Qiaotoubu village is to the east of Liushu Town, opposite to Taohuagou. It doesn't need to go through Liushu town to get to qiaotoubu from the brick factory. Instead, it continues to go east for more than ten miles.

Qiaotoubu primary school is a very backward primary school, worse than Taohuagou primary school. There are only four Adobe houses as classrooms and teachers' offices from grade 1 to grade 3.

Today, I bought two carts of bricks to repair the walls on the other side of the classroom. Originally, these classrooms were all adobe walls, but the walls on the other side of the classroom were always washed down by the soil falling down from the mountain. After repeated research, the leader above finally agreed to buy two carts of red bricks to build the walls behind the classroom, so as to prevent the soil from washing down the classroom again.

Worried about Ergou's accident, Yang Yaozi's tractor drove slowly. When Ergou and Yang Yaozi unloaded the bricks, it was lunch time.

After all, the principal of the primary school is a cultural person. He is very polite and polite. He politely said to ER Gou and Yang Yaozi, "two masters, it's noon. Let's go after dinner."


Yang Yaozi agreed without even thinking about it, making the old headmaster standing next to him speechless. He just used to be polite, but he didn't expect that Yang Yaozi really agreed. Now he was in a dilemma. Where could the school get food for them?

Seeing the embarrassed look of the old headmaster, Yang Yaozi quickly laughed and said, "headmaster, don't worry. Just get some rice. We have all kinds of food and wine."

"Oh, oh... Look at me. I'm too poor. I'll treat you to dinner. You have to prepare your own food and wine." With that, he quickly turned and left, for fear that Yang Yaozi would ask him what to eat.

Seeing the old headmaster leave, Ergou and Yang Yaozi smile and go to the well on one side of the school together to get some water to wash their hands.

When they were walking towards the other side, a beautiful figure stunned the two cesium ghosts.

I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful woman in such a rotten school. She wore a light blue dress and white sandals at her feet. Only girls in the city would have such a dress. I didn't expect that she would also appear here. The girl is about the same age as Er Gou at most. She has a very good figure and white skin. She looks so beautiful that she can make people drool. It's just a white peony!

At this time, the girl also found that Er Gou and Yang Yaozi were looking at her. She looked over here for a few seconds, and then hurriedly lowered her head to fetch water from the well.

"Sister, danger, I'll help you..." Yang Yaozi and ER Gou called out this sentence almost at the same time.

Seeing the courteous images of these two strange men, the beauty was so scared that she stopped lifting the water. She looked up at them until they rushed up and snatched the rope from her hand.

"Sister, how deep the well is. It's too dangerous. I'll help you carry it!" Yang Yaozi takes the lead and brings water for the beauty diligently.

"Well, where are you from?" After the beauty was surprised, she blushed and asked the two dogs standing on one side.

"Oh, sister, we are sending red bricks. You must be a teacher in the school, aren't you?" Two dogs answered.

"Yes, I am both a teacher and a student."

"What do you mean?" At the same time, er Gou's eyes were fixed on the girl all the time. She's really beautiful. She can squeeze water out of her face. I don't know what she grew up on. How can people be so beautiful and white?

"I'm here to practice teaching. I haven't graduated from normal school yet."

It turned out that she was a female student from a normal school who came to the mountain village to practice teaching. No wonder she was dressed up so westerly, just like a beautiful woman in a picture.

"Oh, it's intellectuals." Two dogs staring at the girl's breast said a word.

"It's just a technical secondary school, not an intellectual." The girl found that two dogs' eyes were not right, and her face turned red.

At this time, Yang Yaozi had already brought up the water. He was very angry. It was he who snatched the chance to draw water for the beauty, but gave the chance to chat to ER Gou.

"Sister, the water is coming up."

"Thank you, big brother." Looking at Er Gou and Yang Yaozi, he said, "you are here to wash your hands. I'll pour water for you to wash your hands."

"Good, good..." Yang Yaozi quickly stretched out his hand. The second dog agreed and held out his hand.

It was Yang Yaozi who put out his hand first, and the water was also brought up by Yang Yaozi. But the girl poured water on ER Gou's hand first. When Er Gou finished washing, she drenched the last bit of water on Yang Yaozi's hand. Without washing her hands, a bucket of water was poured out.

Yang Yaozi is so angry, but there's no way. Who calls Er Gou younger and more handsome than himself? It's normal for beauties to like handsome guys. Yang Yaozi is so frustrated in a moment. He lost his fighting spirit just now, and even lost his interest in raising water.

Two dogs help the beauty carry a bucket of water up, but also gallantly help her into the office, Yang Yaozi is like a defeated cock, dejected to follow behind, heart scold two dogs see color forget righteousness.

This office is multi-purpose. It is not only a kitchen but also an office. There is a small couch in the corner. It seems that there are still people living here.

At noon, some teachers who are far away from home steam rice here. Rice is brought from home, and vegetables are also cold dishes brought from home. You can eat them by steaming them hot.

In fact, only the old headmaster and Chen Lili really eat here. In addition to them, there are two teachers who are nearby and usually go home to eat.

Chen Lili is a city dweller, that is, the little beauty that Er Gou helps to carry water. She won't go back until after school in the evening. The old principal lives in the school and sleeps in the cot in the office at night.

The old headmaster and Chen Lili seldom cook at noon, but today the old headmaster fried a green dish, which he planted himself near the school. It looks very fresh.

"I'm sorry, two masters. The school really has no food to eat. Just eat some green vegetables." The old headmaster was very embarrassed and said to ER Gou and Yang Yaozi.

"It's OK. It's very good to have vegetables. Just eat enough." In fact, er Gou hasn't eaten vegetables for a long time. He has no seed and can't buy vegetables.

"Sit..." the old headmaster brought some benches in the classroom and put them around the desk. At this time, the desk became a dining table again. In fact, the desk was originally a desk, only covered with a few old newspapers.

Chen Lili takes out a hot box of fried shredded pork with green peppers from the rice pot. It's a dish she brings from home. It's rich in oil and water. It seems that Chen Lili's family has good conditions.

A big bowl of vegetables, a box of fried shredded pork with green peppers, and the peanuts from Yang Yaozi, plus two bottles of beer. Look at the food and wine on the table. I feel it's not bad. This is the lunch.

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