"Red sister, I know." Two dogs also promised a, can't wait to live red sister up.

"Bang Bang..."

Yes, the door rang again.

"Who is it?" Two dogs opened the door and yelled, which almost scared the beauty who was pushing the dining car to run away. Standing there, she was shivering.

"Mr. boss, you are the one who delivers the room meal. You, didn't you order it?" Beauty said carefully.

It turned out that it was the delivery man. Er Gou immediately asked the beauty waiter to push the dining car in. The beauty didn't dare to say a word. When she came in, she hurriedly pushed the dining car away. She didn't even dare to ask for a tip. The beauty didn't expect that the gentle Er Gou would be so fierce. She wanted to give a meal and get a little tip, but she was scared.

"Red sister, come and sit down." The second dog went over and pushed her to the table to sit down.

"Er Gou, you haven't eaten yet." Red sister asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'll wait for red sister to eat together, ha ha..." two dogs said and walked down beside Xue Hong.

Xue Hong was very moved to hear that Er Gou had been waiting so late to have dinner with her. She leaned on ER Gou's shoulder and pointed Er Gou's face with her finger“ Er Gou, you are so stupid. You are not allowed to look like this in the future. If you are hungry, red sister will feel very sad. " With that, the two dogs on the man's lips for a while, and the two dogs also quickly stopped red sister's waist, on her lips, face and forehead for a long time, and then let her go.

"Red sister, have a few drinks with ER Gou." Two dogs are not used to drinking red sisters, so although they have money, they still take a bottle of ordinary bottled Baijiu, probably about 100 yuan bar.

"Well, I'll have a good drink with my little man today." Because she is a thug, she seldom drinks and keeps alert all the time. But today she is with ER Gou, so she wants to relax. She doesn't need to be so tired all day.

Two dogs poured a glass of wine for themselves and Xue Hong, then put down the bottle and raised the cup“ Red sister, it's really happy to be with you, er Gou. This glass of wine wishes us both together all our lives. " Two dogs also learn to say romantic words, with a little money is not the same, not only the dress is different, even the tone of speaking is not the same.

"Two dogs, red sister is also happy, this life can have two dogs hold enough." Red sister is very forthright now, and two dogs touched on a drink, red sister had a good drink, but usually because of professional reasons, she does not drink much.

Two dogs also drank the wine in the cup, and quickly began to eat vegetables with red sister. The degree of wine was a little high. After a few mouthfuls of vegetables, two dogs looked at red sister and laughed.

"Red elder sister, you drink more than me. You see, after a mouthful of wine, my stomach is on fire." While talking, the two dogs picked up the food and ate it again. Maybe they drank with an empty stomach and felt very spicy. Anyway, the two dogs ate several mouthfuls of food in succession before they suppressed the strength of the wine.

Today, er Gou ordered all kinds of delicacies. There are more than ten dishes in total. It's a waste for two people to eat these dishes. But this is the first time Er Gou and Hong Jie have dinner together. I think we should make more delicious dishes.

Red sister also had a few mouthfuls of food before she began to talk“ Er Gou, you're very kind to me. You've got so many dishes for me to eat. I know I don't usually eat nutritious food, so you've made it up for me on purpose. " Xue Hong looks at two dogs and laughs.

"Ha ha, I just want my red sister to eat more, so that she can be fatter."

"I don't want it. It's almost white. I don't want to be fat. If I'm really fat, then I'll be in trouble." As she spoke, she looked at the two dogs. She was so beautiful in her heart that she felt that getting Xue Hong was her greatest achievement in her life.

"Red sister, don't talk nonsense. No matter how fat she is, she won't want her." Then two dogs move their chairs to Xue Hong's side, and she kisses her face again. Xue Hong's heart is more sweet.

"Er Gou, it's really happy for Hong Jie to know you. No matter what, Hong Jie won't leave my Er Gou. She'll follow you all her life. She can't beat you if she pesters you." Xue Hong slightly raised her head and looked at the two dogs. When they heard Xue Hong say this, they immediately picked up Xue Hong and let the woman sit on her lap. Xue Hong was also very willing to lean on the two dogs' paw like a little woman.

"Red sister, let's have another drink." Red elder sister two dogs also want to drink with the woman, red elder sister also immediately took two dogs hand cup“ Two dogs, I want to have a drink with you. " Red sister suddenly blushed and said.

"A glass of wine? How to drink it. " Er Gou didn't try this, so he looked at her and asked.

"I haven't tried it, but I've seen other people drink it. It's like this..." red sister said as she put her hand into ER Gou's arm. Two people's hands were around each other to drink. Er Gou drank a cup of wine. Er Gou and Xue Hong drank it clean. Only in this way can they feel deep enough.

Two dogs with red sister, two people love to drink and eat food, drink and drink, two people can't help but get together, coupled with the reason of wine strength up, two people suddenly crazy up, suddenly panting and taking off each other's clothes.

Red sister was also a thug. She was not as shy and pretentious as other women. As long as she was in front of Er Gou, she was a real man.

With a crash, Xue Hong tore the waistcoat on ER Gou's body, and then began to tear the shorts under Er Gou. Er Gou was not polite. She began to peel off Xue Hong's black leather clothes. Xue Hong is a thug. She likes to wear leather clothes when she goes out. Today, she is also wearing tight thin leather clothes and tight leather shorts when she comes to date, Feet are knee high leather boots, completely a big sister look.

"Er Gou, there are people outside."

In the middle of the night, Xue Hong suddenly climbed up to ER Gou's ear and whispered. Er Gou closed her eyes slightly. In fact, she had heard the sound from outside for a long time, but she didn't say it. At this time, er Gou's hand was tight with Chi Guo's red sister. She leaned against her side and nodded her little. Seeing Er Gou nodding, Hong Jie knew that Er Gou also found someone outside.

There were five people outside. They heard very clearly, and all of them were very skillful. It seemed that they were aiming at themselves or red sister. They were at the door of the room where they were sleeping with red sister. The five people were ready to attack. Er Gou even heard the sound of bullets. He didn't expect that the enemy wanted to use guns in the big hotel in the city. He was too brave.

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