says that if there are water ghosts in the river, who will go down will have bad luck.

At this time, the two dogs under the water were completely flustered. Although they held their breath for a long time, if they continued to do so, they would definitely be drowned.

"Knock him out!" Suddenly a woman's voice came out. It was the woman's voice that Er Gou had heard.

Hearing this sound, er Gou suddenly woke up. He was right. Only by knocking him out could he save him. Otherwise, he would not only be unable to save people, but also himself.

Two dogs were not brave at all, but when their lives were in danger, they became more brave. They turned around and dived toward the bottom of the river. As expected, there was a man lying on the bottom of the river, holding his feet firmly.

Xiwa had cramps in her hands and feet, but after she lost her mind, her hands didn't cramp, and she became very strong and tight.

Two dogs clenched their hammer, one after another in Xiwa's neck pounded several times, this guy did not have a thing, but also more and more tight.

In the water, the strength of the fist was not very strong. In addition, er Gou was almost submerged, and he couldn't knock Xiwa. This guy choked on the water, and he was almost dead, but he couldn't knock Xiwa.

"Fight again, I'll give you strength!" A man's voice came out. It was the man's voice that Er Gou had heard.

Two dogs have no time to think too much, raised his fist again hit down.

This punch down, Xiwa straight head a crooked, all soft down, the hand also released two dog's feet.

Get relief, two dogs have been suffocated badly, really can't stand, quickly to the river head, took a breath, and then in a hurry to go down.

The people on the riverbank cheered when they saw two dogs coming out, but no one dared to go down the river. This can't blame their timidity, because people in the mountains are very afraid of water ghosts.

Two dogs down to the bottom of the river again, thought to get up Xiwa, although his strength at this time seems to be very big, but can't pull him.

"His foot is stuck by the willow root at the bottom of the river. Pull the root first!" The woman's voice came back.

Two dogs scurried to the bottom of the river and touched it. Sure enough, a big willow root extended to the middle of the river. Unexpectedly, Xiwa was so unlucky that she fell into the bottom of the river with cramps and was entangled by the root.

Two dogs hold the root, a force, that is thicker than the arm of the root should be broken. It's much stronger than cattle.

Pull off the root of the tree, Xiwa's feet were pulled out, two dogs quickly live Xiwa, toward the river exposed.

See two dogs saved Xiwa, Xiwa his father quickly jumped down, swam to help, other people also dare to get up, run down together to help Xiwa get on the bank.

After climbing ashore, the two dogs suddenly felt that the strength in their body had disappeared, and their chest was stuffy and flustered, and they fainted.

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