After midnight, Wang Xiangmei had already fallen asleep. Naturally, the gate of the courtyard wall was closed, but it was hard for her to fall down. With a little effort, she jumped into the courtyard wall.

There was no moonlight tonight. Er Gou Mo Hei came to Wang Xiangmei's door and pushed it. The door was closed.

"Sister-in-law, open the door..." two dogs called softly.

There is no reply inside. Wang Xiangmei should be sleeping very well. The second dog made a little more noise and yelled a few words, but there was no reply.

I'm stealing someone else's wife, so I dare not yell at all, but I can't wake up Xiangmei when my voice is low. What should I do?

At this time two dogs suddenly thought of a good idea, he wants to quietly open Wang Xiangmei's door, secretly go in, see whether the woman will wake up. Think of here, the blood of the two dogs straight forward, such a thorn chicken thing, just think about it is exciting.

In the middle of the night, er Gou stood outside the door of someone else's house.

I felt a small fruit knife for self-defense from my body, and inserted it through the crack of the door. After several rounds, the small wooden bolt inside was decisively opened.

Two dogs quickly went in and bolted the door again.

Wow, how fragrant!

Two dogs lie in front of Wang Xiangmei's body and smell it with their nose. A pure fragrance rises with the wind and makes people smell it.

Wang Xiangmei's sleeping posture is very soul stirring. Da Tuo stretches out from the inside of Da Hua's nightgown. Even at night, she is still dazzling.

The fragrance made Er Gou give her a hard time.

"Ah..." Wang Xiangmei seemed to feel itchy and cried in her dream.

Although staying at night for a long time, two dogs gradually adapt to the night, eyes also slowly see more clearly, but he is still not in such a fuzzy state.

Two dogs sleep here, and know that there is a small light in this room, and it is still red. Two dogs reach for the cable, pull it, and the light comes on. The pink light immediately lights up the sleeping woman.

Under the pink light, women are more mysterious.

Two dogs couldn't help it. They took out the clothes storehouse of their own body. They didn't even have the last fork to hide their shame. Only the ancient coins on their necks were left. Under the pink light, they gave out faint light, which made them more mysterious.

At this time, Wang Xiangmei was still dreaming. What she dreamed about was when she was a girl. At that time, she was the pride of people in the whole mountain. She was young, young and beautiful, shining like a pearl. She was running through the peach trees all over the mountain, and a prince charming was chasing her. They were laughing and frolicking excitedly, Suddenly prince charming catches up with her, catches her and presses her in the middle of the grass under the tree.

After seeing it clearly, I found that prince charming was Er Gou. Er Gou had no clothes on and suddenly became rude. He tore off Wang Xiangmei's beautiful skirt and pressed it down.


Wang Xiangmei was so frightened that she cried and sat up.

"How did you wake up?"

Wang Xiangmei was relieved to see that it was two dogs“ You villain, are you still awake after all this? " Wang Xiangmei Jiao angrily patted Er Gou, and her hands seized him.

An hour later, two dogs comfortable, Wang Xiangmei also soft lying on the side, a little strength is not.

Wang Xiangmei is a woman whom Er Gou fancied before, and also a woman who turned him from a hairy boy into a man. For such a woman, once she gets it, men will feel very satisfied.

Two dogs are no exception. He is very strong. Although Wang Xiangmei is not as young as Zhang Yan and Xilian, or as white as Jiang Hong, her weight is still very heavy in the heart of two dogs.

In the morning, when the chicken crowed for the third time, Wang Xiangmei got up and saw the two dogs lying beside her with only a triangle fork. Her face showed a happy smile.

Bowed his head, Wang Xiangmei turned red and went to the kitchen.

Two dogs didn't wake up on time today. Last night they fought continuously. They were really tired, not physically, but sleeping too little. When Wang Xiangmei brought a big bowl of meat dumplings, the two dogs were still sleeping.

"Er Gou, get up!"

Wang Xiangmei put down the dumplings, half lying on the side of Er Gou, holding his nose and shaking.

"Well..." two dogs opened their eyes and found Xiang Mei lying beside them, and immediately turned over and pressed her.

"Two dogs... No, get up and eat dumplings..." Wang Xiangmei's face was red and pushed two dogs' body gently.

"Nothing tastes better than you." Two dog ruffians said the same, regardless of up.

When Er Gou finished the early spring festival, he ate the bowl of dumplings. The time had already exceeded the time agreed with Yang Yaozi. When he got out of Wang Xiangmei's yard, he ran quickly to his own door.


Run too fast, just in the turning place, hit a person, the hand is also very natural to live that is about to fall.

Two dogs finally stopped the body, also in time to let the opposite person did not fall to the ground, but the opposite person was pushed to the roadside wall.

As soon as you have a close look, it's not other people who are crowded into the corner by Er Goulu. It's Zhang Yan's mother Liu Yuemiao.

Liu Yuemiao is a middle-aged woman. When she took a bath by the river that day, two dogs had seen it. It was very spectacular. At this time, it was just in her heart.

"Two dogs, you..." Liu Yuemiao likes young men very much, but her daughter likes two dogs, so Liu Yuemiao still thinks it's impossible to do this situation, so she gently pushes him with her hand.

Er Gou's physical reaction is a conditioned reflex in her life, but it doesn't mean that she wants to eat Liu Yuemiao's tofu. It's just that it's so sudden that he's so embarrassed that he forgot to let go of Liu Yuemiao and keeps his hands around her.

Feel Liu Yuemiao pushed himself, two dogs finally wake up, face blood red.

"Aunt, yes, it's you..." Er Gou quickly released her and stood there with some strange things.

Two dogs very embarrassed, because he also want to bubble Zhang Yan, this daughter has not caught up, first offended his mother-in-law, this how to do?

Liu Yuemiao is worthy of being a well-informed woman. When Er Gou was blushing and her neck was thick, she had returned to normal. She patted the dust on the wall behind the fart drum and said, "Er Gou, where are you running so early in a hurry?"

"Oh, aunt, I just went to the river to wash my face. I just want to go back."

"Well, you can go back."

"Eh!" Two dogs agreed, anxious to escape the sad place.

"Two dogs..." just turned to go, Liu Yuemiao pulled two dogs.

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