Hearing Yang Yaozi's words, er Gou hurried over.

"Brother Yaozi, your tractor has been robbed?"

"It's not robbing. No one has the ability yet. It's Tamar's who stole away when I went after you." Yang Yaozi still didn't pay much attention to ER Gou. He thought he was wrong about Er Gou.

"Brother Yaozi, let's go to find them to come back."

Two dogs took Yang Yaozi's arm and pulled it hard, but Yang Yaozi still threw away two dogs.

"With you? I'm afraid I'll be killed by you. " Yang Yaozi sat on a brick and didn't want to see Er Gou.

"Brother Yaozi, I'm not the one who left my brother to run away. Something happened in the morning, so I want to distract them."

Yang Yaozi looked up at Er Gou, sighed and said, "Er Gou, it's not that my brother doesn't believe you, but that you are too fickle. All of a sudden, you are soft. All of a sudden, you hate cow. I can't understand you any more."

"Brother Yaozi, let's leave the rest alone. It's business to get the tractor back."

"It's not so easy to get it back. They must have been ready for us. Maybe they are waiting for us to take the bait."

Yang Yaozi took out a cigarette, lit it by himself, took a puff, and then grabbed his scalp.

In fact, Yang Yaozi also wanted to grab the tractor, but his experience as a soldier told him that the more impulsive he was at the critical moment, the more likely he was to have an accident. So Yang Yaozi didn't rush to grab the tractor this time, but he was using his brain to find a way. However, his brain was limited. After thinking for a long time, he didn't have any inspiration.

After listening to what Yang Yaozi said, er Gou felt that there was some truth, so he sat down on the brick“ Brother Yaozi, what should we do? The tractor can't be given to them for nothing

"To them? Don't even think about it. I'm trying to figure it out. "

Two dogs scratched the scalp, then stretched out his hand to Yang Yaozi and said, "brother Yaozi, come to have a cigarette. If you don't have a cigarette, you will be confused."

"Period, I really owe you..." Yang Yaozi scolded, took out a cigarette and handed it to ER Gou.

Er Gou had no smoke today. He took the cigarette and put it in his mouth. He took out the lighter and lit it. He took a hard puff. Then he grabbed his head as hard as Yang Yaozi.

The boss of the brick factory knew that Yang Yaozi's tractor had been lost. When he saw Er Gou and him smoking under the shed, boss Wang didn't dare to disturb him, so he had to let Zhou Shanshan pull the bricks one by one. The boy was full of money today, and he was laughing secretly all the time.

Two dogs a cigarette is about to smoke, think the head is big, but also can't think of a good way, urgent he almost want to find someone desperately.

"Er Gou, don't worry. I'll help you think about it." At this time, Feng Mei's voice finally appeared.

Hearing Feng Mei's voice, er Gou was never so happy. He couldn't help laughing.

"What are you grinning at? Have you found a way? " Yang Yaozi was startled by the sudden laughter of Er Gou.

"Oh, I'm thinking, I've got something. Wait a minute, I'll have it soon."

"Period..." Yang Yaozi scolded, and continued to grab his scalp. He thought that the second dog was farting.

Two dogs know Feng Mei's methods are more, the brain is more clever, so today's things and her exchange again.

Feng Mei thought for a few minutes and then told Er Gou a clever plan to take back the tractor.

Yang Yaozi and ER Gou didn't work to make money after they thought of a way. Although Er Gou had a tractor, he didn't pull bricks. Instead, he accompanied Yang Yaozi to find a woman in Liuxiang again. However, er Gou didn't go in this time, because he already had two women. The chicken didn't lure him very much.

When Yang Yaozi was a woman, er Gou was not idle. Instead, he wandered all over the street and finally went straight into the blacksmith shop in the town.

Fu, the teacher in the blacksmith's shop, was busy, and he cooperated with a thin apprentice to hammer the iron ware "Ding Dong, Ding Dong".

"Master, buy ten pig killers and weld me a meter long steel pipe at the back." Two dogs into the blacksmith shop, shouting.

This is an old fellow Smith. He knows very well how to kill pig knives and iron pipes, which are weapons used by streams to fight.

The blacksmith looked back and found that he was a stranger, not like the Liuzi in the town, because he basically knew all the Liuzi in the town, and there was no such person.

The blacksmith teacher Fu put down the hammer and explained to his apprentice for a while. Then he picked up a black towel and wiped his hand. He asked the two dogs, "young man, why do you want so many pig knives?"

"Don't ask, just sell it to me." Two dogs deliberately make a ruffian appearance.

"OK, OK, just a moment. I'll weld the steel pipe for you." Fu found that Er Gou was very fierce, so he didn't dare to ask any more. He took out ten pig knives from the back room and began to saw the steel pipe according to ER Gou's requirements.

"Master, the steel pipe is better and thicker." Two dogs went to the old master's desk, picked up the sawn steel pipe and looked at it.

"Don't worry, little brother. You can use it."

"OK, that's good. You'll weld it for me right away. It's for the evening."

"All right, all right, we'll weld it right away." The old master's hands and feet were very fast. In less than half an hour, all the ten steel pipes were sawed.

At this time, er Gou took out 20 yuan and handed it over“ Master, before ten o'clock in the evening, help me deliver the goods to the entrance of Wang's village. I'll pick up the goods there. This twenty yuan deposit will be paid when the goods arrive. "

If the weight of the ironware is heavy, the blacksmith's shop usually delivers it in bags, so the teacher Fu agreed without hesitation and took the deposit from Er Gou.

At this time, the blacksmith apprentice who had been silent asked“ Brother, what are you doing in Wang's village? "

"Don't talk nonsense. Do you dare to take care of my two dogs?" Two dogs deliberately gave their names.

Wang's village is the home of the local tyrant Wang Jun. Er Gou intentionally divulges his name and buys so many weapons to Wang's village. This is actually part of Feng's clever plan.

As soon as Er Gou left, the blacksmith's Apprentice went out. He was in a hurry to run to the golden finger repair shop, where the local tyrant and the villains of the town gathered.

"Overlord, Overlord, it's not good..." the blacksmith apprentice rushed into the golden finger repair shop in a hurry.

The fat black tyrant came out in his greasy underpants, his stomach trembling.

"You son of a dog, what are you yelling at?" The earth overlord rushed out and was so fierce that the blacksmith's Apprentice stopped his body.

"Overlord, but maybe someone wants to mess with your family." Said the blacksmith in a hurry.

"My home? Who is so bold? " Hei Da Pang took the blacksmith's apprentice by the collar.

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