"Vice Mayor Wang, it's a big deal."

"What's the big deal?"

"There are not only a lot of dangerous elements in their underground cavern, but also a lot of guns and ammunition."

"What?" Hearing this, Vice Mayor Wang immediately stood up, and his sense of responsibility as mayor arises spontaneously. Vice Mayor Wang felt that the matter was urgent and he had to act immediately.

"Er Gou, is that true?" Mayor Wang asked this very seriously.

"It's true."

"Well, er Gou, if it is verified that there are guns and ammunition hidden below, then you are the great hero of the people."

"Vice Mayor Wang, I don't dare to take the credit, but I can't see those little Japanese ghosts messing around in our place." Two dogs also stood up very seriously. The atmosphere in the box suddenly became formal. At this time, director Chen had to stand up with him. He was not suitable to sit on his own.

"Er Gou, your news is too important. I'll inform the special police immediately to deal with it."

"It's better to go in the evening in order to catch all by surprise." Two dogs told a, although two dogs said right, but in fact two dogs also left a little time for themselves.

"Yes, you're right. I'll call the Swat immediately and have them fully armed." After that, Vice Mayor Wang called the special police team, told the special police captain Er Gou what he had just said, and told them to act at night and conduct a big search.

"Well, the next step is to look at the results of the special police search. Er Gou, do you think you can go to treat my father now? I have to go back to the city immediately to ask you about it. Don't have any problems."

"Yes, just in time." Er Gou's own affairs have been solved unconsciously, so he is in a good mood to prepare for the treatment of mayor Wang's father. He has to rush to Dongcheng hotel to watch the Oriental ghosts after finishing here.

"OK, I'll drive." At this time, director Chen finally found something to do and ran out.

Sitting in director Chen's car, three people came to the hospital again, and the Secretary sun ran over immediately.

"Mayor Wang, you're back. Mr. Wang is in a good mood now. I even made some porridge for him at noon."

"Oh, yeah, that's good, that's good." Mayor Wang was more relaxed when he heard the news“ Er Gou, hurry up. My father depends on you. "

"Oh, Mayor Wang, don't say that. Besides, I'm sorry."

Two dogs said a, is about to enter the ward, suddenly a team of white doctor ran over, running in front of the doctor is Zhang.

"Doctor Er Gou, you are a great doctor." As soon as Doctor Zhang came over, he held the hand of Er Gou and refused to let go.

"Dr. Zhang, who are you?" Two dogs pointed to more than ten white coat doctors who came with him.

"Doctor Er Gou, we are all here to learn from you. It's said that you are going to do in-depth treatment for patients in the afternoon, so we want to learn from you." When he said this, Doctor Zhang blushed a little. He was embarrassed for his previous performance.

It turned out that Dr. Zhang had secretly scanned the old man's head when Er Gou went out for dinner just now, and found that after Er Gou's treatment, the blood clot on the patient's head had basically disappeared, and the ruptured cerebral blood vessel had stopped bleeding.

This is just a miracle. Dr. Zhang admired Er Gou thoroughly at this time, so he told other doctors about this matter. As soon as he heard about it, the big doctors in such a magical hospital made a fuss to come to study.

"Dr. Zhang, you are also a doctor. This is a serious illness. You need to be quiet when you treat it. What do you mean when you bring so many people to study?" Er Gou didn't want to be exposed about his recitation of pithy formula, so he didn't want to let these people watch.

"Doctor Er Gou, we promise that we will only study on one side and never disturb you."

"That won't work. It will distract me. Who will be responsible when something goes wrong?"


"What's this? Don't delay the time of the great doctor, you quacks." At this time, director Chen came out to speak on behalf of mayor Wang. Mayor Wang wanted to come out and scold these doctors himself, but after all, he was the mayor, so he hinted at director Chen at this time.

"Director Chen, we just want to learn."

"Two dogs, go in. I'll see who dares to disturb you." At this time, Mayor Wang had to come forward and pull two dogs in to get in.

"Mayor Wang, you, you have to be outside, too." Two dogs came to the door and stopped to talk.

"Oh, that's OK." Vice Mayor Wang awkwardly stopped. After two dogs entered, he immediately closed the door and stood at the door as a sentinel. No other doctor dared to come up, so he had to stand outside and wait for the final result.

"How do you feel, old man?" Two dogs go in, see the old man is leaning on the pillow to read the newspaper, immediately said.

"Good, good, very good, great doctor, you're amazing." Mr. Wang put up his thumb to praise the two dogs.

In such a short period of time, the dying old man can recover to read newspapers. Er Gou is really a miracle doctor.

"Ha ha, don't say that to me, old man. I'm just a mountain boy." The two dogs sat beside the old man with a simple smile and said.

"What's wrong with the mountain Wazi? My son Wang Gensheng is also a mountain Wazi. Now he won't be mayor." The old man's interest is very high, very proud of his son.

"Old man, let's talk later. I'll treat you first." Two dogs holding the old man lying down, the old man is very cooperative.

"Well, all right, you can do whatever you want. I'll give you this old bone." The old man lay down and said.

"Don't worry, old man. If you're OK, you can go home tomorrow." Two dogs comfort said, in fact, two dogs do not know how the treatment effect, just feel that their treatment is certainly useful, but how useful is not too clear.

Er Gou plans to read the formula to the old man 50 times this time, and cure the old man's vascular problem once and for all.

"Good, good, good..." hearing Er Gou's words, the old man was so happy that he didn't know what to say.

When the old man closed his eyes and calmed down, the two dogs put out their right hands to cover the old man's head.

Two dogs read the formula 50 times, and then input a little internal force into the old man's brain, which completely repaired and strengthened the blood vessels in the old man's brain, making the blood vessels more elastic and healthy.

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